



1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?Section B (2a-2c)SubjectEnglish ContentSection B (2a-2c)ReadingGradeGrade8Duration40 minutesTeaching DesignAnalysis of the materialThis lesson is the reading section of Section B2a-2c ,Unit takes “talent” as the main line, carries out reading activities through th

2、e topic of Talent Show which students are very interested in. After reading, there are tasks to help students use and consolidate their knowledge. 2a leads to the topic . 2b briefly introduces the origin, basic characteristics, popular reasons and controversial aspects of the talent show. But at the

3、 end of the article, the author expresses his views on such programs, which provides people with a way to realize their dreams. The first four questions of 2c are all based on the facts of the article, but the fifth question requires students to express their views, which is an open question. The co

4、ntent is close to the students life and interesting.AnalysisOf the learnersThe students are in Grade8. In the last several classes, students have mastered the basic usage of the superlatives of adjectives, and can use the superlatives to talk about preferences or compare. Students can basically unde

5、rstand simple reading materials, but they lack the mastery and application of reading strategies. Students ability of using language and acquiring text information also need to be improved.Teaching AimsKnowledge Aim: 1)Students will be able to use the key words, phrases, and target language in the p

6、assage: talent, talented, winner, prize, magician , beautifully,havein common, be up to, make up, the most talented person2)Students will be able to understand the passage and finish the exercises related. 3)Students will be able to use the right reading skills when reading. Ability Aim: 1)Students

7、will be able to describe a talent show and talk it freely with friends. 2)Students can develop a good sense of cooperation in doing different tasks. Emotion Aim : Ideas are important, but actions are even more important. If they want to realize their dreams, they should try their best and never give

8、 up.Key points1) Be able to master the vocabulary and expressions.2) Improve reading ability: Guide studentstofind out thekeyinformationcorrectlyandquicklyandtosummarizeit.3)Describe a talent show and talk it freely with friends. Teaching difficultiesStudents cant quite understand how to read a pass

9、age .So helping the students to use right reading strategies is the difficulty of this lesson.Teaching methods Task-based language teaching approach.Reading strategy and Interest teaching approach.Help students to use skimming, scanning and careful reading abilities. TeachingAids Multimedia Assisted

10、 InstructionTeaching ProceduresProceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesIntentionsStep1. Greeting &Lead-in( 3min )&Introduce by drawing a picture of a cowboy on the blackboard. T:Im good at drawing ,What about you ? 3. Show Ss pictures of a famous and talented people(Liu Qian) on the screen.

11、the teachersquestion. 3. Ss talk about the famous and talented people.(Individual work)Use pictures of the cowboy and famous person to attract students attention. Talk about the famous and talented people, lead to 2a .Step2. Free-talk( 3min )Let Ss work in pairs to have a free talk about the most ta

12、lented people they know. Guide Ss to Practice the conversations in 2aSs talk about the most talented people they know with their conversations in 2a(Pair work)Let the Ss improve their ability to talk in English. Besides, it provides a situation to lead to the topic of this lesson. Step3. Pre-reading

13、( 4min )T plays a piece of video of Chinas Got Talent and asks some questions about Liu Wei. a reading strategy:Lead Ss to look at the title and the picture, then predict what the article is about. 1. Ss watch the video and answer. read the title and look at the picture, then finish Task 1 in the le

14、arning guidance.(Individual work) videos is an easy way to arouse the curiosity, and students will be more interested in finding and solving issues by themselves. Lead to 2b.2. Let students make full use of the title and picture to predict the content of the passage. Step4. While-reading( 24min )Ste

15、p5.Post-Reading( 3min ) T shows how to find the key information quickly and correctly: three talent shows are mentioned. (Check the answers )Finish Task in the learning guidance.The different reading skills are useful to help students to understand what they are reading.Task-based language teaching

16、method are used here to break through the difficult point well and also help Ss understand the passage better.Ss scan the passage and answer: Which three talent shows are mentioned? T shows how to find the topic sentence of each paragraph quickly and correctly . (Check the answers ) skim the passage

17、 and find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. Reading Guide Ss to finish the tasks in the learning guidance. Let Ss read each paragraph carefully to find out more details about the passage. (Check the answers )3.Read the first paragraph carefully and answer the questions:How is it to watch oth

18、er people show their talents? How are talent shows getting now? Read the second paragraph carefullyand complete themindmap: What do the shows have in common?Who decides the winner?Read the third paragraph carefully . Complete the form:The reasons for the two different opinions about talent shows. Le

19、t Ss Discuss what they think of these talent shows with partners.Guide Ss to finish 2c.(Check the answers )Guide the Ss to retell the passage by filling in the blanks.(Check the answers )Ss discuss what they think of these talent shows with their partners. Then write down the answers in 2c. (Pair wo

20、rk)Ss read the passage again. Then retell the passage by filling in the blanks.Free talk can improve their ability to talk in English. Learn to express their own opinions.This step is to help Ss consolidate the details of this passage they have learnt .Improve their ability to summarize a passage.Step6.Shared Reading( 2min )T shows Ss a magic about the word talent. Let Ss talk about how people can m


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