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1、General research on Incase Designs2011/3/111. Overview1.1 Commpanny iinfoormaatioonIncaase Dessignns iis aa maanuffacttureer oof HYPERLINK /wiki/IPod iiPodd, llapttop andd guuitaar ccasees, whiich wass fooundded in 19997 bby ffourr loongttimee frriennds. Inncasse hhavee beeen thee prroduuct of chooi

2、cee foor AApplle aat ttheiir ppoinnt oof ssalee onnlinne aand rettaill foor ooverr a deccadee.The ownnersshipp sttruccturre oof tthe commpanny iis ccompprissed of fivve ppeopple inccluddingg Toony Helld, Eriik WWahllstrrom, Jooe TTan, Boobbyy Chhangg, aand Dammon Wayy. JJoe andd Boobbyy fooundded th

3、ee coompaany in 19997, appplyiing theeir commbinned dessignn exxperriennce froom ccomppaniies likke AApplle, Nikke, andd IDDEO, innto thee foounddatiion of whaat mmakees uup IIncaase todday, a commpanny ddrivven by a ppremmiumm deesiggn eethoos tthatt iss neeverr coomprromiisedd. The braands mmanttr

4、a andd fiilteer iis “A bbettter expperiiencce tthrooughh goood dessignn.” Incaases heaadquuartterss iss inn 1557511 Taapiaa Sttreeet IIrwiindaale, CAA 9117066 Unniteed SStattes 1.2 Peooplee1.211 Boobbyy Chhangg, cco-ffounnderr off Inncasse, co-fouundeer oof BBackkNinne SStuddioss wiith Steevenn Sood

5、errberrgh on thee booardd, aand forrmerr addvissor to Nikkess Gllobaal BBrannd aand Imaage Grooup.1) GGeneerall innforrmattionnBobbby CChanng ttraiinedd ass ann inndusstriial dessignner at thee Arrt CCentter Colllegge oof DDesiign in Passadeena, whheree hee sppeciialiizedd inn prroduuct dessignn. HH

6、e wworkked witth NNikees braand/imaage grooup befforee coo-foounddingg Inncasse, a gglobbal braand whiich creeatees llifeestyyle prooduccts forr coonsuumerr ellecttronnicss, iinclludiing nottablle pprodductts ssuchh ass thhe AApplle iiPodd, iiPhoone, ippad andd Maacboook. Thhe cconttinuued succcesss

7、 oof IIncaase hass alllowwed himm too reedirrectt hiis ccreaativve ffocuus ttowaard creeatiing a pparaadiggm sshifft iin pphillantthroopy, annd iin ddoinng sso, hellp pprovvidee chhariitiees aand NGOOs witth tthe toools to makke aa poosittivee chhangge. Chaang is devveloopinng pproggramms ffor gloob

8、all orrgannizaatioons succh aas AAmerricaan RRed Crooss, UNNICEEF aand Invvisiiblee Chhilddrenn, aas wwelll ass crreattingg ann inncubbatiion stuudioo foor mmenttoriing dessignnerss too prroduuce hummaniitarriann reelatted proojeccts. Hiis sstraateggiess haave hellpedd deesiggnerrs wworkk onn prroje

9、ectss drriveen bby ppasssionn raatheer tthann reevennue, reesulltinng iin mmulttiplle pprodductts aand proograams beiing injjectted intto ccharritiies andd NGGOss arrounnd tthe worrld. Hiis eexteensiive expperiiencce iin ddeveeloppingg annd ooperratiing succcesssfuul ccomppaniies andd prrogrramss wi

10、ill be a kkey facctorr inn thhe ggrowwth andd suucceess of hiss neew vventturees AALMAA Sttudiio, HEAAL TTogeetheer aand Bacck 99 Sttudiios.Bobbby CChanng, bellievves thaat ccreaativvityy caan cchannge thee pllaneet. So he reccenttly esttabllishhed nummeroous proograams, inncluudinng HHEALL Toogetth

11、err, wwhicch pprovvidees ccharritiies witth ddesiign andd maarkeetinng rresoourccesIn rreceent yeaars, Boobbyy haas pplayyed an acttivee roole in hellpinng tto ddeveelopp inndiggenoous entterpprisses in Afrricaa, aas wwelll ass woorkiing on a rrangge oof ootheer pphillantthroopicc acctivvitiies.Now

12、thaat IIncaase hass beecomme aa gllobaal bbrannd, Chaang willl ttrannsittionn innto advvisoory rolle. Thiis aalloows himm thhe fflexxibiilitty tto ppurssue othher vennturres, suuch as BacckNiine Stuudioos aand thee meentoorinng oof eemerrginng ddesiigneers. Chhanggs expperiiencce iin tthe prooducct

13、ddesiign spaace andd hiis kkeenn eyye ffor tallentt wiill be invvaluuablle tto tthe BacckNiine Stuudioos vventturee.2) RRefeerennce Viddeo- HYPERLINK /2010/03/sunday-video-incase-founder-bobby-chang-reflects-on-entrepreneurship?awesm=spne.ws_8Dv&utm_campaign=SPN_National&

14、 Boobbyy Chhangg: TThinnk ddifffereentlly, takke tthe rissk aand chaangee thhe wworlld.- Maarchh 288, 220100Keywwordds: Thiink diffferrenttly, 700 peeoplle iin 220100, ssoldd 1 billlioon ccasees- HYPERLINK /bobby-chang-from-incase-on-socially-responsib

15、le-businesses/ Boobbyy Chhangg frrom Inccasee onn Soociaallyy Reespoonsiiblee Buusinnessses - AAuguust 31sst, 20110Keywwordds: Havvingg a dreeam; coollaaborratee; MMadee inn Chhinaa; CCreaativve; Foccus1.222 Daave Gattto, CEEO1) RRefeerennce artticlle-Inccasee Naamess Daave Gattto Chiief Exeecuttive

16、e Offficcer - BBy HYPERLINK /author/admin/ o Posts by Transworld TTrannswoorlddMonn, AAug 10 20009 Incaase annnounncedd toodayy thhat it hass apppoiinteed DDavee Gaattoo ass chhieff exxecuutivve ooffiicerr. GGattto hhas forrmerr exxperriennce as preesiddentt annd CCEO of Reeef HHolddinggs aand prees

17、iddentt off VFFs Outtdooor CCoallitiion, ovversseeiing braandss suuch as Thee Noorthh Faace, Vaans, Reeef andd JaanSpportt, aaccoordiing to thee prresss reeleaase. Thhe rrestt off thhe ddetaailss caan bbe ffounnd bbeloow:“Irwwinddalee, CCaliif. AAuguust 10, 20009 IIncaase annnounncedd toodayy thhat

18、Davve GGattto hhas beeen aappoointted chiief exeecuttivee offficcer (CEEO). Gaattoo coomess too Inncasse wwithh prroveen eexpeerieencee inn leeadiing andd deevellopiing higgh ggrowwth connsummer prooduccts commpanniess annd wwilll ovverssee Inccasees conntinnuinng sstraateggic exppanssionn. IIn tthi

19、ss roole, hee wiill foccus on cappturringg annd ccapiitalliziing on groowthh oppporrtunnitiies whiile speearhheaddingg thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof aand invvesttmennt iin oorgaanizzatiionaal rresoourcces. Gaattoo sttepss innto thee roole of CEOO foolloowinng EErikk Waalhsstroom, onee off thhe ccomppanyy

20、s fouundeers, whho cconttinuues to serrve at Inccasee inn ann acctivve ccapaacitty aas eexeccutiive vicce ppressideent of salles andd buusinnesss deevellopmmentt.The addditiion of Davve GGattto aas CCEO sollidiifiees tthe fouundaatioonall leeadeershhip neccesssaryy too taake holld oof tthe groowthh

21、oppporrtunnitiies faccingg Inncasse aas iit cconttinuues to devveloop ffinaanciial, opperaatioonall annd gglobbal ressourrcess too suuppoort itss coore cusstommerss annd ccomppanyy cuultuure.“Witth hhis proovenn baackggrouund andd exxperriennce in succcesssfuullyy grrowiing liffesttylee brrandds, Da

22、vve iis tthe ideeal commpleemennt tto tthe corre ccomppeteenciies of thee coompaanys ffounnderrs aand exiistiing mannageemennt tteamm,” staatedd Waahlsstroom. “I am connfiddentt thhat Davvess innspiirinng aapprroacch tto bbusiinesss aand liffe, proovenn skkilll seet aand leaaderrshiip wwilll brringg

23、 uss too ouur vvisiion of beiing a gglobballly rrecoogniizedd brrandd thhat reppressentts ddesiign simmpliicitty aand innnovaatioon aat tthe connverrgennce of liffesttylee annd ttechhnollogyy.”Gattto bbrinngs witth hhim exttenssivee exxperriennce in maxximiizinng ppoteentiial witthinn hiigh groowthh

24、 buusinnessses acrrosss thhe cconssumeer pprodductts rreallm. In hiss tiime as preesiddentt annd CCEO of Reeef HHolddinggs, Gattto ledd thhe bbranndss innterrnattionnal exppanssionn sttrattegyy annd ffaciilittateed tthe foootweear commpannyss prroduuct linne ggrowwth andd exxtennsioon iintoo appparr

25、el. Gaattoos achhievvemeentss prroveed iinsttrummenttal in VF Corrporratiions aacquuisiitioon oof RReeff, wwherre hhe llateer sservved as preesiddentt off thhe ccomppanyys Outtdooor CCoallitiion. Ovversseeiing braandss suuch as Thee Noorthh Faace, Vaans, Reeef andd JaanSpportt, Gaattoo seet tthe vis

26、sionn annd sstraateggy ffor thee faasteest groowinng ssegmmentt off VFF Coorpoorattionn.Joinningg a fasst-ggrowwingg coompaany andd ann esstabblisshedd teeam of leaaderrs aand tallentt, GGattto sseess hiis rrolee att Inncasse aas eenabblinng tthe commpanny tto rreallizee itts ffulll pootenntiaal.“In

27、ccasee iss a braand poiisedd foor uunprreceedenntedd grrowtth bbecaausee itt haas bbeenn abble to strrikee a choord witth ttodaayss coonsuumerrs wwho aree inncreeasiinglly mmakiing tecchnoologgy iinteegraal tto hhow theey llivee, iinteeracct aand expperiiencce llifee,” saiid GGattto. “Ass a commpann

28、y ffocuusedd onn ennhanncinng aand impprovvingg thhe eexpeerieencee coonsuumerrs hhavee wiith theeir tecchnoologgy, we aree inn ann exxtreemelly rreleevannt pposiitioon tthatt reesonnatees iin ttodaayss maarkeetpllacee annd II loook forrwarrd tto lleaddingg annd eenabblinng tthe Inccasee teeam to re

29、aalizze tthe groowthh oppporrtunnitiies thaat eexisst ffor thee coompaany andd thhe bbrannd.”Abouut IIncaaseFounndedd inn 19997, Inncasse iis aa Caaliffornnia-bassed bagg annd ccasee brrandd thhat creeatees aand delliveers innnovaativve, perrforrmannce-bassed prooduccts witth ccleaan, conntemmporrar

30、yy deesiggn ffor thee teechnnoloogy, muusicc annd sstreeet cullturre ccommmuniitiees. Inccasee iss coommiitteed tto ddesiigniing carrryiing sollutiionss thhat merrge seaamleesslly wwithh thhe llifeestyyle andd neeedss off toodayys connsummer. Inncasse: A bbettter expperiiencce tthrooughh goood dessi

31、gnn.”1.233 Daamonn Waay: Chiief Braand Offficeer, shaare-hollderr1) RRefeerennce artticlle- Trranssworrld Bussineess Excclussivee Innterrvieew WWithh Daamonn Waay - Byy HYPERLINK /author/josh-hunter/ o Posts by Josh Hunter Joosh HunnterrTuee, MMay 6 220088In EEarlly AApriil, DC annnounncedd thhat th

32、ee brrandds Co-Fouundeer aand Exeecuttivee Viice Preesiddentt, DDamoon WWay, woouldd bee trranssitiioniing intto aa roole as a cconssulttantt. TThe verry nnextt daay aa HYPERLINK /2008/04/03/dc-co-founder-damon-way-takes-on-new-role-transitions-to-incase/ preess relleassecamme oout sayyingg thhat Wa

33、yy waas ttakiing on thee poosittionn ass Chhieff Brrandd Offficcer forr ann Appplee acccesssorriess coompaany callledd HYPERLINK / Inccasee.Traanswworlld BBusiinessscauughtt upp wiith Wayy too fiind outt whhy hhess maakinng tthe movve, andd whhat Inccasee iss alll aabouut. Herress whhat Wayy haad tt

34、o ssay.How didd yoou gget invvolvved witth IIncaase?I meet TTonyy Heeld coo-owwnerr oon aa pllanee riide froom SS.F. too S.D. Froom ttherre wwe sstarrtedd woorkiing toggethher on a DDC/IIncaase colllabboraativve pprojjectt thhat lanndedd DCC inn Appplee annd IIncaase intto sseleect skaatebboarrd rre

35、taaileers.Havee yoou bbeenn wiith thee brrandd siincee itt laauncchedd?No, I sstarrtedd woorkiing witth tthe braand in thee coollaaborratiive sennse in 20002 aand latter beccamee a shaarehholdder in 20006.Whenn diid iit llaunnch?The braand wass laauncchedd inn 19997. I beccamee awwaree off Inncasse

36、aarouund 20000 wwhenn loookiing forr a prooperr nootebbookk slleevve aat tthe loccal S.FF. AApplle ddealler, MaacAddam.Whatt iss yoour invvolvvemeent, arre yyou an ownner/parrtneer?I amm cuurreentlly aa shhareehollderr annd bboarrd mmembber of thee coompaany andd haave mosst rreceentlly aassuumedd t

37、hhe pposiitioon oof cchieef bbrannd ooffiicerr onn a fulll-ttimee baasiss. MMy rrespponssibiilittiess arre ccenttereed oon tthe braands pposiitiooninng aand messsaggingg reelattivee too thhe vvariiouss maarkeet cchannnells wwe ooperratee inn.Receentlly yyou steeppeed bbackk frrom dayy-too-daay aat D

38、DC aand aree foocussingg onn Inncasse.WWhy didd yoou mmakee thhat deccisiion?DC iis aan aamazzingg coompaany, fuull of greeat peooplee, aas wwelll ass a braand thaat II haave beeen wwithh siincee itts iinceeptiion in 19993/994wwhicch iin yyearrs aaccoountts ffor almmostt haalf my liffe. I wwas jusst

39、 rreaddy tto cchalllennge mysselff wiith sommethhingg neew, sommethhingg thhat I ccoulld gget invvolvved witth aat aan eearlly sstagge iin iits groowthh trrajeectoory andd reeallly cconttribbutee too buuilddingg inn booth sizze aand deppth.Whatt haas yyou excciteed aabouut IIncaase?I woouldd haave t

40、o sayy thhat thee prroduuct pieece is whaat sspeaaks to me thee moost. I admmiree coompaaniees tthatt haave buiilt strrongg reeputtatiionss onn prroduuct witthouut tthe neeed tto ooverr-maarkeet ddue to inaadeqquacciess inn thhis areea. I vvieww thhis as beiing verry aaspiirattionnal, whhichh sppeak

41、ks tto mme oon aa veery deeep lleveel.Whyd yyou deccidee too geet iinvoolveed wwithh ann acccesssorriess coompaany thaat sspecciallizees iin AApplle pprodductts?I seee aa cllearr oppporrtunnityy foor tthe braand to be so mucch bbiggger thaan iit ccurrrenttly isa bbrannd tthatt noot oonlyy hooldss th

42、he ddomiinannt pposiitioon iin AApplle, butt allso exttendds iintoo a varrietty oof mmarkket seggmennts thaat aare in aliignmmentt wiith thee prrogrresssivee naaturre oof tthe Appple demmogrraphhicdessignn, ffashhionn, ssporrts, muusicc, ffilmm, aand traavell.Whatt arre IIncaases mmajoor ddisttribbu

43、tiion chaanneels?Incaase prooducct iis ddisttribbuteed gglobballly tthrooughh Appplee reetaiil, thee Appplee Sttoree, aand addditiionaal AApplle aauthhoriizedd reetaiilerrs. In addditiion to thiis wwe aare currrenntlyy woorkiing on a sstraateggy tto sselll innto speeciaaltyy reetaiil wwithh neew ppr

44、odductt liine exttenssionns tthatt arre aaimeed aat nnew demmogrraphhicss.Whatt arre tthe majjor marrkettingg innitiiatiivess foor tthe braand?I doontt thhinkk yoou wwilll seee aa huuge spiike outt off thhe ggatee reelattivee too ouur mmarkketiing efffortts. We willl ttakee ouur ttimee too taailoor

45、oour messsagge, theen wworkk too sllowlly sseedd itt innto thee maarkeetpllacee. IIncaase hass a repputaatioon bbuillt oon pprodductt, aand as a rresuult we havve tto bbe mminddfull thhat ourr effforrts aree woorkiing towwardd ennhanncinng tthe fouundaatioon ffromm whhichh prroduuct is commmunnicaat

46、edd.Can youu giive me an ideea oof tthe commpannyss siize?Thatt woouldd bee giivinng aawayy tooo mmuchh.Who is Inccasees cusstommer/tarrgett deemoggrapphicc?The Appple entthussiasst.Therre sseemms tto bbe aa toon oof ccomppaniies goiing aftter thaat ccusttomeer tthesse ddayss, wwhatt maakess Inncass

47、e ddifffereent?The braand reppressentts tthe connverrgennce of thee liifesstylle aand tecchnoologgy mmarkketss. WWe aare aliigneed wwithh sttronng ddemoograaphiics thaat eexisst aas iinflluenncerrs aand connsummerss off teechnnoloogy prooduccts. Itt iss ouur ggoall too brridgge tthatt gaap iin tterm

48、ms oof rretaail acccesssibiilitty bby wworkkingg too crreatte ccomppelllingg prroduuct stooriees tthatt wiill be suppporrtedd byy Appplee, bbouttiquues, annd sskatte sshopps aalikke.Are youu sttilll innvollvedd ovver at DC or tottallly ffocuusedd onn Inncasse nnow?I amm sttilll innvollvedd wiith DC.

49、 I havve sshifftedd myy poosittionn att thhe ccomppanyy too beeingg a connsulltannt wwherre II wiill conntinnue to worrk oon tthe kinnd oof bbrannd pposiitiooninng pprojjectts tthatt I havve ffor thee laast eigght yeaars.Who aree soome of thee ottherr innvesstorrs/kkey figgurees aat IIncaase, annd h

50、howd yyou gett hoookeed uup wwithh thhe bbrannd?The ownnersshipp sttruccturre oof tthe commpanny iis ccompprissed of fivve ppeopple inccluddingg Toony Helld, Eriik WWahllstrrom, Jooe TTan, Boobbyy Chhangg, aand mysselff. JJoe andd Boobbyy fooundded thee coompaany in 19997, appplyiing theeir commbinn

51、ed dessignn exxperriennce froom ccomppaniies likke AApplle, Nikke, andd IDDEO, innto thee foounddatiion of whaat mmakees uup IIncaase todday, a commpanny ddrivven by a ppremmiumm deesiggn eethoos tthatt iss neeverr coomprromiisedd. TThe braands mmanttra andd fiilteer ffor alll thhat we do is “A bett

52、terr exxperriennce thrrouggh ggoodd deesiggn.” Thhis morre oor llesss suums it up.-Inccasee Annnouuncees DDamoon WWay as Chiief Braand Offficeer - Byy HYPERLINK /author/press/ o Posts by Press Release Prresss ReeleaaseTThu, Appr 33 20008 OFFIICIAAL PPRESSS RRELEEASEE - Inccasee iss exxcitted to annn

53、ounnce thaat DDamoon WWay, innvesstorr & boaard memmberr, wwilll asssumme tthe commpannyss Chhieff Brrandd Offficcer possitiion as of Aprril 20008. In thiis rrolee hee wiill be ressponnsibble forr maanaggingg thhe mmarkket possitiioniing andd meessaaginng ffor Inccasees pproggresssivve llinee off li

54、ifesstylle aand tecchnoologgy-oorieenteed pprodductts.Duriing 14 yeaars as co-fouundeer oof DDC SShoees - foor wwhicch hhe wwilll reemaiin aan oongooingg coonsuultaant - WWay hass woorkeed tto ccreaate a nnumbber of proograams facciliitattingg innnovvatiive prooducct ooffeerinngs whiile maiintaainii

55、ng an acttivee roole in thee buusinnesss annd ooverralll brrandd sttrattegyy. WWithh Waayss exxperrtisse, Inccasee wiill conntinnue to exppandd itts iinveentiive braandiing iniitiaativves andd unniquue ccolllaboorattivee prrojeectss, aaimeed aat ddrivvingg brrandd peerceeptiion whiile delliveerinng

56、tthe marrkett a bettterr exxperriennce thrrouggh ggoodd deesiggn.“I ddeepply admmiree coompaaniees tthatt buuildd sttronng rrepuutattionns oon pprodductt deesiggn aand innnovaatioon,” Waay ssaidd. “Thee Inncasse pprodductt teeam is exccepttionnallly pprofficiientt att thhis andd I am honnoreed tto b

57、be aa paart of it.”Founndedd inn 19997, Inncasse iis aa Caaliffornnia-bassed bagg annd ccasee brrandd thhat creeatees aand delliveers preemiuum, perrforrmannce-bassed prooduccts witth ccleaan, conntemmporraryy deesiggn ffor thee teechnnoloogy, muusicc annd sstreeet cullturre ccommmuniitiees. Inccase

58、e iss coommiitteed tto ddesiigniing carrryiing sollutiionss thhat merrge seaamleesslly wwithh thhe llifeestyyle andd neeedss off toodayys cconssumeer. Inccasee: AA beetteer eexpeerieencee thhrouugh goood ddesiign.“Dammonss paassiion forr deesiggn aand subbtlee prroduuct-driivenn maarkeetinng ttechhn

59、iqquess maakess hiim oone of thee moost forrwarrd tthinnkinng bbusiinesssmeen IIve eveer mmet,” IIncaase CEOO & Preesiddentt Errik Wahhlsttromm saaid. “HHess a chaampiion of welll-ccrafftedd prroduuctss, mmakiing himm thhe pperffectt fiit ffor whaat wwe ddo.”1.244 Reeferrencce: Jobb poost of Prooduc

60、ct DDireectoorIncaase - SSan Fraanciiscoo, CCA 9941005Seept 20tth, 20110 Founndedd inn 19997, Inncasse (wwww.gooinccasee.coom) creeatees pprodductts tto pprottectt thhe ttechhnollogyy thhat is esssenttiall too ouur llivees. Dessignned to meeet tthe neeeds of inddiviiduaals acrrosss alll iinteeressts


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