筆記210the one with russ的新戲反響欠佳他灰心喪氣決定退出演藝圈_第1頁
筆記210the one with russ的新戲反響欠佳他灰心喪氣決定退出演藝圈_第2頁
筆記210the one with russ的新戲反響欠佳他灰心喪氣決定退出演藝圈_第3頁
筆記210the one with russ的新戲反響欠佳他灰心喪氣決定退出演藝圈_第4頁
筆記210the one with russ的新戲反響欠佳他灰心喪氣決定退出演藝圈_第5頁
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1、Theith Russ210()的新戲反響欠佳,他灰心喪氣,決定退出演藝圈;這時他的經(jīng)濟公司給他找到續(xù)劇的試鏡機會。問題是,他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己必須和導(dǎo)演睡覺才能得到這個機會。再次和有趣的;她發(fā)現(xiàn)酗酒。她規(guī)勸戒酒而也照辦了,問題是,他好像沒酒就變得乏味。和“驢版”一個叫的2.10 TheithRussJoey gets bad reviews for his latest play and decides to quit show business. untilhis agent gets him an audition for a soap opera.He finds out, however,t

2、hed have to sleep with the casting director to get thepart.Monica starts dating Fun Bobby again;she notihe seems to have a drinking problem.She confronts him and he decides to quit, after whionica notihes no longerany fun.Rachel dates Russ, who bears a striking resemblence to Ross.The gang is walkin

3、g to a newsstand late at night. Joey is anxiously in the lead.newsstand n.報攤/late at night adv.在深夜/anxiously adv.憂慮地Rachel: Joey, would you slow down? Theyre not gonna be sold out of prsat one oclockhe morning.slow down v.慢下來Joey: Im excited! Ive never gotten reviewed before.review v.評論Monica: You w

4、ere so amazing as the king. I was really impressed, I was.be impressed 印象深刻Phoebe: Although, you know what? You might want to consider wearing underwear next time. Yeah, cause when you sat down on your throne youcouldkind of see your. royal subject.thronen.王座Joey:Here it is, here it is.The only thin

5、g worsen the mindless,adolescent direction was Joseph Tribbianis disturbingly unskilled portrayal of the king.mindless adj.沒頭腦的 愚笨的/adolescent adj./unskilled adj.拙劣的/portrayal n.扮演的/disturbingly adj.令人討厭地Chandler: OK, look,t is one guys opinion, alright. Phoebs, read yours.Phoebe: OK.The only thing

6、worsen the mindless, adolescent direction.Chandler: Does anyone have one from a different pr? Ross, read yours.Ross: It want to.Rachel: Joey, honey, theyt know what theyre talking about.Ross: Yeah.Joey: Maybe they do. Ive beenn this ten years and I havent gottenanywhere. Theres gotta be a reason.get

7、 anywhere v.有點成就Ross: Oh cmon. Maybe youre just. paying your dues.due n.應(yīng)支付的/pay ones dues v.to earn a given right orlong-term experience, or sufferingition through hard work,Joey: No, its too hard. Its not worth it. I quit.Monica: Wait, wait one minute. Wait a minute. I beve this will change your m

8、ind.In a mediocre play, Joseph Tribbiana was able to achievebrilliant new levels of.continuepage 153.sucking.mediocre adj.平庸的Opening CreditsScene: Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel, Monica comforting Joey at Monica and Rachels apartment.Joey: When I was little, I wanted to be a veteranarian, but then I found

9、 out you had to put your handso cows and stuff.veterinarian n.獸醫(yī)Ross: (sullenly)Hi.sullenly adv.生氣地 悶悶不樂地Phoebe: Are you ok?Ross: Yeah, yeah, jusough day at work. A stegosaurus fell over andtrapped a kid. I know this jacket, this is, Fun Bobbys jacket! Where is he? Hes here, isnt he?stegosaurus n.劍龍

10、Monica: Maybe.Ross:t toy with me.toy with v.玩弄Fun Bobby:Geller!Ross: Hey,Fun Bobby!Fun Bobby:Hey. Whoa, hey, youve been working out, huh?work out v.Ross: Noall! I love this guy. Hey, I was so psyched to hear youreback with my sister!psyched To be excited or pumped up about somethingeg: Im soooo psyc

11、hed about thepartyMonica: You and me both.Fun Bobby: Hey, so whatd I miss, whatd I miss, cmon?Phoebe: Oh, we were just trying to make Joey feel better.Fun Bobby: Hey, do you need me to pick you up?Joey: No, Im alright man.Really.Fun Bobby: No, Im pickingyou up.Joey: Hey no, seriously, It need you to

12、 pick me (Fun Bobby picks Joeyup off the ground, bounhim. Joey laughs.) Alright! It still works.Fun Bobby: OK, now before I go, does anybody else need to b Im still gonna go.cked up?Monica: OK, Ill see you later babe.Fun Bobby: Public display of affection coming up. You ca eyes.See ya.t youraffectio

13、n n.愛情/avert vt.轉(zhuǎn)移ALL: Bye! See you later!Phoebe: Fun Bobby is so great.Monica: Oh, isnt he? Oh, you know, I really think this time it may workwith him. I mean, he just makes me lousy this last couple of months, my cup is half full.feel so good and Ive been feeling sono job, no boyfriend. Well,eastl

14、ousy adj.極不適的Phoebe: Half full of love.Monica: And for our two- cousins cabin for thek kend., hesgonna takemetohiscabin n.小木屋Phoebe: Cabin of love.Rachel: We went through alot ofwine tonight,you guys.go through v.to eat or drink immoderay(adv.無節(jié)制地)Monica:Really? I only had two glasses.Joey: Ijusd a

15、glass.Phoebe:Two.Rachel:I hae glass.Chandler: I had about a mugful of Natural History mug.his lovely Igot boned at the Museummugful n.一大杯的容量/bonedScrewed;ed/The American Museum of Natural History(AMNH), locate and most cecomprises 25the Upper West Side, Manhattan, New York, USA, is one of the larges

16、trated museumshe world. Located in park-like grounds, the museumerconnected buildingst house 46 permanent exhibition halls, researchlaboratories, and its renowned library.Rachel: OK, so five?ts what, two bottles? And yet somehow we went throughand yet adv./somehow adv.不知何故(All look towards door Fun

17、Bobby left through)Monica: So what? So he dra lot tonight.Ross: Yeah but, you know, nowt I think about it, I ever seen Fun Bobby without a drink in his hand.t think Ivethink about v.回想Phoebe: Yeah. Oh, yeah, you know, did you notice how he always starts his stories with, I was soooo wasted, or Oh, w

18、e were so bombed, or SoI wake up, and Imhis dumpster in Connecticut.Wasted/bombed be Drunk oroxicated/dumpster n.a trademark used for containersdesigned for receiving,transporting,and dumwaste materials 大型標名)裝卸卡車(商Joey: Monica, have you ever been with him whenhe wasnt drinking?Monica: Well, we jus p

19、pen to go to a lot of pla I mean, how do you go to a wine tasting withou club, or to the. zoo.where you might drink. ving a drink? Or to aScene: Monica, Fun Bobby, and Phoebe sitting in serving them. She brings a mug to Monica.Central Perk. Rachel isMonica: Rach, does this have nonfat milk?nonfat ad

20、j.脫脂的Rachel:It know, whyt you taste it?Monica:(takes a sip) No.Rachel:Oh well, too late, sorry, you already had some.Fun Bobby: (pulls out a flask) What do you say we make these coffees Irish?flask n.酒瓶/Irish coffee (Irish: Caife Gaelach) is a cocktail consisting of hot coffee,Irish whiskey, and sug

21、ar, stirred, and topped with thick cream. The coffee is drunkthrough the cream. The original recipe explicitly uses creams not been whipped,although whipped cream is often used. Irish coffee may be considered a variation on thehot toddy(n.棕櫚酒).Phoebe:Cake.Rachel:Yeah, were gonna get some cake.Monica

22、:You know what? It seems like youve been making an awful lotofstuff Irish lay.Fun Bobby: Well, I would make them Belgian, but the waffles are hardtogetot flask.Belgian adj.比利時的/waffle n.威化餅干Monica: Bobby.Fun Bobby: Yeah, OK.Monica: Look, maybe this is none of my business, or maybe it is, I know. but

23、 Im kind of worried about you.tFun Bobby: OK, look, this isnt thetime somebodys said somethingto me about this, but It know. I always made excuses about it, like.Im just a sol drinker, or Cmon, its Flag Day.make excuses about v.為.找借口/sol adj.交際的/he United Ses, Flag Day iscerateJune 14. It commemorat

24、es the adoption of the flag of the United Ses,which happenedt day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.Monica: So, what are you saying now?Fun Bobby: I guess Im saying, Ill try and quit. worry about me.Ikindaliketyoutry and v.盡力做(某事)Phoebe: So, whats goin on?Fun Bobby: I am gonna

25、 try andquit drinking.Phoebe: Ooohh, why?Chandler: Hey.Joey: Hey.Monica: Hey.Phoebe: Hey.Chandler: Guess whos back inshow business.show busine.演藝圈Phoebe: Ohh, Lorne Green?Lyon Chaim Green O.C., LL.D. (February 12, 1915 September 11, 1987) was aCanadianactor, best knownhe United Ses for his roles on

26、two Americaneviprograms:the long-running western Bonanza and the shorter-lived original incarnation of the cultclassic science fiction franchise of Battlestar Galactica.Chandler: No, no, Phoebs. You know why? Cause hes dead.Phoebe: Oh, no.Chandler: Ok, I guess this is gonna seem kinda bitterst now,

27、but.Joey,ts who.bitterst adj.苦樂參半的Joey: Yeah, my agent just called me win audition for Days of Our Lives!Days of our Lives is an American soap opera, which has aired nearly everykday sinceNovember 8, 1965 on the NBC networkhe United Ses, and has since been syndicatedto many countries around the worl

28、d.The series was created by husband-and-wife team TedCorday and Betty Corday along with Irna Phillips in 1964,and many of thewere written by William J. Bell.storiesPhoebe: Oh, well, we have to cerate. You know what we should do? Weshould do, like, a soap opera theme.soap opera n.肥皂劇Chandler: Hey, ye

29、ah. we could all sleep together and then one of us could get amnesia.amnesia n.健忘癥Phoebe: Hey Rach, what time do you get off? Were all gonna do something tonight.get off v.下班Rachel:Well, actuallyIm alreadye, but I kinda got plans.Monica:You have otherfriends?Rachel:Yeah. I havea date.Monica:What?Joe

30、y: Wiman?Rachel: What? What is so strange about me having a date?Joey: What about Ross? I mean, are you still mad at him cause he made list about you?tRachel: No, Im not mad at him. Im not really anything at him anymore.Monica:What are you talking about?Rachel:It know. Whatever I was feeling, Im. no

31、t.Phoebe:But you guys came so close.Rachel:Oh, I know, Im sorry you guys. Youre just gonna have to get usedto the factt I will not be dating Ross.Russ enters Central Perk. He looks like Ross, except for his chin and hair (it is David Schwimmer in a dual role)dual adj.雙的 二重的Rachel: Here he is. Hi. Gu

32、ys, this is Russ.Russ: Hi.(Everyone looks at each other in amazement)in amazement adv.驚訝地Scene: Esle Leonard Talent Agency. Esleis speaking on the phone.Es le: Im not saying youre not talented, youre very talented. Its just with the bird dead and all, theres very little act left. Oh, honey, give me

33、a break, will ya? Oooh, Ill talk to you later. Well, theres myfavorite cnt. Sol me darling, how was the audition?and all adv.等等/give me a break v.讓我休息一下/cnt n.委托人Joey: Well, I think it went pretty well.I got a callback for Thursday.callback n.復(fù)試Esle: Joey, have you ever seen me ecsic?ecsic adj.狂喜的Jo

34、ey: No.Esle: Well, here it is.Joey: OK, listen, theres something I want to talk to you about. The network casting work n.電視網(wǎng)Esle: Oh, isnt Lori a doll?doll n.漂亮的姑娘Joey: Oh yeah, yeah, shes great, but. I kinda got the feelingt shewas sort of coming on to me. And I definiy would get the part if Iwould

35、ve. you know. if I would have sent the Little General e on to v.makes atEsle: Oh, I see. Well, Im just gonna put in a call here and well find out whats goin on and straighten it out. Yeah, hi, Lori please. Hi darling. So how bout Joey Tribbiani for the part of the cab driver, isnt he terrific? OK, d

36、oll. Talk to you later.Yeah, youre gonna have to sleep with her.straighten out v.澄清Scene: Central Perk. Monica and Rachel at counter, Phoebe, Chandler, and Fun Bobby at the couch.Rachel:Whats the matter?Monica:Its Fun Bobby.Rachel:What, isnt he sober?sober adj.沒喝醉的 不過量飲酒的eg: He seldom goes to bed so

37、berMonica: Oh, his sober alright. Just turns out a reason.t Fun Bobby was fun forRachel: Oh, OK.Monica: Alright, here you go, stie.Fun Bobby:nks. You wanna hear something funny?Monica: Oh God, yes!Fun Bobby: There are no hardware stores open past midnighthe Village.hardware store n.五金店P(guān)hoebe:t is fu

38、nny.Fun Bobby: I needed to buy a hammer the other night, and Im out walkin around the neighborhood, but apparently there are no hardware stores openpast midnighthe Village.the other night adv.前的某個夜里Monica: Hey honey?t you have to be at yourerview now?Fun Bobby: Oh yeah.See you guys.Chandler: Bye.Rid

39、iculously dull Bobby.Monica:Oh my god.Phoebe:Itsnottbad.Monica:Nott bad?Did you not hear the hammerstory?Phoebe:Ok,t getall squinky.squinky Whenone is feeling unstable or iing ofculiar mannerRachel: Maybeit was just the kind of story whereyou have to be there.Monica: But Im gonna be there for the re

40、st of mylife. I mean, I cantbreak up with him. Im the of me.ho made him quit drinking. Hes dull becausePhoebe: Alright,t say you know, set it free.t. Hes probably always been dull. You just,set free v.Russ: Hi.Chandler: Hey Ross!Rachel: Hi Russ, Ive just go, OK?got two more tables to clean and then

41、wellRuss: OK, Ill just sit here and chat with your friend-type people.Phoebe: Rachel? Hi.Rachel: Hi.Phoebe:OK, so, you know what youreng, right?Rachel:Waitressing?Phoebe: someone?Well, yeah, but. no. I mean, doesnt Russ just remindyou ofRachel: Bob Saget?Robert Bob Lane Saget (born May 17, 1956) is

42、an American stand-up comedian,host, actor, and filmmaker. Although he is best known for his past rolesevihefamily-oriented shows Full House and Americas Funniest Homes, Saget is knownoutside ofevi for his starkly(adj.全然的) blue stand-up routine.He was also thehost of the NBC game show 1 vs. 100.Phoeb

43、e: Oh, yeah! No,no,no,oh.Phoebe: Oh my, oh!Ross: What? Whats wrong?Phoebe: I, OkMonica: Shes just upset because she buttered a s morning.ero her toast thisRoss: Alright.Chandler: Listen, Phoebs, this is gonna be OK. Ross, Russ. Russ, Ross.Russ: Hi.Ross:Hi.Russ:Are you a friend of Rachels?Ross:Yes, y

44、es I am. Are you a friend of Rachels?Russ:Actually, Im a kind of you know, a date-type thing of Rachels.Ross:A date.Russ:Yeah, Im her date.Ross:Oh, youre.oh youre the date.Chandler: You know, this i we have a spare.ually good, because ifver lose Ross,spare n.備用品Russ:Oh, you are the paleontologist.Ro

45、ss:Yes, yes I am. And you are aRuss:Periotist.periotist n. 牙周病醫(yī)師Monica: See? Theyre as different as night and. latert night.Ross: Well, I am going to get a beverage. It was nice meeting you.beverage n.飲料Russ: Ditto.Ditto n.a thing mentioned previously or above, used to avoid repeating a wordRoss: I.

46、 well. I met Russ.Rachel: Oh.Ross: Hey, I didnt know we were seeing otheople.Rachel: Well, were not seeing each other, soRoss: Well, for your information, theres a woman at the museum, whoscurator of moths and other. winged things. whos let it be knowntshe is drawn to me much like a. well, you know.

47、 But so far Ive beenkeng her at bay, but if this is the deal.curator n.館長/moth n.蛾/winged adj.有翼的/ keep sb at bay v.keep at distance 與保持距離Rachel: Well, yeah, this is the deal.Ross: OK, well,have a nice evening.Rachel: Russ, you ready?Russ: Yeah.Rachel:Bye.Monica:Bye.Phoebe:Bye.Ross: Shes dating.Shes

48、 dating.Chandler: Yes, but did you see who she wasdating?Ross: What do you mean?Monica: Do you not see it?Ross: See what? I him, what? Like.t know what t know,she sees o.ahat goober. And it takes k to get out a sentence.Igoober n. a stuor annoying/get out v.說出Chandler: Yeah, its annoying, isnt it?Ro

49、ss: Yeah.Scene: Chandler and Joeys apartment. Joey is making marinara sauce and filling every container in sight. Chandler enters.marinara n.蒜番茄醬(一種意大利調(diào)味醬,用番茄大蒜和香料制成)/container n.容器Chandler: Hey.Joey: Hey.Chandler: Whoa, so Im guessing you didnt get the part, or. Italy calledand said it wasgry.Joey:

50、 Well, theparts mine if I want it.Chandler: Oh myGod!Joey: Yeah, if Im willing to sleep with the casting lady.be willing to v.樂于/casting n.to actors or performersho is in charge of the assignment of parts and dutiesChandler: Oh my. God?Joey: Ten years Ive been waiting for a break like this Chandler,

51、 ten years!I mean, Days of Our Lives.tually onevi.break n. 機會 好運eg:As a long-distance runner his main break came last spring inAustraliaChandler: So, whatre you gonna do?Joey: Well, I guess I could sleep with her. I mean, how could I dot?Chandler: Well, Ive got a pop-up bookt told me everything I ne

52、ed to know.pop-up book n.Rising to form a three-dimenal(adj.page is opened的,三維的) structure when aJoey: Ive never slept with someone for a part.Chandler: Well is she. (reacheso the his hand out, covered with pasta sauce)jar for a, takespasta n.意大利面食Joey: Sorry.Chandler: Its alright. Is she good-looki

53、ng?Joey: Yeah, shes totally good-looking.I mean, if I met her in a bar or something, Id be buying her breakfast. You know, after having slept with her.Chandler: Yknow, maybe this isnt such a big deal. Yknow, I mean, theway throwt I see it is you get a great job and you get to in a tree and a fat guy

54、 and youve got Christmas.I mean,Joey: letsI justt thinkt I want itt way though, yknow? I mean,say I do make it, alright? Im always gonna look back and wonderif it was because of my talent or because of. yknow, the Little General.make it v.成功Chandler: Didnt you used to call it the Little Major?major

55、n.少校Joey: Yeah, but afterDenise DeMarco, I had topromote it.Scene:A restaurant.Fun Bobby and Monica areordering.Waiter:Can I get yousomething from the bar?Monica:Yes, I would like something. No, nonk you.Fun Bobby: If you want to drink, its ok with me, Ive got to get used to it.Monica: No, not reall

56、y. I wouldnt feel right about it. Just some water.Fun Bobby: So the light went outy refrigerator.go out v.熄滅Monica: Id like a scotch on the rocks witwist.scotch n. A lovely brown whisky drink from Scotland. Must be distilled(vt.蒸餾) to certain standards to be called Scotch/on the rocks v. to serve ov

57、er ice cubes/twist n.檸檬片Scene: Central Perk. Chandler is sitting on the couch betn Russ andRoss,ng a crossword puzzle.Chandler: Hey, were having some fun now, Ross? Wanna do another one, Russ? Ok, eleven letters, atomic element number 101. ends in ium.atomic number n.原子序數(shù)(指元素在周期表中按次序排列的序號)Russ: Dysp

58、rosium.Dysprosium n.鏑(稀土類元素)Ross: (condescendingly) Dysprosium? Try mendelevium.condescendingly adv. 有優(yōu)越感地/Mendelevium n.鍆(一種放射性元素)Chandler: Andnie number two has it. Unless, of course, nine-down,Nights in White Satin wang by the Doody Blues.nie adj.微小的 細小的/Nights in White Satin is a 1967 singy The

59、Moody Blues,featurethe album Days of Future Passed/doodyshitPhoebe:Yout see it? You actuallyt seeit?Rachel:What?Phoebe:OK honey, youre dating Ross.Rachel:No, Phoebs. Im dating Russ.Phoebe:Russ is Ross. Russ. Ross!Rachel:Steve. sleeve!sleeve n.袖子Phoebe: OK, no one is named Sleeve.Rachel: Phoebe, what

60、 theare you talking about? Othern their namesbeingsimilar, Im sorry, Iot see what youre seeing.othern adv.除了Ross:For your information, its a card sharp, not a card shark.card shark 以賭紙牌行騙為生的人/card shark n.habitually cheats at cards (Theearst written verof the phrase was card sharper), the term card


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