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1、一輪復(fù)習(xí)單詞詳解 G1插圖版單詞詳解 G-1插圖版gap n. 缺口;裂縫;差距;空白. close the gap 縮小差距. fill a gap 補(bǔ)償缺陷. bridge gaps 跨過鴻溝 ,填補(bǔ)裂縫. cultural gap 文化差異. awkward gap 難以處理的隔膜分歧. The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence. 門鎖了 ,我們便從籬笆的一處缺口鉆了進(jìn)去;. There is a gap of five miles between towns. 鎮(zhèn)與鎮(zhèn)之間相隔五英里;. The record i

2、s not complete; there are several gaps in it. 這份紀(jì)錄不完整 ,中間有幾處間斷;. There is a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen. 關(guān)于這點(diǎn) ,兩位政治家的政見有很大分歧;. We must see that there is no gap in our defense. 我們必需確保我們的防備沒有漏洞;the generation gap 代溝 difference in attitude, or lack of understanding, between young pe

3、ople and older people . Do you want to bridge the generation gap. 你想彌合代溝嗎 . garage n. 汽車修理廠;車庫 vt. 把 . 放入車庫. He sent his car to the garage for repair. 他把汽車送到修車廠修理;. We cant afford a car, not to mention the fact that we have no garage. 我們買不起汽車,沒有車庫的事就更不必說了;general adj. 普遍的;全面的;一般性的;總的;首席的 n. 將軍;一般. i

4、n general 一般而言 ,總的來說 =in a word . general cleaning 大掃除. general manager 總經(jīng)理. general affair 總務(wù). This will demonstrate the general principle. 這將論證那個普遍原理;. The general is a respectable man. 那位將軍是個令人肅然起敬的人物;genius n. 天才;天賦. He makes much account of her musical genius. 他重視她的音樂天才;. Einstein was a mathema

5、tical genius. 愛因斯坦是數(shù)學(xué)天才;留意: genius 的“ 天才語氣較強(qiáng) ,是較為高尚的用語 , 主要指在智力方面具有極其特別和特殊的才能 ,含有獨(dú)創(chuàng)和制造的意味 ,尤指在藝術(shù)或科學(xué)方面從而大大超過同時代的人;giant. giant panda 大熊貓. giant star 巨星. giants in the business world 實(shí)業(yè)界巨頭. giant of letters / literary giants 文豪. As we all know,Philips is the Dutch elctronics giant. 眾所周知 ,飛利浦是荷蘭電子業(yè)巨頭;.

6、 It is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect. 第 2 頁年紀(jì)這樣輕 ,智力又如此高的人可不多;留意: giant 意思是 “ 巨人 ,可指童話中的巨人,也指身材高大的人或物;引申指“ 杰出的人 ,大公司 ,陰性名詞是giantess;glance v. 掃視;匆忙一看;一瞥;反光;閃耀;拂過 n. 一瞥;掃視. Im just going to glance over these documents, then we can go. 我再看一下這些文件,然后我們就可以走了;. On the bus I always

7、 manage to glance at the headline in the newspaper. 在公共汽車上我總能設(shè)法匆忙看一眼報紙大標(biāo)題;. The glasses glanced and twinkled in the firelight. 杯子在爐火照射下閃閃發(fā)亮;. The bullet glanced off his helmet. 那顆子彈拂過他的頭盔;glance about around, round 環(huán)視 look around sb/sth . The headmaster glanced around our classroom. 校長環(huán)視一下我們的教室;at a

8、 glance 看一眼 ; 立刻 with one look; at once . He could tell at a glance that she was upset. 他一眼就看出她很憤怒;at first glance 一看就 ; 初看 , 乍看起來 when seen or examined often quickly for the first time . They fell in love at first glance. 他們一見鐘情;留意: 1. glance 用作動詞的根本意思是“一瞥或 “ 匆忙看;指匆忙地、粗略地、隨便地、暗暗地看 ,多指看的動作;仍可指光亮的外表“

9、閃耀或 “ 閃光;2. glance 一般用作不及物動詞 ,作“ 一瞥 “匆忙看經(jīng)常與 at, down, off, round, through 等詞連用;3. glance 作“ 一瞥 “ 匆忙看解是瞬時動詞 ,通常不用于進(jìn)行體 ; 作“ 閃耀 ,閃光解那么常用于進(jìn)行體;4. glance 用作名詞的根本意思是“ 一瞥或 “ 瞥視 ,也可指某人的 “ 目光;可表示由光明的物體瞬時發(fā)出的光 ,即“ 閃光 ,仍可指某物體突然“ 滑過或 “拂過;5. glance 作“ 一瞥 ,瞥視解時 ,常與介詞 at 連用;留意 at 放在 glance 前和glance 后的意思完全不同 :at a gl

10、anceat first glance是固定短語 ,意思分別是“ 看一眼 ,立刻和 “一看就 ,乍看起來 ; 而 a glance at sb/sth 的意思是“ 看了某人或某物一眼;glance 仍可與 over, through, under 等連用;6. glance 是可數(shù)名詞 ,通常用單數(shù);glory. for glory 為了榮譽(yù). in glory 處于全盛時期. No road of flowers lead to glory. 沒有一條通往榮耀的道路是鋪滿鮮花的;. After years of neglecting, the palace has been restored

11、 to its former glory. 經(jīng)過假設(shè)干年的安靜 ,這座宮殿復(fù)原了以往的壯美;. He gloried in his winning the championship. 他因獲得冠軍而洋洋滿意;glow n. 光線;熱忱;赤熱 vi. 發(fā)紅光;紅光煥發(fā). the eveningsunset glow 晚霞, 夕陽余暉. a glow of anger 大怒. the glow of healtha red glow on the face. A cigarette glowed in the dark. 黑暗中有支香煙發(fā)著光;第 3 頁容光煥發(fā) ,面色紅潤. It was painted in glowing colors. 它是用光明的顏色繪出來的;. All fireflies glow with about the same brightness. 全部


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