3 4 高頻課堂詞匯及句子_第1頁
3 4 高頻課堂詞匯及句子_第2頁
3 4 高頻課堂詞匯及句子_第3頁




1、高頻課堂詞匯及句子1Class begins. 上課開始Stand up. 起立Sit down. 坐下Are you ready for class? 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎Yes, go ! 是的,開始!Who can clean the blackboard? 誰能擦黑板Clean up your desk. 清理課桌Put away other books.收拾好其他書Close the curtain. 關(guān)窗簾Open the curtain. 開窗簾Turn on the light. 開燈Turn off the light. 關(guān)燈Turn on the fan. 開風(fēng)扇Turn off t

2、he fan. 關(guān)風(fēng)扇Take out your book. 取出書Open your books to page2. 打開書,第二頁Go through it. 通讀一遍Close your book. 合上書A dictation now. 現(xiàn)在聽寫Times up. 時(shí)間到了Finished, hands up完成了的,請舉手Hands down. 把手放下Check your work. 檢查一下Correct your mistakes. 訂正錯(cuò)誤Write down your name. 寫下名字Hand in your work. 交作業(yè)Eyes on the blackboar

3、d. 眼睛看黑板Use your head. 開動(dòng)腦子Think it over. 仔細(xì)思考Take notes. 做筆記Listen to me. 聽我說Look at me. 請看我Watch carefully. 仔細(xì)觀察Play a game. 做游戲In pairs. 兩人一組Enjoy a story. 欣賞故事Tell a story. 講故事Retell the story. 復(fù)述故事Act the story. 表演故事Watch a video. 觀看視頻Learn the sound. 學(xué)習(xí)發(fā)音Follow me. 跟上我Read after me. 跟我讀Spell t

4、he new word. 拼出生詞Once again. 再來一次Go on. 繼續(xù)In English. 用英語說No Chinese. 不說中文One by one. 一個(gè)個(gè)來Next. 下一個(gè)Group by group. 小組一個(gè)個(gè)來Read together. 全班齊讀Show me your finger. 伸出手指Point to picture one. 指向圖片一Come here. 到這里來Come to the front. 到前面來Go back to your seat. 回座位高頻課堂詞匯及句子2Here are some class rules. 這里是一些課堂規(guī)

5、則Who breaks the rules破壞規(guī)則的人,will get a certain punishments. 將會(huì)得到一定的懲戒No talking.不說話No running. 不跑No eating. 不吃東西No drinking.不喝東西No looking around. 不張望No fighting.不打架No quarrelling.不吵架No littering.不丟垃圾No noise. 不吵鬧No move. 別動(dòng)No more time.沒有下一次Sit up straight. 坐端正Calm down . 請冷靜.Slow down. 慢點(diǎn)Louder. 大

6、點(diǎn)聲Lower. 小點(diǎn)聲Dont hurry. 別慌張Dont worry.別擔(dān)心Dont forget your homework.別忘記寫作業(yè)Dont be shy.別害羞Dont be nervous. 別緊張Dont be afraid. 別害怕Be a good boy. 做個(gè)乖孩子Be quick. 趕快 Be quiet. 請安靜Be brave. 勇敢些Be careful. 仔細(xì)點(diǎn)Be patient. 耐心點(diǎn)Behave yourself. 坐有坐相Take it easy. 放松Hurry up. 快點(diǎn)Super!超級的Much better this time. 這次好

7、多了Wonderful!棒極了Excellent!優(yōu)秀的A big hand!(給他們)掌聲Good job!干得好You did a good job. 干得好Well done!做得好Terrific. 好極了A sticker for you.給你獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)一張貼紙Come on!加油,來吧You can make it.你做得到Go for it. 放手去做吧Give me five ! 擊掌(表示慶祝)高頻課堂詞匯及句子3Any questions? Hands up.有問題,請舉手I cant hear you. 我聽不到你What did you say? 你說了什么?Would yo

8、u please say it again? 請?jiān)僬f一遍,好嗎?Do you remember the word? 你還記得這個(gè)單詞嗎?Whats your problem? 你的困難是什么Whats your question?你的問題是什么Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了Whats the matter with you?你怎么了Whats up?怎么了 Whose turn? 輪到誰了?Its my turn. 輪到我了May I come in? 我能進(jìn)來嗎?Come in,please. 請進(jìn)Sorry, Im late. 對不起,我遲到了。May I go to

9、 the toilet?我能去洗手間嗎Sure, go ahead.去吧。May I ask you a question? 我能問你一個(gè)問題嗎Who knows the answer?誰知道答案Sorry, I dont know. 抱歉,我不知道Who can tell me the answer ? 誰能說出答案?Sorry, I have no idea. 對不起,我不知道Who can answer my question? 誰能回答我的問題?I have a good idea. 我有一個(gè)好主意Who can try? 誰來試一試?I can try. 我可以試試Who can r

10、etell the story? 誰復(fù)述故事Can you try? 你能試試嗎?Can you guess? 你能猜一猜嗎Can you catch me? 你們抓住意思嗎Are you clear? 你們清楚了嗎?Any volunteers? 有沒有自愿者?Which one is correct? 哪個(gè)正確Please tick it.請打鉤。Please cross it.請打叉。Please circle it.請畫圈。Choose and match. 選一選,連線Who is right? 誰是正確的?Who is wrong? 誰是錯(cuò)誤的?Heres homework for today. 這是今天的作業(yè)Which group wins? 哪組贏了?Who is the winner? 誰是勝利者?Who wins


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