新人教版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 3 第2課時(shí) 教學(xué)課件_第1頁(yè)
新人教版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 3 第2課時(shí) 教學(xué)課件_第2頁(yè)
新人教版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 3 第2課時(shí) 教學(xué)課件_第3頁(yè)
新人教版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 3 第2課時(shí) 教學(xué)課件_第4頁(yè)
新人教版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語(yǔ) Unit 3 第2課時(shí) 教學(xué)課件_第5頁(yè)
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1、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)掌握形容詞和副詞比較級(jí)形式的變化規(guī)則;明確形容詞和副詞的用法區(qū)別;掌握形容詞和副詞比較級(jí)的常用句式結(jié)構(gòu);了解形容詞和副詞比較級(jí)的常用修飾詞。掌握同級(jí)比較結(jié)構(gòu)asas;思 考新課導(dǎo)入Gong Hanlin is _ _ Liu Huan.Liu Huan sings _ _ Gong Hanlin.better thanthinner than新課導(dǎo)入Which one do you like? Why? I like Tina because she

2、is Tara.funnier than新課講解Grammar Focus1. 湯姆比薩姆更聰明嗎? Is Tom _ _ Sam?2. 不是。薩姆比湯姆更聰明。 No, he isnt. Sam is _ _ Tom.3. 塔拉比蒂娜更外向嗎? Is Tara _ _ _ Tina?smarter thansmarter thanmore outgoing thanComplete the sentences according to the text.新課講解4. 不是。蒂娜比塔拉更外向。 No, she isnt. Tina is _ _ _ Tara.5. 你和你姐姐一樣友善嗎? _

3、you _ friendly _ your sister? 6. 不是。我更友善一些。 No, Im not. Im _. as asArefriendliermore outgoing than新課講解7. 塔拉與蒂娜工作一樣努力嗎? Does Tara work _ _ _ Tina? 8. 是的,她是。 Yes, _ _.9. 誰(shuí)在學(xué)校里更努力一些? Whos _ _ at school? 10. 蒂娜認(rèn)為她學(xué)習(xí)比我更努力。 Tina thinks she _ _ than me.as hard asmore hard-workingworks hardershe does新課講解3a

4、1. Julie / tall / you Q: _ A: No, she isnt. Shes _ than me. 2. Jack / run / fast / Sam Q: _ A: No, he doesnt. He runs _ than Sam.Is Julie as tall as you?tallerDoes Jack run faster than Sam?slowerUse the words to write questions and answers.新課講解3. your cousin / outgoing / you Q:_ A: No, she isnt. She

5、s _ than me.4. Paul / funny/ CarolQ: _ A: No, he isnt. Hes _ than Carol.Is your cousin more outgoing than you?more seriousIs Paul as funny as Carol? funnier新課講解3bI was 70 cm two years ago.Im 130 cm now. Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now. 1. Are you taller?Yes, I

6、am. Im taller now than I was two years ago. 新課講解2. Are you funnier? 3. Are you more outgoing? Yes, I am. Im more outgoing than I was two years ago. Yes, I am. Im funnier than I was two years ago. 新課講解4. Do you study English harder?5. Do you sing better?Yes, I do. I study English harder than I was tw

7、o years ago. Yes, I do. I sing better than I was two years ago. 新課講解Language point 1 構(gòu)成方法原 級(jí)比較級(jí)單音節(jié)詞和部分雙音節(jié)詞一般單音節(jié)詞末尾加-er tall hardtaller harder以不發(fā)音的e結(jié)尾的單音節(jié)詞和少數(shù)以-e結(jié)尾的雙音節(jié)詞只加-r nice largenicer larger以一個(gè)輔音字母結(jié)尾的閉音節(jié)單音節(jié)詞,雙寫(xiě)結(jié)尾的輔音字母,再加-erbig hotbigger hotter“輔音字母+y”結(jié)尾的雙音節(jié)詞,改y為i,再加-er easy busyeasier busier形容詞,

8、副詞比較級(jí)的構(gòu)成新課講解部分雙音節(jié)詞和多音節(jié)詞部分雙音節(jié)詞和多音節(jié)詞,在其前面加more importantdifficultmore importantmore difficult以ly結(jié)尾的副詞以ly結(jié)尾的副詞一般加more (early除外)slowlymore slowly不規(guī)則變化 good/wellbad/badly/ill much/manylittle farbetter worsemore lessfarther/further新課講解3cCompare your parents. Check( ) who is smarter, funnier, etc. in the c

9、hart. Then ask your partner about his / her parents. A: Who is smarter, your mother or your father?B: I think my mother is smarter than my father.新課講解MotherFathersmartfunnywork hardoutgoingfriendlysing well新課講解Language points 21.兩者進(jìn)行比較,表示“一方比另一方更”A + be + + than + BA + + +than +B形容詞比較級(jí)實(shí)義動(dòng)詞副詞比較級(jí)2.兩者進(jìn)

10、行比較,表示“一方與另一方一樣”asas實(shí)義動(dòng)詞副詞原形 新課講解3.兩者進(jìn)行比較,問(wèn)其中哪一個(gè)更時(shí)用形容詞的比較級(jí)形容詞的比較級(jí)(5) Who is + ,A or B?(6) Which is + ,A or B?當(dāng)堂小練一、詞語(yǔ)運(yùn)用1.Pedro is (short) than Paul. 2.Tina is (friendly) than Tara. 3.My bag is (big)than his. 4.Who is (old),Tom or Sam? 5.I am as (outgoing)as my best friend. shorterfriendlierbiggerold

11、eroutgoing當(dāng)堂小練二、根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)意思完成句子 1.數(shù)學(xué)比英語(yǔ)難。Math is than English. 2.你爸爸和媽媽工作一樣努力嗎?Does your father work your mother? 3.現(xiàn)在我比兩年前廋。 Im now than I two years . 4.橘子和蘋果你更喜歡哪一個(gè)?Which do you , oranges or apples? 5.你的頭發(fā)比我的長(zhǎng)。Your hair is mine. more difficult as hard asthinnerwasagolike betterlonger than歸 納課堂小結(jié)重點(diǎn)單詞:smarter, friendlier, funnier重點(diǎn)句子:1.Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isnt. Sam is smarter than Tom.2.Is Tara more


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