



1、個性化教案學生姓名學生編號教案編號年級三年級學科英語教材版本人教版學科導師班主任學科組長審核授課時間2013年 6 月 22 日 14 時 30分至 16 時 30分課題名稱最新版三年級英語下冊 Unit 1-Unit 6復習課教學目標1、知識目標:掌握本冊書里面的所有黑體單詞。2、能力目標:能掌握所學的交際用語并能在日常生活中正確使用。教學重點在掌握單詞和短語的情況下,學生在句子理解和掌握方面有困難,重點分析課本上的句子并另外做練習。教學難點本書上的短語和句子的掌握和運用。教學過程教學環(huán)節(jié)教學內容課前復習提問Unit 1Unit6的重點單詞、詞組。知識梳理Unit1 Welcome back

2、 to school詞匯UK 英國 Canada 加拿大 USA 美國 China 中國 she 她student 學生 pupil 小學生 he他 teacher教師 boy 男孩 and和;與 girl女孩 new新的 friend朋友 today今天 句型Welcome! 歡迎! Welcome back! 歡迎回來!Nice to see you again. 再見到你很高興。Nice to see you ,too. 見到你也很高興。Where are you from? 你來自哪里?Im from the UK/USA. 我來自英國/美國。Im from China/Canada.

3、我來自中國/加拿大We have two new friends today. 今天我們有兩位新朋友。This is Amy. She is a student. 這是埃米,她是個學生。This is MR Jones. He is a teacher. 這是瓊斯先生,他是一位教師。Unit2 My family 詞匯father父親;爸爸 dad (口語) 爸爸;爹爹 man 男人 woman 女人mother母親;媽媽 sister 姐;妹 brother 兄;弟 grandmother(外)祖母grandma (口語)(外)祖母 grandfather(外)祖父 grandpa(口語)(

4、外)祖父 family家;家庭 句型Whos that man? He is my father. 那個男人是誰?他是我爸爸。Whos that woman? She is my mother. 那個女人是誰?她是我媽媽。Whos that boy? He is my brother. 那個男孩是誰?他是我哥哥。Is she your mother? Yes, she is. 她是你媽媽嗎?是的,她是。Is he your father? No, he isnt. 他是你爸爸嗎?不,他不是。He is my teacher. 他是我的老師。This my family. 這是我的家庭。Unit

5、3 At the zoo 詞匯thin瘦的 fat胖的;肥的 tall高的 short短的;矮的 long長的 big大的small小的 giraffe長頸鹿 so這么;那么 children (child的復數)兒童 tail尾巴 句型Look at that giraffe. 看那只長頸鹿。 Its so tall. 它好高啊。Its short and fat. 它又矮又胖。Come here, children. 到這里來。孩子們。It has a long nose. 它有個長鼻子。It has small eyes and big ears. 它有小眼睛和大耳朵。Unit4 Whe

6、re is my car?詞匯on在上 in在里 under在下面 chair椅子 desk書桌 cap帽子 ball球 car小汽車 boat小船 map地圖 toy玩具 box盒;箱 句型Lets go home! OK! 我們回家吧!好的!Where is my pencil box? 我的鉛筆盒呢?Look!Its in your desk. 看!它在你的書桌里。And your pencil! Its under your book! 你的鉛筆,它在你的書下面。Silly me! 我真傻!Where is my map? 我的地圖在哪兒?Is it in your bag? No,

7、it isnt. 它在你的包里嗎?不,它不在。Is it in your toy box? Yes, it is. 它在你的玩具箱里嗎?是的,它在。Have a good time! 玩得開心點兒!Unit5 Do you like pears? 詞匯pear梨 apple蘋果 orange橙子 banana香蕉 watermelon西瓜strawberry草莓 grape葡萄 buy買 fruit水果 句型Honey, lets buy some fruit. 寶貝兒,我們買點水果吧。Do you like oranges? Yes, I do/ No, I dont.你喜歡橙子嗎?是的,我

8、喜歡/不,我不喜歡.3, Do you like pears? No, I dont. I like apples. 你喜歡梨嗎?不,我不喜歡梨,我喜歡蘋果。4, Have some grapes. Sorry, I dont like grapes. 吃些葡萄吧。 抱歉,我不喜歡葡萄。5, I dont like watermelons. Me, neither. 我不喜歡西瓜。 我也不喜歡。Unit6 How many? 詞匯eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 n

9、ineteen十九 twenty二十kite風箏 beautiful美麗的 句型How many kites do you see? I see 12. 你看到幾只風箏。我看到十二只。Wow, so beautiful! 哇,真美麗啊。The black one is a bird. 黑色的那個是只鳥。How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支蠟筆?Open it and see. 打開看看!You have 16 crayons. 你有十六支蠟筆。典型例題一、單項選擇,將正確答案的序號填在題前的括號內。1. _ from America. A. I B. Im C

10、. I m2.Welcome _ to school. A. book B. back C. black3.Nice _ meet you. A. to B./ C. too 4.We _ a mew friend today. A. has B. have 二、讀一讀,選擇正確的答語。1、Where are you from? A、Nice to meet you!2、Im sorry. B、Shes my mother . 3、Nice to meet you! C、 Im from America . 4、Whos that woman? D、 Its OK. 5、Is he your

11、brother? E、My name is Amy . 6、Whats you name? F、Yes, he is.鞏固訓練三、單項選擇(每小題2分,共12 分) 1、-_is that woman-She is my English teacher ,Miss Chen . A Where B who C what 2、-How many _can you see ? -Nineteen. A kite B kites C cat 3、I _a new friend .Her name is Alice . A am B have C has 4、-Who is that girl ? -

12、_is my sister . A I B He C She 5、-_ are you from ? -Im from America . A Where B Who C How many 6、-Happy Womens Day ! Miss White ! -_ A. Happy Womens Day B Thank you C Good idea四、 選出不同類別的單詞,將其編號填在括號內。(10分) ( ) 1、A、 banana B、 pear C 、 short ( ) 2、A、 pencil B 、car C 、 ruler ( ) 3、A、 pencil B、 book C、 s

13、chool ( ) 4、 A、 dog B、 pig C、 play ( ) 5、 A、 red B、 one C、 green ( ) 6、 A、 girl B、 teacher C 、 bus ( ) 7、 A、 class B、 school C、 pen ( ) 8、 A、 Chinese B、 English C 、class ( ) 9、 A、 mother B、 father C、 teacher ( ) 10、 A 、twelve B 、five C 、box歸納總結課后作業(yè) 五、在B欄中找出A欄的正確答語。(每小題1分,共15分) A B ( ) 1. Whats that

14、? a. I have thirteen pencils ( ) 2. Whos that woman ? b. Thats a pen. ( ) 3 . How are you ? c. Im from China. ( ) 4,. How old are you ? d. How do you do ? ( )5. Where are you from? e. She is a teacher . ( )6. How many monkeys can you see? f. Im fine. ( )7. Can I have some ice-cream ? g. She is my mo

15、ther. ( )8. How many pencils do you have ? h. Im eleven ( )9.Whats your mother ? i. I can see twenty-two monkeys . ( )10.How do you do? J. Sure. ( )11. Can I use your pen? k、Yes, I do . ( )12. Do you like bananas? l、Shes my mother . ( )13. Whos that woman? m、I can see 11. ( )14. How many cats can yo

16、u see? n、Its under the chair. ( )15. Where is the ball? o、Sure. 六、 HYPERLINK /shti/ t _blank 閱讀短文,判斷對錯。對的寫T ,錯的寫F。(每小題1分,共3分) Tom and John are good friends. Tom is twelve years old. John is thirteen years old. They are good students. They like to eat hamburgers. Miss White is their English teacher. Sh


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