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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,Section A 2 3a 3c,Robinson Crusoe,魯濱遜漂流記由英國作家丹尼爾笛福所著。它是一部家喻戶曉的現(xiàn)實主義回憶錄式冒險小說。作者受一個蘇格蘭水手海上遇險的經(jīng)歷啟發(fā)寫成的。 魯濱遜漂流記是一部流傳很廣,影響很大的文學名著。它表現(xiàn)了強烈的資產(chǎn)階級進取精神和啟蒙意識。作者用生動逼真的細節(jié)把虛構的情景寫得使人如同身臨其境,使故事具有強烈的真實感。小說主人公魯濱遜也成為歐洲文學史上一個很著名的文學形象。,小說分三部分:第一部分寫魯濱遜初出茅廬,最初三次航海的經(jīng)過及其在巴西經(jīng)營種植園的情況;第二部

2、分詳細描述了主人公流落荒島,獨居28年的種種情景;第三部分簡要交代了魯濱遜回國后的命運及這個海島未來的發(fā)展趨向。,ship n. 船(可數(shù)名詞) ships; by ship 乘船 tool n. 工具(可數(shù)名詞) tools; with tools 用工具 gun n. 槍(可數(shù)名詞) guns; with a gun 用槍 sand n. 沙灘,沙(不可數(shù)名詞),New words,else adv. 其他的,別的 something else 別的東西, what else 別的什么 cannibal n. 食人肉者(可數(shù)名詞) cannibals towards prep. 朝,向,對

3、著 run towards run to land n. 陸地,大地(不可數(shù)名詞) on land 在陸地上,Read the passage and answer the following questions.,1. What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? 2. Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday?,Another ship.,Because that was the day he met the man.,3a,Skimming (略讀法):跳躍式閱讀,注重開頭、結尾、關鍵詞、主題句。 Guessing

4、 (猜讀法):聯(lián)系上下文,利用構詞法,猜猜詞義。 Realizing (悟讀法):通過關鍵詞、句、段的理解,了解作者意圖,文章主旨。,1. 先認真閱讀每個題目的意思,弄清要求我們尋找什么信息。 2. 帶著問題,再來讀短文。在短文中認真尋找我們所需的信息,在有相關內(nèi)容的地方,應多讀幾次認真理解,以找到想要找的信息。 3. 最后,再通讀一遍,檢查一下所找的答案是否正確。,閱讀理解解題指導,Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings.,1. You can use these to shoot things: _ 2. So

5、mething you use to travel in the sea: _ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: _ 4. You can use these to cut things: _ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: _,guns,ship,island,knives,marks,3b,3c,Correct the sentences.,1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink.

6、 2. Friday made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island.,nothing.,Robinson Crusoe made a small boat.,Robinson had nothing when he first arrived on the island.,4. Robinson used the ship to build a house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another mans feet on th

7、e beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men.,cut down trees to build a house.,Robinson Crusoe saw some marks of another mans feet on the beach.,Some cannibals tried to kill the two men.,arrive on this island make a boat bring back give up wait for cut down build a house,到達這個島 制作船 帶回來 放棄 等候 砍倒 建房子

8、,kill for food the marks of another mans feet who else see sb. doing sth. run towards help sb. do sth. name sb. teach sb. sth.,殺死作為食物 另一個人的腳印 還有誰 看見某人正在做某事 朝跑 幫助某人做某事 給某人起名為 教某人某事,1. Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life. 雖然我失去了一切,但是沒有失去生命。 although“雖然,盡管”,引導讓步狀語從句,不能與but連用。 e.g.

9、He is young, but he works hard. 他年齡小,但是工作很努力。,2. So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship. 因此我不放棄,要等候另一只船。 another 既可用作形容詞,也可用作代詞。用作形容詞時,意思是“又一的;再一的”,修飾名詞,位于名詞前;用作代詞時,意思是“另一個”。 e.g. Just at that time, another man came in. Saying is one thing and doing is another.,another還可以和數(shù)詞連用,常放在數(shù)詞的

10、前面,意為“還;再;又”。 e.g. We need another three man to help do the work.,3. How long have they been here? 你來這兒多久了? how long 常用于詢問時間,意為“多久;多長時間”,與現(xiàn)在完成時連用,要求謂語動詞必須是延續(xù)性動詞。 e.g. How long have you had the book? 你買這本書多久了?,4. Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. 在那之

11、后不久,我看見一些食人肉質在試圖殺死兩個來自破船上的人。,see sb. doing sth.意為“看到某人正在做 某事”,強調(diào)看到的動作正在進行。 e.g. Mary saw him cleaning the classroom. 瑪麗看見他正在打掃教室。,see sb. do sth. 意為“看到某人做了某事”,強調(diào)看到動作的全過程。 e.g. Mary saw him clean the classroom. 瑪麗看見他打掃教室了。,【運用】 將下列漢語句子與英文翻譯相匹配。 ( ) 昨天我看見她正在花園里干活。 ( ) 昨天我看見她在花園里干活了。 A. I saw her work

12、in the garden yesterday. B. I saw her working in the garden yesterday.,B,A,5. One of them died, but the other ran towards my house. 他們當中一個人死了,但是另一個朝我的房子跑來。 run towards 朝跑 e.g. He ran towards the station. 他跑著去火車站。,6. I named him Friday because that was the day I met him. 我管他叫Friday因為那是我遇見他的那一天。 name作動詞,意為“命名;給取名”。固定搭配“name + sb. + 名字”意為“給某人取


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