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1、2014英語試卷IIIIII120120I 85 結(jié) 2014英語試卷IIIIII120120I 85 結(jié) 部分(第一節(jié)I(515分1.A.wood 2. A. 53.A.payB.B.B.lookC.C.C.send A.AllenoftenwalkstoAllenoftendrivestoAllenoftengoestoschoolbyA.CindyistooyoungtodressCindyisoldenoughtodressCindycandressherselfalthoughsheistooII(515分A.Iagree withA.Theyare A.No, IA.Yes,IA.

2、She isB.ItdoesntB.B.Yes,Idlovenk C.Onthe C.Yes,ImafraidC.She is B.B.She likes(818分B.C.13. A.A.TotakeA.The B.TobuysomeB.The C.ToborrowB.C.13. A.A.TotakeA.The B.TobuysomeB.The C.ToborrowsomeC.ThewomansA.The A.DriveaA.HethinksitsB.Hethinksitsjustso-CHethinksitisntgood. B.The B.TakeashortC.C.Takeherown(

3、717分WhydomostpeopleliketotraveltheseBecausetheyareBecausetheycomefromforeignBecausetheywanttoenjoythedeliciousHowlongOnestriptoB.Three C.Five21.Howdidtheyfeelwhentheycame A.B.C.22.HowshouldwelistentotheA.B.C.23.WhichactivityisnotA.B.SingingC.Havinga .WhydotheyneedtoworkingroupsinEnglishTohelpeachoth

4、erandanswerTohelpeachotherandlearnfromeachTolearnfromeachotherandanswer WhatisTospeaknglishB.TobeC.TotakepartinV單項選擇(20120分)26.Mymother isgoodatcookingandshe is wonderfulA. B.C.D. 27.Dannywillinvite myfriendsand tohisbirthdaypartynextA. B.C.D. 28.V單項選擇(20120分)26.Mymother isgoodatcookingandshe is won

5、derfulA. B.C.D. 27.Dannywillinvite myfriendsand tohisbirthdaypartynextA. B.C.D. 28.Immakingprogressthisterm,soIamveryproudA. B.C.D. 29. Its a togetreadytohelpthepeopleinA.B.C.D. 30. My family suppertogethereveryday.ItsreallyahappytimeforallofA. B.C.are D.will31. willyougraduatefromyourmiddleInabouto

6、ne A. HowB.How C.How D.How32. Monday is his dayin A. 33. Lookat B.C.D.the tcard.ItsfrommypenpalinNew HmmIt soA.TheplanefromBeijingputB.C.halfanhourC.tookD. B.gotD.turned35.Itssofine.WhynotA. B.C.llybyyoungC.D.toernet is usedbypeople,A.B.D. 37.Theworkersare trying to whatswrongwiththeA.lookB.careC.fi

7、ndD.take 38.WewontstartthemeetingtheteacherA. B.C.D. 39. Whydoyou looksoBecause we forthreehourswithout.A. C. have40.You waitforhim.ImnotsureB.D.werecomebackornotA.B.C.D. 41.Anew gym 39. Whydoyou looksoBecause we forthreehourswithout.A. C. have40.You waitforhim.ImnotsureB.D.werecomebackornotA.B.C.D.

8、 41.Anew gym inourneighbourhoodnextA.isC.hasbeen 42. WillyoujoinusB.was D.willbe A. No, B.Yes,withC.No, help 43.They hopedthesecretA. 44.B.C.D.ton two hisuniversitywerechosenasB.D.thousandsA. C.thousand45.Couldl me GodownthisstreetanditsnexttotheA.whichisthewaytotheC.ifwecangotothe .B.howfarthecinem

9、aD.whenyouwenttotheVI完形填空(10110分Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work. He used to carry a to work with him t he could change if his clothes got wrinkled (皺的). “Im working n ever,” David says, I need to feel comfortable.” More and more companies their office workers to wear casua

10、l clothes (便裝) to work. They thought the casual their he early 1990s, the workers in American companies could casualclothes on Friday (but only on Friday).This became “dress-downor “casual Friday”. Why have so many e t? One reason t for a company to hire (雇傭) new workers if s a casual dress style. “

11、A lot of young t want for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so for a company to hire (雇傭) new workers if s a casual dress style. “A lot of young t want for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so its hard to people if you make for their dressing.” Another reason t people when th

12、ey are wearing comfortable clothes. Supporters of casualoffice wear also t a dressstyle helpsmoney.“Suitsareexpensive,ifyouhavetowearoneeverysaid,“forthesameamountofmoney,youcanbuyalotmorecasualA. A. A. A.begoodC.be friendlyA. A.A.putA. B.B.B.C.C.C.D.D.D. rB.erestedD.be pleasedC.C.C.lookC.C.C.B.B.B.

13、 getB.B.B.D. D. D. D. D.D.A. A. yVII閱讀理解(15230分 ASudha Chandran,afamousdancerShewasalsocutoff on hercareer事業(yè)) ,hadto have her rightlegcutafter a car Though the accident brought her bright career to a stop, she didnt give up. In the tfollowed,Sudha met a doctor who developeda man-made leg for her. So

14、strongly, wanted to go back todancing. Sudha ved inherself and she thought she could realize After every public recital (個人表演), she would ask bout erformance. still have a longwayto go” was the answer she used to get in return.In January1984,Sudha a historiccomebackby giving a public recital in Bomb

15、ay. She performed in such a great t itmoved everyone to tevening when she asked her dad the usualquestion, he say anything. He just touched her feet as a praise. Sudhas comeback wasso t a producerdecidedtomaketheoa hitWhen someone asked Sudha how she had managed to dance again, she said quite T NEED

16、 FEET TO DANCE.” Nothingproducerdecidedtomaketheoa hitWhen someone asked Sudha how she had managed to dance again, she said quite T NEED FEET TO DANCE.” Nothing is his world. If you have willtowin,youcanachieve 56. Sudha Canadian is an A.nC.D.57.Sudha thoughtshecouldA.the C.tomakeherdreamcomeB.herD.

17、afilm58.WhatdidnJanuary,A.She hadacarC.She leftB.She metaD.Shemadeahistoric 59.HowdidSudhasA.Bytouchingher raiseB.BywatchingC.Byteachingher toD.Bymakingthe oa hit60.dhaideaaboutA.Beinga disabledC.PracticingB.vinginsand D.HavingastrongwilltoBWe humans live in different parts of the world, but we have

18、 the same “mother”. She gives us everything we need in our daily life. She is our Mother Earth. Everybody wants to live in a city. A green city is a healthy and pleasant place for people to live in. It can get ergy somethinglikesolarander.Also,itisconnectedbycleanpublicTheHyperloop超級高鐵The Hyperloop

19、is a high-speed transpor ion. It works by having capsules (艙) with passengers in. The capsules run on the air. The Hyperloop plans to run from Los Angeles to San Francisco.agespeedof962 kmperhour,itisonly35minutesbet nthe twoThesolarpanels板provide er tothe61.Agreen city is A. cleanand C. healthyand

20、62. It is fromLosAngelestoSanA.61.Agreen city is A. cleanand C. healthyand 62. It is fromLosAngelestoSanA.About962 C.About700AboutSmartWheel,whichisNotItcantravel50kmItcanfitontoalmostanyB.fullof D.richforB.About560D.About450 C.ItsamotorbikebicycleD.ThesmartphonesBluetoothcancontrolWhatcansolarpanel

21、sTheycanrunonthe C.TheycancarryB.Theycanprovide D.TheycanshowyourtravelWhatdoyouthinkofthe public ModernandC.ExcitingandCB. Greenand D.ExpensiveandHow can we improve our life? Many people t they have to accept whatever throwsatthemTheyllsaythisismydestiny命運(yùn)IcannotchangeCertainly not! anyotherve to s

22、uffer too much. Your destiny depends on yourself, not I know someone who says she just accepts what life gives her because she eSmartSmart Wheel is a bicycle wheel wi motor. This invention can easily fit onto almost any bike. And the motor allows bikes to travel up to 50km once. Smart Wheel is diffe

23、rent from other electric bikes. It can be controlled through your smartphones Bluetooth. The smartphone showyourspeed,distanceandtravelSolarSidewalk 能步道Ge e Washington University made a spe l path in 2013. The path is about 9 square meters. It is covered with solar panels t can provide energy to er

24、450 LED lights. These lights can light the walkway after dark. The solar panel is also strong enough for people to walk everything shecan to improveit. Guesswhather lifestyleis?Shewakes he morning,goes work,comes back home, relaxes,chats with people, watches TV, then goes to sleep. Next day, samerou

25、tinecycle follows.Huh! Is thiseverything shecan to improveit. Guesswhather lifestyleis?Shewakes he morning,goes work,comes back home, relaxes,chats with people, watches TV, then goes to sleep. Next day, sameroutinecycle follows.Huh! Is this what shecalls herbest.Butinfactshe ng her best”? She ves sh

26、e hast you get what you pay.You t sit around and wait for a million to fallfrom the sky.You have to getoff the couch, get your eyes off the TVscreen, getyour off the t expect your luck to change unless you do something about it. If goes t just regard it as a little failure, but useit as feedback (反饋

27、). Learn your make the most of the situation, and do something to solve the problem. Its not enough to itively積極地youalsohavetoIfsomeoneslifehetrouble,doyoujusttthingswillturnoutfine?Ofcourse You get to do anything you can to save . So it is with your own life. It is not enough hope for the best, but

28、 you have to do your best. In other somethingtoimproveyourt just stand (or sit) there, Thewritersattitudetowardsdestinywecanchange C. we mustacceptt.B.wecantD.wehavetosufferit f something goes wrong?Accordingtothepassage,whatshouldRegarditasa littleC.Sitaroundandwaitfor B.GetyourhandsoffyourD.Dosome

29、thingtosolvethe68.The underlinedword“turnhepassage.B. D. From the passage,weknow we onlyneedtohopeforthe bestinourB.wecanget ayifwe C.thewomanhastriedherbesttoimproveherD.maybe ourluckwillchangeifwedosomethingaboutthe70.Whatwouldbethe besttitleforthisA.UnderstandC.ve inB.ImproveYour注意事項:1.IIII部分(第二節(jié)

30、VIII聽短文填空(515分IX任務(wù)型閱讀(5210分注意事項:1.IIII部分(第二節(jié)VIII聽短文填空(515分IX任務(wù)型閱讀(5210分 “o”isoneof wordswelearnasbabies,yetitsoneofthelastoneswethinktoWhenwe were veryyoung,we usuallydollsorSome other children may geterested in reading, , stcollectingandso Some of the most hobbies include watchinreadingbooks,singin

31、gand listening to music.Manypeople like tojoinsports The maingoalofa hobbyistogive youa fromyourworkor題 IIB得 2014英 語 試 卷as tsunlucky,becauseo is n just o.How mightthe changehow might we changeif we mastered this word? I spent one month o Imet.HereswhatIve* It can make the students more active. In a

32、as tsunlucky,becauseo is n just o.How mightthe changehow might we changeif we mastered this word? I spent one month o Imet.HereswhatIve* It can make the students more active. In a study on bject, Allan Smith, an professorhadmiddleschoolteachersgreettheirstudentsindividually個別的orning.the whole day, t

33、he students behaved actively because of this exchange of greetings. School from al al tcausedmoreclassparticipation (合作andbetter*Environmentsinfluencefriendliness.Onestudyt hecity were less to shake hands with a n those in the countryside. And researchers think environments can encourage more os. Fo

34、r le, people in vacation spots orenthosehurryingtowork* It improves peoples health. Its sible to o without smiling. And smiling been shown to lower blood re, tressand bring happiness. Obviously,a asimilarherecipient接受者So maybe we can make the world a lace by o. After a month ng it, feellighterandmor

35、econnectedandIhavea bettersenseof F”表示錯誤 句;8076.Thestudentsbehavedactivelyafterthemiddleschoolteachersgreetedthem77.Whatcansmilingdotoimprovepeoples78. It me one month tootoI79. 80. X詞語運(yùn)用(515分 80. X詞語運(yùn)用(515分 toCanadabecausehethinksitsvery XI基礎(chǔ)寫作(包括A、B兩部分,A5分,B1015分A) 連詞成句(515分?.表達(dá)(10分提示:(1Whyisstude

36、ntshandwriting(書寫)verypoor(2)Whatshouldwedo表達(dá)(10分提示:(1Whyisstudentshandwriting(書寫)verypoor(2)Whatshouldwedotoimprove 詞數(shù):6080HandwritingisabasicskillinEnglishstudy.However,nowadaysmanystudents isvery 2014英語試部材2014 M: Excuse me, bouldyou W: Which cinema?M:The Capitallme howtogettothe 2014英語試部材2014 M:

37、Excuse me, bouldyou W: Which cinema?M:The Capitallme howtogettothe W:Oh,itsalongwayfromhere.Youdbettertakeabus. M: Which bus shall I take then?W:IthinkyouneedtotakeaNo.7nksa 部分第一節(jié)I聽句子,選出句子中所包含的信息。下面你將聽到五個句子,每個句子讀兩遍。No.1.EnglishisthebridgetotheNo.2.TurntoPage15andreadtheNo.3.Heisbadlyill.Wedfora No.4

38、.AllenoftengoestoschoolonNo.5.CindyissotshecantdressII聽句子,選出該句的最佳答語。下面你將聽到五個句子,每個句子讀兩遍No.6.TheT-shirtlooksniceonyou. No. 7. Whose books are these?No.8.Lookatthedarkclouds.IthinkitsgoingtoNo.9.ItsNo.6.TheT-shirtlooksniceonyou. No. 7. Whose books are these?No.8.Lookatthedarkclouds.IthinkitsgoingtoNo.9

39、.Itssonoisy.Wouldyoumindturningdowntheradio? No. 10. What does your English teacher look like?1113No.11: M: Lets make fruit salad for dinner. There is a watermelon, some s heW:OK.Ilikesbest.WhataboutaM:Sounds Question:WhatsthewomansfavouriteNo.12: M:Mum,Illbe lateformyswimmingW:Oh,mydear,wehavenopla

40、cetoparkthecar.CantyouseetheQuestion:WhatsigndoesthewomanNo.13: M:Becareful!Youhavetowaittillthetrafficlightsturngreen.TheyareW:Sorry.IdidntnoticeQuestion:Whatcolourarethetrafficlights1415M:Excuseme,canyoushowmetheway toXinhua W:Well.Iwillgothere,too.JustfollowM:Great!Doyouwanttobuysomebooksfromthe

41、bookstore,W:No,Ionlytake mydaughterchtoher.ShesM:Great!Doyouwanttobuysomebooksfromthe bookstore,W:No,Ionlytake mydaughterchtoher.ShesworkingQuestionNo.14:Whydoesthemangotothe QuestionNo.15:WhoworksinXinhua 下面請聽第五,并回答第1618題M:Hey,Sarah.Remembertoturnoffthelights.ItsavesW:OK,Iwill.Youaresokindtocareabo

42、utM: I have always been. Lots of people think theres nothing they can do to save energy. actuallythereisW:LikeM:Well,wecantakeashortM:Wecantakeourownbagswhile.W:Agreed.AlsowecantakeabusinsteadofM:PrettyQuestionNo.16:WhoalwayscaresaboutsavingQuestionNo.17:WhatwillSarahdowhenshegoesQuestionNo.18:Whatd

43、oesthemanthinkofthewomans。下面你將聽到兩IV聽語段和問題,選擇正。1921These years people ing richer and richer. Most people like to travel all around country.Even some of themtraveltoforeigncountries. Theyenjoy therivers, mountains, food and so on. On May Day this and her family went to Zhangjiajie, a place.OnMaythe3rd

44、,theycameback.Theyfood and so on. On May Day this and her family went to Zhangjiajie, a place.OnMaythe3rd,theycameback.TheyfeltverytiredbutQuestionNo.19:WhydomostpeopleliketotraveltheseQuestionNo.20:HowlongstriptoQuestionNo.21:Howdidtheyfeelwhentheycame 2225In English class, we should listen to the

45、teacher carefully and take notes when sary.to answer questions in English. We should take part in all kinds of activities, like reading, having a and playing games. We need to work in groups with our classmates to eachotherandlearnfromeachIts very important to be confident. Speak English loudly in f

46、ront of the class and never afraidofmakinghisway,wecanmakemuchQuestionNo.22:HowshouldwelistentotheQuestionNo.23:WhichactivityisnotQuestionNo.24:WhydotheyneedtoworkingroupsinEnglishQuestionNo.25:Whatisnglish打開卷 II部部分第二節(jié)VIII聽短文下面你將聽到一篇短文,短文讀兩遍。請你聽完短文的第二遍朗讀后People may have many different kinds of hobbies during their lifetime. When we were young, we usually played with dolls or toys. When we get older, some kids like going out for sport like football or skating. Kids spend a lot of time a hobby and most children lots of o it. Some other children may erested in reading, ing, andso


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