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1、.:.; Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address? 請在兌換單上簽字,寫出他的姓名和地址,好嗎? Id like to know if you could change this money back into U.S. dollars for me. 我想知道能否把這筆兌回成美圓。 Could you change these French francs for me? 能給我兌換這些法國法郎嗎? Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs? 能否給

2、我100美圓的瑞士法郎? Id like to convert the full amount of the remittance into U.S. dollars. 我想把全部匯款換成美圓。 Id like some coins for this note. 我想把這張紙幣換成硬幣。 Useful Words and Phrases currency, money 貨幣 money changing 兌換貨幣 Tell me the current rate for RMB, please. 請通知我人民幣的現(xiàn)價。 Whats your selling rate for RMB yuan

3、in notes today? 他們今天人民幣現(xiàn)鈔的售價是多少? foreign exchange 外匯 exchange rate 外匯率 西聯(lián)匯款Western Union Money Transfer營業(yè)員請用戶出示證件,用戶向營業(yè)員訊問匯款的限額。Excuseme,mayIremitmon eyabroadhere?請問我可以在這兒往國外匯款嗎?Sure.Please show me your passport/ ID card.可以。請出示您的護照身份證。How much money can I send by Western Union?經(jīng)過西聯(lián)匯款方式我可以寄多少錢?The ma

4、ximum amount forsending through Western Unionis $2000 per person everyday.最高限額是每人每天2000美圓。 00:01.82兌換外幣00:03.63Key Sentences00:05.16重點句型00:06.69Todays exchange rate of RMB to USD is 812 RMB yuan equal to 100 US dollars.00:17.04今天的匯率是812元 人民幣兌100美圓.00:27.40What kind of foreign currency have you got?

5、Whats the exchange rate today?00:34.38您持有什么外幣?今天的匯率是多少?00:41.35What kind of currency do you want to change?00:45.52您想換哪一種外幣?00:49.68Sorry youve filled a wrong account number Please refill it.00:59.08請點清鈔票,保管好水單.01:08.47What is the equivalent of five dollars in RMB yuan?01:13.55五美圓相當于人民幣多少元?01:18.63W

6、e list the exchange rate issued by the Peoples Bank of China every morning.01:25.36我們是根據(jù)每天早上中國銀行發(fā)布的匯率掛牌的.01:32.08What are you going to convert,bank notes or travellers checks?01:38.47他要兌換什么,是現(xiàn)鈔還是游覽支票?01:44.86Dialogue 1 A:Excuse me.B:Can I help you?01:49.28對話1 勞駕.您要什么效力?01:53.71A:I want to change som

7、e US dollars into RMB.01:56.74我想把美圓換成人民幣.01:59.77B:Of course.02:00.40當然行.02:01.03We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can change them for you.02:04.02我們是指定運營外匯業(yè)務的銀行.可以為您兌換.02:07.01How much do you want to change?02:08.47您要換多少?02:09.93A:Let me see.Fifty US dollars.B:Very well,sir.02:12.90讓我想

8、想,五十美金.好的,先生.02:15.86Notes I want to change some US dollars into RMB.02:22.15我想把美圓換成人民幣.02:28.43change Where can I change my dollars for pounds?02:30.65請問我可在哪兒將美圓兌換成英鎊。02:32.87Here is your change.02:36.08這是找您的零錢.02:39.29I have no small change02:40.54我沒帶零錢. 03:31.62B:Very well.Please fill in this app

9、lication form and sign your name,sir.03:34.90好的,請?zhí)钸@張懇求表,然后簽名,先生.03:38.18A:All right.Which address shall I give you,my home address or hotel address here?03:42.40好的,該給他哪一個地址, 我家的地址還是這里的飯店地址?03:46.61B:Your hotel address,please.03:48.16他所在飯店的地址。03:49.70A:Right.Where am I supposed to sign my name?03:52.

10、39請?zhí)钅娘埖甑刂穌ot.好.我該把名字簽在哪里呢?03:55.08B:Here,on this ted line,sir.03:56.83這里,虛線上面,先生.03:58.58A:Here you are,is that all right?04:00.51好了,這樣子可以了嗎?04:02.44B:Let me see,oh,would you mind telling me your passport number,sir?04:06.01我看一下.嗯,您介意通知我您的護照號碼嗎?04:09.58A:Of course not.Let me see.Its E 56789.B:Thank

11、 you,sir.04:14.49當然不.我看看,.是E56789.謝謝,先生. 05:27.21Dialogue 3 A:Good afternoon,madam May I help you?05:31.78下午好,夫人.我能為您做點什么?05:36.35B:Id like to change some money.05:37.97我想兌換些錢.05:39.59A:What sort of foreign currency have you got,madam?05:42.06夫人持有何種外幣.05:44.53B:US dollars.Whats the exchange rate tod

12、ay?05:46.86美金.今天的匯率是多少?05:49.18A:According to todays exchange rate,05:51.71按照今天的匯率,05:54.25every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.659 RMB yuan.05:57.531美圓換8.659人民幣元.06:00.81How much would you like to change?06:02.75您預備兌換多少?06:04.70B:1,000.Here you are.06:06.321,000美金,給他.06:07.94A:Very well.This

13、is exchange memo.06:10.65好的.這是兌換水單.06:13.37Please fill in your name,passport number,06:14.50請?zhí)钌夏拿?護照號,您的國籍06:15.64your nationality,and the amount you intend to change.06:17.45及所要兌換的錢款金額.06:19.27B:Here you are. Will that do?06:21.49 給他,行了嗎?06:23.71A:Quite well.Here is the money,8,659 RMB yuan in al

14、l.06:28.78很好.這一共是8,659元,06:33.85Please check it and keep the exchange memo06:35.44請點一下,拿好水單.06:37.03B:All right.By the way whats the use of memo?06:39.64好的,順便問一下水單有什么用途?06:42.26A:If you have some RMB left while you are leaving China,06:45.01在您預備分開中國時假設(shè)還剩一些人民幣,06:47.77you can change it back into US d

15、ollars06:49.95您可兌換回美金06:52.13in Bank of China or at the airport exchange counter.06:54.01可到中國銀行或機場外匯柜臺前進展兌換.06:55.89There you will be asked to show the memo.06:58.56在那里,您將被要求出示水單的.07:01.22B:I see.Thank you very much.A:Not at all.07:04.23我懂了,謝謝.不客氣.07:07.23Notes Every US dollar in cash is equivalent

16、to 8.659 RMB yuan.07:11.841美圓換8.659人民幣元.07:16.45be equivalent to What is 5 equivalent to in French francs?07:21.36與等同 五英鎊相當于多少法國法郎. 09:01.48Dialogue 409:04.33A:Excuse me,but is this where you convert foreign currency?09:07.75對不起,這里是兌換外幣的地方嗎?09:11.18B:Yes,sir.What kind of currency do you intend to ch

17、ange?09:14.06是的,先生.您想換哪種貨幣?09:16.95A:Im going to leave Shanghai09:16.45我即將分開上海,09:15.95and I want to change all the RMB I have into US dollars.09:18.25我想把一切的人民幣都換成美圓.09:20.55Here is the exchange memo.09:22.47這是兌換水單.09:24.39B:Well,please write down in this form the amount you wish to change,09:27.83先

18、生,請在這張表格上寫下您要換的金額,09:31.28your full name in block letters,your hotel address09:34.25他的大寫全名,您的飯店地址,09:37.21your passport number,your nationality,and sign your name here, sir.09:39.51您的護照號碼和國籍.然后在這兒簽名.09:41.81A:Oh,Ive got lots to write.B:Im sorry,sir,but.09:45.87哦,我有那么多要寫啊.很負疚,先生,但是.09:49.93A:Yes,I un

19、derstand. Thats banking business;09:52.30是的,我了解.這是銀行業(yè)務,一切要按規(guī)定.09:54.66everything is in order Here you are.Is that OK?09:56.23寫好了,可以了嗎?09:57.80B:Thats fine.You have 5,000 yuan altogether is that right?10:00.81好的.他共有五千元,對嗎?10:03.83A:Thats right.How much would I get for 5,000 yuan?10:06.80對的.這五千元能換多少?1

20、0:09.76B:Lets find out the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB yuan.10:12.33讓我查查美圓和人民幣的匯率.10:14.91Oh,its 865.97 yuan for 100 dollars.10:19.39噢,是865.97元兌換100美金.10:23.87A:Its a little different from the rate when I changed US dollars into RMB.10:27.54這與我把美金兌換成人民幣時的匯率略有不同.10:31.21B:Yes,we call the

21、 rates for foreign currencies floating exchange rates.10:34.52對的,我們把外幣的匯率稱為浮動匯率10:37.84They often fluctuate with the international money market.10:40.52它們是隨著國際金融市場變化而動搖的.10:43.20Thats why sometimes you have more and sometimes less10:45.97這就是為什么有時他得到多一些,有時少一些.10:48.74And there is also a difference be

22、tween buying rate and selling rate10:51.70另外買入賣出的匯率也是不同的10:54.67But all banks throughout China10:56.21但是在中國一切的銀行,10:57.75have the same rate when dealing with exchange transactions,10:59.97在外匯買賣中匯率是一樣的,11:02.19though the rate has to be adjusted from time to time11:05.06雖然匯率是需求不斷調(diào)整的,11:07.94owing to f

23、luctuations in the international money market.11:10.01是隨著國際金融市場變化而調(diào)整的.11:12.09A:I understand.Thats very reasonable.Thanks a lot for your explanation.11:15.76我懂了.這很合理的.非常贊賞他的解釋.11:19.43B:Its all right.11:20.59不用謝.11:21.75Notes They often fluctuate with the international money market.11:26.34它們是隨著國際金融

24、市場變化而動搖的.11:30.92fluctuate11:34.66漲落,動搖11:38.39The price fluctuates between $5 and $6.11:41.52價錢在5美圓與6美圓之間動搖.1.Good morningGood afternoon 2.Please3.Hello4.Welcome5.Welcome to deposit in ICBC6.Welcome to use Peony Credit Card7.Welcome to use ATM8.Sorry9.Please line up10.Please wait a moment11.Thank y

25、ou12.Well glad to receive any suggestions to help us improve our service13.Goodbye14.Dont mention it Not at all15.Hope to see you again16.Demandcurrentdeposit17.Demandcurrentbankbook18.Rate for current deposit19.Timefixeddeposit20.Interest Rate for fixed deposit21.Certificates of deposit22.Flexible

26、maturity deposit23.Transferable certificate of large amount time deposit24.Withdrawal form25.The exchange rate for U.S.dollars26.Termination of a deposit27.Date due28.Automatic teller machineATM29.The detailed list of interest30.Peony Credit Card31.Exchange U.S.dollars for Renminbi32.What can I do f

27、or you?33.May I help you?34.We are open for business form 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m with no break at noon35.We are open for business all week including Saturday and Sunday36.Id like to depositwithdraw37.Which type of deposit do you prefer,time deposit or current deposit?38.I prefer time depositcurrent de

28、posit39.Is it your first time to deposit here?I am going to open an account for you.40.How long would you like to deposit for?41.Pardon,I do not understand,Could you give me more details.42.OK.The term of fixed deposit ranges form three month to five years,including three months,six months,one year,

29、two years,three years and five years. The longer the term the higher the interest rate.43.Partdon.44.Could you fill in this slip in ink please.45.You have made a mistake here,Please fill it in again46.Opening an account is free of charge, but you have to deposit 10 yuan as your initial deposit.47.Th

30、e current deposit can be withdrown at any ICBC savings office in this city,Its convenient for you48.We also have flexible maturity deposit. The interest rate is sixty percent of the interest rate for the time deposit49.Excuse me,how much do you want to withdraw?50.Please use Arabic figures51.Please

31、fill in your address here52.Please enter your code number.53.There is somrthing wrong,Please enter your code number again.54.Youve made a mistake in counting. Do it again please55.Please wait a minute .I will calculate it again56.Please keep the chip57.Here are your money and deposit book.58.Please

32、hand back your chip59.Please count the cash your money60.Here is your book certificate。61.Please wait a moment , I will do it for you as soon as possible62.The computer isnt working now. Please go to another savings office or come again tomorrow63.Please wait a moment, we are checking it64.Sorry, si

33、nce there is no power, we can only serve you manually.65.Sorry for keeping you waiting.66.Im sorry you had to come several times.67.Everything is in order.68.I have lost my bankbook, what should I do?69.You can report the loss of the bankbook.70.Do you remember the account name and number, maturity,

34、 amount and code number.71.Please show your I.D card72.My name is Jenny Lee, but I dontremember anything the details73.Please try to remember the details.74.Its for the safety of your deposit75.Would you please leave your telephone number.76.Please bring this application form to collect new bankbook

35、 or money in 7 days.77.I can reissue a new bankbook for you,but we must deduct ten yuan handling charges.78.I am going to apply for a Peony Credit Card79.You can apply for it in the ICBCPeony Credit Card Department. The address is Beijing Road NO.880.Please wait a moment. The amount you are withdraw

36、ing exceeds one thousand yuan,so I have to ask authorization form the credit card issuing center81.Sorry, you have to exchange your money at the foreign exchange counter82.Please go to counter NO.2. Its over there.83.How much do you want to change?84.Please fill out the exchange form85.Please sign y

37、our name on the exchange form86.What currency do you have?87.We dont change German marks her at present.88.We can change only three currencies U.S. dollars, Jappnese Yen and H.K. dollars.89.What is the exchange rate today?90.The exchange rate is 832RMB for100 U.S. dollars.91.Im sorry I have no small

38、 change.92.You can convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency.93.Youll receive the money in a moment .94.Sorry, we dont handle drafts and telegraphic transfers.95.Sorry, we handle savings deposit business only.96.Please go to the international Department of ICBC Beijing Branch.97. Sorry, thes

39、e two one hundred dollar bills are counterfeit98.According to our regulations and international practice, forged notes must be confiscated so we cant return them to you.99.We may issue you a confiscation receipt.100.We have safe custody service and can keep precious metals such as gold and silver, and securities for you.1.早上好下午好!2.請!3.您好!4.歡迎!5.歡迎您到工商銀行儲蓄。6.歡迎您運用牡丹卡。7.歡迎您運用自動取款機。8.對不起。9.請排好隊。10.請稍等。11.謝謝!12.請多提珍貴意見。13.再見!14.別客氣。15.歡迎您再次光臨。16.活期儲蓄


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