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1、閱讀七選五答建點與總分值攻略義一、七選五文章特點與答題要點.總分原那么七選五文章多為短小的說明文和議論文,詞數約200詞左右,其結構清晰, 層次清楚。文章開篇多為整篇文章的主題段落(總),概括文章的主旨大意, 以下那么從幾個小的方面分別說明或闡釋(分)。有時在正文局部為了更具體地 介紹某些方法、觀點時也會采取進一步的總分法。如:There are three main types of cryptography. 37 (E) For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels spell out the hidd

2、en message Meet me.,J38_You might represent each letter with a number, for example. Lets number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message Meet me” would read u13 5 5 20 13 5二A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences.

3、 To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book.It is very hard to break a code without the code book.In any language, some letters are used more than others.Only people who know the keyword can read the message.As long as there have been codes, people has tried to break them.You can

4、hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words.Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.【解析】第一句提到有三種密碼設置方法,37空提到了第一種方法,A code uses symbols to.”這段提到

5、了第三種方法是需要一本密碼書,因此38空應該 是介紹第一種方法之后的第二種,故38空的答案應該選G。.問答原那么因為七選五多為說明文或議論文,必將經常對某些問題進行設問,而后進行 解答。有問就有答,問什么就答什么。根據這一常識,做題時只要研究文章中 問題的設問特點及方式,對其補充一個相應的回答,或者根據回答的方式賦其 一個合適的問題,選出答案就很簡單了。如:The jobs of the future have not yet been invented. 36 By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well n

6、o matter what the future holds.Encourage kids to cook with you.And we cant forget science education.We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that dont yet exist? ?Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develops this skil

7、l.We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.【解析】空后的By doing sth是表示方式的介詞短語,故可知此空應該是一 個以how開頭的疑問句,應選D項。.起承轉合原那么七選五試題主要考查文章的結構及邏輯聯系,必將用到大量的表示起承轉合 的銜接詞或過渡結構。認真研究這些詞語前后的內容,如however, but, instead等后面的信息,t

8、hough (然而,不過)前面的內容,有助于更好地把握 文章的基本結構和大意。如:Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 16 But it seems that many people dont cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home.Do not buy it.The easiest is to

9、steam it.This is how you can do it.It just requires a little knowledge.The fish will go bad within hours.When buying fish, you should first smell it.The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.【解析】根據空格后But后的信息“但似乎很多人不在家里烹飪魚?!焙涂崭?前的句意“每個人都知道魚對健康是有好處的?!笨芍?6空應該是表示魚對人們 身體有益的方面的信息,選項中唯有G項符

10、合這一含義。二、七選五總分值攻略.依據主題,排除多余選項正式答題前先瀏覽整篇文章,掌握文章的大概內容,七個備選項中有的可能 會與文章的主題不相符甚至相互排斥,那么可將這些與主題無關的選項排除,常 ??梢耘懦?2個,剩下六選五甚至五選五,在下一步選擇時便會容易很多。 如:Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry a

11、bout losing eyesight, but its easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of healthy eyesight:Eat your greens.Eye care should begin early in life.They can properly protect your eyes.Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.Parents usua

12、lly dont care about their own eyesight.Always follow the doctors advice for appropriate wear.This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness.【解析】通過預讀可知此文講述了怎樣保護視力,作者在文中提出了五條建 議。根據這一主題發(fā)現選項D與主題完全無關,本文主要介紹的是關于保護視 力的建議;選項E與文章主題關系也不大,也可排除。通過排除這兩個多余選 項,剩下的五個選項,使得解題容易了很多。排除與主題無關的選項后,邊選邊排除,以

13、縮小范圍,剩下的選項碰對的機 會將會大大提高。.文章結構中的“小秘密”如果仔細分析七選五文章的結構,會發(fā)現許多“小秘密”,答題時利用好這些 “小秘密”會起到事半功倍的效果。(1)標題結構如果考查段落標題,先看看其他標題的語言形式。一般情況下同一文章中的 幾個段落小標題基本上是同一種結構和語言表達形式。如果其他標題是名詞短 語,那么所選答案也應是名詞短語。如:Have you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you, where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more

14、 than the sum (總和)of its parts? _36 . 3ZSome people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses of color. Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers (月巴料).38 . However, there are a number of other reasons that mig

15、ht explain why you want to garden. One of them comes from our earliest years.Recall (回憶)your childhood memoriesKnow why you gardenFind a good place for your own gardenIts our experience of the garden that mattersIts delightful to see so many beautiful flowersStill others may simply enjoy being outdo

16、ors and close to plantsYou can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, too G. For each of those gardens, writer down the strongest memory you have【解析】第37題要求選擇小標題。觀察下文的小標題Recall (回憶)your childhood memories,可知這是一個祈使句,可判斷本標題也應用祈使句。七 個選項中只有A、B兩個選項符合要求,下文前兩句說做園藝有不同的原因, 再根據倒數第二句However, t

17、here are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden.”可知答案選 A。(2)句子結構如果正確選項只是某個句子的一個局部,就要看看空后這個局部是不是句子, 如果是句子,看看是否有連詞,如果沒有連詞,要選的正確選項就應是短語或 是帶有連詞的從句。如:Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady, gradual increases in the length of the runs, 36 , buy the bes

18、t-fitting, best-built running shoes you can find.After six daysFor a good marathon runnerBefore you begin your trainingWith each day, increase the distance by a half mileIf they still feel good, you can begin running in themTime spent for preparation raises the quality of trainingNow you are ready t

19、o figure out a goal of improving distance and time【解析】從句式結構上看,逗號后是祈使句,沒有連詞,正確答案要么是帶 有連詞的從句,要么是一個短語,選項中只有A、B、C三個選項符合,根據 空前句中的preparation (準備),和常識可知是“訓練前”,應選C項。(3)詞語復現說話人在談論某個話題或主題時,與主題相關的詞語必定會以原詞、同義詞 或近義詞等形式在上下文中重復出現,這種現象叫詞語復現。同一個詞的重復 出現叫原詞復現;以同義詞的形式重復出現,叫同義復現;以近義詞或近義表 達(意思相近,表達方式不同)的形式重復出現,叫近義復現;以詞義

20、相同而 詞性不同的形式重復出現,叫同根復現。另外還有上義詞與下義詞的復現(如: tragic是car, road的上義詞,而car, road貝U是adult的下義詞)。詞語復現是語篇銜接的一個重要手段,而七選五的特點就是考查文章結構和 語篇銜接。因此,利用詞語復現對解答七選五試題十分管用。利用此法可將選 項縮小到2個選項的還有5道,也就是說,平均幾乎有一半的題僅用這一招就 可解決。如:People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 36 Code breaking never lags (落后)far behind code mak

21、ing. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.It is very hard to break a code without the code book.In any language, some letters are used more than others.Only people who know the keyword can read the message.As long as there have been codes, people has tried to bre

22、ak them.You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words.Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.【解析】本小題要求選擇承接句。下文“Code breaking never lags(

23、落后)far behind code making中,出現了 code breaking,七個選項中包含有 break 的 有 A、D 兩個選項,根據“Code breaking never lags (落后)far behind code making.”的句意,可知答案選D。值得注意的是,并非凡與上句或下句有復現詞的選項就一定是正確選項,只 是正確的可能性更大,在解題過程中需重點考慮或優(yōu)選考慮而已。是否為正確 答案,還應將含復現詞的選項代入原文,看該選項與上下文是否真的銜接,只 有上下文銜接緊密的選項才是正確的。(4)詞語同現所謂詞語同現,就是有相互關聯的詞語在上下文中有同時出現的可能性。

24、如 school, teacher, student, headmaster, class, test, fall, pass, math, learn等這些詞就有可能在同一篇文章中同時出現。如2016年全國III卷:There are many common methods used to cook fish. 20 First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices (調料).Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes

25、 if it weighs about one pound.(A larger one will take more time.) Then, its ready to serve.Do not buy it.The easiest is to steam it.This is how you can do it.It just requires a little knowledge.The fish will go badly within hours.When buying fish, you should first smell it.The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.【解析】空格前后出現了 cook, clean, spices (調料),plate, steam, pot等與廚房烹飪有關的詞語,只有B項才有與之相對應的同現詞匯。(5)代詞邏輯不可忽視。七選五試題重在考查上下文之間的銜接,而代詞是語篇銜接的重要手段之一。解題中善于利用代詞有


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