Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia詞匯句型專項課件(共10張PPT)_第1頁
Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia詞匯句型專項課件(共10張PPT)_第2頁
Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia詞匯句型專項課件(共10張PPT)_第3頁
Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia詞匯句型專項課件(共10張PPT)_第4頁
Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia詞匯句型專項課件(共10張PPT)_第5頁
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1、Module6Unit2詞匯句型專項課件初中英語外研版七年級上冊1.兩種常見的 “類別” 表達方式, 一種是“定冠詞 the + 名詞的單數(shù)形式”, 如:The elephant lives in Africa and Asia. 大象生活在非洲和亞洲。另一種是 “名詞的復數(shù)形式”, 如:Monkeys live in Africa, Asia and America. 猴子生活在非洲,亞洲和美洲。句型講解2. The panda eats about 30 kilos of bamboo a day as well as other plants. as well as 的意思是“還有”、“

2、不但而且” ,常用來連接兩個并列的成分, 作“也, 還”解。它強調(diào)的是前一項, 后一項只是順便提及。 如:He can speak Spanish as well as English 他不但會說英語,而且會講西班牙語。as well as 用來表示同級比較, 指“一樣好”。如: He plays the guitar as well as you. 他彈吉他彈得和你一樣好。 3. It likes water and is good at swimming.be good at表示“擅長,善于”,后跟名詞,代詞或動詞-ing。 e.g. I am good at English. 我擅長英語

3、。 Li Na is good at playing tennis. 李娜擅長打網(wǎng)球。Its strong and catches many kinds of animals for food. many kinds of 意思是“多種多樣的”,可以接不可數(shù)名詞,也可以接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),many 可以換成 基數(shù)詞或different等。 e.g. There are many kinds of books in the library. 圖書館里有各種各樣的圖書。 kinds of information in the newspaper 報紙上各種各樣的信息 A. 首字母填空:1. China

4、 is a country in A_.2. They are Europeans. They come from E_.3. The dog is my favourite a_.4. In autumn, we can see the yellow l_ of the trees.5. The old man lives a_. I usually talk with him.siauropenimaleavesloneExercises B. 完成句子:1. 獅子是歐洲的嗎? Is the lion _?2. 他們不是非洲人。 They dont _.3. 這是只非洲大象嗎? Is th

5、is _?from Europecome from Asiaan African elephant4. 你愿意住在美洲嗎? Would you like _?5. 熊貓一天吃30公斤竹子,也吃其他植物。 The panda eats about 30 _ a day_ other plants.kilos of bambooto live in Americaas well as C. 綜合填空: Susan likes animals very much. She often goes to the zoo with her parents. (1)T_ are many animals i

6、n the zoo. Such as (2)g_, (3)t_ and many more. (4)P_ like eating bamboo, (5) e_ are very big and strong, they have long noses and they like (6) d_ water. hereiraffesigersandaslephantsrinking(7) M_ are Susans favourite animal. They like eating bananas and climbing trees. Susan doesnt like (8) l_ because they are very dangerous. The (9) g_ tells the family the kind of animals is from (


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