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1、PreviousChaptertnightIdidnotseehimsetoutonPreviousChaptertnightIdidnotseehimsetoutonhisHegotawayfrommewithoutmakingaWhen I succeeded in catching up with(跟上) him he was walking along with a resolute(堅(jiān)定的) step.quick Hesaidtome“Ah!Youarethere.Andhetookmebythehand(拉著Buthewasstill“Itwaswrongofyoutocome.Y

2、ouwillsuffer(受苦IshalllookasifIweredeadand be true . . .”t will Isaid“Youunderstand.itistoofar.Icannotcarrythisbodywithme.ItistooIsaid“But it will be like an old abandoned(被拋棄的) s s(軀體) . . .”(軀體). There is nothing about IsaidHewasalittlediscouraged(灰心的Buthemadeonemore“You know, it will be very nice.

3、 I, too, shall look at the stars. All the stars will be wells(井) wi rusty(生銹的) pulley(滑輪). All the stars will pour out(倒) fresh water for me to drink . . .”Isaidt will be so amusing(令人開懷的)! You will have dred million ells, and I havedredmillionspringsoffreshwater.Andhetoosaidnothinghavedredmillionsp

4、ringsoffreshwater.Andhetoosaidnothingmore,becausehewascrying.“Hereitis.LetmegoonbyAndhesatdown,becausehewasafraid.Thenhesaid,“You knowmy flower . . . I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! She is so naive(天真的)! She has four thorns(刺), of no use at all, to protect herself against all the world

5、 . . .”Itoosatdown,becauseIwasnotabletostandupany“There t isall .Hestilled(遲疑alittle;thenhegotupHetookoneIcouldnotTherewasnothingbutaflash(閃光ofyellowclosetoHeremained的foraninstant(瞬間HedidnotcryHefellasgentlyasatreeTherewasnotevenanysound,becauseofthe* Andnowsixyearshavealreadygoneby.Ihaveneveryettol

6、dthisThe companions(同伴) who met me on my return were well content(感到滿意的) to see me Iwassad,butItoldthem:“IamNowmysorrow(悲傷iscomfortedatistosaynotBut I t he did go back to his planet, because I did not find his body at ). was not suchBut I t he did go back to his planet, because I did not find his bo

7、dy at ). was not such a heavy body . . . and at night I love to listen to the stars. It is like millionells. .But there is one extraordinary(非比尋常的) thing . . . when I drew the muzzle(口套) for the little prince, I fot to add the leather strap(皮帶子) to it.Hewillneverhavebeenabletofasten(拴緊itonhisSonowIk

8、eepwondering:whatishappeningonhisPerhapsthesheephaseatentheflower.At one time I say to myself: “Surely not! The little prinhutshisflowerunderherglassglobe(罩子) every night, and he watches over(照看) his sheep very carefully . . .”ThenIamAndthereishelaughterofalltheanother time I say to myself: “At some

9、 moment or other one is absent-minded, t On some one evening he ot the glass globe(罩子), or the sheep got out, without making henight.Andthenthe ellsarechangedtotears(眼淚Here,then,isagreatFor you who also love the little prince, and for me, nothingheuniverse(宇宙canbethesame if somewhere,wedonotknowwher

10、e,atweneversawhasyesorno?eatenarose.LookupattheAsk yourselves: is it yes or no? Has the sheep eaten the flower? And you will see how changes.Andnogrown-up(成年人willevertthisisamatterofsomuchThisis,tome,thestandsaddestheIt is the same t onthe preceding(前面的page, but Ihavedrawnit 下深刻印象itonyouroimpress(給T

11、hisis,tome,thestandsaddestheIt is the same t onthe preceding(前面的page, but Ihavedrawnit 下深刻印象itonyouroimpress(給.It istthelittleprinceappearedonEarth,andLook at it carefully sotyouwillbesuretorecognize(認(rèn)出itincaseyoutravelsomedaytothe African desert(沙漠).And,ifyoushouldcomeuponthisspot(地點(diǎn)pleasedonothurr

12、yon(著急Waitforatime,exactlyundertheThen, if a little man appears who laughs, who has golden hair, and who refuses to questions,youwillknowwhoheIfthisshouldhappen,pleasecomfortSendmethehascome1.Whatwas“my”responsetothelittle? B:“I”broughtthelittleprincebacktowherewemet.“我”把小王子帶回了“ C :“I” said nothing.

13、“我”沒說話?!痹奶岬剑骸癐t was wrong of you to come. You will suffer. I shall look as if I were dead; twillnot be true . . .” I said nothing. “You understand . . . it is too far. I cannot carry this body me. It is too heavy.” I said nothing. “But it will be like an old abandoned . There is sIsaidnothing. sada

14、boutold2.Whydidthelittleprincefall?A :Because he was bitten by a poisonouB :Because he was seriously ill.因?yàn)樗〉煤車?yán)重。C:Becausehewastootired.文中提到:Therewasnothingbutaflashofyellowclosetole.Heremainedmotionlessaninstant.Hedidnotcryout.Hefellasgentlyasatreefalls. 3.HowdidIfeelwhenIreturnedtomycompanions?回到

15、同伴身邊后,我感受如何? A :I felt sad.我很悲傷。B:Ifeltcontent.我很滿意。 C :I felt tired.我很疲倦。文中提到:The companions who met me on my return were well content to see me alive. I sadbutItoldthem:IamtiredNowmysorrowiscomfortedalittle. 4.WheredidImeetthelittleprinceatthe選AA:Inamountain.在一座山里。 B :In France.在法國。ChedesertofSaha

16、ra.原文提到:Remember, I had he from any inhabited And yet my little man seemed neither to be straying uncertainly among the sands, norA:Inamountain.在一座山里。 B :In France.在法國。ChedesertofSahara.原文提到:Remember, I had he from any inhabited And yet my little man seemed neither to be straying uncertainly among t

17、he sands, nor to ger,orthirst,orfear. 所ingfromfatigue,5.WheredidthelittleprincecomeA:HecamefromFrance.B:HecamefromAmerica.。C:HecamefromtheasteroidB-612.B-原文提到:I have serious reason to be t the planet from which the little prince came theasteroidknownasB-612.6.Whichofthefollowingthingsmightbringcatas

18、trophetoasmall以下哪種事物可能會給一顆很小的行星帶A :Sheep.綿羊。 C:Baobabs.原文提到:And if the planet is too small, and the baobabs are too many, they split it he added, “there is no harm in putting piece of work until anotherday. But talwaysmeansacatastrophe. Citisamatterof7.Whatwasthematterofconsequenceaccordingtothelitt

19、leA:Figures. 發(fā)。C :“My” 原文提到:“If someone loves a flower, of which just one lossom grows in all the and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say himself, Somewhere, my flower is there . . . But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment t is not importan

20、t!” 這里是小王子對責(zé)his stars will be darkened . . . And you 8.Why did the little prince leave his planet and flower?A:Becausehewastiredofstayingonhisplanet.B:Becausehehadseriouslyarguedwithhisflower.因?yàn)樗退幕▋捍蟪沉艘患堋?C :Because his planet was too small for his flower, volcanoes and himself.原文提到:Thensheforcedh

21、ercoughalittlemoretheshouldsufferfromremorsejustsame.Sothelittleprince,inspiteofallthegoodtwasinseparablefromhislove,hadcome to doubt her. He had taken seriously words which were without importance, and it himveryunhappy. 9.Whatdidthelittleprincethinkofgrown-A:Hethoughtgrown-upswereconceited.他認(rèn)為成年人都

22、很自負(fù)。 B :He thought grown-ups were serious.他認(rèn)為成年人都很嚴(yán)肅。C:Hethoughtgrown-upswereverystrange.旅程中,小王子多次感嘆道:“The grown-ups are very strange,” the little prince said 10.WhydidthelighterkeeplightingupandputtingouthisA:Hethoughtgrown-upswereconceited.他認(rèn)為成年人都很自負(fù)。 B :He thought grown-ups were serious.他認(rèn)為成年人都很嚴(yán)

23、肅。C:Hethoughtgrown-upswereverystrange.旅程中,小王子多次感嘆道:“The grown-ups are very strange,” the little prince said 10.WhydidthelighterkeeplightingupandputtingouthisA:Becausehewasloyaltohisorders.因?yàn)樗麑α詈苤艺\B:Becausehedidntgettired.C:Becausehelikedhis原文提到:“Good morning. Why have you just put out your ?” “Those

24、 are the d the lighter. “Good morning.” “What are the orders?” “The orders t I put my.Goodevening.”Andhelighted hisagain.“But whyhaveyoujust lighted it “Those are the orders,” d the lighter. “I do not understand,” said the little lighterOrdersareordersGoodmorning.” “There is nothing to understand,” said the 11.WhatdidthegeographerdoafterhemetthelittleA:HetoldthelittleprinceitionofoceansandmountainsonthisB:HetoldthelittleprincewhathehadexploredonthisC:Heaskedthelittleprincetodescribethep


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