已閱讀5頁,還剩4頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、附件 1 :外文資料翻譯譯文餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理與餐飲管理餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理負(fù)責(zé)日常的餐廳運(yùn)作以及為客戶的餐飲食品作好準(zhǔn)備和提供服務(wù), 除此之外,他們還要協(xié)調(diào)其他各個(gè)部門的工作,例如:廚房、餐廳以及宴會(huì)的運(yùn)作,餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理要確保他們的客戶對(duì)他們的餐飲服務(wù)感到滿意。另外,他們要檢查存貨、食物的訂貨單、設(shè)備、貯藏量和安排日常的維護(hù)以及酒店的保養(yǎng)工作,使得酒店更能服務(wù)于客戶。經(jīng)理通常負(fù)責(zé)所有的行政和商業(yè)運(yùn)作工作包括招收新員工和監(jiān)督員工的工作情況及培訓(xùn)情況。在大多數(shù)全天開業(yè)的餐廳和餐飲便利店里, 管理隊(duì)伍由一個(gè)總經(jīng)理, 一個(gè)或多個(gè)副總經(jīng)理和一個(gè)執(zhí)行廚師組成。執(zhí)行廚師負(fù)責(zé)所有食物的準(zhǔn)備工作,包括廚房的運(yùn)作,菜單的編排

2、, 維持高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的服務(wù)質(zhì)量。 在有限的服務(wù)空間里, 比如三明治店、 咖啡館或是快餐店,總經(jīng)理而非執(zhí)行廚師負(fù)責(zé)監(jiān)督日常的餐飲準(zhǔn)備工作。 副總經(jīng)理在全天營(yíng)業(yè)的便利店里一般監(jiān)督餐廳或宴會(huì)上的監(jiān)督服務(wù)工作。 在大的酒店和大型的快餐店以及別的餐飲服務(wù)行業(yè)里,日常的餐飲時(shí)間會(huì)持續(xù)久一點(diǎn)。 個(gè)別的副總經(jīng)理也許監(jiān)督不同班次的員工。 在小一點(diǎn)的酒店里,正式的頭銜也許不是很重要,一個(gè)人可以擔(dān)任一個(gè)或多個(gè)餐飲服務(wù)職位的工作,例如:大廚也許是總經(jīng)理或者甚至有時(shí)就是老板。餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理的一個(gè)重要的任務(wù)是幫助大廚選擇成功的菜單條目。 這個(gè)工作的改變依賴于菜的季節(jié)性, 酒店應(yīng)根據(jù)季節(jié)更換他們菜單的內(nèi)容, 菜單的內(nèi)容也應(yīng)該能體現(xiàn)

3、時(shí)令菜的特色。盡管許多酒店頻繁地改變他們的菜單,然而有些酒店還是很少改變他們的菜單??偨?jīng)理和執(zhí)行廚師們選擇菜單項(xiàng),考慮客戶的數(shù)量和菜的數(shù)量。另外還要考慮一些問題,比如什么時(shí)候策劃一個(gè)菜單, 包括是否存在一些過時(shí)的菜和一些不會(huì)過時(shí)的優(yōu)先菜, 菜單上需要有多樣性和季節(jié)性的菜。 總經(jīng)理和執(zhí)行廚師分析菜譜后決定原料、 員工、 日常開支,來給不同的菜規(guī)定價(jià)格,菜單必須足夠多,并且提前準(zhǔn)備好以便采購人員及時(shí)采購。經(jīng)理和執(zhí)行廚師會(huì)考慮需要的原料、供應(yīng)商的訂貨點(diǎn),確定新鮮原料的送貨時(shí)間。他們?cè)诓蛷d打烊后規(guī)劃日常的服務(wù)和交付, 比如亞麻制品的維護(hù)或者繁重的餐廳清掃工作或是清掃廚房的設(shè)施??偨?jīng)理同時(shí)還要安排設(shè)備的

4、維護(hù)和修理,協(xié)調(diào)不同服務(wù),如浪費(fèi)和有害成分的控制。 總經(jīng)理和執(zhí)行廚師接受送貨是根據(jù)定單檢查送貨內(nèi)容的。 他們必須檢查肉、家禽、魚、水果、蔬菜和烘烤貨物是否新鮮,以確保原料能達(dá)到預(yù)期的效果。他們和供貨代理商碰頭,補(bǔ)充餐具的儲(chǔ)備物、亞麻制品、紙張、洗滌物、用于烹調(diào)的器皿、日用器具以及設(shè)備等??偨?jīng)理必須是一個(gè)很好的交流者。 他們需要有很好的口才, 經(jīng)常對(duì)不同的客戶和員工要講不同的話。他們必須激發(fā)員工熱情工作,就像一個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)一樣,確保餐飲和服務(wù)符合適當(dāng)?shù)臉?biāo)準(zhǔn)。經(jīng)理們還必須保證書寫的供應(yīng)定單清晰而不含糊。餐飲經(jīng)理要會(huì)見客人,招聘員工,對(duì)員工進(jìn)行培訓(xùn),必要的時(shí)候還要解雇員工,再培訓(xùn)優(yōu)秀的員工是餐飲經(jīng)理面臨的

5、一個(gè)巨大的挑戰(zhàn)。 經(jīng)理們?cè)诼殘?chǎng)上招聘新的雇員, 聯(lián)系學(xué)校提供熱情的理論課程和烹調(diào)的技術(shù), 在報(bào)紙刊物上安排版面招聘其他的申請(qǐng)者。 經(jīng)理們檢查新員工的培訓(xùn)工作,講解公司的政策和實(shí)踐。他們規(guī)劃工作時(shí)間,確保足夠多的人出現(xiàn)在各個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)。 如果工人不能勝任工作, 經(jīng)理就不得不派人去頂替他們的工作暫時(shí)替代它們。當(dāng)酒店變得非常忙的時(shí)候,一些經(jīng)理可以幫助烹飪、清理桌椅或完成其他任務(wù)。餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理要確保用餐者的合理性和及時(shí)性。 他們要研究和解決顧客對(duì)餐飲質(zhì)量和服務(wù)的抱怨。他們檢查廚房里的貨物,找出哪里存在滯銷物,一旦發(fā)現(xiàn),他們和廚師一起補(bǔ)救一些被延緩的服務(wù)。 經(jīng)理們指導(dǎo)餐廳的清掃和餐具、 廚房器具和設(shè)備的清理直

6、到達(dá)到公司和政府規(guī)定的衛(wèi)生設(shè)備標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 總經(jīng)理還要經(jīng)常監(jiān)督員工和資助者的行為, 以保證每個(gè)人的個(gè)人安全。他們要確保遵守健康和安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)以及地方酒類的規(guī)則。除了它們的常規(guī)職責(zé), 餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理還要完成各種各樣的管理分配工作, 例如保管員工的工作記錄, 準(zhǔn)備薪水冊(cè)和按照法律征稅以及按勞動(dòng)時(shí)間等發(fā)放工資。 有些酒店這一類 工作是委托副總或記錄員作的。但大多數(shù)經(jīng)理保留了這個(gè)職責(zé)以保證業(yè)務(wù)記錄的準(zhǔn)確性。經(jīng)理還保留了供貨和購買設(shè)備的記錄,確保供貨商的賬目已付清。在很多方面,技術(shù)影響餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理的日常工作,提高工作的效率和生產(chǎn)力。許多酒店使用計(jì)算機(jī)去跟蹤定單、存貨(清單)和座位。PO繇統(tǒng)允許服務(wù)人員把服務(wù)重點(diǎn)放在

7、客戶定單或是餐桌上, 在服務(wù)中通過使用便攜式儀器或計(jì)算機(jī)終端把客戶的定單準(zhǔn)確地傳到廚房,這樣就可以開始做準(zhǔn)備工作了。同樣的,使用他們可以處理收銀臺(tái)的系統(tǒng)總計(jì)和打印檢查,功能就如同現(xiàn)金注冊(cè),連接具體的用戶卡以及跟蹤售后服務(wù)。為了減少原料的開銷和物品的損壞,許多經(jīng)理使用清單跟蹤軟件把用posa件獲得的銷售記錄與當(dāng)前的實(shí) 際記錄相比較。一些公司在他們的POSK統(tǒng)中加入一個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的清單。當(dāng)供應(yīng)中的一些特定 原料變少時(shí), 他們可以通過程序立即從供應(yīng)商那里得到訂貨, 計(jì)算機(jī)還幫助酒店的服務(wù)經(jīng) 理更有效地跟蹤員工的時(shí)間安排和分發(fā)薪水。餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理使用 Internet 去跟蹤工業(yè)新聞,發(fā)現(xiàn)新食譜,做市場(chǎng)調(diào)研,

8、購買補(bǔ)給品或設(shè)備,招聘新員工以及培訓(xùn)員工等。訪問 Internet 也使得客戶服務(wù)更加高效。許多酒店支持網(wǎng)站服務(wù)包括菜單和在線升級(jí),提供酒店位置信息,并可以選擇預(yù)定業(yè)務(wù)??偨?jīng)理計(jì)算營(yíng)業(yè)額和收到的收據(jù), 保持它們與營(yíng)業(yè)紀(jì)錄的平衡, 他們負(fù)責(zé)在銀行存儲(chǔ)一天的收據(jù)或?qū)⑺鼈儽4嬖诎踩牡胤健?最后, 經(jīng)理還負(fù)責(zé)鎖門, 檢查烤箱、 烤架, 關(guān)燈,打開報(bào)警系統(tǒng)。餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理每天第一個(gè)到公司最后一個(gè)離開公司,工作時(shí)間較長(zhǎng),每天要工作 12到 15 個(gè)小時(shí),每周五十個(gè)小時(shí)或者更多,有時(shí)一周要工作7 天都是很正常的。餐飲便利店的總經(jīng)理,像學(xué)校、工廠或咖啡廳,工作起來更加正規(guī),因?yàn)楣ぷ鲿r(shí)間的安排符合他們所服務(wù)行業(yè)

9、的商業(yè)要求。然而,更多經(jīng)理的工作時(shí)間卻是不可預(yù)知的。經(jīng)理應(yīng)該是冷靜、 靈活, 能應(yīng)對(duì)突發(fā)事件, 例如: 火災(zāi)、 水災(zāi), 以確保每個(gè)人的安全,經(jīng)理還應(yīng)該能暫時(shí)代替缺席員工工作。 經(jīng)理還經(jīng)常體驗(yàn)同時(shí)協(xié)調(diào)一系列活動(dòng)的壓力。 當(dāng)問題發(fā)生時(shí),經(jīng)理的責(zé)任是解決問題,并且盡可能小地傷害到用戶。這種工作是繁忙的,對(duì)于怒不可竭的用戶和不配合的員工,做這份工作會(huì)讓他們感到倍受壓力。經(jīng)理可能已經(jīng)經(jīng)歷過這種壓力, 他們可能會(huì)忍受而不去面對(duì)這種壓力, 也有的經(jīng)理會(huì)盡快地解決這類事。2002 年餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理方面的職位有386000個(gè),大多數(shù)經(jīng)理是老板支付薪水的,但大約三分之一的自己經(jīng)營(yíng)餐館的經(jīng)理獨(dú)立于酒店和其他小的餐飲服

10、務(wù)業(yè)。 大約四分之三的支付薪水工作的餐飲管理經(jīng)理是在全天營(yíng)業(yè)的酒店或有限服務(wù)的餐飲地點(diǎn)工作的,例如:快餐店和咖啡館。其它餐飲業(yè)的支付薪水的工作大多在酒吧和特殊餐飲服務(wù)一種包括餐飲服務(wù)承包的產(chǎn)業(yè),它為工業(yè)、政府、商業(yè)和工業(yè)坐落區(qū)提供餐飲服務(wù)。一小部分支付低薪水的餐飲工作一般是在賓館、教育、娛樂場(chǎng)所、賭博場(chǎng)所、療養(yǎng)院、醫(yī)院等。餐飲工作遍布城鄉(xiāng)為想全天工作的人們提供了好就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)。大多數(shù)餐飲公司和國(guó)家以及地區(qū)餐飲連鎖業(yè)招收管理培訓(xùn)員有2 年到 4 年的學(xué)院管理程序的培訓(xùn)計(jì)劃。 餐飲連鎖業(yè)偏好于雇傭有餐飲專業(yè)學(xué)位的人們?cè)诓蛷d工作, 但他們也雇傭畢業(yè)于其他專業(yè)的人們工作, 因?yàn)檫@些人對(duì)餐飲服務(wù)有著極大的興

11、趣, 他們也很有才干。一些餐飲服務(wù)經(jīng)理的職位特別是自己開餐廳的經(jīng)理更能從食物和飲料的準(zhǔn)備上獲得豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。男服務(wù)員、女服務(wù)員、廚師和快餐工作者證明了他們通過培訓(xùn)也有成為經(jīng)理的潛力。作為廚師,執(zhí)行廚師需要更多的經(jīng)驗(yàn),有時(shí)就要和副總經(jīng)理一樣。一個(gè)大學(xué)畢業(yè)生在學(xué)校所受的教育在餐飲服務(wù)管理這個(gè)職業(yè)中提供了特殊的力量, 許多??茖W(xué)校和綜合性大學(xué)為學(xué)生提供了 4 年的餐飲學(xué)習(xí)課程。 2 年和 4 年的課程讓他們得 到了很好教育,學(xué)了很多相關(guān)的知識(shí),如營(yíng)養(yǎng)學(xué),衛(wèi)生學(xué),準(zhǔn)備食物等,還要學(xué)會(huì)計(jì)學(xué), 商業(yè)法, 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)和管理等。 一些課程把課堂理論學(xué)習(xí)和具體實(shí)踐結(jié)合在一起提供了學(xué)生實(shí)際操作的機(jī)會(huì)。另外,許多教育

12、機(jī)構(gòu)提供廚師課程。像這些訓(xùn)練能為學(xué)生的廚師職業(yè)提供基礎(chǔ),提高了廚師的熟練程度。大多數(shù)餐飲鏈和餐飲管理公司為了管理設(shè)有嚴(yán)格的培訓(xùn)課程。 通過課堂和實(shí)際的訓(xùn)練,受訓(xùn)者接受到教育并在餐飲管理各方面操作中得到了工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)。 這些方面包括原料的準(zhǔn)備、營(yíng)養(yǎng)、安全、衛(wèi)生公司制度和程序、人事管理、記錄保留和報(bào)表等。在使用電腦管理餐飲方面培訓(xùn)也是非常重要的。一般6 個(gè)月或 1 年,受訓(xùn)者被委任為助理經(jīng)理。附件 2:外文原文(復(fù)印件)Food service managers are responsible for the daily operations of restaurants and other esta

13、blishments that prepare and serve meals and beverages to customers.Besides coordinating activities among various departments, such as kitchen, dining room, and banquet operations, food service managers ensure that customers are satisfied with their dining experience. In addition, they oversee the in

14、ventory and ordering of food, equipment, and supplies and arrange for the routine maintenance and upkeep of the restaurant, its equipment, and facilities. Managers generally are responsible for all of the administrative and human-resource functions of running the business, including recruiting new e

15、mployees and monitoring employee performance and training.In most full-service restaurants and institutional food service facilities, the management team consists of a general manager, one or more assistant managers, and an executive chef. The executive chef is responsible for all food preparationac

16、tivities, including running kitchen operations, planning menus, and maintaining quality standards for food service. In limited-service eating places, such as sandwich shops, coffee bars, or fast-food establishments, managers, not executive chefs, are responsible for supervisingroutine food preparati

17、on operations.Assistant managers in full-service facilities generally oversee service in the dining rooms and banquet areas. In larger restaurants and fast-food or other food service facilities that serve meals daily and maintain longer hours, individual assistant managers may supervise different sh

18、ifts of workers. In smaller restaurants, formal titles may be less important, and one person may undertake the work of one or more food service positions. For example, the executive chef also may be the general manager or even sometimes an owner.One of the most important tasks of food service manage

19、rs is assisting executive chefs as they select successful menu items. This task varies by establishment depending on the seasonality of menu items, the frequency with which restaurants change their menus, and the introduction of daily or weekly specials. Many restaurants rarely change their menus wh

20、ile others make frequent alterations.Managers or executive chefs select menu items, taking into account the likely number of customers and the past popularity of dishes. Other issues considered when planning a menu include whether there was any unserved food left over from prior meals that should no

21、t be wasted, the need for variety, and the seasonal availability of foods. Managers or executive chefs analyze the recipes of the dishes to determine food, labor, and overhead costs and to assign prices to various dishes. Menusmust be developed far enough in advance that supplies can be ordered and

22、received in time.Managers or executive chefs estimate food needs, place orders with distributors, and schedule the delivery of fresh food and supplies. They plan for routine services or deliveries, such as linen services or the heavy cleaning of dining rooms or kitchen equipment, to occur during slo

23、w times or when the dining room is closed. Managers also arrange for equipment maintenance and repairs, and coordinate a variety of services such as waste removal and pest control. Managers or executive chefs receive deliveries and check the contents against order records.They inspect the quality of

24、 fresh meats, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, and baked goods to ensure that expectations are met. They meet with representatives from restaurant supply companies and place orders to replenish stocks of tableware, linens, paper products, cleaning supplies, cooking utensils, and furniture and fixt

25、ures.Managers must be good communicators. They need to speak well, often in several languages, with a diverse clientele and staff. They must motivate employees to work as a team, to ensure that food and service meet appropriate standards.Managers also must ensure that written supply orders are clear

26、 and unambiguous. Managers interview, hire, train, and, when necessary, fire employees. Retaining good employees is a major challenge facing food service managers. Managers recruit employees at career fairs, contact schools that offer academic programs in hospitality or culinary arts, and arrange fo

27、r newspaper advertising to attract additional applicants. Managers oversee the training of new employees and explain the establishment policies and practices. They schedule work hours, making sure that enough workers are present to cover each shift. If employees are unable to work, managers may have

28、 to call in alternates to cover for them or fill in themselves when needed. Some managers mayhelp with cooking, clearing tables, or other tasks when the restaurant becomes extremely busy.Food service managers ensure that diners are served properly and in a timely manner. They investigate and resolve

29、 customers complaints about food quality or service. They monitor orders in the kitchen to determine where backups may occur, and they work with the chef to remedy any delays in service. Managers direct the cleaning of the dining areas and the washing of tableware, kitchen utensils, and equipment to

30、 comply with companyand government sanitation standards. Managers also monitor the actions of their employees and patrons on a continual basis to ensure the personal safety of everyone. They make sure that health and safety standards and local liquor regulations are obeyed.In addition to their regul

31、ar duties, food service managers perform a variety ofadministrative assignments, such as keeping employee work records, preparing the payroll, and completing paperwork to comply with licensing laws and reporting requirements of tax, wageand hour, unemployment compensation, and Social Security laws.

32、Some of this work may be delegated to an assistant manager or bookkeeper, or it may be contracted out, but most general managers retain responsibility for the accuracy of business records. Managers also maintain records of supply and equipment purchases and ensure that accounts with suppliers are pa

33、id.Technology influences the jobs of food service managers in many ways, enhancing efficiency and productivity. Many restaurants use computers to track orders, inventory, and the seating of patrons. Point-of-service (POS) systems allow servers to key in a customer order, either at the table, using a

34、 hand-held device, or from a computer terminal in the dining room, and send the order to the kitchen instantaneously so preparation can begin. The samesystem totals and prints checks, functions as a cash register, connects to credit card authorizers, and tracks sales. To minimize food costs and spoi

35、lage, manymanagers use inventory-tracking software to compare the record of sales from the POSwith a record of the current inventory. Someestablishments enter an inventory of standard ingredients and suppliers into their POS system. When supplies of particular ingredients run low, they can be ordere

36、d directly from the supplier using preprogrammed information. Computers also allow restaurant and food service managers to keep track of employee schedules and paychecks more efficiently.Food service managers use the Internet to track industry news, find recipes, conduct market research, purchase su

37、pplies or equipment, recruit employees, and train staff. Internet access also makes service to customers more efficient. Many restaurants maintain Websites that include menus and online promotions, provide information about the restaurant location, and offer patrons the option to make a reservation.

38、Managers tally the cash and charge receipts received and balance them against the record of sales. They are responsible for depositing the day receipts at the bank or securing them in a safe place. Finally, managers are responsible for lockingup the establishment, checking that ovens, grills, and li

39、ghts are off, and switching on alarm systems.Working Conditions About this section Back to TopFood service managers are among the first to arrive in the morning and the lastto leave at night. Long hours 12 to 15 per day, 50 or more per week, and sometimes 7 days a week are common.Managers of institu

40、tional food service facilities, such as school, factory, or office cafeterias, work more regular hours because the operating hours of these establishments usually conform to the operating hoursof the business or facility they serve. However, hours for many managers are unpredictable.Managers should

41、be calm, flexible, and able to work through emergencies, such as a fire or flood, in order to ensure everyone safety. Managers also should be able to fill in for absent workers on short notice. Managers often experience thepressures of simultaneously coordinating a wide range of activities. Whenprob

42、lems occur, it is the manager responsibility to resolve them with minimal disruptionto customers. The job can be hectic, and dealing with irate customers or uncooperative employees can be stressful.Managers also may experience the typical minor injuries of other restaurant workers, such as muscle ac

43、hes, cuts, or burns. They might endure physical discomfort from moving tables or chairs to accommodate large parties, receiving and storing daily supplies from vendors, or making minor repairs to furniture or equipment.Employment About this section Back to TopFood service managers held about 386,000

44、 jobs in 2002. Most managers were salaried, but about one-third were self-employed in independent restaurants or other small food service establishments. Almost three-fourths of all salaried jobs for food service managers were in full-service restaurants or limited-service eating places, such as fas

45、t-food restaurants and cafeterias. Other salaried jobs werein drinking places (alcoholic beverages) and in special food services an industry that includes food service contractors whosupply food services at institutional,governmental, commercial, or industrial locations. A small number of salaried j

46、obs were in traveler accommodation (hotels); educational services; amusement, gambling, and recreation industries; nursing care facilities; and hospitals. Jobs are located throughout the country, with large cities and tourist areas providing more opportunities for full-service dining positions.Train

47、ing, Other Qualifications, and Advancement About this section Back to Top Most food service managementcompanies and national or regional restaurant chains recruit management trainees from 2- and 4-year college hospitality management programs. Restaurant chains prefer to hire people with degrees in r

48、estaurant and institutional food service management, but they often hire graduates with degrees in other fields who have demonstrated interest and aptitude. Some restaurant and food service manager positions particularly self-service and fast-food arefilled by promoting experienced food and beverage

49、 preparation and service workers. Waiters, waitresses, chefs, and fast-food workers demonstrating potential for handling increased responsibility sometimes advance to assistant manager or management trainee jobs. Executive chefs need extensive experience working as chefs, and general managers need prior restaurant experience, usually as assistant managers.A bachelor degree in restaurant and fo


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