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1、2022年山東省濟(jì)寧市高考英語(yǔ)三模試卷一、閱讀理解(本大題共15小題,共37.5分)AJob Posting Welcome to our school!We are excited that you are thinking about opportunities to work with us.See below for a quick glance at what the job is like and the impact you could have on the children.Job Posting Title: Assistant toSummer School StaffJ

2、ob Type: Part- time/Full-timeWorking Conditions: Elementary school campusWeekly Scheduled Hours: Full-time 40Part-time 20Earliest Start Date : ImmediatelyPosition Duration: Expected to continue untilAug 31, 2022Salary: Part-time$ 15 hourlyFull-time$ 20 hourlyWorking Hours: 9: 00 a.m.-* 5: 00 p.m.Res

3、ponsibilitiesWatch over and care for children in 5 - 12 years range.Assist in implementing lesson plans,preparation and clean-up of materials,and watching over children both indoors and outdoors.Maintain a healthyand safe environment for children that obeys child licensing,health requirements and gu

4、idelines for quality care.Other related functions as assigned.Application Requirements* Resume (簡(jiǎn)歷),High school certificate or above.Mailing your application form to us by Jun 10, 2022.Minimum of six months of experience working with children aged 5-12 years.*Three professional reference letters req

5、uired; at least one from a teacher.What is an assistant required to do? A. Design lesson plans.B. Safeguard children.C. Work the night shift.D. Teach academic lessons.Which of following will result in disqualification? Preparing a personal resume.Having work experience.Submitting one recommendation

6、letter.Being an undergraduate student.Whats the weekly income of a full-time assistant? A. $300.B. $400.C. $ 600.D. $ 800.BOn March 15, 2022, Francis Kere was awarded the Pritzker Prize,otherwise known as the Nobel Prize fbr architecture,becoming the first African architect ever to obtain this prize

7、. His path to success was not smooth.When he was 7 years old,Francis Kere left his family home to attend school because his village,Gando in Burkina Faso,did not have one of its own.Thirteen years later,he moved to Germany on a carpentry scholarship,with a dream of returning home one day to build th

8、e classrooms that didnt exist then.Kere achieved just that,becoming an architect and completing his first building , Gando Primary School,in 2001. Casting mud like concrete and using local materials over imported ones,Kere proposed a particular vision of structure that both strengthens communities a

9、nd responds to the climate crisis.As such,Tuesdays Pritzker Prize announcement is not only a nod of approval fbr him,but fbrvemaculafarchitecture-a term used to describe designs that directly respond to local climates,materials and building traditions-itself.He also let the whole village participate

10、 in the design , encouraging them to construct the school,using local wood to press the stone floors and local clay to make bricks.The result was a welcoming structure with aMfloating roof that allows natural winds in a hot climate,and wall openings that bring light for students to learn even withou

11、t electricity.Mr.Kere showed the villagers.that ideas to deal with climate or other challenges are always at hand.Though,K6re has since designed bigger projects,including many national-scale projects differing in size , his approach remains grounded in Gando.Thats how Im trying to translate the work

12、 I have started in Gando to structures that present national pride/* says the newly-awarded architect.Kere will officially be named Pritzker winner at a ceremony in London later this year.As with previous winner,he will be awarded a$ 100 , 000 grant and a bronze medal.What does the author intend to

13、do in paragraph 2? Speak highly of Keres efforts.Introduce Kere* s childhood dream.Bring a new topic for discussion.Add some background information.Whats Kere*s architectural concept? Economizing labour force.Having a fancy appearance.Highlighting sustainability.Using imported building materials.Whi

14、ch can best describe Francis Kere? A. Creative and caring.B. Optimistic and humorous.C. Humble and ambitious.D. Stubborn and adventurous.What kind of writing is the text? A. An award speech.B. A news report.C. A novel.D. A review.cIn the rainforest,thousands of species sing and call , forming sound

15、layers so rich that the human mind can be overwhelmed.Drop a hydrophone (水聽(tīng)器)into.an ocean and you will hear similar richness,but it is foreign to our air-adapted ears.Hundreds of thousands of other vocal (發(fā)聲的) wonders ring out across the world.Every vocal species has a distinctive sound and every p

16、lace on the globe has a singular vocal character. We live in a world of vocal wonder , yet this richness is being damaged worldwide.In some places,vocal loss is caused by the destruction of habitats,from felled forests to overfished oceans.However,in habitats such as thick rainforests or oceans,soun

17、d is the only way for most animals to communicate even over short distances.This communication mating songs,cooperative signals about food,cries that indicate social status and alarm calls allow complex animal life to boom.Elsewhere,noise is also the problem.Machines pump so much sound into water an

18、d air that other species cant hear one another.The problem of noise is most serious in the oceans,where quake exploration,shipping and sonar create a deafening sound that is uninhabitable,or nearly so,for many species.Mankind is also affected by environmental noise,with complaints about noise pollut

19、ion dating to the very first cities,recorded on clay walls from Babylonia.This noise is no mere inconvenience: It creates physiological burdens that sicken and kilLThe European Environment Agency estimates that environmental noise in Europe causes 12 , 000 untimely deaths and 48, 000 new cases of he

20、art disease per year.What can be done to address these problems? Perhaps among the scientific studies of trends in vocal loss,activism to advocate fbr justice and policy-making to reduce noise pollution and habitat destruction,we*d better also find space to listen.Just as we go out with friends to h

21、ear a concert,might we do the same for the birds in a city park? In this simple act,we might find inspiration and a direct connection to our more than-human neighbors.Whats the main idea of paragraph 2? Reasons contributing to noise.Necessity of protecting nature.Factors disturbing sound richness.Si

22、gnificance of sound diversity.Why does the author cite figures in paragraph 3? To stress the threat of noise.To advocate removing noise.To arouse peoples health awareness.To criticize the development of cities.What does the author imply in the last paragraph ? Make practical policies.Conduct more sc

23、ientific study.Seek inspiration from a concert.Build bonds with other creatures.Which of the following is a suitable title for the .text? Can you hear what I hear?Where is the sound taking us?Can you smell something in nature ?How can tect the environment?DMost of us set a goal with energy and motiv

24、ation,If it is achieved,we will feel we are .But in most cases,we cant reach our goals easily.Why do we often fail to hit the target? The answer lies in the disconnect between our brains evaluation of rewards and theget it done realities that influence our behavior.Our brains are reward-driven organ

25、s charged by neurotransmitters (神經(jīng)遞質(zhì)) that fuel our drives and desires,and if s easy for us to get carried away in this chemical tsunami.So,when we set up a goal,our focus is on the re ward. We picture getting the re ward,and how well feel when .we make il,which pushes us into action.But once we beg

26、in,we come face to face with what* s really required to reach the goal and our focus shifts from reward to effort.In other words,a focus on rewards fuels the pursuit,but a focus on effort takes over when the work starts.For example,getting up early to exercise fbr a new healthy lifestyle might seem

27、like a good choice , but once your alarm goes off on a cold January morning,the rewards aren*t enough to get you up and out of bed. When we face the reality of our choices,we realize the effort is too much and give up.In fairness,though,we dont always have the best sense of how much effort something

28、 will require,especially if its a goal we haven*t pursued before.Getting better at setting goals has much to do with figuring this out and not letting ourselves forget the lesson.Next time,begin our goal pursuits with as much realistic acknowledgment of the effort required as possible.Then,once we b

29、egin,refocus back to the reward and continue the efforts.What does the underlined phrasenon cloud nine mean in paragraph 1 ? A. Scared.B. Oveijoyed. C. Restless.D. Weary.What may account for ones unachieved goal? A. Aiming high,working less.B. Speaking more,doing less.C. More efforts , less speed.D.

30、 More pains,more gains.What do people often fail to recognize in setting goals? A. Duration. B. Effort.C. Cost.D. Reward.What,s the authors advice to us? Refocus back to the goal.Achieve your goal step by step.Accept failure and learn from the past.Set practical goals and work consistently.二、閱讀七選五(本

31、大題共5小題,共12.5分)Why do visitors go to museums? I often ask this question to those who have ever come to a museum. (1) As an artist and part of the educational staff at the Walker Art Center,! hope to dig into visitors needs so that we could tailor museum experiences to create more successful visitor e

32、xperiences.Here is my observation of each motivational identity and characterization of different types of visitors.ProfessionalsThis category includes teachers,educators,museum professionals,artists,and people in related fields. (2) For examples photographer may attend with the goal in mind to take

33、 pictures or to learn about photography through exhibits.An art educator may be interested in the art to broaden the knowledge of his own field or to plan a lesson.Explorers(3) If you ask them if they like art they will say yes; but if you ask them if they come fbr something in particular , they wil

34、l probably say no.They do not have concrete learning goals but they like to know new things.They may or.may not know how to use the museum. Experience SeekersAn experience seeker is a person who is checking off a list of landmarks to visit,whether personal or as a tourist. (4) They simply want to do

35、 what you re supposed to see in that city or area*.This type of visitors may need to see the museums highlights to feel satisfied.FacilitatorsFacilitators come because of someone else.They are perhaps bringing a friend or a group of people- possibly the children or students because they think the vi

36、sit would benefit the others,not out of a personal need. (5)A.They want to see what is typical of that place.B.Their goals may range by their particular .roles.C.There are different reasons for visitors coming here.D.You may wonder why Im interested in this question.E.Others will naturally pay a vis

37、it to museums regularly.F.Their personal need is to make a good experience for others.G.They come because attending museums satisfies their curiosity.16. A. AB. Bc. cD. DE.EF. FG. G17. A. AB. Bc. cD. DE.EF. FG.G18. A. AB. Bc. cD. DE.EF.FG. G19. A. AB. Bc. cD. DE.EF. FG.G20. A. AB. Bc. cD. DE.EF.FG.

38、G三、完形填空(本大題共15小題,共15.0分)Donnie Wiseman was worn out after work.But his son was(21)on going to a reptile show at Scales and Tails Utah.So,after a short rest,he22) his son to the show.Inside viewing windows was the shows star attractions huge alligator (短吻鱷).It swam around the pool before(23)its head

39、on a two-foot-wide platfbrm.lt was feeding time,and the(24)alligator was staring expectantly at its trainer , Lindsay Bull.For the sake of(25) Bull wanted the alligator off the platform before beginning the show.Entering the enclosure,she held out one arm and shoutedBack!H-a (n) (26)that usually wor

40、ked.(27), this time the alligator responded by opening the jaw and(28)her into the pool of water.Outside the enclosure,some(29)if this was part of the show.Not Wiseman.Sensing something was(30), he threw open the glass door and climbed inside.nJump on its back and push your fists into the top of its

41、 nose! shouted Bull.Wiseman did as he was(31), pressing down with all of his 180-pound body weight.Time seemed to stand(32) for a while.Finally,the alligator eased its(33)and Bull was quickly helped out of the enclosure.Meanwhile,Wiseman34a chance to jump off the alligator.Apart from minor wounds,Wi

42、seman was more(35)than injured.One mistake and Fil be a statistic,but still,Fm just glad I was there,M he said.21.A. dependentB. keenC. hardD. strict22.A. sentB. directedC. invitedD. accompanied23.A. restingB. duckingC. shakingD. nodding24.A. scaryB. hungryC. sleepyD. foxy25.A. amusementB. trustC. s

43、afetyD. respect26.A. trapB. attemptC. promiseD. practice27.A. UncharacteristicallyB. UndoubtedlyC. GreedilyD. Curiously28.A. signaledB. draggedC. cheatedD. guided29.A. wonderedB. checkedC. picturedD. recalled30.A. strangeB. funnyC. wrongD. normal31.A. scheduledB. instructedC. illustratedD. modeled32

44、.A. remoteB. shortC. deadD. still33.A. biteB. attachmentC. burdenD. attention34.A. anticipatedB. appreciatedC. seizedD. missed35.A. confidentB. embarrassedC. regretfulD. shaken四、語(yǔ)法填空(本大題共1小題,共15.0分)36. The first living robots, (1) (term) as Xenobots,can reproduce on their own in a dish in a way not

45、seen in plants and animals.This is not (2) science-fiction movie,but the result of a new study .They (3) (create) in 2020 after experiments showed that under the right lab conditions,the cells formed small structures that could gather , move and work together in groups and self-heal.Are they living

46、organisms (4) robots? Undeniably,they are organisms because they are made of stem cells from an African frog species and can reproduce.They are also robots because they can move on their own and perform physical labor.Breakthrough (5) Xenobots are,concerns s have been raised.Some people think the se

47、lf- reproducing biotechnology is a potential threat, (6) (say) more advanced future Xenobots could out-compete (7) ( human) .In response to the worries,the researchers claim that the living machines are entirely contained in a lab,which (8) (mean) that the risks are manageableand stoppable.To be sur

48、e,the Xenobot technology is very new,but with its popularity,it may be used to address the diverse (9) (trick) issues in the body and the environment.Hopefully,in a world full of self-reproducing problems like Covid-19, studying Xenobots may lead scientists much (10) (close) to solutions.(1)(6)(10)五

49、、書(shū)面表達(dá)(本大題共2小題,共40.0分)37.假定你是校英文報(bào)Youth的記者李華。上周六,你校組織學(xué)生參觀了市藝術(shù)館舉辦的北宋畫(huà)家王希孟千里江山圖3.0沉浸式數(shù)碼展。請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一篇稿件,內(nèi)容包括:.參觀人員;.活動(dòng)簡(jiǎn)介;.個(gè)人感悟。參考詞匯:千里江山圖A Panorama of Rivers and Mountain沉浸式體驗(yàn)immersive experience注意:.寫(xiě)作詞數(shù)應(yīng)為80左右;.請(qǐng)按如下格式在答題卡的相應(yīng)位置作答。A Visit to a Digital Exhibition38.I couldnt bear it any longer!My best friend had

50、gone for lunch with the most popular girl38.in class,leaving me to eat my tuna sandwich alone in the library.Worse still,during dance class,my partner,a boy,refused to hold my hand and bad mouthed me behind my back,further feeding my anger.lt was,without a doubt,my worst day in school.I was hurt and

51、 mad,and looking for a target to release my anger.When I got home from school , Mother had baked peanut butter cookies and piled them up on a plate.She even artfully decorated each one with royal icing and topped it with sugar.HCouldnt you have made chocolate.chip? * 1 said moodily. I could have,* s

52、he replied from the laundry room,1 but I made peanut butter ones.Eat them while they* re still hot,sweetie.Although I thought Mother was rather unthoughtful,! caved in and took a few bites unwillingly in the end.Later,when she pulled a grilled chicken from the oven and sang a merry tune,I somehow go

53、t annoyed again- Never mind that Mother had busied herself the whole afternoon with the cooking just to put this hot meal on the table.I wanted hamburgers.*Nobody even likes that kind of food,Mum! Why didn*t you make hamburgers ? * I complained.Mother took a deep breath,ran her fingers through her m

54、essy hair and looked into my eyes with a puzzled look.Sweetheart,youve never complained about having it before.Whafs up? ”she said matter-of-factly.It was from there that all went downhill.I screamed and complained nonstop until Mother hit her limit.Unable to contain her anger,No dinner for you!Go t

55、o bed now !ushe exploded.lt was the first time that Mother had got mad at me.Nobody seemed to care about me,including my beloved mother!Ultimately,we had a shouting match in the hallway.I stormed to my bedroom,anger mounting up within me. 注意:.續(xù)寫(xiě)詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150左右;.請(qǐng)按如下格式在答題卡的相應(yīng)位置作答。I screamed and wept bitter

56、ly in bed.Then a thick , juicy smell of hamburgers greeted my nose.答案和解析13.【答案】B、C、D【解析】(1) B.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Responsibilities部分中*Watch over and care for children in 5 - 12 years range.(照顧 5-12 歲兒童。)以及 *Maintain a healthy and safe environment for children that obeys child licensing,health requir ements and

57、guidelines for quality care.(為兒童保持健康和安全的環(huán)境,并遵守兒童許可 證、健康要求和優(yōu)質(zhì)護(hù)理準(zhǔn)則。)可知,助理需要保護(hù)兒童。故選B。C.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Application Requirements部分中*Three professional reference letters required; at least one from a teacher. (*需要三份專業(yè) 推薦信;至少有一個(gè)來(lái)自老師。)可知,提交一封推薦信會(huì)導(dǎo)致取消資格。故選C。D.數(shù)字計(jì)算題。根據(jù) Salary: Part-times 15 hourlyFull-time$ 20 hourl

58、y (工資:兼職 每小時(shí)15美元;全職每小時(shí)20美元)以及Weekly Scheduled Hours:Full-time40 Part-time 20 (每周工作時(shí)間:全職40小時(shí),兼職2。小時(shí))可知,全職助理 的周收入是20 x40=800美元。故選D。本文是一篇應(yīng)用文。文章是一篇暑期學(xué)校教職員助理的招聘公告,介紹了工作內(nèi)容、職 責(zé)和薪資等情況。1.直接信息題:直接信息題是指能夠直接從原文中找到信息,選項(xiàng)在語(yǔ)言表達(dá)上與原 文基本一致的題目。2.間接信息題:間接信息題是能夠從原文中找到信息,但在語(yǔ)言 表達(dá)上與原文有差異,做題時(shí)需要對(duì)原文信息進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換。3.綜合信息題:綜合信息題 是指這類題目所

59、涉及的信息不是原文的某一句話,可能是原文的幾句話,或者是散落在 文章不同的地方,要求學(xué)生把原文所提供的信息綜合起來(lái)分析,而不能斷章取義。47.【答案】D、C、A、B解析】(1 )D.推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段三個(gè)時(shí)間When he was 7 years oldThirteen years laterin2001 (2001年,當(dāng)他7歲時(shí),十三年后)可知,第二段主要介紹了弗朗西斯 凱雷的一些成長(zhǎng)經(jīng)歷,供讀者了解,這屬于背景信息。故選D項(xiàng)。C.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段 Casting mud like concrete and using local materials over imported o

60、nes,Kere proposed a particular vision of structure that both strengthens communities and responds to the climate crisis.(凱雷像澆鑄混凝土一樣澆鑄泥土,用當(dāng)?shù)夭牧洗孢M(jìn) 口材料,提出了一個(gè)既能加強(qiáng)社區(qū)又能應(yīng)對(duì)氣候危機(jī)的獨(dú)特建筑構(gòu)想。)&withafloating roof that allows natural winds in a hot climate,and wall openings that bring light for students to learn eve


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