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1、Unit 5First aidUnit 5 What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?Work togetherAccidents fall illbleedchoke bitesprain ankle burn/ catch firewound poisonelectric shock What words can you think of So .There were 760,327 traffic accidents in China last year, resulting in 10

2、6,367 deaths. 71.16% of the deaths were due to the lack of timely first aid.First aid is important for the victims (受害者), and necessary for us to learn about.! So .There were 760,327 trafQuiz How much do you know about First Aid ?Quiz How much do you know If a person loses one third of his / her blo

3、od, he / she may die.2. In a car accident, we should try to get the wounded out of the car first.3. If one stops his / her breath about 4 5 minutes, his / her brain will be damaged. 4. Scratches(抓傷) from a family pet cant carry disease. If a person loses one third o5. What should we do if we find a

4、person whose leg is bleeding? A. Tie a piece of cloth round the leg above the bleeding point. B. Press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handkerchief.5. What should we do if we fin6. What would you do if you find a person with a knife in his back / arm? A. leave the knife in B. pull the kni

5、fe out6. What would you do if you f110119120Are you familiar with the following numbers?Police departmentFire departmentMedical emergency(急救) centre110Are you familiar with the fDiscuss in groups with the materialsWarming upDiscuss in groups Warming upA snake has bitten him on the leg.1.Lay the pers

6、on down and keep him still.2.Do not wash the venom(毒液) off the skin.3.Apply pressure to the bitten part with your hands. a snake biteA snake has bitten him on the How To Treat Sprained AnkleFirst -Second -Third -have the victim sit down and raise the foot.put a bandage around the foot and ankle.put

7、an ice pack on the ankle to reduce the swelling. How To Treat Sprained AnklehavShe has broken her arm.a broken armDo not move the broken bone if possible.Keep the arm still using a bandage. Call for help immediately.She has broken her arm.a brokeHis nose is bleeding. He has a bloody nose. a bloody n

8、ose1.Sit down and bend forward slightly. 2.Squeeze his nose just below the bridge (鼻梁)3.until the bleeding stops.His nose is bleeding. He has aUseful Words & Expressions1. Snake bite: lay down / squeeze out venom(毒液) / bandage 2. Choking: bend forward3. A broken arm: dont move/ keep still4. A bloody

9、 nose: sit down / tilt(使傾斜/翹起) head forward slightly/pinch(捏/掐) the nose First you have to Then Next You should (not) You must (never)Make sure that NeverCoverwith Please dontIf it is go to the hospital.Useful Words & Expressions1. SFirst Aid For BurnFirst Aid For BurnWhat is on the cupboard?What ha

10、s happened to the little girl?What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation?cupboardA kettlepour /burnFirst aid for burnWhat is on the cupboard?cupboafirst-aid-kitbandagean ambulancefirst-aid-kitbandagean ambula How many parts are the text and what are they?1. The function of skin2. Cau

11、se of burns3. Types of burns4. Characteristics/Symptoms(癥狀)of burns5. First aid treatmentSkimming How many parts are the tScanningRead part1part4. Then answer the following questions.ScanningRead part1part4. ThenPart 1What can skin do for our body ? _1. Protect you against diseases, poisons and the

12、suns harmful rays.2. Keep you warm or cool 3. Prevent you from losing water4. Give you sense of touchPart 1What can skin do for ourYou can get burnt by : _Part 2hot liquidssteamfireradiationthe sun electricity and chemicals Causes of burnsYou can get burnt by : Part 2h Part 3 Types of burns There ar

13、e _ types of burns depending on which _ are burned. _ affect only the _ layer andshould feel better within _. _ affect both the _ and the_ layer. These burns are _ and take _ to heal. _ affect all _ layers andany _ and _ under the skin. They are very_ injuries and the victim must get to a _at once.

14、threelayersFirst degree burnstopa day or twoSecond degree burnstopsecondseriousa few weeksThird degree burnsthreetissueorgansseverehospital Part 3 Types of burns Types of burnsCharacteristicsBACExtremely painfulMildly swollenTissue under them often can be seen.Read part 4second degree burnfirst degr

15、ee burn third degree burnTypes of burnsCharacteristicsB_ clothing and jewelry near the burns._ the burns with cool water._ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns._ the burned area gently._ the burned area with a dry clean bandage._ the burned area _ than the heart, if possible._ the victim _the doctor

16、or hospital, if possible.Read part 5 TreatmentTake offCool Place Dry Cover Keep higherGet to_ clothing and jewelry Place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.washPlace burns under gently runniTake clothing off the burned area unless it is stuck to the burn.Take off other clothing an

17、d jewellery near burns.take offTake clothing off the burned aDip the burns under cool water to stop the pain and prevent or reduce swelling.dipDip the burns under cool waterPlace cool, clean, wet cloths on burns until the pain is not so bad.coverPlace cool, clean, wet cloths If the injuries are seco

18、nd degree or third degree burns, get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.sendIf the injuries are second degHomework 1. 單詞聽寫(aid-organ)2. 閱讀課文 “First aid for burns”.3. 作業(yè)本 P50 .Homework 1. 單詞聽寫(aid-organ)1. first aid 急救First aid is a temporary form of help (given to someone before a doctor can be found.)急救是一個人突然病倒或受傷時,在找到醫(yī)生之前給病人或受傷者首先進(jìn)行的臨時救助.first aid_ the injured. 給予傷員的急救.to give / offer aid 援助 come to ones aid 幫助某人cut off aid 終止幫助with the aid of 借助于1. first aid 急救First aid is a2. fall ill 病倒3. ge


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