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1、Unit 10,By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.,Section B Period One,Objectives,To learn to understand and use past perfect To listen and speak about past events,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,fool costume embarrassed empty show up exhausted April Fo

2、ols Day,v. 愚弄; 欺騙 n. 愚人; n. (特定場合穿的)成 套服裝;戲裝 adj. 尷尬的;為難的 adj. 空的 v. 排空;倒出 出席;露面 adj. 極其疲憊的;精疲 力竭的 愚人節(jié),fool costume go off get dressed show up change exhausted,invite embarrassed get up empty realize clock stay up,傻瓜,愚弄 服裝 響 穿衣服 出席 變化,改變 極其疲憊的,邀請 窘迫的 起床 空的,倒空 意識到 鐘表 熬夜,不睡覺,Review the words,Put these

3、 words in the correct columns in the chart.,1a,fool costume go off get dressed show up change exhausted invite embarrassed get up empty realize clock stay up,costume change clock,invite, go off, get up, get dressed, show up, realize, change, stay up,empty exhausted,1. fool 可以作名詞,”傻瓜,呆子”; 也可作 動詞, “愚弄

4、, 欺騙”。 2. costume 是名詞, 意為 “服裝,全套服 裝”, 不指單件衣服。 3. embarrassed 可以用作形容詞,意為 “尷尬的, 局促不安的”; 也是動詞 embarrass的過去式和過去分詞。,Explanation,4. empty 可以用作形容詞, “空的”; 也是 動詞, “倒空, 使成為空的”。 5. show up 是動詞短語,有“出現(xiàn),出席; 顯現(xiàn); 揭露, 拆穿” 等意思。 6. exhausted 是形容詞, 意為”精疲力 竭的”。,Words which are both n. and V. Words which are both V. and

5、adj. Words which are both adj. and adv.,dress, guide, work, name, telephone,empty, clean, long,late, hard, wide, deep,Can you find it?,1b,Tell your partner about something that happened to you recently. Use two or more words from the list above.,Last Friday night, my friend invited me to his birthda

6、y party. On Saturday, I got up late and ,Pairwork,We cleaned our house last Sunday. My mother emptied a room to put things away, but father did not show up until afternoon ,Do you know April Fools Day? What do you usually do on April Fools Day?,a horrible present,Unlucky!,Turn old in one minute!,Tak

7、e it easy!,Take care!,I am hurt!,On that day you can play jokes by saying, Your shoes untied!” And setting a roommates alarm clock back an hour is also a common idea.,愚人節(jié)的由來 愚人節(jié)也稱萬愚節(jié),是西方的民間傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日,節(jié)期在每年四月一日。愚人節(jié)已出現(xiàn)了幾百年,對于它的起源眾說紛紜。一種說法認為這一習俗源自印度的“詮俚節(jié)”。該節(jié)規(guī)定,每年三月三十一日的節(jié)日這天,不分男女老幼,可以互開玩笑、互相愚弄欺騙以換得娛樂。愚人節(jié)較普遍的說

8、法是起源于法國。1564年,法國首先 采用新改革的紀年法格里歷(即目前通用,的陽歷),以1月1日為一年之始。但一些因 循守舊的人反對這種改革,依然按照舊歷 固執(zhí)地在4月1日這一天送禮品,慶祝新年。 主張改革的人對這些守舊者的做法大加嘲弄。聰明滑稽的人在4月1日就給他們送假 禮品,邀請他們參加假招待會。并把上當 受騙的保守分子稱為“四月傻瓜”或“上鉤的 魚”。從此人們在4月1日便互相愚弄,成為 法國流行的風俗。18世紀初,愚人節(jié)習俗傳到英國,接著又被英國的早期移民帶到了美國。,愚人節(jié)時,人們常常組織家庭聚會,用水仙花和雛菊把房間裝飾一新。在愚人節(jié)的聚會上,還有一種做假菜的風俗。不過愚人節(jié)最典型的

9、活動還是大家互相開玩笑,用假話捉弄對方。如今的愚人節(jié)在美國已主要是淘氣的孩子們的節(jié)日了!,April Fools Day 愚人節(jié),1. When is April Fools Day ?,April 1st.,2. What do people usually do on April Fools Day?,People play jokes on each other.,People fool each other.,3. “He is an April Fool.” What does it mean?,It means he was fooled by others.,Click to i

10、t.,2a,Nick,Dave, Nick and Joe are talking about April Fools Day. Listen and write each persons name under his picture.,Joe,Dave,2a,No name,_ a costume party _ my alarm went off _ stayed up all night _ was exhausted _ really embarrasse _ the other kids showed up,Listen again. Who says each of the phr

11、ases below? Write “D” for Dave, “N” for Nick and “J” for Joe.,2b,D,N,J,D,N,J,2c,What happened to Nick, Joe and Dave on April Fools Day? Choose one story to tell us.,On April Fools Day Nicks alarm clock went off. He got up and took a shower. Then he got dressed and went to school. When he got to scho

12、ol, the building was empty. An hour later, the other kids showed up. Then he realized that his brother had fooled him. His brother had set his clock an hour early.,Tell us something that happened to you on April Fools Day.,Oral practice,Language points,I was really embarrassed. 【經(jīng)典習題】選詞填空: I feel _

13、by his _ words. (embarrassing / embarrassed) 【要點點撥】 embarrassing 和embarrassed都為形容詞,意為“尷尬的、窘迫的”。,embarrassed,embarrassing,embarrassing常用于描述事物,作定語或表語;embarrassed常用于描述人,通常用作表語。有類似用法的形容詞還有interesting與interested,exciting與excited,boring與bored,amazing與amazed,surprising與surprised等。,Fool Costume Clock,Go off

14、 Get dressed Show up Change Invite Stay up Get up,Exhausted Embarrassed Empty,Review,課時重點回顧,根據(jù)句意,用適當?shù)慕樵~填空。 The famous TV star once invited his mother _ his show. 2. What happened _ her yesterday evening? 3. The young girl married _ an Englishman. 4. He went to Shanghai _ April Fools Day. 5. _ 9: 25

15、yesterday, they had finished the work.,onto,to,to,on,By,同義句轉換。 1. There is no more spaghetti. There is _ spaghetti _ _. 2. Jack married a beautiful girl five years ago. Jack has _ _ _ a beautiful girl for five years. 3. This is the funniest joke that I have ever heard. I have _ heard _ a funny joke.

16、,any more,not,been married to,such,never,4. After everyone got to the class, the teacher started teaching. The teacher _ _ teaching _ everyone got to the class. 5. My brother was so happy that he couldnt say a word. My brother was _ happy _ say a word.,didnt start,until,too,to,1. 你明天要上學, 我不想讓你熬夜。 2.

17、 我們的時間很多, 用不著太急促。,You must go to school tomorrow. I dont want you to stay up late.,We have plenty of time, there is no need to rush.,翻譯句子。,3. 我一看到他,就覺得不太對勁。 4. 你接到參加瑪麗生日聚會的邀請了 嗎?,The moment I saw him, I realized something was wrong.,Have you been invited to Marys birthday party?,5. 在燈光下,媽媽臉上的皺紋清晰 可見。,The light s


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