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1、S. Lee et al.: A Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor-based Indoor Location-Aware System for the Smart HomeA Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor-based Indoor Location-Aware System for the Smart HomeSuk Lee, Member, IEEE, Kyoung Nam Ha, Kyung Chang Lee, Member, IEEEAbstract Smart home is expected to offer various i

2、ntelligent services by recognizing residents along with their life style and feelings. One of the key issues for realizing the smart home is how to detect the locations of residents. Currently, the research effort is focused on two approaches: terminal-based and non-terminal-based methods. The termi

3、nal -based method employs a type of device that should be carried by the resident while the non-terminal-based method requires no such device. This paper presents a novel non-terminal-based approach using an array of pyroelectric infrared sensors (PIR sensors) that can detect residents. The feasibil

4、ity of the system is evaluated experimentally on a test bed.Index Terms smart home, location-based service, pyroelectric infrared sensor (PIR sensor), location-recognition algorithmI. INTRODUCTIONThere is a growing interest in smart home as a way to offer a convenient, comfortable, and safe resident

5、ial environment 1, 2. In general, the smart home aims to offer appropriate intelligent services to actively assist in the residents life such as housework, amusement, rest, and sleep. Hence, in order to enhance the residents convenience and safety, devices such as home appliances, multimedia applian

6、ces, and internet appliances should be connected via ahome network system, as shown in Fig. 1, and they should be controlled or monitored remotely using a television (TV) or personal digital assistant (PDA) 3, 4. Fig. 1. Architecture of the home network system for smart homeEspecially, attention has

7、 been focused on location-based services as a way to offer high-quality intelligent services, while considering human factors such as pattern of living, health, and feelings of a resident 5-7. That is, if the smart home can recognize the residents pattern of living or health, then home appliances sh

8、ould be able to anticipate the residents needs and offer appropriate intelligent service more actively. For example, in a passive service environment, the resident controls the operation of the HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) system, while the smart home would control the temperatu

9、re and humidity of a room according to the residents condition. Various indoor location-aware systems have been developed to recognize the residents location in the smart home or smart office. In general, indoor location-aware systems have been classified into three types according to the measuremen

10、t technology: triangulation, scene analysis, and proximity methods 8. The triangulation method uses multiple distances from multiple known points. Examples include Active Badges 9, Active Bats 10, and Easy Living 11, which use infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and vision sensors, respectively. T

11、he scene analysis method examines a view from a particular vantage point. Representative examples of the scene analysis method are MotionStar 12, which uses a DC magnetic tracker, and RADAR 13, which uses IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (LAN). Finally, the proximity method measures nearness

12、to a known set of points. An example of the proximity method is Smart Floor 14, which uses pressure sensors.Alternatively, indoor location-aware systems can be classified according to the need for a terminal that should be carried by the resident. Terminal-based methods, such as Active Bats, do not

13、recognize the residents location directly, but perceive the location of a device carried by the resident, such as an infrared transceiver or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. Therefore, it is impossible to recognize the residents location if he or she is not carrying the device. In contrast

14、, non-terminal methods such as Easy Living and Smart Floor can find the residents location without such devices. However, Easy Living can be regarded to invade the residents privacy while the Smart Floor has difficulty with extendibility and maintenance.This paper presents a non-terminal based locat

15、ion-aware system that uses an array of pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensors 15, 16. The PIR sensors on the ceiling detect the presence of a resident and are laid out so that detection areas of adjacent sensors overlap. By combining the outputs of multiple PIR sensors, the system is able to locate a r

16、esident with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This system has inherent advantage of non-terminal based methods whileavoiding privacy and extendibility, maintenance issues. In order to demonstrate its efficacy, an experimental test bed has been constructed, and the proposed system has been evaluated

17、experimentally under various experimental conditions. This paper is organized into four sections, including this introduction. Section II presents the architecture of the PIR sensor-based indoor location-aware system (PILAS), and the location-recognition algorithm. Section III describes a resident-d

18、etection method using PIR sensors, and evaluates the performance of the system under various conditions using an experimental test bed. Finally, a summary and theconclusions are presented in Section IV.II. ARCHITECTURE OF THE PIR SENSOR-BASED INDOORLOCATION-AWARE SYSTEMA. Framework of the smart home

19、Given the indoor environment of the smart home, an indoor location-aware system must satisfy the following requirements. First, the location-aware system should be implemented at arelatively low cost because many sensors have to be installed in rooms of different sizes to detect the resident in the

20、smart home. Second, sensor installation must be flexible because the shape of each room is different and there are obstacles such as home appliances and furniture, which prevent the normal operation of sensors. The third requirement is that the sensors for the location-aware system have to be robust

21、 to noise, and should not be affected by their surroundings. This is because the smart home can make use of various wireless communication methods such as wireless LAN or radio-frequency (RF) systems, which produce electromagnetic noise, or there may be significant changes in light or temperature th

22、at can affect sensor performance. Finally, it is desirable that the systems accuracy is adjustable according to room types.Among many systems that satisfy the requirement, the PIR sensor-based system has not attracted much attention even though the system has several advantages. The PIR sensors,whic

23、h have been used to turn on a light when it detects human movement, are less expensive than many other sensors. In addition, because PIR sensors detect the infrared wavelengthemitted from humans between 9.410.4 m, they are reasonably robust to their surroundings, in terms of temperature, humidity, a

24、nd electromagnetic noise. Moreover, it ispossible to control the location accuracy of the system by adjusting the sensing radius of a PIR sensor, and PIR sensors are easily installed on the ceiling, where they are not affected by the structure of a room or any obstacles. Figure 2 shows the framework

25、 for the PILAS in a smart home that offers location-based intelligent services to a resident. Within this framework, various devices are connected via a home network system, including PIR sensors, room terminals, a smart home server, and home appliances. Here, each room is regarded as a cell, and th

26、e appropriate number of PIR sensors is installed on the ceiling of each cell to provide sufficient location accuracy for the location-based services. Each PIR sensor attempts to detect the resident at a constant period, and transmits its sensing information to a room terminal via the home network sy

27、stem. Fig. 2. Framework of smart home for the PILAS.Consequently, the room terminal recognizes the residents location by integrating the sensor information received from all of the sensors belonging to one cell, and transmits the residents location to the smart home server that controls the home app

28、liances to offer location-based intelligent services to the resident.Within this framework, the smart home server has the following functions. 1) The virtual map generator makes a virtual map of the smart home (generating a virtual map), and writes the location information of the resident, which is

29、received from a room terminal, on the virtual map (writing the residents location). Then, it makes a moving trajectory of the resident by connecting the successive locations of the resident (tracking the residents movement). 2) The home appliance controller transmits control commands to home applian

30、ces via the home network system to provide intelligent services to the resident. 3) The moving pattern predictor saves the current movement trajectory of the resident, the current action of home appliances, and parameters reflecting the current home environment such as the time, temperature, humidit

31、y, and illumination. After storing sufficient information, it may be possible to offer human-oriented intelligent services in which the home appliances spontaneously provide services to satisfy human needs. For example, if the smart home server “knows” that the resident normally wakes up at 7:00 A.M

32、. and takes a shower, it may be possible to turn on the lamps and some music. In addition, the temperature of the shower water can be set automatically for the resident.S. Lee 等人:基于熱釋電紅外傳感器的智能家居室內(nèi)感應(yīng)定位系統(tǒng)基于熱釋電紅外傳感器的智能家居室內(nèi)感應(yīng)定位系統(tǒng)Suk Lee,電機及電子學工程師聯(lián)合會會員Kyoung Nam Ha, Kyung Chang Lee,電機及電子學工程師聯(lián)合會會員摘要智能家居,是

33、一種可以通過識別具有不同生活習慣和感覺的住戶來提供各種不同的智能服務(wù)。而實現(xiàn)這樣的功能其中最關(guān)鍵的問題之一就是如何確定住戶的位置。目前,研究工作只要集中于兩種方法:終端方式和非終端方式。終端方式需要一種住戶隨身攜帶的設(shè)備,而非終端方式則不需要這樣的設(shè)備。本文提出一種使用可以探測到住戶的熱釋電紅外傳感器(紅外傳感器)的新的非終端方式。該系統(tǒng)的可行性已經(jīng)通過了測試平臺的實驗性評估。索引詞智能家居,定位服務(wù),熱釋電紅外傳感器(紅外傳感器),定位識別算法I. 簡介現(xiàn)在由于人人都想有一個方便,舒適,安全的居住環(huán)境,因此大家對于智能家居表現(xiàn)的越來越感興趣1 2。一般來說,智能家居旨在提供合適的智能服務(wù)來積

34、極促進住戶更好的生活,比如家務(wù)勞動,娛樂,休息和睡眠。因此,為了提高住戶的便捷和安全,像家用電器,多媒體設(shè)備和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)設(shè)備應(yīng)通過家庭網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)連接在一起,如圖1所示。并且它們應(yīng)通過電視或個人數(shù)字助理(PDA)來控制或遠程監(jiān)控3 4。圖1 智能家居的家庭網(wǎng)絡(luò)體系結(jié)構(gòu)尤其要注意的是,作為一種提供高質(zhì)量的智能服務(wù),目標應(yīng)集中于定位服務(wù),同時考慮人為因素,比如住戶的生活方式,健康狀況和居住感受57。也就是說,如果智能家居能識別住戶的生活方式或健康狀況,那么家用電器應(yīng)該能預見住戶的需要,并能更主動的提供適合的智能服務(wù)。例如,在一個被動的服務(wù)環(huán)境下,需要住戶控制供熱通風與空氣調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)(供暖,通風和空調(diào)),而智

35、能家居將根據(jù)住戶情況自動調(diào)節(jié)房間的溫濕度。智能家居或智能辦公室的各種室內(nèi)感應(yīng)定位系統(tǒng)的已經(jīng)研發(fā)到能夠識別住戶的位置。一般來說,室內(nèi)定位感應(yīng)系統(tǒng)根據(jù)測量技術(shù)分為三種類型:三角測量,場景分析和接近方法8。三角測量法是通過多個已知點來計算位置距離。運用三角測量法的例子包括Active Badges9,Active Bats10和Easy Living11,它們分別運用了紅外傳感器,超聲波傳感器和視覺傳感器來實現(xiàn)的。場景解析法是檢測一個場景內(nèi)的特定著眼點。場景解析法的典型例子是使用直流磁力跟蹤器的MotiveStar12,和使用無線局域網(wǎng)絡(luò)LAN標準IEEE 802,11的RADAR13。接近法則是以

36、一組已知點中最接近的點近似作為定位點。接近法的例子有使用壓力傳感器的Smart Floor14。另外,室內(nèi)感應(yīng)定位系統(tǒng)可以根據(jù)是否需要住戶隨身攜帶一種設(shè)備來分類。終端方式,例如Active Bats,不需要直接找到住戶位置,但是可以感應(yīng)到住戶隨身攜帶的設(shè)備位置,例如紅外收發(fā)器或者射頻識別技術(shù)(RFID)標簽。因此,如果住戶沒有隨聲攜帶終端設(shè)備,那就不可能找到他。相反的,非終端方式如Easy Living和Smart Floor則不需要這種設(shè)備就能找到住戶位置。然而,人們認為Easy Living侵犯了住戶隱私,Smart Floor則是擴展和維護都比較困難。本文提出一種使用陣列熱釋電紅外(PIR)傳感器實現(xiàn)的基于非終端方式的室內(nèi)感應(yīng)定位系統(tǒng)15 16。紅外傳感器固定在天花板上,并使相鄰的傳感器的感應(yīng)范圍有重疊。當它感應(yīng)到一名住戶時,通過多個紅外傳感器的綜合,能夠比較準確的確定住戶的位置。該系統(tǒng)不僅具有非終端方式的特有優(yōu)點,還避免了侵犯隱私,擴展性不佳和維護困難的問題。為了證明其有效性,已經(jīng)在實驗平臺上


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