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1、Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Listening and Speaking-Talk about the origins of American foodLead in Where do you think this photo was taken? Do you find the place familiar? What can you see in the picture?The photo was probably taken in the United States because I can see a sign that says “ CALIFORNIA”.bu

2、ildings,lamp post,lanternsLead in What are some words on the buildings? Why are there both Chinese and English shop signs?Chinese and English words.It is Chinatown. What are some topics you will read about / listen to in this unit?Diverse cultures.The 18th International Cultural Festival is held at

3、the central campus of Shandong University on April 26, gathering students from 25 countries.A Sri Lankan(斯里蘭卡) student poses for a photo to showcase the countrys culture.Students at the Laos(老撾) booth showcase the countrys unique culture.A student from South Korea(韓國) promotes Korean delicacies at t

4、he South Korea booth.Overseas students wearing their national costumes stage a fashion show at Shandong University.Watch the two videos and discuss the questions.1. Do you think Macau is a city that has diverse cultures?2. Whats your opinion on the influence of diverse cultures?The beauty of the wor

5、ld lies in the diversity of its people. -UnknownWhat does it mean?The Chinese meaning: _世界之美源自人之多樣性The diversity of its people reflects on: _, which makes diversity of the world. languages, races, religions, traditions, eating, clothes and so onLead-inHow many kinds of food are mentioned in this vid

6、eo?Lead-inWhat is your impression of American food?healthyunhealthysweetfastdeliciousNew wordsWe hold very diverse views on the topic.different/distinct/unlike/variousalikeNew wordsShe inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.a large a mount of money, goods, propertyNew wordscheesefortun

7、e cookieNew wordsgumbonachosNew wordsThe factorys workforce reflects the ethnic mix from which it draws its labor.of group sharing cultural characteristicsculturally traditionalLets play1.With a personal _ of six million pounds, she certainly doesnt work out of necessity. 2.That would make it harder

8、 for you to take _ a loan or borrow money to expand a business.3.French _ are exported to many different countries.4.Television should reflect the _ and cultural diversity of the country.fortuneoutcheeseethnicPair workWhere do you think this photo was taken?2. What can you see in the photo? How woul

9、d you describe it?Work in groups!Pair workWhere do you think this photo was taken?The photo was probably taken in the United States because I can see a sign that says “CALIFORNIA”. Many of the signs and decorations look Chinese, so its probably a Chinatown.Pair work2. What can you see in the photo?

10、How would you describe it?I can see some restaurants and stores. The signs are in Chinese and English. There is a lamp post decorated with dragons, and also lots of red lanterns. It seems like the photo was taken at night on a busy street in Chinatown.Talk about the origins of American foodAmerica i

11、s often called a melting pot of cultures. Many of the specialty dishes we consider wholly American are actually reinterpretations(重新詮釋) and hybrids(混血兒) imported from cultures around the world, reflecting its rich history of immigration._ hamburger _ fortune cookie _ gumbo _ nachosABCDDBCAMatch the

12、photos with the following descriptions of American food andthen try to match them with their names.Nachos are a popular food based on corn, of Mexican origin that can be either made quickly to serve as a snack or prepared with more ingredients (配菜) to make a full meal. In their simplest form, nachos

13、 are chips covered in cheese.Guess which countries cuisine influenced thefoods invention.A fortune cookie is a sweet, crisp biscuit which contains a piece of paper which is supposed to say what will happen to you in the future. Fortune cookies are often served in Chinese restaurants in the US.Gumbo

14、is a type of soup or stew from the southern United States. It can be made with chicken, sausage, shrimp or fish. People often put rice in it.The term hamburger derives from the name of the city of Hamburg in Germany. A hamburger is ground meat which has been shaped into a flat circle. Its a sandwich

15、 consisting of a fried cake of minced(切碎的) beef served on a bun, often with other ingredients. Listening for main idea The interview takes place in_ between the host and the guest _ and they are talking about _by giving _examples :_,_, _and _.a radio studioSteve Foxthe cultural influences of America

16、n food4hamburger nachosfortune cookiegumboWhat do some people say about American food?2. How does the guest sum up American food?Listening extensionSome people say no food was ever invented in America.American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something pletely new.Take notesW

17、hen taking notes, just write down the key words, such as names, dates, and numbers. They will help you remember things later on. To save time and space, omit all articles (a, an, the) and use abbreviations. For example, use “N.O” for New Orleans, *bc* for because, “yrs for years, “+” for and, and so

18、 on.Abbreviations (1)b/pareea.eachfr.fromnec.necessarys/tsomethingw/withv.veryvs.againstpplpeopleeqnequationespespeciallyam.morningpm.afternoonntnothingAbbreviations (2)2to, two, too4for+and, also-minus, withoutis similar tois larger thanis less thanlead to, causeincreaserapid increasedecreaserapid

19、decreaseyes#numberchange*important3 Listen to the interview again and decide whether thestatements are true (T) or false (F).1.No food was ever invented in America.( )2.Hamburgers were invented in Germany.( )3.Nachos were invented for Americans by a foreigner.( )4.Every Chinese restaurant in America

20、 has fortune cookies.( ) 5.American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something pletely new.( )FFTTTNames NotesHamburgerMix of_ + _ culturesNachos_ chips covered in cheeseMade by _ cook for_ Fortune cookieInvented in_ about _ yrs agoA piece of _ with _ on it inside cookieGumbo

21、Spicy stewInvented in N.O about _ yrs agoMixes _ , _ , _ , + Spanish cookingGermanAmericanMexican cornMexican American customers San Francisco 100 paper fortune200 French African Native American 4 Listen to the interview again and plete the notes below.Listening and SpeakingInterviewer: Today our gu

22、est is Steve Fox. Hes here to talkabout cultural influences on American food. Wel e, Steve!Steve:Thank you. Its nice to be here.Interviewer: When it comes to American food, some say no food was ever invented in America. What do you think?Steve:Hmm . Thats not really true. For example, some say the h

23、amburger comes from Hamburg in Germany, but theyre wrong. The recipe for the meat in a hamburger may have come from Germany, but the final hamburger we know today was definitely created by Americans.Interviewer:You mean there was a mixing of cultures? Food from overseas changed when it arrived in th

24、e States.Steve:Right. And there are many more examples of mixed-culture dishes.Like nachos, for example.Interviewer:Oh, I just love nachos! Mexican corn chips covered in cheese!Steve:Yes, theyre delicious, but theyre not traditional Mexican food. The recipe was actually invented by a Mexican cook fo

25、r his American customers. Then there are fortune cookiesInterviewer:What do you mean?Steve:theyre not Chinese.Interviewer:Youre kidding! But every Chinese restaurant in America has them!Steve:Yes, but theyre unknown in China. About 100 years ago, someone in San Francisco put a piece of paper with a

26、fortune on it inside a Japanese-style cookie, and the fortune cookie was born!Interviewer:Wow! Thats interesting! So theyre like a mix of the Chinese, American, and Japanese cultures.Steve:You got it. And then we have gumbo, the spicy stew. It was invented in New Orleans over 200 years ago, and mixe

27、s French, African, Native American, and Spanish cooking.Interviewer:So its the food of many different cultures, all in one dish?Steve:Exactly. American cooking often mixes things from around the world to make something pletely new.DiscussionIf you are invited to a potluck dinner, what special dishes

28、 you will take?1.What food/snack from which area/ethnic group will you bring?2.How is the food prepared and what is it made of?3.How is this food special?The following questions may help you:DiscussionEXAMPLE:A: What should I bring to the potluck dinner this weekend?B: Why dont you make a dish from

29、your home province?A: You mean a Hunan dish?B: Yeah, why not? I bet theyd love it!A: Well, I guess I could make Hunan Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers. Its delicious and really colorful.B: Really? You can make that dish? How do you make it?A: Easy! Slice open a fish head and cover it wit

30、h a chili and bean sauce. Then just steam it for 10 minutes.B: Sounds so easy! You could make it at your friends house. That way itll be fresh.A: Great idea! Ill ask my friend.Lets talk!Pauses in speaking are useful because they give the speaker time to gather his or her thoughts, and they give the

31、listener a chance to hear, understand, think about, or imagine what is being said. PausesApart from pausing to give one a chance to breathe, pauses should be normally used:When there would normally be punctuation, such as mas or periods, in a written text.At the end of each long unit of meaning, for

32、 example, long noun phrases or adjective clauses.For transitions, when the speaker is introducing another idea.For emphasis. Pausing before and after the most important words highlights and draws the listeners attention to them.PronunciationNo one really knows exactly when the first people arrived i

33、n what we now know as California. It is likely that Native Americans moved to California at least fifteen thousand years ago. Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait by a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, the native people suffered greatly

34、after the arrival of the Europeans. Thousands of them were killed or forced into slavery. In addition, many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state of America.

35、Listen to the passage about Native Americans. Mark the pauses that you hear. The first sentence has been done for you.PronunciationNo one really knows exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California. It is likely that Native Americans moved to California at least fifteen thou

36、sand years ago. Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait by a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times. In the 16th century, the native people suffered greatly after the arrival of the Europeans. Thousands of them were killed or forced into slavery. In addition, many di

37、ed from the diseases brought by the Europeans. However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state of America.Listen again and repeat.Language points不同地,各色各樣地普通用詞,強(qiáng)調(diào)事物間的區(qū)別或本質(zhì)的不同。有時側(cè)重對比,不著重差別通常強(qiáng)調(diào)種類的數(shù)目diverselydifferentvar

38、ious diverse語氣較強(qiáng),指性質(zhì)完全不同,著重顯著的區(qū)別diverse adj. 不同的;多種多樣的diversity n. 差異(性);不同(點(diǎn))The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning.Language points在某種意義上說, 此詞現(xiàn)在的含義與最初的含義完全不同。If you want to be promoted, you must be prepared to make a _ contribution to the business.A. passiveB. diverseC. s

39、ecureD. positiveD幸運(yùn)曲奇名聲與財富算命先生;預(yù)言家2. fortune n. 機(jī)會;運(yùn)氣 Language pointsfortune cookiefame and fortunefortune tellerfortune favors foolsgood fortunemake a fortunefortune傻人有傻福好運(yùn)發(fā)財,賺大錢1. Two thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but will help cover my living _.AfeesB. expensesC. faresD. charges2. He

40、made a _ decision when he went into advertising.A. luckB. fortuneC. fortunateD. fortunatelyLanguage pointsBC1. _ teaspoons of cheese do we need?A. HowB. How muchC. How manyD. What2. Lets take _ photo! Everyone, cheese!AaBanCtheD不填Language pointsCA3.cheese n. 干酪;奶酪種族構(gòu)成種族少數(shù)民族同種同文化的民族4. ethnic adj. 具有民

41、族特色的;異國風(fēng)味的;民族的;種族的Language pointsethnic positionethnic linesethnic minoritiesethnic groupethnic identityethnic relations種族認(rèn)同;民族認(rèn)同族群關(guān)系我們不以工人們的背景或種族來源區(qū)別對待他們。We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of their background or ethnic origin. Ethnic discrimination still exists in the world.La

42、nguage points種族歧視在世界中仍然存在in addition adv. 另外;除此之外;并且;況且教材原句In addition,many died from the diseases brought by the Europeans. 此外,許多人死于歐洲人帶來的疾病。要點(diǎn)必記in addition to=besides(介詞)除之外( 還有,也)誤區(qū)警示in addition=besides( 副詞)=whats more,通常用逗號與后面的部分隔開。in addition to 中的to 為介詞,所以后接動詞作賓語時要用動名詞形式。單句語法填空(1) You need mon

43、ey and time, addition,you need diligence.(2) In addition English,he has to study a second foreign language.單句寫作(3)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn) (而且),we should dress ourselves formally.(4) (除了給)me some advice,he gave me some o In addition In addition to giving 重點(diǎn)句式 句式一狀語從句的省略教材原句When taking notes,just write down the

44、 key words,such as names,dates,and numbers. 記筆記時,只需寫下關(guān)鍵詞,如姓名、日期和數(shù)字。要點(diǎn)必記當(dāng)時間、條件、讓步、方式等狀語從句的主語與主句主語一致(或者從句主語是it),且從句謂語含有be 動詞時,為了簡練,可以將從句的主語和 be 動詞一起省略。記憶口訣主從主語一致時,從句又有be 動詞;為了簡練皆省去,剩下表語或分詞。誤區(qū)警示“ 疑問詞+to do”相當(dāng)于名詞性從句;“疑問詞+-ing/-ed/adj. .”相當(dāng)于狀語從句。單句語法填空(1)2019江蘇卷In the 1960s,while (study)the volcanic hist

45、ory of Yellowstone National Park,Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something.(2) While (wait)for the opportunity to get promoted,Henry did his best to perform his duty.(3) Film has a much shorter history,especially when ( pare)to such art forms as music and painting.同義句轉(zhuǎn)換(4) When it is necessary

46、,you can look up the word in a dictionary. When ,you can look up the word in a dictionary.(5) While we were carrying out a survey,we came across difficulties. While _,we came across difficulties.studying waiting pared necessary carrying out a survey句式二 It is likely that. 很可能 教材原句It is likely that Na

47、tive Americans moved to California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 很可能美洲土著人至少在15 000 年前就搬到加利福尼亞去了。句式分析It is likely that. 很可能,it 是形式主語,that 引導(dǎo)的從句是真正的主語。要點(diǎn)必記Sb./Sth. is likely to do sth. 某人/ 某物很可能做某事。It is possible that. 可能It is probable that. 很可能單句語法填空(1) It is likely people may feel pleased when they like what they are doing.(2)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)He is likely (represent)his class to have a speech.單句寫作(3)詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn) (很可能)he will set off with us.(4) Brian is gifted in writing music;he_(非常有可能成為) a Beethoven.that to represent It is likely thatis very likely to beExercise1


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