



1、 PAGE PAGE 220222word2022 年全國II 卷英語高考題第二部分閱讀理解(40)第一節(jié)(15230)A、B、CD確選項。AMy Favourite BooksJoUsmarisawriterforCosmopolitanandco-authoroftheBook Willseries (系歹V) of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.Matilda Roald DahlIoncewroteapaperontheinflueneeoffairytalesonRoald Dahl39;swritinganditgave

2、meanewappreciationforhisstrange and delightful words. Matilda 39;s battles with her cruel me parents and the bossy headmisres , Miss Trunchbull , are equally fumy and frighte ning , but they 39;re also aspirati on al.After Dark Haruki Murakami學海無涯,書山有路It 39;s about two sisters -Eri , a model who eit

3、her won 39;t or can 39;t stopsleeping , and Mari, a young student . In trying to connect tohersister.Maristartschangingherlifeanddiscoversaworld of diverse ” night people ” who are hidi ng secrets.Gone Girl Gillia n FynnThere was a bit of me that did n 39;t want to love this whe neveryoneelseonthepl

4、anetdidbutthehorrorstoryisbrilliant.There 39;s tension and anxietyfrom the beginning as Nick and Amy battle for your trust. 39;sarealwhodunitandthefrustrationwhenyourealisewhat39;s going on is horribly enjoyableThe Sta nd Stephe n KingA. Stephen King. B.Gillia n Fly nn. C. Jo Usmar. D. RoaldDahl 22.

5、 Which of the followi ng tells about Mari and Eri?Cosmopolita n.學海無涯,書山有路 PAGE 學海無涯,書山有路 PAGE 6Sta nd.Matilda.After Dark.The 23. What kind of book is Gone A.A folk tale.BA biography.C.A love story. horror story.BI 39;m secretly relieved because I know there39;srealpowerinsharingvolunteerresponsibili

6、tiesamong many.Theunwillingparentorganizesthemealschedule,sends outemails,andcollectsmoneyforend-of-seasongifts.Somewhere alongtheway,thesameparentendsupbecominganinvaluablemember oftheteam.Thecoachisabletofocusonthekidswhilethepare nts are relieved to beoffthehookforanotherseason.Handingoutslicedor

7、anto bloodthirsty kidscan be as excit ing as watchi ng your own kid score a goal. This is an excelle nt fan tasy no vel from one of the best storytellersaround.Afteraseriousfluoutbreakwipesout99.4%of the world 39;s population, a battle un folds betwee n good and evil among those let. Ran dall Flagg

8、is one of the scariest characters ever.21. Who does “I &refer to in the text?C. It enables her to work hard.D. It brings her material rewards. Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach39;sBarLouiecounterbyherself,quietlyreadinghere-book as she waits for her salad. What is she reading? of your bus in es

9、s! Lunch is BechtelmprettysurevolunteeringismoreofaselfishactthanI39;d freely like to admit. However, if others ben efit in the process, andIgetsomerewardtoo,doesitreallymatterwheremymotivation lies?What can we infer about the pare nt from her reply paragraph l? A. She knows little about the club.Sh

10、e isn 39;t good at sports.She just doesn 39;t want to volunteer.She 39;s unable to meet herschedule.What does the un derli ned tug at the heartstri ngs ”in paragraph 2 mea n?En courage team work .Appeal to feeli ng.Promote good deeds.Provide advice.-namebasisifhewantstohavealittleinteraction (交流). “

11、 I reflect on how my day 39;s gone and think about the rest of the week,s a chanee for self -reflection, You returnto work recharged and with a pla n.That freedom to choose is one reas on more people like to eat alone. There was a time whe n people may have felt awkward about ask ing for a table for

12、 one , but those days are over. Now , weWhat can we lear n about the pare nt from paragraph 3 ?have our smartphones to keep us company at the tabl. It doesnShe gets in terested in lacrosse.She is proud of her kids.She 39;ll work for ano ther seas on.Shebecomesagoodhelper.27.Whydoestheauthorlikevolun

13、teer work?It gives her a sense of duty.It makes her very happy.she 39;s not alone. of meals are eaten alone in America. More than alone,74 percent , and nearly half (46 percent ) have lunchby themselves. Only at dinn ertime are we eat ing together anymore according to statistics from the report. “ I

14、 prefer to go out and be out. A lone , but together , you know ?s on a 39;t feel as alone as it may have before al the advances in tech no logy, &said Laurie Demerit, whose compa ny provided the statistics for the report.What are the statistics in paragraph 2 about?Food variety.Eati ng habits.Table

15、mann ers.Restaura service.Why does Bechtel prefer to go out for lun ch?To meet with her coworkers.To catch up with her work.To have some time on her own.To collect data for report.What do we know about Mazole ny?He makes videos for the bar.He t give the students any breaks. They have to do it A、B、CD

16、確選項。AMy Favourite BooksJoUsmarisawriterforCosmopolitanandco-authoroftheBook Willlike NASA engin eers, ” says Flore nee Gold, a projectman ager.series(系歹V) of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top“There are no tests, ”Gordon says. “There is no graded homework.Therealmostarenogrades,otherthan Areyou

17、working towards your goal?39;Basically, it 39;s T ve got to produce product and then, at the end of year, present ittoNASA.39;Engineerscomeandreallydoanin -personreview, and it 39;s not a very nice thi ng at time. It 39;s a hard bus in ess review of your product. ”GordonsaystheHUNCHprogramhasanimpac

18、t(影響)oncollege admissionsandpracticallifeskills.“ Thesekidsaresoabsorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I don 39;t teach.And that annoying bacteria? Gordon says his2022 年全國II 卷英語高考題第二部分閱讀理解(40)第一節(jié)(15230)reads.Matilda Roald DahlIoncewroteapaperontheinflueneeoffairytalesonRoald Dahl39;swritinganditgavemeanewappreciationforhisstrange and delightful wor


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