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1、人教版九年級Units 9-111. _ v. 更喜歡2. _ v. 推斷;料想3. _ adj. 悅耳的;平滑的prefersupposesmooth4. sense v. _ n. _5. _ pron. 大量,眾多 _ 大量,充足感覺到;意識到感覺;意識6. _ v. 反映;映出plentyplenty ofreflect7. pity v. _ n. _8. master v. _ n. _9. _ v. & n. 表揚;贊揚10. wound v. _ n. _11. _ v. 和打招呼;迎接12. _ adj. 放松的;自在的遺憾;憐憫 greet大師;能手;主人praise使(身

2、體)受傷;傷害同情;憐憫 掌握 傷口;創(chuàng)傷relaxed13. knock v. _ n. _14. worth adj. _15. _ v. & n. 交換敲擊聲;敲擊 值得;有價值的敲;擊 exchange16. _ v. 迫使17. _ v. 檢查18. _ n. 勇敢;勇氣19. _ v. 拉;拖 20. _ v. 使失望driveexaminecouragepulldisappoint3. direct (名詞) _ 4. shut (過去式) _(過去分詞)_ 5. sad (名詞) _ 6. pain (形容詞) _ 7. move (形容詞) _8. perform (名詞)

3、_ directorshutshutsadnesspainfulperformancemoving/moved1. Australia (形容詞)_2. electronic(名詞) _Australianelectricity9. value (形容詞)_ 10. north (形容詞)_ 11. east (形容詞)_12. behave (名詞) _valuablenortherneasternbehaviour13. suggest(名詞) _14. comfortable(反義詞) _15. weigh (名詞) _16. agree (名詞) _ (反義詞) _suggestion

4、uncomfortableweightagreementdisagree1. 畢竟;終究 _2. 慘白;蒼白 _3. 像往常一樣 _4. 成為某人的朋友 _ 5. 對某人苛刻 _6. 應(yīng)該做某事 _7. 值得做某事 _8. 召來;叫來 _9. 把擦掉 _10. 隨著音樂跳舞 _after all as pale as chalkas usualbe friends with sb. be hard on sb.be supposed to do sth.be worth doing sth.call incleanoffdance to music11. 患了重病 _12. 使某人發(fā)瘋/ 發(fā)狂

5、 _13. 順便訪問 _14. 在某人的一生中 _15. 電子音樂 _16. 有一個愉快的結(jié)局 _17. 有空 _18. 想要做某事 _19. 大動肝火;氣憤 _20. 習(xí)慣于做某事 _21. 出國 _develop a serious illnessdrive sb. crazydrop by during ones lifetimeelectronic musicfeel like doing sth.get madget used to (doing) sth.go abroadhave a happy endinghave spare time22. 特地;格外努力 _23. 和某人意

6、見一致 _24. 不信;懷疑 _25. 及時 _26. 既然那樣;即使那樣的話 _27. 總共;合計 _28. 這沒什么大不了的。_29. 開除某人 _30. 忽略;不提及;不包括 _31. 使某人失望 _32. 作出努力 _go out of ones wayin agreement with sb.in disbeliefin timein that casein totalkick sb. offleave outlet sb. downmake an effortIts no big deal.33. 賺錢 _34. 使某人感到賓至如歸 _35. 計劃做某事 _36. 國寶;國家財產(chǎn)

7、_37. 既不也不 _38. 點頭同意 _39. 拉二胡 _40. 大量;充足 _41. 稱贊某人為 _make moneymake sb. feel at homenational treasuresneithernorplay erhuplenty ofmake plans to do sth. / plan to do sth.nod in agreementpraise sb. as .42. 喜歡勝過 _43. 偶爾地;間或 _44. 更喜歡做某事 _45. 齊心協(xié)力;通力合作 _46. 而不是 _47. 永遠保持快樂 _ 48. 握手 _49. 關(guān)閉;停止運轉(zhuǎn) _50. 悅耳的音樂

8、 _51. 堅持;固守 _pull togetherrather thanshut offsmooth musicstick toonce in a whileprefer to do/ doing sth. prefertoremain happy forevershake hands52. 取代某人的位置 _53. 脫下(衣服);(飛機等)起飛 _54. 起初;開始時 _55. 寧愿 _take ones positionto start withwould rathertake off1. Doing sth. is + adj. =It is + adj. + to do sth. 做

9、某事是的。2. It is a pity (that) . 很可惜 / 很遺憾3. . be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事。4. There lived a(n) . +地點狀語 在某地有一個5. Mind . 當(dāng)心 / 小心6. You wouldnt believe . 你無法想象;你絕不會相信 7. . find(s) it + adj. + to do sth. 發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事 8. The more ., the more . / the +比較級, the +比較級 越越;愈愈9. . feel(s) lucky to do sth. 感覺做某事幸運。1. pr

10、efer v. 過去時preferred, 不用于進行時態(tài)【歸納】prefer v. 更喜歡prefer + n./pron. 更喜歡prefer A to B 比起B(yǎng)更喜歡Aprefer to do sth. 寧愿/更喜歡做某事prefer to do A rather than do B寧愿做A而不愿做Bprefer doing A to doing B 喜歡做A勝過做B注: 中的to為介詞, 中的to 為不定式符號?!菊Z境應(yīng)用】單項選擇1) The old man prefers to _ at home rather than _ to have a picnic. A. stayin

11、g; going B. stay; going C. stay; go2) Im sleepy. I prefer _ at home to going out for a walk. A. sleeping B. to sleep C. slept D. sleep3) Would you like some coffee? Yes, andplease get mesomemilk. I prefer coffee _ milk. A. with B. to C. on D. ofCAA本題易錯選成to,根據(jù)題意,作者想說的是要加了牛奶的咖啡。4) 單詞填空 I p_ reading bo

12、oks at home to hanging out with friends every weekend. (2020四川自貢)prefer2. suppose v. 推斷;料想【歸納】suppose v. 推斷;料想suppose + that從句 料想be supposed to do = should do 應(yīng)該做suppose + n./pron. + to be 認為是be not supposed to do sth. 不允許或禁止做某事表示委婉地禁止【語境應(yīng)用】單詞填空1) In China, you are not s_ to start eating first if th

13、ere are old people at the table. (2020四川眉山) supposed句子翻譯2) You are supposed to ask your teacher for help. (2020黑龍江綏化) 你應(yīng)該向你的老師求助。3. relaxed adj. 放松的;自在的 relax是由relax加形容詞后綴-ed構(gòu)成相同用法的詞有:interestinginterested movingmoved boringbored relaxed adj.意為“感到放松的”,修飾人。relaxing adj.意為“令人放松的”,修飾物。relaxed 和 relaxin

14、gListen to a piece of light music and you will feel r_. (2020四川宜賓) relaxed【語境應(yīng)用】單詞填空4. worth adj. 值得;有價值(的)be worth doing sth. 值得做(主動結(jié)構(gòu)表被動)be worth+價錢 值多少錢be worth + n. 值得【歸納】worth adj. 值得;有價值(的)1) Life is invaluable. This is a price we must pay and a price worth _(pay). (2020四川廣元) 2) 這部電影充滿神秘,值得一看。

15、 This film is _ mysteries and its _. (2020江蘇淮安) payingfull of worth seeing【語境應(yīng)用】 根據(jù)所給單詞及漢語提示補全單詞。5. except prep. 除之外except, except for, besides, but詞(組)意義及用法except“除之外(沒有)”,著重強調(diào)在同類人或物中除去一個或幾個人或物,表示一種排除關(guān)系,有“減除”之意。besides“除之外(還有)”,指在整體中加入一部分,表示一種累加關(guān)系,有“加上”之意。but和except的用法基本相同,但著重強調(diào)整句的內(nèi)容,且習(xí)慣上位于every, a

16、ll, any, nothing, who等詞后。except for“除之外”,表示對整體主要部分的肯定和局部的否定,起部分修正作用?!菊Z境應(yīng)用】句子翻譯1) 辦事處除星期天之外天天都開門。 The office is open every day except Sundays.2) 你的作文寫得不錯,只是有幾處拼寫錯誤。 Your composition is good, except for some spelling mistakes3) 人們擇業(yè)除了錢之外還有別的考慮。 People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.4) 這個問

17、題一點也不簡單。 The problem is anything but easy. 用所給單詞的正確形式填空5) The museum is open daily _(except) Mondays. (2020浙江臺州) except6. suggestion n. C 建議 動詞為suggest 【拓展】 advice n. U 建議 a piece of advice 一則建議 動詞為advise(2020新疆中考) Thank you for giving me the useful _(建議) to learn English. suggestions/advice【語境應(yīng)用】根據(jù)

18、漢語提示完成句子 7. make的用法make v. 做,制造;使成為make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人/某物make sb. sth. (into) + n. 使某人/物成為make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事(在被動語態(tài)中,這個結(jié)構(gòu)要變?yōu)閟b. be made to do sth.)make it + 時間 把時間約定在make sb./sth. done 使某人/某物被make + a/an + 可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)/ make + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) 做【語境應(yīng)用】翻譯句子(根據(jù)2020四川德陽中考真題改編)人們夏天喜歡穿純棉T恤,因為它們使人們感到更舒適。People pr

19、efer to wear T-shirts made of cotton in summer because they make people feel more comfortable.8. drive v. drivev. 迫使;駕駛 drove, drivendrive sb. crazy/mad 使某人發(fā)瘋n. 駕駛;驅(qū)車路程driver n. 駕駛員,司機e.g. The driver drives so bad, which drives me crazy. 這位司機開車技術(shù)太爛, 使我發(fā)瘋?!菊Z境應(yīng)用】根據(jù)所給提示完成句子1) How does your English teac

20、her go to school? She usually _ (drive) to school. (2020湖南永州) 2) 雨越來越大了,小心開車。 Its raining more and more heavily. Lets _. (2020陜西中考) drivesdrive (more) carefully9. agreement n. (意見或看法)一致;同意【歸納】be in agreement with sb. 和某人意見一致be in agreement on/ about/ upon sth. 對某事意見一致be in agreement that 同意【語境應(yīng)用】用恰當(dāng)

21、的介詞填空。1) All scholars are in agreement _ her.2) We were in basic agreement _ this point.withon10. disappoint v. 使失望 disappointment n. 失望 disappointed adj. 失望的 disappointing adj. 令人失望的【語境應(yīng)用】用disappoint的正確形式填空。Yesterday I saw a movie, which _ me a lot. I was not only _ with the actors and the actresse

22、s, but also the plot was _. I am in great _ until now.disappointeddisappointeddisappointingdisappointmenttake off脫下(衣服),反義詞組是put on(飛機等)起飛, 反義詞組是landpart in _pride in _after _action _place _out _a look _care _care of _down _away _a walk _turn _帶走,拿走輪流散步掏出,取出看一看小心,當(dāng)心照顧,照看記下,拆除與take相關(guān)的短語參加為感到自豪(外貌或行為)

23、像采取行動發(fā)生【語境應(yīng)用】用take的相關(guān)短語來完成下列句子(有的需要變換形式)。1) Could you please tell us when the plane will _?2) Is that your mother? You _ her almost in everything.3) Mary is doing very well at school. Her mother _ her.4) Great changes have _ in our country in the past 10 years.take offtake after takes pride intaken

24、place5) I cant go with you, because I have to _ my little sister.6) My grandfather is used to _ after dinner. He thinks its good for health.take care oftaking a walk7) 我們應(yīng)該立刻行動起來,幫助他們擺脫困境。 We should _ _ right now to help them out of the difficulties. (2020山東煙臺)8) Our country is becoming stronger and

25、 stronger. I _ her. (為驕傲) (2020云南) take actionsam proud of/ take pride in根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子2. after all 畢竟;終歸all the time 一直 all together 一起first of all 首先 in all 總共;總計all over 遍及 above all 最重要的是all of a sudden 突然notat all 一點也不由all構(gòu)成的短語:【語境應(yīng)用】單項選擇 Im sorry, sir. I cant finish the work on time. Never mind. _

26、, the work is quite difficult.A. At least B. For instance C. After all D. First of allC3. make an effort 作出努力 make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事【語境應(yīng)用】我們會努力在三天內(nèi)完成這項工作。We will _ _ _ _ _ the work within three days.make an effort to finish 1. Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax. 1) 單個動名詞短語作主語時,謂語

27、動詞使用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。2) a way to do sth. 表示“做某事的方式或方法”,動詞不定式to do sth. 作后置定語,修飾a way。2. I have to say that I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to it. “find it + adj.+ to do sth.” 意為“發(fā)現(xiàn)做某事 ”。it在句中作形式賓語,動詞不定式結(jié)構(gòu)to do sth. 是真正的賓語。 e.g. She found it difficult to talk to him

28、in such a noisy place. 她發(fā)現(xiàn)在這樣嘈雜的環(huán)境下和他說話是困難的。get/ be used to (doing) sth., used to do sth., be used to do sth.短語釋義例句get/ be used to (doing) sth.習(xí)慣于做某事Im used to getting up early.used to do sth.過去常常做某事(常暗指現(xiàn)在不做)I used to jog in the morning.be used to do sth.被用于做某事(被動語態(tài))Wood can be used to make paper.【語

29、境應(yīng)用】根據(jù)語境選擇下列短語的正確形式填空。be used to do, be used to doing, used to doI _ (work) in Kunming in the last five years. Gradually, I _ (live) there for the clean sky and warm winter. One of the funniest things there is that straw hats _ (cover) the pot. (草帽被用來當(dāng)鍋蓋)used to work am used to living are used to co

30、ver 3. It was quite hard for her to feel good about speaking French. Its adj. (for/of sb.) to do sth. 句型1) It isadj.to do sth. 做某事是的 這一句型中,It 是形式主語,to do sth.為真正的主語。 e.g. Its very important to keep healthy. 保持健康很重要。2) It isadj.for sb. to do sth. 做某事對某人來說是的 此處形容詞常描述事物的特征、性質(zhì),修飾to do sth. 常用的形容詞有:diffi

31、cult, easy, hard, important, necessary, dangerous, (im)possible等。It isadj.of sb.to do sth. 某人做某事是的此處形容詞常描述某人的性格、品質(zhì),常用的形容詞有:kind, good, nice, right, wrong, clever, careless, polite, foolish等?!菊Z境應(yīng)用】用介詞for或of填空。1) Its nice _ you to give me a ticket to the film.2) Its important _ us to run every morning

32、.3) Its impossible _ the boy to solve the problems in a short time.offorfor 在復(fù)合句中,修飾某一名詞或代詞的從句叫作定語從句。定語從句學(xué)習(xí)注意三點:先行詞(指人、指物)關(guān)系代詞或副詞的選擇限制性定語從句的翻譯。注意:把從句翻譯成先行詞的定語?;貞浻申P(guān)系代詞that, which, who和whom引導(dǎo)的限制性定語從句。定語從句The train that has just left is for Shanghai. (作主語,指物) 剛離開的列車是到上海的。Is this the photo (that) you to

33、ok last summer? (作賓語,指物) 這是你去年夏天拍的照片嗎?The man that is speaking at the meeting is a famous scientist. (作主語,指人)The teacher (that) you are talking about is from Beijing. (作賓語,指人)關(guān)系代詞指代的先行詞在從句中所作的成分是否可省略that指人,指物主語,賓語賓語可省This is the room which is used for putting old things. (作主語,指物)The call (which) I r

34、eceived from him yesterday was very important. (作賓語,指物)關(guān)系代詞指代的先行詞在從句中所作的成分是否可省略which指物主語,賓語賓語可省I know those volunteers who are helping the poor children. (作主語,指人)The woman (who / whom) you met yesterday is my aunt. (作賓語,指人)關(guān)系代詞指代的先行詞在從句中所作的成分是否可省略who指人主語,賓語賓語可省whom指人賓語可省1. This is the CD _ I bought

35、last year. (2020吉林) A. who B. that C. whom 2. What are you looking for? Im looking for the dictionary _ my brother gave me last month. (2020遼寧營口) A. that B. what C. who D. whomBA3. We teenagers should look up to the people _ have made great achievements to our country, like Yuan Longping. I think so

36、. (2020湖北十堰) A. who B. what C. which D. whose4. Do you know Li Ziqi? Of course, She is a beautiful girl _ has made many videos to show a traditional Chinese way of life. (2020山東濱州) A. whose B. where C. which D. whoAD5. We are supposed to care about the workers _ keep our city clean. (2020湖南湘潭) A. wh

37、ich B. who C. whom6. Do you know the girl _ is giving the speech? Of course. She is my best friend, Meimei. (2020湖北黃岡) A. which B. who C. whom D. whatBB7. Have you seen the film The Wandering Earth? Yes. its the best one _ I have ever seen. (2019甘肅天水) A. that B. which C. what D. it8. We have decided

38、 to sell five things _ we no longer use. (2019湖南株洲) A. that B. where C. who先行詞有最高級修飾,關(guān)系代詞只能用thatAA關(guān)切(Concern)A: You look nervous. What happened? B: Nothing. Dont worry.A: Whats wrong / the matter with Cathy? B: She has a headache because she has been watching TV for long.A: There was a car accident

39、at the corner of the Spring Street this morning. B: Really? Was it serious?A: I fell off my bike this morning. B: Im sorry to hear that. Are you OK?情感(Emotions)安慰(Reassurance)Dont be afraid.Dont worry.Its quite / all right.Itll be OK / all right.Take it easy / Take your time / It takes time.Its no b

40、ig deal / Its not a big deal.語言學(xué)習(xí)語言與文化【寫作任務(wù)】(改編自2019廣東書面表達)假如你是李華,英國某中學(xué)與你所在的學(xué)校是姐妹學(xué)校。該校校長對廣東文化產(chǎn)生興趣,準備組織學(xué)生來你的學(xué)校進行關(guān)于廣東傳統(tǒng)文化的研學(xué)交流。請你寫一篇發(fā)言稿,在歡迎晚會上向他們介紹研學(xué)活動的相關(guān)安排。內(nèi)容包括:1.推薦晚會上的兩種廣東傳統(tǒng)食物。2.介紹兩項廣東傳統(tǒng)文化活動的安排。(包括活動的時間、地點和內(nèi)容)參考活動:欣賞粵劇(Cantonese opera),體驗功夫(kung fu),參加廣東歷史講座等作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出現(xiàn)學(xué)校真實的名稱和學(xué)生的真實姓名。2.

41、語句連貫,詞數(shù)80個左右。作文的開頭和結(jié)尾已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù)?!舅悸伏c撥】1.定基調(diào)體裁:應(yīng)用文(發(fā)言稿);發(fā)言稿的主體部分為說明文時態(tài):以一般將來時為主人稱:以第二人稱為主2.謀布局、寫句子Weve prepared some traditional food for youyoull watch a Cantonese opera in the music hall on the first dayyou are sure to get / become more excited on the second dayI think you will have a better under

42、standing of the culture of Guangdong3.巧銜接culture of Guangdong與traditional food (shrimp dumplings, steamed pork ribs), Cantonese opera, kung fu之間為上義詞與下義詞的關(guān)系,這是通過詞匯手段使上下文成為一個語義整體。在介紹傳統(tǒng)文化活動的安排時,通過時間順序(on the first day和on the second day)來銜接整個段落。4.成篇章 Good evening, everyone. I am Li Hua, chairman of the

43、Students Union. I am very pleased to welcome you to the party. I hope youll enjoy your stay here! Weve prepared sometraditional foodfor you, such as shrimp dumplings, steamed pork ribs. I hope you like them. As for the schedule of your activities, youll watch aCantonese operain the music hallon the

44、first day. I believe you will be attracted by its beauty. And you are sure to get more excitedon the second day, as you will learnkung fufrom a master in the gym. From these activities, I think you will have a better understanding of theculture of Guangdong.I hope youll enjoy your stay here!5.化“平凡”為

45、“非凡”I believe you will be attracted by its beauty.I promise you must fall in love with it the moment you watch it.根據(jù)句意,從方框中選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~填空,有的需要變換形式。relax, praise, wealth, pain, except, examine1. Listening to music makes me feel _. I enjoy it.2. My sister was very hungry. Her stomach was _.3. The patient w

46、as badly ill. The doctor _ him carefully.4. _ is important, but in fact, I think health is more important than it.relaxedpainfulexaminedWealthrelax, praise, wealth, pain, except, examine5. All the students went on the school trip _ Leo. He was ill in hospital.6. Ann does very well in her schoolwork

47、and her head teacher always _ her.exceptpraises.根據(jù)上句完成下句,使兩句意思相同或相近,每空一詞(含縮略形式)。1. Paul turned off the TV and went to bed. Paul _ _ the TV and went to bed.2. Eating food in public places is impolite. _ impolite _ _ food in public places.3. Dont disappoint your parents, Mike. Dont _ your parents _, M

48、ike.4. Sally likes singing better than dancing. Sally _ singing _ dancing.shut offIts to eatlet downprefers to5. Will Alex be forced to leave the school? Will Alex be _ _ the school?6. Mr. Dean should arrive at the hall at 8:00. Mr. Dean _ _ _ _ at the hall at 8:00.7. We must work hard together if we want


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