2023年安徽省池州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第1頁
2023年安徽省池州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第2頁
2023年安徽省池州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第3頁
2023年安徽省池州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第4頁
2023年安徽省池州市中考模擬英語試卷 (附答案)_第5頁
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1、2023年安徽省池州市中考模擬英語試題學(xué)校:姓名:班級(jí):考號(hào):一、聽錄音選圖片What was wrong with Mary last night?Where does Lily like going?二、聽短對(duì)話選答案How many people are there in Tinas family?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.How often does the girl have drama classes?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C.A. Once a week.B. Twice

2、 a week.C.Three times a week.How does the boy feel about learning English?A. Difficult.B. Boring.C.Necessary.A. Difficult.B. Boring.C.Necessary.三、聽長對(duì)話選答案 聽下面一段對(duì)話,回答以下各小題。Why does Kate come to Davids home?To attend a party.To clean the house.C.To invite him to theTo attend a party.To clean the house.

3、C.To invite him to thecountryside.What will David do?A. Do the dishes.B. Collect the bottles.C.A. Do the dishes.B. Collect the bottles.C.Order some food.聽下面一段對(duì)話,回答以下各小題。What color is Alices sweater?A. White.B. Blue.C. Green.9. How much were Alices shoes?A. $15.B. $20.C. $23.10. What is the probable

4、relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates.B. Strangers.C. Brother and sister.四、聽短文選答案聽短文,回答以下各小題。11. How far will the runners run this time?A. 5 kilometers.B. 8 kilometers.C. 10 kilometers.12. Whats the weather like now?A. Rainy.B. Cloudy.C. Sunny.13. What clothes don,t the runners wear?A.

5、 T-shirts.B. Shorts.C. Sweaters.14. What time will the race start?A. At 8:30 am.B. At 9:00 am.C. At 9:30 am.15. Where will the runners meet?A. In the park.B. At the gym.C. By the river.五、聽短文填表聽短文。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,寫出下面表格中所缺的單詞,每空僅填一詞。A Talent ShowWhenOn1610thWhereIn the school hallHow long17 hour(s)ActivitiesL

6、inda played a beautiful guitar piece which was a(n)18song.Jane19without any music.Sam and his20sang a cute song together.六、單項(xiàng)選擇Hello? May I speak to Lisa, please? 一Oh, she has gone to the museum. Would you like to leave a?A. sentenceB. messageC. programD. question一Where would you like to go on vacat

7、ion, Qingdao or Xiamen?;is okay. I dont really mind.A. BothB. NeitherC. NoneD. EitherAs the saying goes, “One will get something new in looking over ones old studies. We should often what we have learned.A. reviewB. cancelC. spreadD. praiseHelen felt in her new school, so Mr White advised her to joi

8、n some clubs tomake new friends.A. lovelyB. friendlyC. lonelyD. weeklyIn the war against COVID-19, the Chinese government is making efforts to make sure the vaccine is taken all over the country.A. deeplyB. widelyC. heavilyD. clearlyIm afraid I cant do well in the sports meeting.Dont worry. I will s

9、upport you,you dont succeed.A. even though B. so thatC. as long asD. as soon asAre you going to do a part-time job in your free time?一Yes. I dont think I should always my parents.A. turn onB. put onC. depend onD. come onHow wonderful the school concert is! I wonder our school will hold it nextyear.S

10、ure. Ifs our school tradition!A. whenB. howC. whetherD. whyOur computer is working again!一Yes. Our IT teacher it. It took him one and a half hours.A. will fixB. has fixedC.is fixingD.was fixing一Its cold outside. Would you mind closing thewindow?;. I will do it right away.A. Of course not B. No, you

11、cant C.Its my pleasureD.Take it easy七、完形填空Once upon a time, many feelings lived on an island, including Happiness, Sadness andLove. One day the 31 were told that the island would sink, so they all made boats and 32 except Love. Love was the only one who stayed. When the island had almostdisappeared

12、into the water. Love decided to 33 help.Richness in a big boat was passing by Love. Love asked, “Richness, can you 34me with you?, Richness answered, 44No, I cant. There is no 35 here for you.”Love decided to ask Sadness. Sadness, please help me!” I cant help you, Love. I am so 36 that I need to be

13、by myself!” Sadness answered.Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not hear when Love37 her.Suddenly, there was a 38. “Come, Love. I will take you. It was an old man.Love was happy and 39 forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a(n) 40 place, the man walk

14、ed away. Love asked Knowledge, “Who helped me?”“It was Time. Knowledge answered.“Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”Knowledge smiled and answered,Because only Time can understand how valuable Love is.”31. A. meaningsB.meetingsC.openingsD.feelings32. A. leftB.sentC.cameD.blew33. A. listen

15、toB.hear ofc.ask forD.look at34. A. needB.takec.knowD.love35. A. foodB.timec.workD.room36. A. fatB.badc.sadD.shy37. A. walkedB.turnedc.pushedD.called38. A. voiceB.hobbyC.dreamD.level39. A. justB.evenc.onlyD.very40. A. easyB.poorc.safeD.longHow important is music? Many people usually think that liste

16、ning to music is nice, but not very 41. It is often only thought to be entertainment, but not the first 42 foreducation. This opinion is wrong. 43, music education is necessary for all students.Music tells us who we are. Music 44 the musicians? thoughts and ideas, and the social environment they com

17、e from. For example, just as Mozarts music represents a lifestyle, rock music 45 represents a lifestyle. George Gershwins music is another46. He introduced jazz style into his music.Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way. Science explains how the sun 47 and sets. Music

18、 explores emotional meanings. People need every48 way to know about our world.Music shows peoples thoughts. We can talk to each other in this amazing way. Through the language we 49 our feelings, discoveries, ideas and hopes. All of these can be shared with others. When we do not let our children re

19、ceive a good music education, we take5() away from the meanings that music shows. So music education is more necessary than people usually think.41. A. excellentB.importantC. interestingD. exciting42. A. choiceB.methodC. wealthD, secret43. A. In dangerB.In timeC. In publicD. In fact44. A. regretsB.r

20、efusesC. reflectsD. recycles45. A. thenB.elseC. fastD. also46. A. exampleB.silenceC. opinionD, present47. A. bumsB.leadsC. shutsD. rises48. A. carelessB.nervousC. possibleD. impolite49. A. hideB.showC. costD. fall50. A. youB.herC. themD. him八、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話7選5根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容,從選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),其中有兩個(gè)為多余選項(xiàng)。Hi, Peter! 51I

21、 attended a speech.A: What was the speech about?B:52 Peoples way of living now is harmful to our environment. We should dosomething to make a change.Yes, I agree with you.53We can do a lot of things. We can use china cups instead of paper cups to drink water.Youre right.54You know, many of our class

22、mates dont know what to do to make our life green. I want to make a poster to share the ways with them.Nice idea! 55Lefs do it right now.A. What can we do?We can put up the poster on the wall of our classroom.What did you do last Saturday?Who gave a speech at the meeting?China cups can be used many

23、times.Its easy to break china cups.It was about how to live green life.九、閱讀單選Make a Paper Helicopter (直升機(jī))You may know how to make a paper airplane, but can you make a helicopter? Heres how:Youll need.1 sheet of plain paper.! paper clip (回形針).cut ondarklioescutfold (折)on dotted linesfold 一Oilfold on

24、 dotted lines1. Put the paper over this page. Trace (沿著)the pattern below onto the paper.2. Fold the sides .3. Hold the helicopter by the bottom and throw it hard into the air.卷What happened?Instead of falling straight to the ground, the helicopter will spin (旋轉(zhuǎn)) its wings and fall slowly.In a real

25、helicopter, if the engine suddenly stops, the pilot lets the helicopters blades (槳)turn freely.The helicopter will spin its blades just the way your paper helicopter did, and it will glide (滑行)to a safe landing.After reading the text, we can learn how to.A. use a helicopterB. draw a helicopterC. fly

26、 a paper helicopterD. make a paper helicopterWhich question does this text explain?What things should we prepare?Who is interested in this activity?Why does the paper helicopter fall straight to the ground?How many steps should we do to draw a helicopter?What kind of text is this?A. An application.B

27、. An instruction.C. An introduction.D. An advertisement.As we all know, the swans usually fly in an arrow (箭頭)formation. One swan flies at the front and the others follow. When the swan is tired, another swan flies to the front.But Gertie never flew at the front. She was quite lazy. Gertie was a mem

28、ber of a big group of thirty swans. One day, when they ate food, they talked.“Gertie never flies to the front/ said Gandy.“Lets teach Gertie a lesson,said Milly.“You cant fly with us, Gertie. This is the groups decision,said Lumumby.“I dont care,“ said Gertie. 4tI will find another group to fly with

29、.”Gertie left and she waited on a tree top for another group. But all the swans knew aboutGertie, and they said “No way to he匚Gertie began to cry. Then, she saw her old group flying by! Were they coming back for her? Gertie flew up, up, up, straight to the front. Lumumby was there and he was tired.“

30、Fly back,“ said Gertie. 44Leave this to me. You have a rest. After two hours, Gertie was tired, but she flew on. Gandy, Milly and other swans all smiled.Why were the other swans angry with Gertie?A. Because she always ate too much.B. Because she never taught others to fly.C. Because she often laughe

31、d at others.D. Because she never flew at the front.How did the other swans punish Gertie?A. They hit her.B. They made her leave.A. They hit her.C. They didnt talk to her.61. What do we know about Gertie?C. They didnt talk to her.61. What do we know about Gertie?She missed her group.C. She planned to

32、 fly alone.D. They didnt give her food.She lived in a tree.D. Another group welcomed her.In which part of the newspaper can we find the text?A. Travel.B. Hobby.C. Story.D. Weather.In our everyday life, we take many things for granted. Being able to see is one of them.However, not everyone in the wor

33、ld has good vision(視力).The World Health Organization(WHO) has released its World Report on Vision. It says that 65 million people could get their vision back with a calaract(白 內(nèi)障)operation, but cannot get one because they have little or no healthcare where they live. In addition, over 800 million pe

34、ople have trouble doing everyday activities because they dont have enough money to buy a pair of glasses.For example, there are thousands of nearsighted African drivers who have difficulty seeing people walking across the road. This makes it dangerous for them to drive. And there are coffee farmers

35、in Bolivia who find it hard to see their ripe(成熟的)beans because of cataracts. This means they cant harvest(收獲)as many beans.This is mainly a problem in low-income countries, such as western and eastern subSaharan Africa, according to the report. A lack of eye care services is one of the main reasons

36、 for this.In southern Asia and other places around the world, there are still cultural barriers(隔閡) when trying to get glasses. In some places, people believe wearing glasses will make ones eyes worse. In other places, when kids start wearing glasses, their grandparents will say they are fbr rich pe

37、ople and not for village boys or girls, Public Radio international reported. These beliefs and attitudes must change before more kids can get glasses and improve their vision. 63. The WHO recently released a report about around the world.A. cataract operations B. vision problems C. eye care services

38、 D. types of glasses 64. The examples of African drivers and Bolivian farmers show that.A. people with cataracts will go blindB. there is no eye care in African countriesC. too much work can cause vision problemsD. people with poor vision face manydifficultiesIn southern Asia, people still have prob

39、lems getting glasses because.A. wearing glasses makes them look ugly B. only rich people can afford to buy glassesC. wearing glasses can make their eyes worse D. wearing glasses goes against theircultural beliefsWhat is the best title for the text?A. Can We Stop Blindness?B. What Causes Low-income?C

40、. The Poor Eye Care Service Problem.D. Why do We Need to Protect Our Eyes?The Great Wall of China is one of the worlds most famous ancient buildings. Visitors toChina always want to see the Great Wall. They know that it is the longest, biggest, and heaviest thing that people have ever built. They he

41、ar a rumor about it, too. The rumor says that people can see it from the moon. It is not true. However, this wall must be something to see!Some visitors have already looked at the pictures. The pictures show happy visitors walking on the wall. They show tired visitors climbing the Great Wall. They s

42、how visitors taking pictures.Some visitors may read about the wall. They learned that ancient Chinese people first built it over 2,000 years ago. They learned about how and why ancient Chinese people built it.At first there was not just one wall. There were several little walls. This changed during

43、the time of Qin. Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China, decided to join the little walls into a big one. The big wall would keep enemies out of the whole country.The Great Wall is.A. about 6,000 miles longB. the oldest ancient buildingC. the highest ancient buildingD. a famous tourist attraction

44、nowWhat does the underlined word “rumor“ in the text mean in Chinese?A.傳聞B.小說C.日記D.計(jì)劃According to the text, some visitors have already known the Great Wall by.A. watching TVB. seeing movies C. looking at the pictures D. searchingA. watching TVthe InternetSocial media is certainly an interesting plac

45、e to learn others opinions. You can read everything from strange ideas to true facts and everything in between. But when youre spending time online and reading so many opinions, its quite possible that youll sometimes see someone write something that you strongly disagree with.In fact, you might fee

46、l so strongly that you feel like you should reply to this person at once. You might do some research, find some facts of your own and reply to what they have written. You finish writing out your reply, click Post and win the argument!Except that ifs not really much of a victory. Most people dont lik

47、e it when other people disagree with their ideas, especially online strangers. Ifs unlikely that they will change their opinion just because you argued with them. In fact, its possible that you made them feel more confident that theyre correct.And the thing is, when you get into these kinds of fight

48、s online, it slowly influences you. You might not know it at first, but the argument that you take part in can actually have a bad effect on your mood. If you argue often, you start to enjoy arguing and then end up doing it even more. Its a dangerous cycle.I guess the best thing to do is to tell you

49、rself that most arguments arent worth it. There are much better and more interesting things to do, whether online or in real life.How does the writer feel about social media?A. People rarely(很少地)use it to argue. B. Many people use it to voice their opinions.C. You cant know other peoples real ideas.

50、 D. It is a good way to connect with strangers.What does the writer tell us in Paragraph 3?Its easy to win arguments online.Arguments can change peoples minds.Disagreeing with someone wont change their mind.People who post their ideas on social media are usually incorrect.What is the writers advice?

51、Argue until you find the truth.Dont discuss problems with strangers.Try to communicate in real life instead of online.Find something better to do instead of arguing.十、閱讀回答問題閱讀下面短文,并用英語回答問題(請注意每小題后面的詞數(shù)要求)。It is a school day. Kids around the world go to school. Most of them will have lunch there. The

52、Associated Press (美聯(lián)社)wanted to know what the kids eat. So it sent reporters to visit schools around the world. What did the reporters find?In some countries, students bring lunches from home. This is true in Pakistan. A meal might include eggs, chicken and bread. Theres rice or noodles, too. In Ecu

53、ador, a country in South America, kids also bring lunches. They often have a sandwich, yogurt, fruit, and cookies.In some countries, students eat lunches made at school. France is an example. Schools serve hot lunches. They have many dishes, including vegetables. In the USA, many kids also eat schoo

54、l lunches. A lunch might be a cheese sandwich, com salad, fresh carrots and milk. Dessert is fruit.In the USA, school lunches used to be different. They started changing in 2010. Thats when a law was passed. It said school lunches had to be healthier. So some food came off school menus. Like what? G

55、reasy pizza and potato chips.What do kids in Ecuador often have for lunch?(不超過 15 個(gè)詞)Why dont schools in the USA offer potato chips now?(不超過 15 個(gè)詞)Whats the text mainly about?(不超過 15 個(gè)詞)十一、根據(jù)漢語及首字母填空The girl n(點(diǎn)頭)to me when she passed me in the park.For a w (明智的)man, a mistake is a lesson.We went ou

56、tside to see what had happened when we heard the n(聲音).If you v(重視)your health, you should exercise every day.Eating too much s(甜的)food is bad for your teeth.十二、材料作文81.勞動(dòng)是日常生活中不可或缺的部分。德智體美勞全面發(fā)展,做新時(shí)代的中學(xué)生是我們的奮斗目標(biāo)。請結(jié)合生活中所參與的勞動(dòng)實(shí)際,用英語寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)80-100,開頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。內(nèi)容包括:L結(jié)合生活實(shí)際,談?wù)剠⑴c勞動(dòng)的重要性;.列舉生活中參與的勞動(dòng),并闡述參與勞動(dòng)

57、的益處(至少兩個(gè)方面);.發(fā)出積極參與勞動(dòng)的號(hào)召。We often hear of the sentence “Labor is a glorious thing.參考答案:B【解析】【原文】M: Mary, whats wrong with you?W: Dad, I didnt sleep well last night because I had a toothache.C【解析】【原文】M: I like going to the museum. How about you, Lily?W: I like the sports center. It exciting to go the

58、re.A【解析】【原文】M: How many people are there in your family, Tina?W: Well, there are my parents, two younger sisters and me.B【解析】【原文】M: Do you have drama classes?W: Yes. We have drama classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.A【解析】【原文】M: I think English is difficult to learn. Can you help me?W: Of course. Youd

59、better find a way to learn it first of all.CA【解析】 【原文】W: Hi, David!M: Hi, Kate! Come in, please.W: Tm thinking about going to the countryside today. Are you coming with me?M: Im afraid I cant I had a party last night. I need to clean the room first.W: Wow! What a mess! Do you want me to help you cle

60、an?M: Well, actually yes, if you want to. Please help me collect the plastic bottles. And Ill do the dishes.CBA【解析】【原文】M: Alice, your clothes look very nice on you.W: Thank you, John! I got them at Miss Blacks Clothes Store.M: How much was your green sweater?W: $23. And the blue trousers were $15.M:


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