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1、PAGE PAGE 62016三年級英語下冊期末模擬試卷(外研版)英語是現(xiàn)在世界上用的最多的一門語言,許多國家都在學(xué)英語和用英語,所以,學(xué)好了英語,出門就不怕溝通不方便了。接下來,和xx一起來了解三年級英語下冊期末模擬試卷。一、 在四線三格內(nèi)正確默寫26個英文字母,大小寫都寫。(12分)二、根據(jù)所給漢語選出正確的英語。(10分)( )1.玩具 A. toy B. doll C. song( )2.毛線衫 A. dress B. coat C. sweater( )3.大的 A. big B. small C. tall( )4.足球 A. basketball B. football C. s

2、kipping( )5.樹 A. tree B. pass C. thin( )6.面條 A. noodles B. milk C. short( )7.時間 A. watch B. sing C. time( )8.去上學(xué) A. go to work B. go to school C. go to bed( )9.夏天 A. cold B. summer C. hot( )10.在下面A. under B. box C. park三、找出不同類的單詞,將序號寫在前面的括號里。(10分)( )1. A.bus B.car C.walk D.ship( )2. A.coat B.sport C

3、.dress D.T-shirt( )3. A.today B.autumn C.winter D.spring( )4. A.New Year B.Christmas C.Chinese D.Spring Festival( )5. A.fish B.cold C.windy D.sunny四、短語翻譯: (20分)1.Come back_, 2.put on_3.Look at_,4. 看電視_5.去購物_,6.通電話_7.have got_ , 8. play football_9.在夏天_,10.在公園里_五.單項選擇,將正確答案的序號寫在前面的括號里。(10分)( )1.My nam

4、e is Tom.Whatrsquo;s your name?A. Fangfang B. Yes, it is. C.Fine,thank you.( )2. How are you?.A. Thank you, Lucy B. I am fine, thank you. C.Hello,Bill( )3.What do you do on Sundays?A.I like basketball. B.Yes,it is. C.I go swimming.( )4.Have you got a sweater?A.Yes, I havenrsquo;t. B.No, I have. C.Ye

5、s, I have. X K b 1.Co m( )5.Itrsquo;s_ABC Song. A.the B.this C.that( )6.Noodles and rice_very nice. A.is B.are C.am( )7.I play football _ the afternoon. A.at B.on C.in( )8. _he got a new bike? A.Dose B.Have C.Has( )9.He _ in the snow in winter. A.walks B.walk C.walking( )10.Itrsquo;s_in Spring. A.co

6、ld B.warm C.hot六、情景交際:從A B C三個選項中,選出最佳答案。(10分)( )1.當(dāng)別人向你說Thank you!時,你應(yīng)說:A.Nice to meet you! B.Good morning! C.Yoursquo;re welcome.( )2.當(dāng)你想知道它們是什么時,你應(yīng)說:A.Whatrsquo;s your name? B.Who are you? C.What are they?( )3.當(dāng)你要表達(dá)你喜歡熊貓時,你應(yīng)說:A.I like pandas. B.I donrsquo;t like lions. C.I like meat.( )4.你要把鋼筆還給你

7、同桌時,你要說:A.Here are you. B.Here to you. C.Thank you.( )5. 該你和Mike上臺了,大明應(yīng)該這樣對你們說:A. Itrsquo;s your turn now! B. Itrsquo;s your choice C. Come back.( )6.當(dāng)你想問別人有T血衫嗎?你應(yīng)說:A.Have you got a dress? B.Have you got a coat?C.Have you got a T-shirt?( )7.今天是大明的生日,你要說:A.Happy New Year. B.Happy birthday to you. C.

8、How are you?( )8.放學(xué)了,你應(yīng)該和同學(xué)告別說:A.Good night. B.Goodbye! C.Hello. X K b 1.Co m( )9.別人問你怎么上學(xué),你應(yīng)該怎么回答:A. I walk to school. B. I have got a bike . C. I have English at school.( )10. 鉛筆在桌子上,你該怎么說:A. The pencil is on the desk.B. The pencil is in the desk.C. I have got a pencil.六、根據(jù)上句找下句,將下句序號填在提前序號括號中。(10

9、分)( )1.Whatrsquo;s the time? A.I go swimming.( )2.Does he like basketball? B. She has English and Chinese.( )3.Do you like apples? C. No, I donrsquo;t.( )4.Whatrsquo;s your favourite song? D. Itrsquo;s ten orsquo;clock.( )5.Have you got a car? E. Happy New Year.( )6.What are they? F. Itrsquo;s the A

10、BC song.( )7.Wherersquo;s my pen? G. Itrsquo;s on your desk.( )8.Happy New Year. H. Yes, I have.( )9.What does Mary have at school? I. They are lions.( )10.What do you do in summer? J. Yes, he does.七、把下列單詞連成一個完整的句子,注意標(biāo)點符號和大小寫。(10分)1.autumn what you do in do_2.kites in park the Daming flies_3.goes bu

11、s my work father to by_4.orange, sweater, he, got, has, an_5.like I riding donrsquo;t bikes._八、閱讀對話,判斷下列句子正誤。(8分)There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my mother, my father, my sister and I. My grandma is old. She stays at home. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. My father is a doctor. He is reading a book now. He is busy all the time. My sister, Lucy, is 9. We are in thesame(相同的)school, but in different(不同的)classes. We have a lot of friends here. We are doing our homework now.仔細(xì)閱讀短文,判斷正誤。(T或F)1. My mother is a Chinese teacher.2. My fat


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