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1、課程編號6403G006課程名稱文化拓展課授課專業(yè)英語專業(yè)授課對象(年級)2016級 授課教師職稱課程類型必修課大學(xué)通修課( );專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)課( );專業(yè)課( )選修課通識教育課( );專業(yè)限定選修課( );專業(yè)任意選修課( )授課時間 2017 年2018 學(xué)年(春、秋)季學(xué)期教材名稱跨文化商務(wù)交際編 者胡超出版社外語教學(xué)與研究出版社課程教學(xué)總學(xué)時數(shù) 18學(xué)時學(xué)分數(shù) 2 學(xué)分學(xué)時分配課堂教學(xué) 16學(xué)時;實踐教學(xué)2 學(xué)時多媒體授課的課時比例 100 %考核方式考試:筆試()口試()機試()考查( )其他( )教學(xué)目標本課程主要通過比較系統(tǒng)、全面地介紹跨文化交際及其相關(guān)的問題,并提供大量的案例分析

2、, 使理論和實踐有機地結(jié)合。有助學(xué)生認識人類交際活動的重要性、復(fù)雜性、豐富性, 了解文化差異的制約和影響, 使學(xué)生一方面提高運用語言來獲取知識信息、表述意見觀點、分析問題和解決問題的技能水平, 另一方面有對跨文化交流有較為全面的了解和認識, 形成和發(fā)展對文化差異的敏感和寬容以及處理文化差異問題的靈活性,全面提高綜合素質(zhì), 最終具備與不同文化背景的人們進行廣泛,深入的國際交流的能力。部門認證外語學(xué)院注:表中( )選項請打“”項目內(nèi)容備注課程內(nèi)容提要本書由八大單元,41個Activities,197個 tasks組成Unit One An IntroductionUnit Two Daily Ve

3、rbal Communication Part IUnit Three Daily Verbal Communication Part IIUnit Four Verbal CommunicationUnit Five Nonverbal Communication Part OneUnit Six Nonverbal Communication Part TwoUnit Seven Cross-gender CommunicationUnit Eight Cultural Variation in Negotiation Styles重點難點分析重點與難點問題:本課程立足于中國學(xué)生實際,重點


5、參考書 跨文化交際導(dǎo)論 宋 利 主編 哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社 跨文化交際技巧 何維湘 主編 中山大學(xué)出版社 跨文化交流入門 許力生 主編 浙江大學(xué)出版社章 序名 稱Lecture One Culture周 次第 一 周 授課時間2017年9月18日至2017 年9月 24 日教學(xué)目的要求By the end of this unit you will be able to:1. know definition of culture2. understand the basics of culture3. understand the metaphors for culture4. Be awar

6、e of characteristics of culture.教學(xué)重點1.Definition of culture2.Characteristics of culture3.Metaphors for culture教學(xué)難點 Two metaphors for culture 1. Culture is like an iceberg. 2. Culture is like an onion.教學(xué)場所環(huán)境In the classroom or lab.授 課方 式課堂講授( ); 實驗( ); 實踐( );雙語( )課時分配2 periods教 學(xué)方 法Teaching and discu

7、ssion教學(xué)手段網(wǎng)絡(luò)教學(xué)( ); 多媒體( )教 學(xué)用 具Multi-media , tape-recorder and power points教學(xué)內(nèi)容提要備 注Part One Lead-in 1. Different life StylesChinese people:Prefer to be in twos and threes, seeking for a companion. They love to be a part of crowd or hustle and bustle.Western people:Like acting independently,enjoying

8、a solitary, but carefree lifestyle 2. Different Time ConceptionsChinese people: They like retardation. They are vague and lack of specificity. Western peopleThey live up to commitments, They are punctual for appointment, and they have specific time setting.Part Two Definitions of cultureDefinition O

9、ne:Culture is the total sum of material and spiritual wealth created by the mankind in the process of the social and historical development, especially, literature, art science education, etc. (The modern Chinese Dictionary, 1998)Definition Two:Culture is the arts and other manifestations of human i

10、ntellectual achievement regarded collectively; the customs, civilization and achievement of a particular time or people; improvement by mental or physical training. (The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 2001) 3. Definition Three:Culture means material life such as material things essential for human survi

11、val; social life such as lifestyles, social organizations, and political and economic relation; spiritual life such as religions, philosophy, value system, science and art.(Liang, 2004)4.Definition four:Culture is mans medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by

12、culture. This means how people express, how they move, how their cities are planned and laid out how transportation system function and are organized. (Hall, 1959)1. Different life StylesThe Definition of Communication Communication is the process in which one party gives the message that is receive

13、d by the other party. It is the basis of all human contact. 2Concept of Culture Culture does not only include history, literature, religion, etc. as the traditional conception -it is the way people interact with each other.In short, culture is the total way of life that a group of people shares. As

14、such, Culture is as complicated as the way of human life.3. Features of Culture(1) Culture is learned behavior.(2) Culture is usually acquired unconsciously(3) Culture is shared among its members(4) Culture is persistent and enduring(5) Culture manifests itself both implicitly and explicitly(6) Cult

15、ure is adaptive and changeable(7) Culture is relational4. Culture and CommunicationUnderstanding the relationship of culture and communication is the crucial to intercultural communication.(1)Culture conditions communication. (A)Culture is the foundation of communication(B)Culture dictates every sta

16、ge of the communication process. 2.Communications have made the development of human culture possible and it is through communication that culture is transmitted from one generation to another. Meanwhile, culture is learned through communication.Culture and communication like twins. One is inseparab

17、le from the other.The understanding of one demands the understanding of the otherand the changes to one will cause changes in the other.Part Three DiscussionFrom the definition of culture, discuss the classification of culture ingredients and tell which elements are visible and invisible?Almanent an

18、d Alwan(1982) contend that “culture may be classified by three elements.”(1)artifact(2)concepts (beliefs or value systems) (3) behavior (actual practice of concepts or beliefs. )Culture is like an iceberg. It is very nice but dangerous. Because, only a small part of culture is visible, like, food, d

19、ress, painting, architecture and dance etc. They are apparent to the eyes. A greater part of culture is hidden under the water, such as views, attitude, preference, love and hatred, customs and habits and so on . They are out of our awareness. This makes the study of culture difficult. Part Four PracticeCharacteristics of Culture Culture is shared. Culture is learned.Culture is symbolic.Culture is integrated.Culture is dynamic.Culture is ethnocentric.日程及課時分配節(jié) 序內(nèi) 容學(xué) 時緒 論第一章第一節(jié)Definition of culture1 period第二節(jié)Metaphors for culture1 period第三節(jié)第四節(jié)第五節(jié)第六節(jié)第七節(jié)第八節(jié)第九節(jié)第十節(jié)復(fù)習思考題What is


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