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1、第 PAGE8 頁(yè) 共 NUMPAGES8 頁(yè)2023年最新的視頻的英文是什么格式她看視頻的時(shí)候總是很安靜,陷入了無(wú)的狀態(tài)。下面小編為大家?guī)?lái)視頻的英語(yǔ)意思和相關(guān)用法,歡迎大家一起學(xué)習(xí)! 視頻的英語(yǔ)意思 video 視頻的相關(guān)英語(yǔ)例句 1. Other causes of migraine are VDU screens and strip-lighting. 偏頭痛的其他誘因還有電腦的視頻顯示器和燈管照明。 2. Visitors are shown an audio-visual presen-tation before touring the cellars. 參觀酒窖前,游客們先觀看了

2、有聲的視頻介紹。 3. You can also tour the site on modern coaches equipped with videos. 您也可以乘坐配有視頻設(shè)備的現(xiàn)代化長(zhǎng)途汽車游覽那處遺址。 4. James Watson, Philip Mayo and I gave a slide and video presentation. 詹姆斯 沃森、菲利普 梅奧和我利用幻燈片和視頻進(jìn)行了介紹。 5. Transferring cine film or slides to video should be a doddle. 把電影膠片或幻燈片轉(zhuǎn)換成視頻應(yīng)該不費(fèi)吹灰之力。 6.

3、 Video movie-making can quickly become addictive. 制作視頻電影能很快讓人入迷。 7. I m having difficulty using my video editing equipment and can t fathom out the various connections. 我不會(huì)使用視頻編輯設(shè)備,而且搞不清各種各樣的連接。 8. There s a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production. 業(yè)余人士拍攝的視頻片段和制作精良的好

4、萊塢影片之間存在著巨大的差距。 9. He had an office big enough for his desk and chair, plus his VDU. 他有一間足以容納書桌、椅子和視頻顯示器的辦公室。 10. An equipment that corrects the time base errors in video tape recorders. 一種校正視頻磁帶記錄器中時(shí)基誤差的設(shè)備. 11. Could you switch the TV over 請(qǐng)你改換電視頻道好 嗎 12. The analog signal contains high - frequency

5、 video information, which helps make up the picture. 模擬信號(hào)包括有助于構(gòu)成圖像的高頻視頻信息. 13. These can also be very useful when navigating time - based documents, such as video and audio. 它對(duì)于和時(shí)間有關(guān)的文檔非常有用, 比如視頻和音頻文檔. 14. Often, the meeting is recorded on audio or video media for later reference. 通常這種會(huì)議會(huì)以視頻或者音頻形式記錄

6、下來(lái),供以后查閱. 15. The output of the detector is the video - signal proper , with a 2 - volt swing. 檢波器的輸出是相應(yīng)的視頻信號(hào) 、 擺幅為2伏. 視頻的英文例句 關(guān)于如何連接第二個(gè)視頻源的信息,請(qǐng)參閱第五章。 See chapter5 for information on how to connect a second video source. 辨析率,解析度影像能被分辨的細(xì)微程度,如在視頻顯示終端的細(xì)微程度 The fineness of detail that can be distinguish

7、ed in an image, as on a video display terminal. 顯示器類似于電視屏幕,也被稱為視頻顯示終端(VDTs),有單色顯示器和彩色顯示器。 Monitors, also known as video display terminals(VDTs), resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 沒有視頻信號(hào)。 There is no video signal. 視頻檢索的目的就是要從大量的視頻數(shù)據(jù)中找到所需要的視頻片斷。 Video retrieval aim is

8、 to find the needed video slip from a mass of videodata. 通過改進(jìn)的視頻分段算法尋找視頻鏡頭邊界,實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì)連續(xù)視頻流的有意義切分。 An innovatory algorithm of video segmentation was introduced to find the shot edge. 在基于對(duì)象的視頻編碼中,視頻對(duì)象的分割是重要的任務(wù)。 Video object segmentation is an important task in object based video coding. 在這個(gè)自由獲取視頻專家提示和游戲,視頻

9、游戲的建議。 Get expert tips and advice on gaming and video games in this free video. 能在接入電話時(shí),播放任何作為視頻鈴聲的手機(jī)中的視頻! Incoming calls will play any video on your device as a video ringtone! 其他三個(gè)視頻是準(zhǔn)備這段視頻的試錄版。 The three other clips show rehearsals or outtakes from video messages. 視頻的雙語(yǔ)例句 做一個(gè)練習(xí)視頻。 Do an exercise

10、video. 因?yàn)槲覀儛畚覀兊囊曨l。 Because we love our video. 只有這個(gè)嬰兒的視頻似乎是一個(gè)業(yè)余的。 Only the baby video seems to be an amateur one. 如果你沒有時(shí)間來(lái)看這個(gè)視頻,我用自己的話把他們總結(jié)如下。 If you do not have time to watch the video, I summarized them below in my own words. 這些視頻論述動(dòng)物應(yīng)對(duì)地震和海嘯的反應(yīng)。 These videos discuss the reaction of animals to earth

11、quakes and tsunamis. 它處理與視頻相關(guān)的一些事 直到我使用它后我才會(huì)告訴您更多的信息。 Something to do with videos I can t tell you much more than that, until I can use it. 天哪!貓的視頻,這是個(gè)什么東西 What is with all the cat videos 這些視頻會(huì)幫助你除非你同意我們表示懷疑的評(píng)論。 These videos could help unless you agree with some of our skeptical commenters. 在理想情況下,這

12、些標(biāo)記是音頻和視頻內(nèi)容的完整文字版本。 Ideally these would be full transcripts of the content of the audio and video. 從視頻下面的評(píng)論可以看出,成見可以讓我們忽視一些我們甚至還弄清楚那是什么東西的東西。 Some of the comments under the video displayed how a bias can make us disregard somethingwithout even looking at what it is. 過一會(huì)兒,它就成了一個(gè)娛樂中心,可以隨意看各種視頻和下載程序。 Then it becomes an entertainment centre, allowing you to watch any video and download anyprogram. 然后她問我是否可以把它懸掛起來(lái)設(shè)計(jì)成一款視頻游戲。 Then she asked if it could be hooked up to a video game. 又或者當(dāng)用戶在觀看一個(gè)將要上市的視頻游戲的預(yù)告片時(shí),他們想知道該游戲的發(fā)布時(shí)間以及到哪里購(gòu)買。 Or when users watch th


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