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1、九年級(jí)英語Unit1知識(shí)要點(diǎn)歸納1. by + doing 通過方式如:by studying with a group by 還可以表示:“在旁”、“靠近”、“在期間”、“用、”“經(jīng)過”、“乘車”等如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten oclock. The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus.2. talk about 談?wù)?,議論,討論如:The students often talk about movie after clas

2、s. 學(xué)生們常常在課后討論電影。talk to sb. = talk with sb. 與某人說話3. 提建議的句子:What/ how about +doing sth.? 如:What/ How about going shopping? Why dont you + do sth.? 如:Why dont you go shopping? Why not + do sth. ? 如:Why not go shopping? Lets + do sth. 如: Lets go shopping Shall we/ I + do sth.? 如:Shall we/ I go shopping

3、?4. a lot 許多 常用于句末如:I eat a lot. 我吃了許多。a lot of許多= lots of 許多常與名詞連用 5. tooto 太而不能 常用的句型 too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:Im too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想說。6. aloud, loud與loudly的用法 三個(gè)詞都與大聲或響亮有關(guān)。 aloud是副詞,重點(diǎn)在出聲能讓人聽見,但聲音不一定很大,常用在讀書或說話上。通常放在動(dòng)詞之后。aloud沒有比較級(jí)形式。如: He read the story aloud to his son.他朗讀

4、那篇故事給他兒子聽。loud可作形容詞或副詞。用作副詞時(shí),常與speak, talk, laugh等動(dòng)詞連用,多用于比較級(jí),須放在動(dòng)詞之后。如: She told us to speak a little louder. 她讓我們說大聲一點(diǎn)。loudly是副詞,與loud同義,有時(shí)兩者可替換使用,但往往含有令人討厭或打擾別人的意思,可位于動(dòng)詞之前或之后。如: He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 7. not at all 一點(diǎn)也不 根本不 如: I like milk very much. I dont like coffee

5、at all. 我非常喜歡牛奶。我一點(diǎn)也不喜歡咖啡。 not經(jīng)??梢院椭鷦?dòng)詞結(jié)合在一起,at all 則放在句尾8. be / get excited about sth. =be / get excited about doing sth. = be excited to do sth. 對(duì)感興奮 如: I am / get excited about going to Beijing.= I am excited to go to Beijing. 我對(duì)去北京感到興奮。9. end up doing sth 終止做某事,結(jié)束做某事 如: The party ended up singing

6、. 晚會(huì)以唱歌而結(jié)束。 end up with sth. 以結(jié)束 如:10. first of all 首先. to begin with 一開始 later on 后來、隨11. also 也、而且(用于肯定句)常在句子的中間 either 也(用于否定句)常在句末 too 也 (用于肯定句) 常在句末I am also a student. 我也是一個(gè)學(xué)生 I am a student too. 我也是一個(gè)學(xué)生。I am not a student either. 我也不是一個(gè)學(xué)生。12. make mistakes 犯錯(cuò) 如:I often make mistakes. 我經(jīng)常犯錯(cuò)。ma

7、ke a mistake 犯一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤 如: I have made a mistake. 我已經(jīng)犯了一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。13. laugh at sb. 笑話;取笑(某人) 如:Dont laugh at me!14. take notes 做筆記,做記錄 15. enjoy doing sth . 喜歡做樂意做 如: She enjoys playing football. 她喜歡踢足球。 enjoy oneself 過得愉快 如:He enjoyed himself. 他過得愉快。16. native speaker 說本族語的人17. make up 組成、構(gòu)成 18. one of +(the+

8、 形容詞最高級(jí))+名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式 其中之一19. Its +形容詞+(for sb. ) to do sth. (對(duì)于某人來說)做某事 如:Its difficult (for me ) to study English. 對(duì)于我來說學(xué)習(xí)英語太難了。 句中的it 是形式主語,真正的主語是to study English20. practice doing 練習(xí)做某事 如: She often practice speaking English. 她經(jīng)常練習(xí)說英語。21. decide to do sth. 決定做某事 如: LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing .

9、 李雷已經(jīng)決定去北京。22. unless 假如不,除非 引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句 如:You will fail unless you work hard.假如你不努力你會(huì)失敗。 I wont write unless he writes first. 除非他先寫要不我不寫23. deal with 處理 如:I dealt with a lot of problem.24. worry about sb./ sth. 擔(dān)心某人/ 某事 如:Mother worried about her son just now. 媽媽剛才擔(dān)心她的兒子。25. be angry with sb. 對(duì)某人生氣 如:

10、 I was angry with her. 我對(duì)她生氣。26. perhaps = maybe 也許27. go by (時(shí)間) 過去 如: Two years went by. 兩年過去了。28. see sb. / sth. doing 看見某人正在做某事 強(qiáng)調(diào)正在發(fā)生see sb. / sth. do 看見某人在做某事 如: 如: She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom. 她看見他正在教室里畫畫。29. each other 彼此 30. regard as 把看作為. 如:The boys regarded Anna as a f

11、ool. 這些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜。31. too many太多修飾可數(shù)名詞如:too many girls too much太多修飾不可數(shù)名詞 如:too much milk much too太修飾形容詞 如:much too beautiful32. changeinto將變?yōu)槿纾篢he magician changed the pen into a book. 這個(gè)魔術(shù)師將這支筆變?yōu)橐槐緯?3. with the help of sb. = with ones help 在某人的幫助下如:with the help of LiLei = with LiLeis help 在李雷的幫助下3

12、4. compare to 把與相比如:Compare you to Anna, you are lucky. 你和安娜相比,你是幸運(yùn)的。35. instead 代替用在句末,副詞(字面上常不譯出來) instead of sth. / doing sth. 代替,而不是 用在句中,動(dòng)詞如:Last summer I went to Beijing. This year Im going to Shanghai instead.去年夏天我去北京, 今年我將要去上海。I will go instead of you. 我將代替你去。He stayed at home instead of goi

13、ng swimming. 他呆在家里而不是去游泳。36. try ones best to do 盡某人的最大能力去做某事 如:She tried her best to finish every work.37. look up 查閱(字典)如: If you dont understand the word, you can look up this word in the dictionary. 如果你不理解這個(gè)單詞,你可以在字典中查閱當(dāng)遇到代詞時(shí),應(yīng)把代詞放在中間如:look it /them up 38.不定式與疑問詞連用:how to swim 怎樣游泳動(dòng)詞不定式可以和what, which, how, where, when 等引導(dǎo)的疑問句連用,構(gòu)成不定式短語。如: The question is when to start. 問題是什么時(shí)候開始。 I dont know where to go. 我不知道去哪。39.系動(dòng)


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