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1、FG(6分)1. 2.FG(6分)1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6,2020-2021學(xué)年上海市長寧區(qū)九年級上學(xué)期期末教學(xué)質(zhì)量測試英語試卷英語試卷(滿分150分,考試時間:100分鐘)考生注意:.本卷有7大題,共94小題。.試卷滿分150分??荚嚂r間100分鐘。.全部試題均采用連續(xù)編號。請將所有答案做在答題紙的指定位置上,做在試卷上一律不給分。Part 1 Listening(第一部分 聽力)Listening Comprehension (聽力理解)(共 30 分)Listen and choose the right picture (根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)的圖片)Listen to t

2、he dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根據(jù)你所聽到的對話和問題,出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?(8分)7. A) Chemistry.B) Geography.C) English.D) Physics.8. A) White.B) Blue.C) Brown.D) Black.9. A) An engineer.B) A waiter.C) A soldier.D) A doctor.10. A) Bored.B) Happy.C) Upset.D) Worried.11. A) Every 5 minutes.B

3、) Every 10 minutes.C) Every 15 minutes.D) Every 20 minutes.12. A) Librarian and Student.B) Film star and customer.C) Engineer and manager.D) Shop assistant and customer.第1頁共11頁13. A) She doesn,t have enough time.13. A) She doesn,t have enough time.C) She doesn,t work hard.D) She isn,t confident enou

4、gh.A) He felt it worth to fly to Beijing.B) He would take a train because it,s cheaper.He thinks the choice depends on money.D) He doesnt care about comfort and convenience.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判斷下列句子是否符合你聽到的短文內(nèi)容符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)T

5、he writer went abroad for a seven-day holiday for the first time.The writer felt disappointed when he went into his room in a hotel.Thanks to the repairman, the writer was able to take a shower at last.The writer did not tip the repairman because of his bad service.The writer tipped the hotel manage

6、r because he wanted to fix the shower himself.The writer moved to a larger room at last and he could see a wonderful view of the city.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (聽短文,完成下列內(nèi)容。每空格限填一詞)(10 分).Nowadays some downtown areas of cities around the worlddon,t.In the centre of Lo

7、ndon, there,re many beautiful parks withconcerts.Japanese people like shopping in this modern care-free zone, soifs.Now half a million people in Bogota go to work every morning.In Melbourne, Bourks Street Mallbecause of many great shops and no cars.Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分語音、語法和

8、詞匯)II. Choose the best answer(選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福ü?0分)I didnt know what he meant. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part in the sentence?A. /i:/B. /e/C. /i/D./ei/Doctor Li says Mike is a little overweight and he needs to go on diet.A. aB. anC. theD. /a spring morning, a bird flew into our

9、classroom and we were very excited to see it.A. InB. OnC. AtD. ForMary and Jane organized the class meeting all bylast Friday.第2頁共11頁A. theyB. themC. theirD. themselvesWould you mind caringmy dog while Im away on holiday.A. forB. ofC. withD. atFor the time being we can collect much either from books

10、 or on the Internet.A. ideaB. methodC. informationD. suggestionSome people choose to live in the city,enjoy the peaceful life in a village.A. otherB. the othersC. anotherD. othersThe baby feelswhile his mother holds him in her arms .A. safeB. safelyC. saveD. safetyMy classmate John was ill,he didn,t

11、 come to school yesterday.A. orB. forC. soD. butThe more carefully we listen to our teacher in class, progress we will make.A. the greatestB. the greaterC. greaterD. greatPolice had to break open the car window to help out the driver,they?A. hadn tB. didn tC. don tD. aren tMany volunteersa lot of he

12、lp to community in the past ten years.A. offeredB. had offeredC. will offerD. have offeredLily promised her son a trip abroad if he made some progress in study.A. arrangeB. arrangesC. arrangingD. to arrangeI saw Gary playing basketball on the school playground just now, so hebe at home now.A.mustn t

13、B. needntA.mustn tB. needntC. cantD. shouldntPeople would rathergoods online than in the shop because there are more choices.A.buyB. to buyC. not buyD. not to buybrave the boy was to drive away the snake with a wooden stick!A. HowB.WhatC. What aD. What anWater supply after something strange in the r

14、iver water was found and reported.A. has stoppedB. had been stoppedC. is stoppingD. was stoppedI won,t believe Tony is able to recite the long boring poemI have tested him myself.A. thoughB. whenC. untilD. since-I think that honesty is the most important in making friends in life.D. Yes, please.A.Al

15、l right.B. Never mind.C. I agree.D. Yes, please.第3頁共11頁45.That,s very kind of you.A. Sorry for interrupting you.B. Would you like me to get you some water?C. Ive got the first prize in the contest.D. Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes.Complete the following passage with the words or phras

16、es in the box. Each can only be used once(將下列單詞 或詞組填入空格。每空格限填一詞,每詞只能填一次)(共8分)A. advantages B. award C. educational D. grades E. exploreThe members of the Science Club want to plant a vegetable garden. We think that it will be a good communityproject that will not only be (46), but also will be fun.

17、There will be many (47).Students will learn about science. They can learn about different kinds of plants. Students would (48)organic gardening, ecology, botany, and other science topics.Students will get sunshine and exercise. Gardening can be hard work. Students in all (49)can sharethe jobs. Every

18、one will have a chance to feel involvedA.support B. depends on C. likely D. responsibility E. necessaryStudents will also lean about commitment 承諾)and (50). Gardening takes teamwork and patience. The success of the garden (51) completing every task. Everyone can take pride in the results.Finally, st

19、udents will learn healthy eating habits. A lot of kids don,t like vegetables. However, if they have helped grow the food, they will be more (52)to try it. Many students will be shocked to find outthat they like green, leafy stuff!We hope that you will (53)our idea. Thank you for your time.Complete t

20、he sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式完成下列 句子,每空格限填一詞)(共8分)Mr. Wang teachesEnglish. He comes from New Zealand. (we)My grandma took up dancing as a hobby in her. (sixty)Many gathered in the hall to welcome the new year.(citizen)57.1 admire Kitty because she canthree fo

21、reign languages. (speech)58. The hi-tech industry attracts manypeople to work there.(create)1 wonder if you have visited the places of interest in Shanghai.(recent)The sudden of the pet dog made the old lady very sad. (dead)第4頁共11頁Everyone should learn how to bein our daily life. (depend)V. Complete

22、 the following sentences as required根據(jù)所給要求完成句子。第62-67題每空格限填一詞)供14分)Both of them are reading the comic strips in the school library now.改為否定句)of them reading the comic strips in the school library now.Charles can memorize 150 words in a minute by using link methods.(X寸劃線部分提問) words can Charles memori

23、ze in a minute by using link methods?John reviewed his lesson as soon as he finished his supper last 山且卜匕保持句意不變) John his lesson as soon as he finished his supper last night.Our school put off outdoor activities because of the rain this morning.改為被動語態(tài)) Outdoor activitiesoff by our school because of

24、the rain this morning.My friend Mary asked me, “Have you done anything to solve the problem?”(改為賓語從句) My friend Mary asked meI done anything to solve the problem.Put the milk into the fridge, or it will go bad.(保持句意基本不變) The milk will go bad you put it into the fridge.full of fun, my life, regularly

25、, makes, playing basketball.連詞成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 讀寫)VI. Reading comprehension (閱讀理解)(共 50 分)A.Choose the best answer(根據(jù)段文內(nèi)容,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福?2分)Many artists include drawings of nature in their work. But the results can be very different. Here are four of the most famous:Stanislaw Witkiewic

26、z (1885-1939) was a Polish artist. You often see his paintings in art galleries in Poland. Many people like Witkiewicz,s paintings of people,s faces, but I prefer his paintings of nature and landscapes. This one (painted in 1907) shows the Hinczow Lakes in the Tatra mountains. I like this painting b

27、ecause of the green fields and blue water-I,d love to go there.Japanese art is famous for landscape paintings. You can often see sea and sky, and mountains and trees, Ando Hiroshigo worked in the nineteenth century and he,s one of Japan,s most famous artists. He printed and sold thousands of beautif

28、ul prints in his lifetime. However, he was poor when he died.Beatriz Milhazes is a Brazilian artist from Rio de Janeiro. Shes famous for her colorful paintings of flowers and interesting shapes. She also makes sculptures with different types of natural and man-made materials.Personally, I like all h

29、er work, though I prefer her paintings.第5頁共11頁Vincent van Goghhe famous Dutch artist, made eleven paintings of sunflowers. They were his favourite paintings because he loved the color yellow. I prefer his other paintings, but many people love these ones. Nowadays, you see them on cards, postcards, a

30、nd T-shirts. Van Gogh died with no money, but in 1987, someone bought the last sunflower painting for $49 million.The writer prefers Stanislaw Witkiewicz,spainting ofvery much.A. people,s facesB. nature and landscapesC. art galleriesD. lakes and peoplelived a hard life although he sold a lot of beau

31、tiful works.A. Vincent van GoghB. Ando HiroshigeC. Beatriz MilhazesD. Stanislaw WitkiewiczThe underlined word“ Personally” most probably means “”.A. In my opinion B. In factC. In timeD. In a wayWhich of the following is True about Vincent van Gogh?A. He was a great Asian artist.B. He sold eleven pai

32、ntings of sunflowers.C. His favourite colour was yellow.D. He paid $49 million for the last sunflower painting.The best title of the passage is probably “”.A. Paintings of peopleB. Beautiful landscapesC. Nature in artD. Hard life of the artistsWhich of the following shows the correct match of the pi

33、cture to its painter?A.B.C.D.Vincent van Gogh Stanislaw Witkiewicz Beatriz Milhazes Ando HiroshigeA.B.C.D.Vincent van Gogh Stanislaw Witkiewicz Beatriz Milhazes Ando HiroshigeChoose the best answer and complete the passage(選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)倪x項完成短文)(12 分)Do you want to help save the sea turtles? There are severa

34、l ways to do so.The first way is to turn off the lights near the beach. When sea turtles hatch, they head for the water. They use light from the moon to find their way. But electric light (75)the baby turtles. They head away from the water toward the electric lights on land. This leads to injury or

35、death. (76), female turtles cant nest on beaches with lights. So turn off the lights at the beach when it is safe to do so.Sea turtles are wonderful to look at. You may really want to observe or even touch one. this is a (77) idea. An adult turtle may bite at you. Also, you will disturb the nesting

36、site. You may harm the eggs and step on young turtles. So give the sea turtles plenty of (78).第6頁共11頁Another way to help is to keep beaches clean. All sea animals, including turtles, can get caught in trash on the shore and in the water. Plastic bags and other trash may also be eaten by sea turtles,

37、 often resulting injury or death.There are many ways in which you can make a (79) lives of sea turtles. organize a class clean-up day at your local beach. Settle chemicals you use in your home (80) because these can find their way to the water. Tell others about these wonderful animals and teach the

38、m how to help the sea turtles.75.A. trainB. confuseC. frightenD. protect76. A. By the wayB. On the other handC. In factD. In addition77. A. terribleB. surprisingC. wonderfulD. fresh78. A. freedomB. timeC. spaceD. length79 A. livingB. differenceC. mistakeD. decision80. A. properlyB. clearlyC. slowlyD

39、. exactlyFill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格內(nèi)填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,使其內(nèi)容通順。每空格限填一詞,首字母 已給)(14分)Five tips fOr less plasticThe world has a plastic problem-and it is increasing. Scientists are working to find a long-term solution by making plastic more 初odeg/adaA/e(可生物降解的).But in the meantime, here are five th

40、ings you can do to (81) rplasticwaste now.Stop using plastic bags. Instead, take your own reusable shopping bag to the store. People use a trillion plastic bags worldwide every year. About 10 percent are used in the United States alone. That,s almost one bag per American per day, but the (82)a_ Dane

41、(丹 麥 人 )uses four single-use bags per year. In 1993, Denmark was the first country to place a tax on plastic bags. Today, other countries(such as Chile, Kenya and New Zealand) either make customers pay for plastic bags, or have banned (禁止)them(83)c.Skip the straw. Today, around 8.3 billion plastic s

42、traws pollute the world,s beaches. So when you order a drink, say “no” to the reusable straw, or bring your own reusable one. In 2018, Seattle became the first major U.S. city to ban plastic straws and many other cities are set to follow its (84) e.Dontise plastic bottles. Buy a reusable bottle and

43、fill it with any (85) t of drink you like. Some cities havealready banned bottled water. However, people still buy nearly a million plastic bottles every minute in theworld(86) A plastic packaging. Buy bar soap instead of liquid soap in plastic containers. Don,t buy fruit orvegetables in plastic pac

44、kaging. In the U. K, leaders are calling for supermarkets to have plastic-free areas. They also want to tax plastic take-out containers.Recycle. We can, t recycle all plastic items, but it is (87) p to recycle most bottles and milk or juice cartons.Today, Norway recycles 97 percent of its plastic bo

45、ttles. How? Machines at most supermarkets take the bottles and give第7頁共11頁 a refund of up to 2.5 kroner (32 cents) per bottle.81. r 82.a 83.c 84.e 85.t 86.A87. pD. Answer the questions(S據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題)(12分)John Wesley PowellEvery time I go whitewater rafting, I think of an explorer named John Wesley Po

46、well who was an amazing figure in the American West. Powell was fearless and thought nothing of hopping in a boat and rowing down an unknown river. Along the way, he studied geology, plants, and wildlife, teaching himself much about the natural worldIn 1860, Powell joined the army in the Civil War.

47、He was injured and lost his right arm. When the wound was cured, he went back into battle! In 1865, he retired as a major (上校).Powell took a teaching position as professor of geology even though he had never gone to college himself. During this time, he began to develop a daring plan. He wanted to e

48、xplore the Grand Canyon by rafting the Colorado River. No one had done such a thing before.In May of 1869, Powell set out with ten men on the Green River in Wyoming for a ten-month trip. Everyone who saw them leave thought they would be done for.No wonder! They were facing the unknown with every ben

49、d of the river. No one knew what rapids (急流)lay ahead or how dangerous they,d be. But Powell refused to give up. He had courage and carefulness. He did what he set out to do. He got a river,s-eye view of one of the most unbelievable natural formations (構(gòu)造)on Earth. And he lived to tell the tale. 88.

50、 Powell was afraid of hopping in a boat and rowing down a river, wasn,t he?What happened to Powell,s right arm when he was in the army?What does the underlined phrase “such a thing“ in Paragraph 3 refer to?How many people set out on the Green River in Wyoming for a ten-month trip?Why did everyone wh

51、o saw them leave think they would be done for?How does the writer feel about Powell? Please tell your reason (s)VII. Writing(作文)(共 20 分)Write at least 60 words about the topic “l(fā)eft me a new impression” (請以 “給我留下一個新印象”為題,寫一篇不少于60個詞的短文,標(biāo)點符號不占格。)你身邊有熟悉的同學(xué)、朋友、老師,有一天可能因為某件事讓你對她(他)改變了原有的看法。請補全標(biāo)題, 并結(jié)合這個事例

52、談?wù)勊ㄋ┙o你留下的這個新印象。(注意:文中不得出現(xiàn)考生的姓名、校名及其他相關(guān)信息,否則不予評分。)第8頁共11頁2020學(xué)年第一學(xué)期初三英語教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測聽力文字和參考答案Part 1 Listening (第一部分 聽力)Listening comprehension(聽力理解)A. Listen and choose the right picture.(根據(jù)你聽到的內(nèi)容,選出相應(yīng)的圖片)Peter looks thoughtful, his eyes look up and to the side.Drinking a lot of water every day helps main

53、tain our memory.A blind man can go around with the help of a guide dog.The little boy has practiced painting for more than an hour.Robots can walk and talk and it can also do many other things.Call 110 for help if you are cheated by someone.B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the

54、question you hear.根據(jù)你聽到的對話和問題,選出最 恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢福¦: Do you like Chemistry or Physics, Tom?M: In fact, neither. In my class my classmates like English, but my favorite is Geography.Q: Which subject does Tom like best?W: Are you going to wear blue T-shirt today?M: No, I don,t think so. I wore my white T-shirt

55、yesterday and I,m going to wear my black one.Q: What color of the T-shirt did the man wear yesterday?W: What shall I do, sir?M: You must get everything ready before 8 o,clock. I will start the operation on your leg at 8.Q: What,s the man,s Job?W: Hi, Tom. Please come to my house this SaturdayIfs my

56、birthday.M: Really? How wonderful!Q: How does Tom feel when he is invited?W: Excuse me, will the bus come soon?M: No. It left 5 minutes ago. The next one will come in 10 minutes.Q: How often do the buses run?W: Good morning, World Music.M: Hello, Id like to know if I can order some videos of old fam

57、ous songs.W: Certainly. Let me check on the computer. The price of each video is 50 yuan.Q: Whafs the relationship between the two speakers?W: Dad, I,m feeling a bit nervous. I7m afraid I can,t do a good job in the coming swimming competition.M: Don,t worry, dear. Success belongs to confident people

58、.Q: Why is the girl feeling a bit nervous?W: Take a train to Beijing. I,s cheaper than going by plane.M: Thafs true. But I prefer paying a little more for the added comfort and convenience.Q: What does the man mean?Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判斷

59、下列句子是否符合你聽 至U的短文內(nèi)容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)I was in a foreign country for the first time in my life. It had sounded amazing in the brochure:第9頁共11頁“Enjoy seven days in one of the most beautiful cities in the world while staying at an expensive hotel.”I had been excited about the trip, but now I wasn,t

60、so sure. I had waited at reception for fifteen minutes before someone checked me in. And my room was small and dark, with a window looking over a parking lot. I tried to be positive as I unpacked my bags. I decided to take a shower before going sightseeing. However, the shower wasnt working, so I ca


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