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1、PAGE 仙居中學(xué)學(xué)七年級級下英語語期中測試試題注意:請請同學(xué)們們把答案案做在答答題卡上上,試卷卷不交,只交答答題卡。Classs _ Namme _ No. _ MMarkks _(時(shí)間:90分分鐘 總分:1000分) 聽 力力(200分)I、聽句句子選擇擇與圖示示意思相相符的選選項(xiàng),聽聽一遍。(每小小題各11分,計(jì)計(jì)5分)( )1. AA B CC( )2. A BB C( )3. AA B CC( )4. A B C( )5. A B CII、情情景反應(yīng)應(yīng) 根據(jù)據(jù)錄音選選擇正確確的應(yīng)答答語,聽聽一遍。(每小小題1分分,計(jì)55分)( )6. A. Itts ggreaat. B. Its

2、bboriing. C. Itts cclouudy.( )7. A. Shhes wwrittingg. BB. SShes aa nuursee CC. SShes ffinee.( )8. A. Hee liivess inn Tookyoo. B. Hee coomess frrom Parris. CC. IIm ffromm Tooronnto.( )9. A. I likke tthemm veery mucch. B. Theeyre cleeverr. C. Thheyre danngerrouss.( )100. AA. IIm aa waaiteer. BB. IIm h

3、happpy. C. I ddo mmy hhomeeworrk.III、對話理理解 根根據(jù)錄音音內(nèi)容及及問題選選擇正確確的答案案,聽兩兩遍。(每小題題1分,計(jì)5分分)( )111. A BB CBankHotelPhoneShopNew ST.Bridge ST.HotelBankPhoneShopNew ST.Bridge ST.BankHotelPhoneShopNew ST.Bridge ST.( )12. A. Plaayinng bbaskketbballl. B. Cleeaniing thee cllasssrooom. CC. DDoinng hhomeeworrk.( )1

4、3. A. In thee poolicce sstattionn. B. In thee TVV sttatiion. C. In thee baank.( )14. A. Winndy. B. Clooudyy. C. Sunnny.( )15. AA BB CIV、短短文理解解 根據(jù)據(jù)錄音內(nèi)內(nèi)容選擇擇正確的的答案,聽兩遍遍。(每每小題各各1分,計(jì)計(jì)5分)( )166. TTodaay iis _. A. Satturdday morrninng B. Suundaay mmornningg C. Suundaay aafteernooon( )177. TTherre aare mann

5、y ppeopple froom _.A. EEngllandd annd CCanaada B. Ameericca aand Jappan C. Cannadaa annd AAusttrallia( )188. TThe driiverr(司機(jī)機(jī)) iis _.A. aan AAmerricaan B. a CChinnesee C. a mann( )199. _CChinnesee peeoplle aare in thee buus. A. Onee B. Twoo C. Thrree( )200. PPeopple _ inn thhe bbus.A. aare tallkinn

6、g tto eeachh ottherr(相互互) B. aree viisittingg thhe GGreaat WWalll(長城城)C. aare lisstenningg too a mann筆 試試(800分)I、單項(xiàng)項(xiàng)選擇。(每小小題各11分,計(jì)計(jì)15分分)()11.I thiink Jacck CChann iss a greeat acttor,_ mmy ffrieendss doont llikee hiim.A. aand B. butt C. orrD.sso( )2. WWhatt _ yoour mottherr _? Shees aa reeporrterr.

7、A. doees, do B. aree, ddo C. do, doo D. arre, doees( )3. Paandaas aare verry _ aand _. SSo wwe aall likke tthemm. A. friienddly, uggly B. cuute, sccaryy C. daangeerouus, beaautiifull D. shyy, ssmarrt( )4. IIs ttherre aa paay pphonne _ thhe nneigghboorhoood? Yess, iits _ CCentter Strreett _ thee riig

8、htt. A. in, doown, onn BB. oon, on, iss C. in, onn, iis D. on, doown, onn( )5、-WWherre ddoess yoour penn paal? Hee inn Tookyoo. A. livve; livves BB. liive;livve C. liivess;liive DD. liivess;liivess( )6. Kooalaas aare in _.( )7. PPeopple froom CCanaada _ Engglissh aand Freenchh.A. sayyB. tallkC. tell

9、lD. speeak()88. TTherre _ a bbankk annd ttwo payy phhonees nnearr heere.A. hass B. haave CC. aare D. is()99. SShe wannts to _ aa reeporrterr beecauuse shee liikess _ to peooplee. A. doo, tto ttalkk B. be, taalkiing C. seee, sayyinggD. waiit, to seee()110. _iss thhe wweattherr inn Shhangghaii?_winndy

10、.A.Whhat;ItssB.Howw;ItsC.Hoow;ItssDD.Whhat; Itts( )111. TThe stuudennts _ gammes aftter claass. Thhey _ voolleeybaall oveer ttherre nnow.A. pplayy, aare plaayinng B. aree pllayiing, pllay C. pllay, pllay D. aree pllayiing, arre pplayyingg( )122. TThannk yyou forr _ thhe sschoool plaay.A. jjoinningg

11、B. to joiin C. jooin DD. iis jjoinningg( )133.Ohh, hhi, Janne!_? Noot bbad.A. HHow it is goiing B. Whaat aare youu dooingg CC. HHow is it goiing D. Whaat ddoess shhe ddo?( )144. PPleaase be quiiet. Myy liittlle cchilld _.A. ggo tto bbed B. is sleeepiing CC. ssleeeps D. goiing to schhooll()115. Isnnt

12、 iit ccutee?_. II liike it verry mmuchh.A.Yees,iit iisnt BB.Noo,itt issC.YYes,it is D. No, itt issnt.II、完完形填空空 (每每小題各各1分,計(jì)100分)Manyy Ammeriicanns llikee too haave theeir vaccatiion in 1 ccounntriies. Onne dday an Ameericcan 22 coomess too Chhinaa. TThiss iss heer ffirsst ttimee (次次數(shù)) to Chiina andd

13、shhe wwantts tto 3 somme ffrieendss thheree. SShe meeets a CChinnesee. TThiss Chhineese wannts to tallk 44 wiith thee Ammeriicann. WWhenn hee seees herr, hhe ccomees uup, sayys “5 ” too heer, theen hhe bbegiins hiss fiirstt taalk witth ssomeeonee 6 aan EEngllishh-sppeakkingg coounttry.“Howw olld aar

14、e youu?” thee Chhineese 7 . “Imm 8 . Pleeasee doontt assk aa laady (女士士) aabouut hher 9 . ” ansswerrs tthe womman.The Chiinesse iis ssurpprissed. Hee dooesnnt knoow 10 . Caan yyou hellp hhim?( )1.A. an othher B. thhe ootheer CC. ootheer DD. ootheers( )2. A. maan BB. bboy CC. wwomaan DD. cchilld( )3.

15、 A. beeB. beinng CC. ddo DD. hhaviing( )4. A. wiith Engglissh B. witth CChinnesee C. inn Enngliish DD. iin CChinnesee( )5. A. OKK B. heelloo C. soorryy D. goood-byee( )6. A. tooB. at C. of D. froom( )7. A. saays BB. ttellls C.tallksDD. sspeaaks( )8. A. suure BB. sshyCC. hhapppyD. soorryy( )9. A. dii

16、nneerB. agge CC. jjob D. fammilyy( )100. AA. hhow B. whhy CC. wwhatt D. whhereeIII、閱讀理理解 (1-55小題各各1分,6-110小題題各2分分,計(jì)115分)ADo yyou knoow tthatt maan? He is my unccle. Hiis nnamee iss Daavidd Smmithh. HHe iis ffortty-eeighht tthiss yeear. He iis aa woorkeer. He wworkks iin aa Caar FFacttoryy. HHis facc

17、torry iis nnot neaar hhis homme. So hhe ggetss upp eaarlyy inn thhe mmornningg annd ttakees aa buus tto wworkk. AAt aabouut sseveen tthirrty, hee geets to hiss faactoory. Hee maakess (生生產(chǎn)) thee paartss (零零件) of thee caar. He makkes manny eeverry dday. He wworkks vveryy haard. Everryonne llikees hhim

18、 andd saays he is a ggoodd woorkeer. He hhas hiss luunchh inn thhe ffacttoryy. HHe oofteen pplayys bbaskketbballl affterr woork. Inn thhe eevenningg, hhe llearrns Chiinesse aat hhomee. HHis Chiinesse iis ggoodd, ttoo. Soomettimees hhe hhelpps mme wwithh myy Chhineese. I liike my unccle verry mmuchh.

19、()11. TThatt maan iis _.A. a teaacheerB. a bbus driiverrC. a wworkkerD. a pplayyer()22. HHe _. A. teeachhes Chiinesse iin aa scchooolB. worrks in a CCar FacctorryC. leearnns CChinnesee evveryy daayD heelpss mee wiith my Chiinesse eeverry dday()33. HHe ggoess too woork _.A. byy buusB. on foootC. by t

20、axxiD. by bikke()44. HHe _ iin tthe facctorry.A. haas ddinnnerB. plaays basskettballlC. sleeepssD. eatts lluncch()55. WWhicch iis nnot rigght?A. EEverryonne llikees mmy uunclle B. My unccle cann sppeakk ChhineeseC. MMy uunclle iis vveryy laazy in thee faactooryDD. MMy uunclle wworkks vveryy haard in

21、 thee faactooryBSUNNNY SSCHOOOLWe aare a bbiliinguual(雙語) scchoool ffor chiildrren of 6-115. We wannt aa coook, a libbrarry aassiistaant, a spoortss cooachh annd aa laanguuagee teeachher.JobAgeLangguaggeSkilllOtheer ttermms(其它條條件)cookk25440Chinneseecan coook CChinnesee annd WWestternn(西方方) ffooddhea

22、llthyylibrraryy asssisstannt20335Chinnesee,Engllishhhas thee knnowlledgge(知知識) on alll kiindss off boooksscareefull(仔細(xì))sporrts coaach20440Chinnesee, EEngllishhmajoor iin(主主修) P.EE.heallthyy,stroongteaccherr30445Chinnesee,Engllishhmajoor iin EEngllishh-( )6. Whho ccant ggo tto SSunnnyScchoool?A. AA f

23、oour-yeaar-oold chiild. B. Ann elleveen-yyearr-olld bboy.C. AA fiifteeen-yeaar-oold girrl DD. AAn eeighht-yyearr-olld kkid.( )7. Whho iis nnot wanntedd byy SuunnyySchhooll?A. AA PEE teeachher. B. Ann Enngliish teaacheer. C. A libbrarry aassiistaant D. A matth tteaccherr.( )8. Wee knnow _ maay nnot s

24、peeak Engglissh iin SSunnnyScchoool.A. tthe spoortss cooachh BB. tthe coook C. thee liibraary asssisttantt DD. tthe lannguaage teaacheer( )9. Thhe ccoacch mmustt maajorr inn _.A. CChinnesee BB. EEngllishh CC. ffoodd D. P.E.( )100. TThe Sunnny Schhooll waantss a teaacheer _.A. aagedd beetweeen 25 and

25、d 400 B. whoo caan ccookk Weesteern fooodC. wwho is carrefuul aand strrongg DD. wwho cann sppeakk Enngliish andd ChhineeseIV、詞詞匯(每每小題11分,計(jì)計(jì)10分分)1. IIm vveryy _ (饑餓餓的), I wannt ssomee foood to havve.2. TThe girrl iin rred is_ (看看) TTV iin tthe rooom.3. HHow manny _(圖圖書館)aree thheree inn yoour citty?4

26、. HHow do youu _ (抵達(dá)達(dá)) aat tthe airrporrt?5. SShe _(享享受的樂樂趣) lyiing on thee beeachh inn suummeer.6. II liike plaayinng wwithh _ (chhildd) iin tthe schhooll veery mucch.7. MMom _ (noot rrun), sshe is wallkinng. 8. II hoope thee_ (beggin) off ouur ttourr iss haappyy.9. TThe bannk iis _(oppen) twwelvve

27、 hhourrs eeverry dday.10. Its ppretty_ (winnd ) inn Shhangghaii .V、補(bǔ)全全對話(每小題題各1分分,計(jì)55分)A: Exccusee me. _1_?B: YYes, I do. I havve aa giirl penn paal.A:_22_?B: SShe is froom SSydnney.A: WWherre iis SSydnney?B: IIts aa ciity in Ausstraaliaa.A: _3_?B: YYes. Kooalaas aare froom AAusttrallia. Theyy sllee

28、pp inn thhe dday andd geet uup tto eeat leaavess att niightt.A:Thhat ssounnds inttereestiing. Annd _4_?B: IIts wwarmm inn wiinteer aand coool iin ssummmer. A:_55_.B: YYoure wellcomme.1. _ 22. _ 33. _4. _55. _A. Thaank youu foor aanswweriing my queestiionss. B. WWherre aare koaalass frrom?C. Do youu

29、haave a ppen pall? D. WWhatts tthe weaatheer llikee inn Auustrraliia?E. Wheere is shee frrom?F. DDoess Auustrraliia hhavee anny ffamoous (出名名的) aniimalls?VI、任任務(wù)性閱閱讀 (每小題題1分,計(jì)5分分)Mr CCao is a tteaccherr inn a midddlee scchoool. He hass a lott off thhinggs tto ddo ffromm Moondaay tto FFridday. Onn Moo

30、ndaay aand Tueesdaay mmornningg hee haas 33 sppeakkingg cllassses. Onn Thhurssdayy hee haas 22 wrritiing claassees iin tthe morrninng aand 1 iin tthe aftternnoonn. HHe pplayys bballl gaamess affterr cllasss onn Moondaay aand lisstenns tto mmusiic oon TTuessdayy affterrnooon. He doeesnt hhavee cllass

31、ses on Weddnessdayy orr Frridaay. He worrks on thee coompuuterr onn Weedneesdaay mmornningg. HHe ccan speeak a llitttle Jappaneese. Soo hee taakess Jaapannesee cllassses thaat aafteernooon. Onn Frridaay mmornningg, MMr. Caoo meeetss olld ffrieendss. IIn tthe aftternnoonn, hhe hhas a rrestt (=rellax)

32、 att hoome根據(jù)短文文,現(xiàn)在在請同學(xué)學(xué)們?yōu)椴懿芾蠋熖钐钔暾ぷ魅杖盏娜粘坛贪才疟肀鞩n tthe morrninngIn tthe aftternnoonnMondday(1)Playy baall gammes TuessdayyHavee 3 speeakiing lesssonns(2)Wednnesdday(3)(4)ThurrsdaayHavee 2 wriitinng llesssonssHavee 1 wriitinng llesssonFridday(5)Havee a resstVII、句型轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)換(每每小題各各1分,計(jì)100分)1.Myy mootheer iis

33、 wworkkingg inn a resstauurannt.(劃線部部分提問問) _ yyourr mootheer _?2.Maary wanntstto bbe aan aactoor. (改為為一般疑疑問句) _Maary _ tto bbe aan aactoor?3.I likke kkoallas beccausse ttheyy arre vveryy frrienndlyy. (就劃線線部分提提問)_ doo yoou _ koaalass?4. TTheyy offtenn pllay witth tthe cutte ddog. (用用noww改寫)Theyy _ _

34、wiith thee cuute dogg noow.5. iis, youur, goiing, wiinteer, howw, vvacaatioon (連詞成成句)_?VIIII、展示示平臺(10分分)假設(shè)你是是某飯店店的老板板,你想想在某報(bào)報(bào)紙上發(fā)發(fā)布一則則招工廣廣告?,F(xiàn)現(xiàn)在請你根據(jù)據(jù)下面名名片的內(nèi)內(nèi)容,寫寫一則廣廣告。Namee: JJim Alllan Smiith Booss(老板)Workkplaace(工作單單位): Roose ResstauuranntAddrresss: CCentter Strreett. Tel: 8228-887288 Mobiile Phoone

35、: 133868878668288 WANTED:_Call _ _ _Call _ _. 仙居中學(xué)學(xué)七年級級下學(xué)期期期中英英語測試試答題卡卡 聽力力部分(每小題題各1分分,計(jì)55分) 12. 113. 14. 15 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 筆試試部分I. 122. 13. 114. 155II. (每每小題各各1分) (每小小題各22分)IV.

36、展示示平臺 WANTED:_ Call _ _ _. _錄音稿I、聽句句子選擇擇與圖示示意思相相符的選選項(xiàng),聽聽一遍。1. MMy mmothher is a llibrraryy asssisstannt, butt shhe wwantts tto bbe aa dooctoor.2. MMy ppen pall liivess inn Auustrraliia. Shee iss Jaapannesee.3. TThe weaatheer iis ssunnny iin tthe morrn

37、inng, butt raainyy inn thhe eevenningg.4. TTheyy goo too thhe zzoo to seee tiigerrs aand dollphiin sshoww.5. LLookk, tthe chiildrren aree clleanningg thhe rroomm.II、情情景反應(yīng)應(yīng) 根據(jù)據(jù)錄音選選擇正確確的應(yīng)答答語,聽聽一遍。6. WWhatts tthe weaatheer llikee inn Chhonggqinng?7 Whhats sshe doiing?8 Whheree iss yoour penn paal ffrom

38、m?9 Whhy ddo yyou likke llionns?10 WWhatt doo yoou ddo?III、對話理理解 根根據(jù)錄音音內(nèi)容及及問題選選擇正確確的答案案,聽兩兩遍。11. A: Exccusee mee. WWherres tthe bannk? B: Goo sttraiightt doown Neww Sttreeet aand turrn rrighht. Turrn lleftt att Brridgge SStreeet. Thhe bbankk iss accrosss ffromm thhe sstreeet. A: Thhankk yoou. B: Thh

39、ats OOK.Quesstioon: Whaat ppictturee iss riightt?12. A: Helllo, iss Miike theere? B: Soorryy. HHes sstilll aat sschoool. A: Ohh. UUm, is he doiing hommewoork? B: Noo, hhe iisnt. Hes pplayyingg baaskeetbaall.Quesstioon: Whaat iist Mikke ddoinng aat sschoool?13A: Annna, dooes youur mmothher worrk?B: Y

40、Yes, shhe ddoess. SShe hass a neww joob.A: WWhatt dooes shee doo?B: WWelll, sshe is a bbankk cllerkk, bbut shee waantss too bee a polliceewomman.Quesstioon: Wheere doees yyourr mootheer wwantt too woork?14. A: Heyy, PPeteer. Happpy Neww Yeear! B: Haappyy Neew YYearr, TTom! A: Hoows tthe weaatheerhee

41、re in Shaanghhai? B: Itts cclouudy. Hoows tthe weaatheer iin BBostton? A: Itts wwinddy.Quesstioon: Whaats tthe weaatheer llikee inn Shhangghaii?15. A: Whaat aare youu dooingg?B: IIm rreaddingg a boook.A: DDo yyou wannt tto ggo tto tthe movviess?B: SSuree, wwhenn doo yoou wwantt too goo?A: LLets ggo aat 77:000.Quesstioon: Whaat ppictturee iss riightt?III、短文理理解 根根據(jù)錄音音內(nèi)容選選擇正確確的答案案,聽兩兩遍。Itss a finne SSundday morrninng. Annn annd hher mottherr


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