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1、期末專項1 人稱代詞和物主代詞一、人稱代詞人稱單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)主格賓格主格賓格第一人稱ImeweUS第二人稱youyouyouyou第三人稱hehimtheythemsheheritit人稱代詞主格:作主語,表示誰怎么樣了、干什么了。I am a teacher.You are a student.He is a student, too. We/You/They are students.人稱代詞賓格作賓語,表示動作行為的對象。Give it to me.Lets go (lets =let us)二、物主代詞人稱 類別單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)第一 人稱二稱 第人第三 人稱第一 人稱二稱 笫人第三 人稱形容詞性 物

2、主代詞myyourhisheritsouryourtheir漢語我的你的他的她的它的我們的你們的他(她、 它)們的一.用物主代詞填空:Is this (你的)classroom?This isnt (我的)car(她的)views oflife are very good.(他的father is a doctor.This is (我的umbrella and that is umbrella(你的). 三、用所給代詞的正確形式填空。These are (he brothers.2. That is (she sister.Lily is (Lucy sister.Tom, this is

3、(me cousin, Mary.Mike and Tom(be) friends.10.(Ann 安)mother is (we) teacher. 四、填上正確的人稱代詞和物主代詞is my fHend.他是我的朋友。My dog likes .我的狗喜歡她。Who is there? Its .是誰???是我。Come with .跟我來。classroom is very big.你們的教室真大。are Chinese.我們是中國人。These are photos.這些是我們的照片。Let give a book.讓我們給你一本書。This is father.這是我的爸爸。期末專項2

4、班級 姓名一、判斷下列單詞劃線部分是否相同,用一、判斷下列單詞劃線部分是否相同,用4或者X表示()1. boxfox()1. boxfox(3. deskseggs(S.clockstaxi二、翻譯下列詞組及句子. 一杯咖啡 .一杯茶.一個大雞蛋.一杯果汁.一些面條三、翻譯下列句子,每空一詞(2. sixtaxi()4.booksskirts(6.1ooksdrinks.一杯牛奶.一些魚.一些米飯. at the snack bar. Can I help you? L你想要什么? What you?2 .我想要一個雞蛋。.你呢? you?.多么大的一個雞蛋?。? a .還要其他東西嗎? ?四

5、、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空或根據(jù)上下文填空。dont have (some) (milk), but I have (some) (juice).This our doll. His eyes (be) big.一Where (be) my jackets? in thebedroom.Come and look. Your crayons (be) under the table.一Where my cap? in the living room, on the sofa.How much (be) your newshoes? Fifty-five yuan.一How many (stick

6、er) would you like ? -Twelve, please. (this) socks (be) very nice .Here (be)some noodles you.一Whaf s that behind the door ? Its (a) umbrella.How old (be) your cousin? She (be) only nine.一Do you like this (lion)? Yes, I . I like (lion).Would you like (a) apple pie ? Yes, please.(she) eyes are big, (s

7、he) mouth is small. (she) is beautiful.Where are (he) shoes? under the sofa.一Whos (he)? my uncle, Mr White.The boy has big (ear). But (he) is cool.Lets buy a new T-shirt your sister Tina.We(be) twins. This is (we) new home.一Whos that woman ? my aunt.The shoes are very nice. How much are ?.This is (w

8、e) snowman. (he) mouth is big.else? Two (sandwich), please.Do you like (cofFee)? Yes, I .Would you like (some) orange (juice)? Yes, please.rd like some (tea), please.一Where the rice ? in the kitchen.Do you have (some) bananas ?No, I . But I have some (grape).Wheres (you) father ? ) in (he) bedroom.W

9、heres (I) skirt ? in (you) bedroom.期末專項3班級 姓名一、連詞成句animals any do have you(?)2. lovelythe the cat looks tree veryin。3. dontI any toy have dollsQ4. likeyou that do tigers (?)5. cantbrother basketball my play。6. playyou table can tennis (?)7. abouthot a dog what (?)8. fly 1ike to my I kite (J9. loveli

10、ttle I bedroom my。10. onliving room theyre in the sofathe (, J11. youris in the cap bedroom (?)12. would I like cups two of tea。13. youlike glass would of milk a(?14. socksthese beautiful are (J15.areshoes those nice。)16. likeId umbrellas please these Q J17.nose very and eyes are small her。18.a now

11、king cool he isQ19. short am I fat and。20. earsbigred and myare(.)21. boyslookand girlsatanimals these toyQ Q22. bigan Ihave mangoaand orange。23.haveyoudo many howmango es(?)24. cherry have a with cakelets hot25. grapes purple do youlike TomQ ?)期末專項4一、用單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空.一Do you have (some) bananas ?No, I Bu

12、t I have some (grape).一Wheres (you) father ? ) in (he bedroom.一Wheres (I) skirt? in (you) bedroom.一Su Hais (hair) is long and black. How beautiful!.一 Can you play football (good) ? No J . 一How many (box) do you have ? -I have fifteen (box). Su Yang likes (grape) and (mango). My father cant swim. I c

13、ant swim (too).Lucy can skate. Judy can skate (too). 一Look at (that) chickens. 一They are cute.Miss Wang is (we) English teacher. (she) eyes and mouth are big. 一Something to eat ?Yes, rd like some (fish).I like (fish) very much.一 Is that (you) toy car ? Yes, its (I) toy can.Do you have any (crayon)?

14、一 Yes, I do.Helen can skate well. But Liu Tao (not).一What colour do you like ? ) I like (brown).Those toy (animal) are cute. Do you like that toy (rabbit)?. Look at that cat. How (love)!. Are the boys at home? No, they(are). I (can)play football. What about you? I cant play football (too)二、根據(jù)句意完成對話L

15、ook my new d.Her h is y r andHow beautiful!here are b .Can I you?rd like a of j.Anything?.(一些面條)Here you are. T.Do you h a bananas,YangLing?No, I. I some g.Can I you?Yes, rd umbrella.How much?Ifs yuan.(13)Look my new (短裙).How!Thank you.How much? fifty-five yuan.Wliat you, SuHai?A(漢堡包),please. How yo

16、u, SuHai?Some n, please.7 *A cup of c, please, you are.Can I you?rd aglass oforange, p.rm too.Heres a barWliat you like?rd like some f.Wliat you?rd like an.This is my d.Do you like rMike?NoJ. do you like?I like p. They are cute and.Look Happy Sheep.Wow; hes cool.Look, his eyes are.Yes, his mouth is

17、too.But his is small,he play f?Yes, he can play it very.Is this your(機(jī)器人)?No, it.your?Its under the desk.Do you have toy cars,Helen?NoJ.What yo u?I have some (玩具娃娃).Can I look?Yes.Can I one?Sure.This is youLookhe bird can.Look me J can fly, too.Can you?Ouch! I fly.Don,t be14.on the table?Its big app

18、le,that apple?No, it isnt my apple.Do you like?, I do.期末專項5一、 選出下列劃線部分的發(fā)音與其他各項不通的單詞。1.()A.bagB.goodc.orange2.()A.horseB.havec.eight3.()A.haveB.grapec.skate4.()A.lion B.like c.swim 5.()A.look B.ruler c.all6.()A.father B.fanc.of 7.()A.appleB.cakeMBc.cat8.()A.kitchen B.rice c.fish9.()A.tail B.schoolc.r

19、uler10.()A.cakeB.nicec.juice11.()A.boxB.sockc.six12.()A.ofB.twelvec.five13.()A.like B.milk c.rice 14.()A.someB.sockc.long15.()A.whatB.whyc.who16.()A.kingB.dogc.big17.()A.hairB.pearc.here18.()A.wellB.flyc.help19.()A.jumpB.cupc.juice20.()A.thin B.hisc.king判斷下列單詞劃線部分讀音是否相同,相同的寫T,不同的寫F。1.()A. allB. scho

20、ol2.()A. helpB, what3.(A. cakeB. cat4.(A. sixB. fox5.(A. grapeB. give6. jA. thankB. sock C. make7.()A.elephant B.twenty8.(JA.umbrellaB.noodles9.()AJongB.fly10.()A.cupB.kitchen11.()A veryB.have12.(JA.fourteenB.king13.()A. li onB. tigerC. pineapple14.()A. sureB. sixC. swim15.(A. longB. glassC. eightee

21、n16.()A. whatB, whoC. Where三、根據(jù)劃線部分讀音將下列單詞分類。ZOOliveoffivegivehurryziphot umbrellaveryboxtaxibikekiterulerthankfbr zebraBiglikeeleven ,librarygirlhavegoodfootball lovelywhateightbehindMBfox0MBsixbreakfastafternoonorange fridgel/g/2 /h/3/】/4/5 /k/6 /x/7 /v/8 /z/9 .其他期末專項6一、英漢互譯。1.多少錢3.許多襪子1.多少錢3.許多襪子

22、5.我想要7. how many stickerswell done二、聯(lián)系上下文完成對話。A: Good morning.A: would you like?A: OK, a fan. else?Would you like some?How it?B: Here .三、根據(jù)中文完成句子。1、你的鞋子多少錢?它們二十元。2.有二十個藍(lán)盒子4.一些紅雨傘6.三把漂亮的扇子8. her long tail.10. thirty yuan B: Good. B:Ed like B: No, .B: No, I have many socks.A: Ifs thirteenA: Thanks.muc

23、h your? yuan.2、張先生,他們有三十元。They yuan, Zhang.3、這把扇子多少錢? ? 12 元。How this?twelve yuan.4你想要多少?我想要10個。would you? rd like. 四、選擇合適的詞填空Hike(cat)very much. 2、 Wang Bing can(打 籃球).3 、 Helen can swim(good).4 、 I have (any)books on the desk.5 、 Look(/,at)my toy animals.6 、 How many (balls,box)in your bag?7、(Are,

24、Do)you like that lion?I(can,cantfly, too. She(can,cantfly,either.Miss Li(canikeskate. 10、(look atjthis cat.11、Look at these toy animals, (孩子們)12、Do you (喜歡獅子?)13、Do you like pandas? (肯定回答)14、Would you like a pie? (否定回答)15、I( have) a cake here. 16、Would you like(a egg?17 、 Look at(I )my T-shirt. Ifs

25、nice 18 、is my skirt? Its yellow:19、these your rubbers? No,they.20、Would you like a pie, Bobby? (肯定回答)21、I cant fly(too).六、按要求寫出下列單詞一1、these(反義詞)2、theyre(完整形式)3、dont(完整形式)5、cant3、dont(完整形式)5、cant(完整形式)7、mango(復(fù)數(shù))9、box(復(fù)數(shù))11、that(復(fù)數(shù))13、our(對應(yīng)詞)15、my(復(fù)數(shù))17、Id(完整形式)19、girl(對應(yīng)詞)6、table(近義詞)8、orange(復(fù)數(shù))1

26、0、this(復(fù)數(shù))12、my (對應(yīng)詞)14、cute(近義詞)16、lets(完整形式)18、those(單數(shù))20、isnt(完整形式)期末專項7一、根據(jù)首字母或者中文提示完成句子。How m bananas do you have ?I have (十二)grapes .W do you have ?I have some( 貼紙 T are very beautiful.How m rulers do you have ?C you run? No cant .These(球)are in that box.Can I have a 1?He c play football.What

27、(怎么樣)you ?Have a(試試),Liu Tao.Can you skate ? Yes, I c.What a you ,Liu Tao ? Id like a pie too.Can Mike(踢)football? No, he c.What do you h? I have a doll.(不要)be sad,Bobby.Do you have a dolls ?1 have elephant.Do you have a(香蕉)?Lets m a cake .20.1 like(熊貓三、句子翻譯。.我想要一個紅色的書包。Id a.你喜歡綠色的夾克衫嗎?不喜歡。you like?

28、NoJ.那個是什么?它是一匹可愛的馬。Wliafs? Ifs a.這是什么?是一只猴子。? Ifsa.你有些牛奶嗎? 沒有。you have?NoJ.我有一個可愛的玩具老虎。I a.你有多少本故事書?我有十三本。 storybooks have? I have.你有什么? 我有些球。do you have ?I have.你有些貼紙嗎? Do you have?.你會打乒乓球嗎?不,我不會。 you play? NoJ.你會游泳嗎?you?.我會打籃球,你呢?我會踢足球。I can.Wliat?I can.邁克跑步很好。Mike can.我不會跳。試試吧。I, a try.來看一下,這些是你的

29、蠟筆嗎?不是的。Come and.these crayons? No,.你的風(fēng)箏在哪里?它在客廳。is kite?in the.你想要些什么?我想買一些糖。Wliat you? rd like fplease.我能幫你嗎? 一杯咖啡。我非常喜歡咖啡。I you?A of coffee. I coffee very much.現(xiàn)在兒點了? H一點。time? Its.不能在圖書館吃。Dont in the.期末專項8一、判斷下列各組單詞畫線部分的讀音是(J)否(X)相同。()1. greatbag(2. schoollike()3. fivevery()4. bedbehind()5. doll

30、Ren()6. nineman()7. cateat()8.rulerrobot()9. sixlike()10. Mumfarm二、連詞成句1. about youDad What (,?)2. egg big aWhat(!)3. are muchthey how (?)4. yuan fiftyhave we f.l5. nose are imouth .and small her (J 三、英漢互譯1、兩把短尺_(dá)2、these toy animals3、六只胖狗4、on the log5、在椅子下面6、Theyre cute._7、那個男孩一8、Look at the picture.

31、9、你的叔叔10、Make a wish!11、一些熊貓12、cute and fat13、喜歡狗14、on the mat15、孩子們16、in the tree17、這只大象一18、at the snack bar 19、看20、my big bag21、做一個水果沙拉22、thin and fat23、一些葡萄一24、look at25、我們的水果沙拉26、have a dog27、真好看!28、like animals29、兩個芒果 30、purple grapes31、多少32、a hot cake33、這只猴子34、nice and sweet35、喜歡貓 36、Here you

32、are.37、一只大象 38、how many mangoes39、一只老虎 40、a sweet mango41、一些香蕉 42、how nice 43、有一只芒果44、a fruit salad45、真好看!46、have a look47、兩只菠蘿 48、some grapes49、一只蘋果 50、like mangoes51、我們的學(xué)校 52、his pineapple四、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1.一Su Has (hair) is long and black. 一How beautiful!一 Can you play football (good) ? No J .How man

33、y (box) do you have ? I have fifteen (box).Su Yang likes (grape) and (mango).My father cant swim. I cant swim (too).Lucy can skate. Judy can skate (too).一Look at (that) chickens. They are cute.iss Wang is (we) English teacher (she) eyes and mouth are big. 一Something to eat ?Yes, rd like some (fish).

34、I like (fish) very much.一 Is that (you) toy car ? -Yes, its (I) toy car期末專項9一、讀句子,填入合適的單詞。Where 一、讀句子,填入合適的單詞。Where my skirt?Where the apples?3.in your bag?4. My books on the desk.連詞成句,注意句子字母大小寫和標(biāo)點 on the bed.in the fridge.Yesjt.Ybur book in your bagis, my, green, T-shirt, where。)are, undec youn footballs, the, bed。it, in, is, bedroom, your(?) you, like, a, cap, would, red。)what, you, like, would (?) 三、根據(jù)中文提示完成句子。.我的籃球在哪里?它在桌子下。my basketball? Its the .你的玩具老虎在哪里? 在沙發(fā)上。Wliere your toy? are on the.你的短裙在臥室嗎? your skirt in the ?.過來看看,劉濤。and , Liu Tao.你的爸


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