初中英語七年級下冊 unit10 Id like some noodles含答案_第1頁
初中英語七年級下冊 unit10 Id like some noodles含答案_第2頁
初中英語七年級下冊 unit10 Id like some noodles含答案_第3頁
初中英語七年級下冊 unit10 Id like some noodles含答案_第4頁
初中英語七年級下冊 unit10 Id like some noodles含答案_第5頁




1、第十單元 單項填空( )1. Do you like noodles _ chicken?A. with B. of C. in D. to( ) 2. Whats your favorite fruit, Tom?_.A. Green tea B. Onions C. Soup D. Apples( )3. What kind of noodles would you like?_.A. A large bowl B. A medium bowlC. Beef noodles D. Yes, please( ) 4. We like coffee_ milk and sugar in it.

2、 A. has B. with C. of D. for( )5. Would you like some bread? _. A. No, I wouldntB. Thats all rightC. Yes, pleaseD. Yes, I would ( )6. _?Id like beef noodles.A. What do you like B. What would you likeC. What do you look like D. What are you like( )7. Lets do something at the party. What about_?No, Id

3、 like_.to sing; to danceB. to sing; dancing C. singing; to danceD. singing; dance( )8. Would you like to help us?Yes, _.A. I would B. I do C. Id like D. Id like to( )9. Please give_ a bowl of_.A. him; porridgesB. she; porridgeC. her; porridgesD. me; porridge( )10. He likes English _ its fun.A. when

4、B. why C. because D. where用括號中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. There _( be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.2. There_(be) some onions and mutton in the bowl.3. Look, they _(buy) fruit and vegetables in the market.4. She _(have) an egg, a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day.5. I like_(listen) to the

5、 pop music and watching TV.6. They would like _(see) the animals in the zoo.7. I and Jack_(do) homework in the classroom now.8. They enjoy _(have) beef.9. There are some _(tomato) and _ (porridge) on the table.10. Id like_(go) shopping.11. How many_(dumpling) would you like?12. Can he _(watch) TV wi

6、th you?根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子1. 他們想要什么種類的面條。What _ _ noodles _ they like?2. 我想要一大碗雞肉卷心菜面。Id _ a _ _ of _ and _ noodles.3. 他想和你一起吃飯嗎? 是的。Does he _ _ have dinner with you?Yes, he _.4. 你要多大號的鞋子?_ _ _ would you like?5. 在過生日的時候人們吃什么?_ would people like to eat _ their birthday?閱讀理解Mrs. Smith lives in a small village.

7、 Her husband is dead. She has a son but no daughters. His name is John and he is twenty-five. After John finishes collage(大學(xué)), he gets work in a big city, New York, and he lives there. Its quite a long way from his mothers home, and she is not happy about it. But John says, “There is no good work fo

8、r me in this small village, Mother, and I can get a lot of money in New York. Then I can give much to you.”O(jiān)ne day Mrs. Smith is very angry. She takes a trainto her sons house in New York. Then she says to him. “John, why do you never call me?”“But mother,” John laughs(笑)and says, “You dont have ate

9、lephone .”“No,” she says, “I havent, but you have one.”()1. Where does Mrs. Smith live?A. In a small village.B. In a big city.C. In New York.D. In a town.()2. What is Mrs. Smiths sons age?A. 20B. 21C. 25D. 13()3. How does Mrs. Smith go to New York one day?A. On footB. By busC. By bikeD. By train()4.

10、 Why does John never call his mother?John doesnt want to do that.B. John has no telephone.C. His mother has no telephone.D. His mother doesnt want to answer.()5. Which is right?A. The village is near New York.B. John works in a big city and his mother likes it.C. In the village there is no good work for John.D. John never gives money to his mother.答案一、1-5 ADCBC 6-10 BCDDC二、1. is 2. are 3. are buying 4. has 5. listening 6. to see are doing 8. having 9. t


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