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1、精品文檔 精心整理精品文檔 可編輯的精品文檔牛津譯林版英語單元復(fù)習(xí)試卷8B Unit 1I.用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空l. Thats a large city in_ (north) China.2. They can ask their_ (marry) friends.3. The level of _ (pollute) in the river was falling4. All his efforts were _ (waste).5. It is _ (possible) for me to climb such a high mountain.6. The_ (interview

2、) went well.7 I have seen him_(recent).8. His pain is _ (past) now.9. I thought her _ (last) book was one of her best.10. We _ ( eat) up all the food, but we still feel hungry.II.完形填空For most children, the most useful way of spending their time is playing a game. It doesnt matter 1 the game is. Thin

3、gs become better when they need a (n) 2 to play with. On the one hand, it is quite 3 for the development of a childs personality (個性) to win and to 4 the best ways to get that. On the other hand, if a child only cares about 5 , then for him, playing a game is funny only when he wins. Or if he finds

4、a better partner, he will get 6 and he doesnt want to go on playing. Its parents 7 to make their children know that: you cant always win and there are many unpleasant moments 8 when you have to learn how to lose. The idea is to compete, to prove you are good, not only to win.In a word, playing a gam

5、e is not funny only when you win. It is funny 9 you enjoy it and try your best to win. If you are just a little bit unlucky, dont 10 a lot. You will surely prove your abilities some other day. 1. A. howB. why C. whatD. when2. A. ownerB. worker C. student D. partner3. A. usefulB. simple C. correct D.

6、 special4. A. pay attention toB. take pride in C. jump out of D. think of5. A. playingB. studying C. winning D. losing6. A. unhappyB. lonely C. relaxed D. excited7. A. ruleB. duty C. plan D. habit83. A. in lifeB. in the futureC. in fact D. in the way9. A. orB. and C. when D. before10. A. worry B. be

7、lieveC. wish D. imagineIII. 在下面對話的空白處填上適當(dāng)?shù)脑捳Z(話語可以是句子、短語或詞),使對話完整。 A: Hi! This is Zhang Hui. 1._? B: Hello, Zhang Hui! Wang Lin speaking!A: 2._ during the Dragon Boat Festival?B: I visited my grandparents.A: 3._?B: They live in the countryside. We did many interesting things there. We climbed the mou

8、ntains, fed the animals and went fishing. And I made zongzi with my grandparents. 4. _?A: No, never. I think its hard to make zongzi. B: Yes, but its fun. And I think the air is fresh in the countryside.A: 5._. May I go with you next time?B: OK. Well have a good time there.IV. 翻譯句子1. 他過去常常吸煙,是嗎?( us

9、ed to) _2. 將這句話譯成英文。(turn into) _3. 在某些方面你是對的。(in some ways) _4. 他不時向我提出許多問題。(from time to time) _5. 我一生都想做一個誠實的人。(all ones life) _6. 對于政府來說采取行動來改善形勢是必要的。 ( take action)Its necessary for the government_.7. 因為下雨他遲到了。(because of)He was late _.8. 演唱會將在下月舉行。(take place) The concert _ next month.9. 多年以來,

10、我們經(jīng)常在網(wǎng)上彼此交流。( each other) We often _ over the years.10.打開電視好嗎?我想知道明天的天氣預(yù)報。 Would you please_ the TV? I want to know the_ for tomorrow.V.閱讀表達(dá)閱讀下面的短文,將劃線部分譯成英文或中文。What are magic words? Words like thank you, please and sorry can work wonders in our daily life. These polite expressions are used every da

11、y in American among strangers, between friends or with family. 1.People with good manners always communicate with others well by using these magic words.What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? 2.你最好坐下來寫一封感謝信。3. The words thank you are very important and used very often.We say t

12、hem when someone hands us a letter, passes us a book, offers us a drinks, or lends us an umbrella.Please is another important word, but many people forget to use it. It is not polite to ask someone for help without saying please.4. We are supposed to use it when we ask for something, too.It may be a

13、 book, a pen, or more milk. It may be in the classroom, at home, or at the bus stop. We can use please to make a request(請求)pleasant.5.我們也應(yīng)該學(xué)會說對不起。If we have hurt someones feeling, we will have to say sorry. When we have told a lie and regret it, the same word should be used. Sometimes we have forgo

14、tten something or broken a promise, so we need to explain with the word as a beginning. sorry is such a word that can make people forget wrongs.Thank you! Please! Sorry! these words are simple but useful. Man said them long ago. We use them now. So will our kids.1._2._3._4._5._VI. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母提示 ,填寫所缺

15、單詞 Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in your school work. It can make you confident when you are studying. However, most students dont know h 1 to take notes. If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, thats great. You can copy them or write down the most i 2 facts of all in clas

16、s. Different teachers do things differently. For example, some teachers may focus on(關(guān)注) lots of dates and facts in class, but they o 3 write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may r 4 them later. Dont try to write down every word in class, or

17、you might miss some important points. Some students really learn better with the h 5 of these notes. Dont be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what youve m 6 . If your teacher speaks too fast and you cant follow what he is saying, you can ask him a 7 class. Comparing your notes with your c 8 can

18、be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some m 9 . Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one place, so that you can f 10 everything easily when a test comes. Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every evenin

19、g, youll surely have less time to watch TV. But youll save time in the coming test.VII. 書面表達(dá)我國許多地區(qū)都處于嚴(yán)重缺水狀態(tài),如何保護(hù)好清潔水源,人們應(yīng)該怎樣節(jié)約用水?是我們面臨的巨大挑戰(zhàn)。根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇70詞左右的短文。 要求:1.語言表達(dá)正確。 2.包括以下要點。3.可以適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。要點提示詞匯參考益處水的重要性;生活離不開水important, cant live存在問題浪費水嚴(yán)重;水污染嚴(yán)重less water, dont care of, water pollution 建議節(jié)約用水;保護(hù)水

20、資源save water, take action to_參考答案I. 1. northern 2. married 3. pollution 4. wasted 5. impossible 6. interview 7. recently 8. past 9. last 10. have eatenII. 1-5 CDADC 6-10 ABACAIII. 1. Is that Wang Lin speaking/Whos that/May/Can/Could I speak to Wang Lin? 2. What did you do/Who did you visit 3. Where

21、do they/your grandparents live? 4. Have you (ever) made Zongzi/it (before)? 5. You are right. /Thats right. /I agree (with you). /Yes. /I think so. /(That) sounds good/interesting. /great. /Its great. /Wonderful. /GreatIV. 1. He used to smoke, didnt/used he? 2. Turn this sentence into English 3. In

22、some ways you are right 4. From time to time he fired questions at me. 5. All my life I have tried to be an honest man 6. to take action to improve the situation 7. because of rain 8. will take place 9. communicate with each other on the Internet10. turn on, weatherV. 1. 有好習(xí)慣的人經(jīng)常通過使用這些有魔力的詞匯與別人很好交流。

23、 2. Youd better sit down and write a thank-you note. 3. “謝謝”這類詞非常重要并且經(jīng)常被使用。 4. 當(dāng)我們需要某些東西的時候,我們也應(yīng)該使用它。 5. We should learn to say sorry too.1. how 2.important 3.only 4.repeat 5.help 6. missed 7.after 8.classmates 9. mistakes 10. find . One possible version :Water is very important to people. We cant l

24、ive without water. There is less and less clean water on the earth. But some people dont seem to care of that. They waste a lot of water. They pour dirty water into rivers, lakes and pollute them. They throw rubbish into them, too. Water pollution is a serious problem now. We must take action to sto

25、p the pollution and save water. We must protect the water. If we dont, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop.( 可自由發(fā)揮)Unit 2單元過關(guān)卷時間:100分鐘滿分:120分聽力部分(20分).關(guān)鍵詞語選擇(每小題1分,滿分5分)1AsuchBsoCas2AfeelBfallCfoot3AmarryBmarriedCmiss4ArelativesBrideCdirect5Atake photosBtake a direct flightCtake a boat trip.短

26、對話理解(每小題1分,滿分5分)6Where does the girl want to go?A. B. C. 7Where is the bookshop?A. B. C. 8What does the man want to buy?A. B. C. 9What does the boy think is the most useful invention?A. B. C. 10What are they talking about?A. B. C. .長對話理解(每小題1分,滿分5分)聽下面一段對話,回答第11 、12小題。11When did Bill get up yesterda

27、y?A7:30 am.B8:00 am.C8:30 am.12Where did Bill go yesterday afternoon?AHe went to the museum.BHe went to the cinema.CHe went to the zoo.聽下面一段對話,回答第1315小題。13When will Simon go to Beijing?AThis weekend.BTomorrow.CNext week.14How will Simon go to Beijing?ABy car.BBy bus.CBy plane.15What does Simon do?AA

28、 cook.BA teacher.CA worker.短文理解(每小題1分,滿分5分)16Whats the speaker doing?ATalking to the tourists.BHelping some friends.CHaving a class in London.17Wherere the tourists?AIn the London Museum.BOn the way to London.COn the River Thames.18Whats the population(人口) of London according to the speaker?AAbout 1

29、.7 million.BAbout 7 million.CAbout 17 million.19What kind of place is London in the guides eyes?APoor and boring.BBusy and boring.CBusy and beautiful.20What do we know from the talk?ATherere many parks and gardens in London.BPeople in London dont like to help foreign tourists.CPeople working in Lond

30、on have a lot of time to visit museums.筆試部分(100分).單項填空(每小題1.5分,滿分15分)21This is _ film Ive told you many times.Its perfect. Ive never seen _ better one.Aa; aBa; theCthe; aDthe; the22How was your summer camp, Ben?_! I made so many friends.AFantasticBNot reallyCBoringDOf course23When did your father _

31、your mother?About 15 years ago.Aget marriedBmarryCmarry toDhave been married24You have a nice car.Thank you .I _ it for less than one month.AboughtBhave boughtChadDhave had25I cant find my notebook anywhere. Im afraid I _it.AloseBlostChave lostDwas losing26We are going to take photos with our Englis

32、h teacher _ this term.Ain the endBat the endCat the end ofDby the end27What age did you leave home?I left home at 20.I _ this country for five years.Ahave gone toBhave been toChave been inDhave come to28Are you going out with Jade tonight?Thats my _Mind your own!AofferBbusinessCquestionDchance29The

33、shopping mall _ for two years, but I _ there only once.Ahas opened; has goneBhas opened; have beenChas been open; have goneDhas been open; have been30What about going to Marco Polo Flowers Ocean Theme Park this Sunday, Cathy?_! Well have a lot of fun there.AGood luckBNever mindCSounds greatDCertainl

34、y not.完形填空(每小題1分,滿分10分)A few days ago, I sat in the sofa watching TV. Just then, I got a _(31) from a friend of mine. I havent seen him _(32) a very long time. We talked about our school days on the phone, and then he started talking about his _(33)His mother was badly ill in hospital. She couldnt s

35、leep at night and often _(34) to herself. My friend was angry _(35) her and asked his mother _(36) talking. After that, his mother didnt say anything. The doctor said she had a kind of mental disease (心理疾病),and she couldnt look after herself like a normal person. My friend was very sad. He thought i

36、t was his fault (過錯)My friend _(37) like a baby on the telephone. He said that he could do _(38) if his mother became better.Do you know _(39) our parents love us and care for us all the time? I think we should _(40) love our parents and take care of them. A good relationship with your parents can m

37、ake you be a better and happier person. It is worth having a try!31AletterBemailCcallDmessage32AinBforCatDof33AmotherBfatherCbrotherDsister34AtalkedBtalkCto talkDtalking35AtoBaboutCforDwith 36AstopBto stopCstoppedDnot to stop37AcriedBshoutedClaughedDheard 38AsomethingBanythingCnothingDnone39AwhatBwh

38、omCwhereDthat 40AtooBeitherCalsoDelse.補全對話(有兩項多余)(每小題1分,滿分5分)A: What are you going to be in the future?B: (41)_ A: That sounds interesting. Maybe you will fly to the moon.B:(42)_ But my parents dont agree with me.A: Why?B:(43)_A: They are right.B: And if I am an astronaut, I will be away from them f

39、or a long time.A: (44)_So what do they want you to be? B: A doctor.A:(45)_B: Maybe, but its less exciting.AThats true. BI want to be an astronaut(宇航員)CWell, thats also a good job.DI hope so. EI like reading and writing.FBecause they think being an astronaut is dangerous.GI will travel all over the w

40、orld.閱讀理解(每小題3分,滿分45分)ABury tripJune 18th, 2016We will be leaving the Perse School at 13:45.Please be at the school gate 10 minutes early.If you are late, you may miss the bus and not be able to go! If you miss the bus, you wont get your money back.The bus is planned to arrive in Bury at 14:30, alth

41、ough this depends on traffic. You will have free time to walk around and we will meet at the same location where we arrived at 17:15 to return to the Perse School by about 18:00.Things to doVisit the Abbey The Abbey is the ruin (廢墟)of a church which was built more than 1,000 years ago. There are man

42、y nice gardens in it. And next to the Abbey, there is a big new church.Have a drink in the Nutshell This little bar is famous in Britain because it is officially (正式地)the smallest bar in the country. Good things are put in small bags, and the Nutshell serves some of the areas finest beer, as well as

43、 fascinating photos.Have a look at a beer shop At the Greene King shop you can taste and buy some of the local beer, as well as food such as potato chips. There are also clothes available to buy.Several places are listed, but feel free to plan your own visit.46If Sara wants to take part in the trip,

44、 when should she arrive at the Perse School gate?AAt 13:35.BAt 13:45.CAt 14:20.DAt 14:30.47What can we see in the Abbey?AA big museum.BTall towers.CNice gardens.DA new church.48The Nutshell is famous in Britain because of its_ .Asmall sizeBgood serviceCbest beerDinteresting photos 49What can we buy

45、at the Greene King shop?beerpotato chipspostcardsbooks clothes ABCD BHouse For Sale Red Rose Garden, Pudong A 3storey house, 509 sqm total (總的) land area, 428.8 sqm built in, 312.9 sqm garden .Asking RMB 13 million (USD 1.57 million)Tel: 02158609228Job Wanted Cherry, 24, a shining girl,is good at or

46、al English and Putonghua. Now I am working for an international trade (國際貿(mào)易) company in Guangzhou.I am kindhearted, hardworking and healthy, and would like part time work offering Putonghua lessons to foreign friends on the weekend. If you are interested, please email me at cherryifhotmail.Beijing S

47、now World Ski ParkPrice: 18 yuan (ticket), 50 yuan / hour on weekdays and 70 yuan / hour on weekends, 120 yuan/four hours on weekdays and 190 yuan/four hours on weekends Tel:0106919161750If an Australian student wants to learn Chinese, he or she can_Acall at 02158609228 Btelephone 01069191617Cemail

48、at cherryifhotmail Dcall Cherry51How many square meters is the garden of the house for sale?A509 sqm.B428.8 sqm.C312.9 sqm.D741.7 sqm.52Where is Cherry working now?AIn Shanghai.BIn Guangzhou.CIn Beijing.DIn Pudong.53If you want to ski for eight hours on weekdays, how much money will you pay at least

49、?A240 yuan.B138 yuan.C258 yuan.D398 yuan.CThe Disneyland in Los Angeles is the first Disney theme park in the world. The park is in Anaheim(阿納海姆),about 40 kilometres southeast of Los Angeles .They built it in 1955.If you come to the Disneyland, you will feel like stepping into a fantasy land. When y

50、ou enter the park, all the Disney cartoon stars like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Piglet will welcome you and take you into a fairy world.Look! The castle with a sharp top is the sign of the Disneyland. Snow White will welcome you to the castle. In the castle, you will find the Sleeping Beauty. Eve

51、n the evil witch is smiling at you. And then you can take a boat to a “Small World”You can see many little persons singing and dancing there. They are wearing pretty traditional clothes from different countries. You can travel with Pinocchio. You can ride Arthurs horse and fly with Peter Pan!54The D

52、isneyland is _Ain the southwest of Los AngelesBin the centre of Los AngelesCin the southeast of AnaheimDabout 40 kilometres away from Los Angeles55The Disneyland in Los Angeles is a_ built in 1955.Atheme park Bmagic landCstrange land Dscary land56You can see _ in the theme park.AMickey Mouse and Don

53、ald DuckBPiglet and Sleeping BeautyCSnow WhiteDAll of the above.57If you want to visit the “Small World”, you must go there _Aby planeBby boatCby busDon footDRock climbing is a popular hobby that many people enjoy doing. You can do it indoors on special walls or outdoors on real mountains. There are

54、 many advantages of rock climbingit is fun and it also helps people forget worries.The most important equipment(設(shè)備)to have is good shoes .They need to be half a size smaller than your usual size .The next thing you need is a harness(保護(hù)帶)This allows you to move freely,but will hold you up if you fall

55、 .Its important to know how to use your equipment .If you are a beginner,its best to have lessons. A climber with experience can help you a lot in the beginning.Rock climbing is very exciting for people of different ages. Climbers,however,must be careful not to pollute the environment .Sometimes roc

56、k climbers leave rubbish on the mountains where they climb. They should take it with them and throw it away. This will allow future climbers to enjoy a clean environment.58What advantages does rock climbing have?(不超過10個詞)_59What equipment does a climber need?(不超過10個詞)_60How can climbers help protect

57、 the environment while climbing?(不超過15個詞)_.單詞拼寫(每小題1分,滿分5分)61It takes us less time to go to Beijing because the s_(速度)of trains has increased a lot.62Because of the bad weather, our b_(生意)hasnt been good for weeks.63Ill treat you to some d_(美味的) food at my house.64Nobody knows the ideas e_(除了之外)you.

58、65What a really f_(美妙的)time we are having in the zoo!.書面表達(dá)(滿分20分)假設(shè)你是李華,請根據(jù)下面表格中的提示,用英語寫一篇日記,敘述你今天參加的一次郊游活動,并簡要談?wù)勀愕母惺堋;顒拥攸c距離你家約十公里的里湖交通工具騎自行車活動時間1.上午九點出發(fā) 2.十點到達(dá) 3.下午五點半返回活動內(nèi)容自定(至少談及三項活動)要點:1. 日記必須包含表格中所有信息,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;2文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的人名和校名;3不少于80詞。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。參考詞匯:outing郊游 Li Lake里湖Today I went for a pleasant

59、outing with my friends._Unit 2單元過關(guān)卷聽力部分聽力材料:.1. The park is so beautiful. I want to go there again.2Do you often feel good?3When I am in Shanghai, I often miss my parents.4She bought a lot of presents for her relatives and friends.5We will take a boat trip to Nanjing next month.6.W:Excuse me, could

60、you tell me where the nearest bus stop is? M:Sure. Go along this street, and then youll find it on your right.7W:We can take a bus to the bookshop .It is beside the post office. M:OK .See you tomorrow.8W:Good morning, sir! What can I do for you? M:Im looking for a dress for my daughter .Its her birt


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