



1、2023屆高考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷考生請(qǐng)注意:1答題前請(qǐng)將考場(chǎng)、試室號(hào)、座位號(hào)、考生號(hào)、姓名寫(xiě)在試卷密封線內(nèi),不得在試卷上作任何標(biāo)記。2第一部分選擇題每小題選出答案后,需將答案寫(xiě)在試卷指定的括號(hào)內(nèi),第二部分非選擇題答案寫(xiě)在試卷題目指定的位置上。3考生必須保證答題卡的整潔??荚嚱Y(jié)束后,請(qǐng)將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1I really dont know _ she gets by on such a modest salary.Awhat BwhyChow Dthat2Linda _ to her mother for so long that she

2、figures out almost every gesture of her mothers.AattendedBhad attendedCwould attendDhas attended3-Good evening. Huangshan Hotel. -Good evening. _?ADo you still have a room for tonight BWhat would you like, pleaseCIs there anything I can do for you DWho is that speaking, please4The man was in a _ con

3、dition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far north Queensland.Askeptical BcriticalCpractical Dphysical5Some of them, _ in rural villages, had never seen a train.Ato be born and brought upBborn and brought upChaving born and brought upDhaving been born and brought up

4、6Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, on you feet.Ato keepBkeepingChaving keptDto have kept7They have leading experts in this field, and thats _ theyve made important progress.A where B why C whether D who8Zhouqu, Gansu was attacked by such a terrible mud-rock flow few residents h

5、ad ever experienced before.AasBwhichCwhereDthat9Whenever you _ a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of view.AboughtBhave boughtCwill buyDbuy10One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem _ it becomes an emergency.AwhenBbeforeCafterDunless11Do you

6、 know Linda was fired for her casual attitude towards the job?No wonder she _ when I tried to amuse her this morning.Awas tickled pinkBpulled my legCgave me the cold shoulderDsaw the handwriting on the wall12We should go by bus _ we can get there earlier.A as soon as B where C in order that D when13

7、I was afraid I would miss the important lecture.Oh, was that why you _asking me to speed up?Ahad keptBare keepingCwould keepDkept14Many of us see reading as an investment in ourselves,so its only natural that we want to learn something useful _ our efforts.Ain view of Bin response toCin parallel wit

8、h Din return for15- Are you free now? I have something interesting to tell you.-OK, you make it short I will have to work on this term paper due tomorrow.Anow that Bas soon asCevery time Das long as16Having been treated in the hospital for as long as six months, the man injured in the car crash is n

9、ow eventually back _ his feet.AatBinConDto17Having lost something in the cloakroom,I went inside to get it,and found Roy _ the pockets of peoples coats.Agoing aroundBgoing afterCgoing againstDgoing through18Thanks for your useful advice; otherwise I _ such rapid progress.Adidnt makeBcouldnt have mad

10、eChadnt madeDshouldnt have made19The infrastructure project has consumed so much money that we cant find any financial support and have to _.Apull outBpull throughCcatch upDcatch on20How did it come about _ a quiet person should appear so wild today?AwhetherBthatCifDwhat第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的

11、A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。21(6分)In my very first job with some archaeologists, I wasnt digging objects out of the ground, instead I was employed as an artist, drawing what they found. However, I was soon more interested in the stories behind the objects than in drawing them and thats how my career in arch

12、aeology started. I still draw what I find in my work as a specialist on the Silk Road, the old trade route running from Egypt to Mongolia, and I also work on some underwater projects too.In archaeology, my all-time hero is an American called Raphael Pumpelly. I first heard about him when I was a stu

13、dent on a trip to Turkmenistan, a country right in the heart of Asia. To get around the country, I had to learn Russian so that I could speak to the local people. When I got there I thought, “Wow! Im one of the first Americans here!” Then an old man told me about an American archaeologist, Raphael P

14、umpelly, who was there doing the same thing over 100 years ago.Archaeologys in my family. My wifes in the same profession, and, although our two boys arent interested in the future in archaeology themselves, weve been on some great digs together and they love what we do because they get to travel wi

15、th us. Last summer, we took them to Lake Titicaca in South America, in the high areas of the Andes mountain range. My best experience was when I was digging on the Egyptian Red Sea coast. Theres very little rain and its so dry that everything is kept as it was. In an old house, where the owner used

16、to store goods from the ships that came in, I picked up a 700-year-old mat in front of the house and there, under it, after all that time, was the house key with the owners name carved on it. It felt like he could be on his way home any minute! And I thought, “Hey, I do just that. This mans not much

17、 different to me!”1、While working in Egypt, what did the writer find so interesting?AThat people from different centuries can be so similar.BThe fact that the doormat was in such good condition.CThe way the people managed to live in such a dry place.DThat there had been so much trade in that area.2、

18、Which entry will the writer probably make in his diary?ATurkmenistan is interesting. Im the first American to come here but Im glad this is my last trip away.BI have been diving today and found some objects for an exhibition. Ive just finished drawing them for my records.CI wish my children werent m

19、ore interested in archaeology and would not work hard in the open like their parents.DIts nearly dark but Raphaels still busy digging in that old house. He can be very annoying. He thinks hes the most important person here.3、What is the writers main purpose in writing the text?ATo describe the life

20、of an archaeologist he admires.BTo persuade people to take up archaeology as a career.CTo explain what he enjoys about being an archaeologist.DTo show how archaeologists work.22(8分)We all have some people whom we respect very much, like our family members, our friends or our teachers.Respect often m

21、eans different things to different people. There are several aspects that many people can agree on, though. For example, at its most basic level, respect means being kind and considerate to others.Respect can take many forms. Dont make fun of others. Put yourself in other peoples shoes and think abo

22、ut how they feel. Remember the Golden Rule: treat others the same way youd want to be treated.Respect is important because it sets the proper stage for all our human interactions. Friendship, love, and even basic communication must all start with respect.Everyone wants to be respected. To get respec

23、t, though, you must also show respect for others. Its always a two-way street. You cant be impolite to others and expect respect in return.Its easy to show respect. Be polite. Look for the best in people rather than concentrating on their mistakes. Show compassion to others and try to put their inte

24、rests before your own. Make others comfortable when theyre uneasy. Help out whenever you can. When you pay it forward, amazing things can happen.And be respectful to everyone. The world is an unbelievably huge place filled with billions of people, each one of whom is unique and special. And they all

25、 deserve your respect!Be careful, though. Not everyone will show you respect all the time. In fact, youll probably see examples of impolite behaviour each and every day. How you respond to impolite behaviour, though, can make a huge difference.If you choose to respond to impolite behaviour by acting

26、 rudely yourself, youve gained nothing. Youve only continued the pattern of impolite behaviour and set a bad example. Instead, act respectfully and set a good example. Consistently acting respectfully might just help others learn from your example!1、According to the Golden Rule, _.Ayoud better walk

27、in others shoesByou cant play jokes on other peopleCyou should pay attention to your feelingsDthe way you are treated depends on yourself2、By saying “Its always a two-way street” in Paragraph 4, the writer probably wants to tell us “_”.APeople should respect each other BIt is always safe to walk in

28、the streetCSome leave and others come back DThere is only one street to go through3、The fifth paragraph is mainly written to tell us _.Awhere to find respect Bhow to correct mistakesCwhen to help others in time Dhow to show respect for others4、According to the passage, what should we do if someone i

29、s impolite to us?AShow him/her true respect. BLeave him/her alone.CBe kind to him/her sometimes. DSet a special example to others.23(8分)This message is to inform all the children that Santas post office in Himmelpfort, Germany, is open to receive your holiday wishes. That means you can mail your let

30、ters to Santa about 6 weeks sooner than that last year. Santa knows youve been good and wants to make sure he and his helpers receive your wish list earlier.Eight post offices are organized across Germany to answer all the letters children send. This year they plan to receive over 250,000 letters. T

31、hough the letters fly from over 80 different countries, Santa and his helpers can understand and make sure to answer all the letters.In 1984, two children from Berlin sent their wish lists to Himmelpfort after spending their vacation there. Their letters were answered by postal employees and later H

32、immelpfort increased its helpers to meet the needs of increased mail traffic. Year after year, Santa and his crew use an eco-friendly powered vehicle to collect the thousands of letters they receive from young boys and girls. The great news for this year is that if you come to the beautiful town of

33、Himmelpfort, you can drop off your letter and visit Santa in person, from Tuesdays to Thursdays until Christmas Eve.Santa does not currently have an e-mail, Twitter or a Facebook account. He believes in old-fashioned communication. So get out your paper and write your wish list. Just make sure your

34、letter is clear so you can receive an official response. Send your letters toSantaChristmas Post OfficeHimmelpfort Germany 167981、This year Santa and his helpers .Aare eager to receive more wishesBkeep traveling around 80 countriesCare able to receive kids letters earlierDanswer most of the letters

35、for kids2、From the 3rd paragraph, we know that .Achildren from Berlin like spending holidays in HimmelpfortBpost offices send kids all the presents they ask forCSanta uses a powered vehicle because of the heavy mail trafficDchildren can visit Santa in the flesh before Christmas Eve this year3、Santa

36、doesnt have social communications online probably because he .Ais not sure about the online securityBtrusts traditional ways of communicationCprefers official and formal lettersDthinks written letters are clearer than e-mails4、This text is intended for .Atourists coming to HimmelpfortBteenagers pref

37、erring writing lettersCparents preparing for ChristmasDchildren planning to write to Santa24(8分)You can see a sea turtle named Herman, an octopus ( 章魚(yú)) called Octavia, and a seal named Lidia at the Smithsonians National Zoo in Washington, DCRather than real animals, they are actually artworks made o

38、ut of plastic trash from the ocean.These artworks are part of a traveling exhibit called “Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea”. The Washed Ashore project, led by the artist called Pozzi, works to raise awareness about plastic pollution in Earths oceans.More than 315 billion pounds of plastic litter t

39、he worlds oceans today. Most of the plastic is garbage from towns and cities, as well as trash that people leave on beaches. Rainwater, winds, and high tides bring the trash into the ocean or into rivers that lead to the ocean. Once it is under the waves, the plastic begins to break up into smaller

40、and smaller pieces.Thousands of sea animals die each year from eating plastic bags and other things. Each year, millions more pounds of plastic end up in the ocean. A recent study found that if that continues, by 2050 the total weight of plastic will be more than that of all the fish in the ocean.Th

41、e Washed Ashore project is working to stop that from happening. Since 2010, Washed Ashore volunteers have collected 38,000 pounds of plastic trash from more than 300 miles of beaches. They helped Pozzi create more than 60 artworks of sea creatures harmed by plastic pollution.“These artworks are a po

42、werful reminder of our personal role and global responsibility in preserving biodiversity (生物多樣性) on land and in the sea,” says Dennis Kelly, director of the National Zoo.1、What is the purpose of the artworks shown at the Smithsonians National Zoo?ATo let people know about animals in the ocean.BTo i

43、ntroduce one way of recycling plastic trash.CTo warn people of plastic pollution in the ocean.DTo show Pozzis great gift for creating artworks.2、According to the passage, what is the source of plastic pollution in the ocean?AGarbage from towns and cities. BTrash left on beaches by people.CPlastic ba

44、gs broken up by waves. DLitter created by human activities.3、The data in Paragraph 5 is given to prove that .Aplastic pollution will be more serious in the oceanBmore and more artworks of sea creatures will be madeCthe Washed Ashore project has made great achievementsDvolunteers can solve the ocean

45、pollution successfully by 20504、Whats Dennis Kellys attitude towards the artworks?AWorried. BSupportive.CDoubtful. DUnconcerned.5、What would be the best title for the text?ATurning Trash into Art BWorking for Washed AshoreCCollecting Plastic Trash DStopping Environmental Pollution25(10分)The discussi

46、on on renewable energy has been going on for at least a decade and people have relied on fossil fuels almost entirely for more than a century. However, the situation when fossil fuels were the most efficient and the cheapest source of energy has been left far in the past. Many countries such as Germ

47、any and Sweden have already made significant efforts to fix this situation, employing numerous power plants working on the renewable resources of energy. The most effective among these resources is geothermal(地?zé)岬模〆nergy.Geothermal energy does not depend on the worlds economic and political situation

48、 as strongly as fossil fuels do. Besides, extracting(提煉)fossil fuels adds to the price of energy produced from them. Therefore, geothermal energy is much cheaper than traditional ones, saving up to 80% of the costs over fossil fuels.Being a renewable resource, geothermal energy produces less waste a

49、nd pollution than traditional energy sources. In geothermal systems, carbon dioxide makes up about 10% of air produced. Overall, in order to produce the electricity that can be used for one hour, the geothermal systems produce 0.1 pound of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. For a comparison, a

50、power plant producing from gas produces up to 2 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and those power plants that work on coal(煤)produce an astonishing 3.6 pounds of greenhouse gases.Low costs is another reason why using geothermal power plants should be the first choice for many countries.

51、Geothermal heat systems require 25% to 50% less energy for work compared with the traditional systems for heating or cooling. Besides, geothermal equipment is less big: due to the very nature of geothermal energy, geothermal power plants have only a few moving parts, all of which can be easily shelt

52、ered inside a relatively small building. Whats more, the life span of geothermal equipment is rather long. All these make geothermal power stations easy to build and keep.1、Fossil fuels are more expensive than geothermal energy partly because _.Ait is free to use geothermal energyBthe production of

53、fossil fuels costs a lotCfossil fuels are nearly used upDgeothermal energy doesnt depend on political situation2、According to Paragraph 3, what can be concluded from the comparison?AGeothermal energy is environmentally friendly.BGas and coal are often used to produce electricity.CCoal is much more e

54、fficient than gas.DThe geothermal systems dont produce harmful gases.3、Geothermal equipment is usually not as big as that of traditional energy because of_.Athe life span of geothermal equipment Bgeothermal power plantsCthe nature of geothermal energy Dthe small buildings4、What is the main idea of t

55、his passage?AMany countries have benefited from geothermal energy.BGeothermal energy is well accepted.CFossil fuels are being run out of.DGeothermal energy has many advantages.第三部分 語(yǔ)言知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)26(30分)A very wealthy man was standing thoughtf

56、ully on a bridgeDespite all his riches,he could feel none of happiness but 1 and emptiness in his heartHe 2 to commit suicide by jumping into the fast-flowing waterWhen he was about to do it,an old beggar 3 him“Sir,please give me some money to buy some foodI will pray for your health and long life”H

57、earing this,he 4 his wallet from his pocket and gave all the money inside to the beggar“Take all of this,”he said“All of this?” the beggar 5 He could not believe his good luck“Yes,take it allI am going to a place where I wont need it anymore,said the manHe looked back at the river 6 The beggar becam

58、e suspicious of the mans 7 Looking at the money,and holding it for a while,he 8 returned it and said,“No,thank youI wont take it! I may be a beggar but Im not a coward(懦夫)!Bring that money with you to the river,sir!”Hearing his response,the man was 9 The satisfaction and happiness of him 10 his mone

59、y to the beggar disappeared immediatelyHe was not even able to make the beggar receive his sincere soon-to-be-useless moneyAt that moment,he suddenly 11 the feeling that he felt just now,that good feeling and satisfaction from giving others happiness,had indeed 12 become his own true happinessBy thi

60、s he was encouraged,and had found what would make his life worth livingHappiness is only real when 13 1、AeagernesBpovertyCsorrowDsuccess2、AstruggledBwonderedCmanagedDintended3、AapproachedBinterruptedCpersuadedDshouted4、Apicked upBtook outCreached forDhanded in5、ArecalledBrefusedCrepeatedDretold6、Aaw


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