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1、Unit1How do you study for a test .一、導入1 一只小狗爬上你的餐桌,向一只燒雞爬去,你大怒道:你敢對那只燒雞怎樣,我就敢對你怎樣,結(jié)果小狗舔了一下雞屁股,你昏倒,小狗樂道:小樣看誰狠; 2 你走在路上,一母狗撲向你,從你的腳上咬了一塊肉,快速吞下去,你伸腳剛要踢它的時候,狗含著淚說:你打吧,反正我肚里已經(jīng)有了你的骨肉!二、學問點回憶略三、( 1)專題講解專題 1:重點詞匯、短語1、基本短語1.by doing 通過做某事 15.last for long 連續(xù)了很長時間 2.practice doing 練習做某事 16.regard as 把 當作 /視為

2、3.the best way to do sth 做某事的最好方法 17.try ones best to do sth 盡力做 4.get excited about 對 感到興奮 18.with the help of. 在某人的幫忙下 5.end up doing 以做 終止 19.stay angry 連續(xù)憤怒 6.make mistakes 犯錯誤 20.unless 假如不 ,除非 7.join the English club 加入英語俱樂部 21.break off 突然中止,中斷 8.To begin with. 以 .開頭 22.take notes 記筆記 9.later

3、 on 以后,隨后 23.deal with 處理,應對 10.laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 24.too to. 太 而不能 11.make up 編造 25.be angry with sb =be mad at sb 生某人的氣 12.decide to do sth 打算做某事 26.look up 通過字典查閱13.It doesnt matter 沒關(guān)系 27.Time goes by 時間飛逝 14.be terrified of sth/doing sth 28.have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困難 be afraid to do sth 可怕某

4、事 /做某事 29. not.at all 根本不 2、短語過關(guān)向某人求助 ask sb _ help 制作抽認卡 make _ 1 / 10 玩的高興 have _ 處理 _ with 終止說英語 end up _ English 英語口語 _ English 嘲笑 . laugh _ 練習說英語 practice _ English 大聲朗讀 read _ 時間消逝 Time _ _ 在- 幫忙下 _ the help of 對- 感愛好 be _ in 在- 校隊 _ the school team 如此多的時間 so _ time 犯錯誤 make _ 談天 _ with 第一 _ o

5、f all 一個 8 歲的男孩 _ _ boy 有樂趣做 have fun_ 支付 _ for _ ones _令某人驚訝的是看英文節(jié)目 _ English programs 做某事有困難 have _ in _ sth 為- 感到自豪 take _ in 查字典 look _ the dictionary 轉(zhuǎn)變某人的想法change ones _另一件事 _ thing 3、重點詞匯、短語解讀1.by + doing 通過 方式 如: by studying with a group by 仍可以表示:“在 旁”、“ 靠近 ” 如: I live by the river. “在 以前 ”、

6、“ 截止 為止 “如: I have to go back by ten oclock“乘交通工具 ”如: The student went to park by bus. 2. talk about 談論,爭論 如: The students often talk about movie after class. 同學們常常在課后爭論電影;talk to sb. = talk with sb. 與某人說話3. 提建議的句子 :What/ how about +doingsth. 如: What/ How about going shopping. Why dont you + dosth.

7、如: Why don t you go shopping. Why not + dosth. . 如: Why not go shopping. Let s + do sth. 如: Let s go shopping4. a lot 很多 常用于句末 如: I eat a lot. 我吃了很多;a lot of 很多 用于句中 如: Opening a hotel needs a lot of money. 2 / 10 5.too to太 而不能 常用的句型 too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 結(jié)構(gòu) too +adj. +to do sth 可用 not enough t

8、o do 和 so that 句式改寫 Eg: 他太小了,不能去上學;(用三種句型翻譯)so that_ too +adj. +to do sth not enough to do 6. aloud, loud 與 loudly 的用法 :三個詞都與 大聲 或洪亮 有關(guān); aloud 是副詞 ,重點在出聲能讓人聽見,但聲音不肯定很大,用在讀書或說話上;通常放在動詞之后; aloud 沒有比較級形式;如: He read the story aloud to his son. 他朗讀那篇故事給他兒子聽; loud 可作 形容詞 或副詞;用作副詞時 之后;,常與 speak, talk, laug

9、h 等動詞連用 ,多用于比較級 ,須放在動詞如: She told us to speak a little louder. 她讓我們說大聲一點; loudly 是副詞 ,與 loud 同義 ,有時兩者可替換使用,但往往含有令人厭惡或打攪別人的意思,可位于動詞之前或之后;如: He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不當眾大聲談笑;7. not at all 一點也不,根本不如: I like milk very much. I do nt like coffee at all. 我特別喜愛牛奶;我一點也不喜愛咖啡; not 常常

10、可以和助動詞結(jié)合在一起,at all 就放在句尾8. be / get excited about sth.= be / get excited about doing sth. = be excited to do sth. 對 感興奮如: I am / get excited about going to Beijing.= I am excited to go to Beijing. 我對去北京感到興奮;9. end up doing sth 終止做某事,終止做某事如: The party ended up singing. 晚會以唱歌而終止; end up with sth. 以 終止

11、如: The party ended up with a song. 晚會以一首歌曲而告終;10. first of all 第一. to begin with. 以.開頭 later on 后來、隨后11. also 也、而且 (用于確定句)常在句子的中間 如: either 也(用于 否定句 )常在句末 如: too 也 用于確定句 常在句末如:3 / 10 12. make mistakes 犯錯 如: I often make mistakes. 我常常犯錯; make a mistake 犯一個錯誤 如: I have made a mistake. 我已經(jīng)犯了一個錯誤;13. la

12、ugh at sb. 笑話;取笑(某人)如: Dont laugh at me. 不要取笑我 . 14. take notes 做筆記,做記錄 15. enjoy doing sth . 喜愛做 愿意做 如: She enjoys playing football. 她喜愛踢足球; enjoy oneself 過得開心 如: He enjoyed himself. 他過得開心;16. native speaker 說本族語的人 17. make up 組成、構(gòu)成 如: Twelve girls make up the team. 18. one of +the+ 形容詞比較級 +名詞復數(shù)形式

13、其中之一 如: She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受歡迎的老師之一;形容詞 +for sb. to do sth.對于某人來說 做某事 19. It 如: It s difficult for me to study English. 對于我來說學習英語太難了;句中的 it 是形式主語, 真正的主語 是 to study English 20. practice doing 練習做某事 如: She often practice speaking English. 她常常練習說英語;21. decide to do sth.打算做某事 如:

14、 LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing . 李雷已經(jīng)打算去北京;22. unless 假如不,除非(引導條件狀語從句)如: You will fail unless you work hard.假如你不努力,你會失?。籌 won t write unless he writes first. 除非他先寫,要不我不寫 23. deal with 處理 如: I dealt with a lot of problems. 24. worry about sb./ sth. 擔憂某人 / 某事 如: Mother worried about his son just

15、now. 媽媽剛才擔憂他的兒子;25. be angry with sb. 對某人憤怒如: I was angry with her. 我對她憤怒;26. perhaps = maybe 或許 27. go by 時間 過去 如: Two years went by. 兩年過去了;28. see sb. doing sth 觀察某人正在做某事 強調(diào)正在發(fā)生see sb. do sth 觀察某人在做了某事事情做完了 如: She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom. 她觀察他正在教室里畫畫;29. each other 彼此 4 / 10 30.

16、 regard as 把 看作為 . 如: The boys regarded Anna as a fool. 這些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜;31. too many 很多 修飾可數(shù)名詞 如: too many girls too much 很多 修飾不行數(shù)名詞 如: too much milk much too 太 修飾形容詞 如:( much) too beautiful 32. Changeinto 將 變?yōu)?如: The magician changed the pen into a book. 這個魔術(shù)師將這本書變?yōu)橐槐緯?3. with the help of sb. = with o

17、ne 在某人的幫忙下如: with the help of LiLei = with LiLei 在李雷的幫忙下34. compare to 把 與 相比如: Compare you to Anna, you are lucky. 你和安娜相比,你是幸運的;35. instead 代替 用在句末,副詞(字面上常不譯出來) instead of sth. / doing sth. 代替,而不是 用在句中,動詞如: Last summer I went to Beijing. This year Im going to Shanghai instead.去年夏天我去北京 , 今年我將要去上海; I

18、 will go instead of you. 我將代替你去;He stayed at home instead of going swimming. 他呆在家里而不是去游泳;專題 2:重點語法1. 動詞不定式做后置定語The best way to learn English is reading aloud. The fastest way to travel is by plane 2. 動名詞: 在動詞后加ing 為動名詞doing ,相當于名詞,在句子中可以做主語、賓語、表語、定語等;1作主語(謂語為第三人稱單數(shù))Memorizing the words of pop songs

19、also helps a little. 記流行歌曲的詞也起作用;Swimming is good for our health. 2作賓語 在動詞 keeppracticefinish enjoyhatebe busymind 后 只用 ing 作賓語Eg. We should keep speaking English in class. He often practices singing in the morning. I have finished reading the book. Would you mind opening the door. 5 / 10 3作表語Babysi

20、sters job is washing, cooking and taking care of the children ; 3.現(xiàn)在完成時A. 表示過去發(fā)生或已經(jīng)完成的動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果,或從過去已經(jīng)開頭,連續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作或狀態(tài); 現(xiàn)在完成常常用時間狀語有recently , lately , since+時間點,for+ 數(shù)字 +時間, in the past few months/years 等 確定形式: have/has + done 否定形式 :have/has + not +done 一般疑問句 : have或 has放于句首;B. 現(xiàn)在完成時的用法1)現(xiàn)在完成時所表示

21、的動作在說話之前已完成,而對現(xiàn)在有影響; Eg. The car has arrived. 車子來了;(結(jié)果:車子已在門口) Someone has broken the window.有人把窗戶打破了;(結(jié)果:窗戶仍破著)區(qū)分: have been to, have gone to, have been in have been to,表示 去過 某個地方,不過現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回來了例如:Have you been to Beijing before. 你以前去過北京么?have gone to 表示 去了 ,但仍沒有回來 例如: A: Is Mr.Wang at home. B: No,he is

22、 not in, he has gone to Shenzhen. have been in 指的是 在 某個地方,從過去始終連續(xù)到現(xiàn)在 例如: My family have been in Hong Kong since 1998. 2)現(xiàn)在完成時所表示的動作開頭于過去,連續(xù)到現(xiàn)在;常用 for 和 since 表示一段時間的狀語或 so far,today,this week month ,year等表示包括現(xiàn)在時間在內(nèi)的狀語;eg.He has studied English for 5 years. He has studied English since 2022. Now I ha

23、ve not finished the work. (2)變式練習 一 .單項挑選 1. Look at the old man. He makes money selling old books. A. in B. for C. at D. by 6 / 10 2. - How do you improve you English. - By . A.read and speak B.to read and to speak C.reading and speaking D.reading and speak 3. Did you find very interesting to play

24、football. A. this B.its C. that D. it 4. -Many students dont know how to _ stress. -I think theyd better ask their teachers for help. A. argue with B. deal with C. quarrel with D. come up with 5. The sports meeting will continue it rains this afternoon. A. but B. since C. as soon as D.unless 6. _ it

25、 doesnt rain tomorrow, well go to the beach. A.If B. Although C. Unless D. Because 7. The teacher asked Tom a difficult question in class. A. answer B. answering C. to answer D. answered 8. - Our country _ a lot so far . - Yes . I hope it will be even _ . A.has changed ; well B.changed ; good C.has

26、changed ; better D.changed ; better 9.Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years . A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied D. are ; studying 10. His father _ the Party since 1978 . A. joined B. has joined C. was in D. has been in 二、同義句轉(zhuǎn)換 1. Why dont you learn English by making flashc

27、ards. Why English by making flashcards. 2. I find sleeping well important. I find sleeping well important. I find important well. 3. I dont know how I can use the computer. I dont know use the computer. 四、鞏固練習 一、挑選填空 1. He learnt English by _ English songs. 7 / 10 A. listen B. listen to C. listening

28、 D. listening to 2. If you practice _ English every morning, you will improve it quickly. A. to read B. reading C. read D. be reading 3. Its Sunday today. What about _ the mountains. A. to climb B. climb C. climbing D. climbed 4. Tom decided _ in China. A. travel B. traveling C. to travel D. travele

29、d 5. Do you enjoy _ on the Internet. A. surfing B. surf C. to surf D. surfed 6. She said she had some trouble _ her homework. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished 7. Do you find thisbook _. A. frustrate B. frustrating C. frustrated D. frustration 8. Can you tell me the best way _ the prob

30、lem. A. solve B. solved C. to solve D. solving 9. Jenny does not know where _ on National Day. A. to go B. going C. goes D . will go 10. I spend some time _ newspaper every day. A. read B. reading C. to read D. on read 11. _ you work harder ,you will not pass the examination . =If you dont work hard

31、er ,you will not pass the examination D. Unless A. Until B .If C. Till 12. There is _milk in the bottle. Lets go to buy some. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 13. I spent half an hour _ my homework . A. finish doing B. to finish doing C. finishing to do D. finishing doing 五、拓展訓練 一、挑選填空 1. At th

32、e age of 18 he began to work_ a teacher in a country school. 8 / 10 A. as B. by C. in D. at 2. Have you decided which coat_. A. choose B. choosing C. chosen D. to choose 3. I read very slowly. I cant spell some English words, _. A. also B. either C. but 4. Lucy thinks that _ English movies isnt a go

33、od way. A. watch B. watched C. watching 5. At first they hated each other ,but they ended up _ on very well . A. get B. got C. getting D. to get 二、完型填空ALast year my English class was _1_for me. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand twhen she _2_to the class. To begin with, she spoke too q

34、uickly, and I couldnt _3_every word.I realized it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word, _4_ I was afraid to speak in class because I thought my classmates might laugh _5_me. I cou ldn t always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to _6_ English-language TV . It helped a lot. I

35、think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of _7_a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English _8_. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. 1. A. lucky B. happy C. difficult D. great. 2. A. talked B. talk C. sing D. sang 3. A. think B. believe C. forget D. understand 4. A. either B. neither C. also D. too 5. A. to B.


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