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1、Processes to Achieve Operational Excellence,Process Thinking過程思維,Please briefly tell the team:請向大家簡要介紹如下內(nèi)容: your name and role in Nokia 您的名字及在諾基亞的工作 your experience of process working, if any如果有, 請介紹您的過程工作的經(jīng)驗 your expectations for the workshop 您對于培訓的期望,Introductions 介紹,Introduce a common process lan

2、guage 介紹共同的“過程”語言 Explain why thinking about processes is important 闡明為什么思考過程非常重要 Give a method to develop and improve your processes 提供發(fā)展和改進過程的一個方法 Start you on the path of improvement 開始你自己提高的征途,Objectives of the training培訓的目的,Why do we need Processes我們?yōu)槭裁葱枰^程 ?,to enable Consistency and Repeatabi

3、lity of practices 促使工作的統(tǒng)一性和可重復性,to avoid Reinventing the wheel 避免“重新發(fā)明車輪”,資源浪費,to ensure End-to-End Responsibility 確保端到端的責任性,to increase Customer focus across functions 提高所有部門以客戶為核心的運作,When can we use Processes?我們什么時候使用過程 ?,To focus resources on value adding activities 將資源集中使用在增值活動中 To analyze probl

4、ems 分析問題 To improve our performance 提高我們的效益 To drive changes 驅使改變 To learn from best practices 從最佳的經(jīng)驗中學習 For induction 介紹課程中 .,Exercise 練習,What do you understand with the word PROCESS ? 對于“ 過程” 一詞您是如何理解的?,What is a Process? 過程的定義,A planned and repetitive series of activities which together produce a

5、n output of value to the customer of the process 一個有計劃的和重復的系列活動,兩者結合為客戶創(chuàng)造出價值,Who is the Customer of the process?誰是過程的客戶 ?,The person(s) who use the output of your process 那些使用你過程產(chǎn)出的人 These people could work either for Nokia or outside the company 這些人可以是諾基亞內(nèi)部的工作人員或來自公司外部 There are two categories of c

6、ustomers outside Nokia:兩種諾基亞外部的客戶 Trade customers = network providers, distributors, retailers etc. 商業(yè)客戶網(wǎng)絡運營商,分銷商,零售商等 End users = individual who purchase mobile phones 最終用戶購買移動電話的個人 Customers are only interested in the results, not in the success of each task 客戶只對結果感興趣,而不是每一項工作的成功 Process thinking

7、means understanding the customers requirements, transforming those requirements into process goals and then meeting the customer requirements. 過程思維指理解客戶的要求,將這些要求轉換成過程的目標,然后去滿足客戶的要求,An Example of Process 過程舉列,Check in 辦理登機手續(xù),Passport control 護照檢查,Wait 等候,Board 登機,Services 服務,Security 安檢,Authorised ac

8、cess 授權通行,Disembark 下飛機,Passport control 護照檢查,Collect luggage 提取行李,Customs 海關,How Does a Project Differ From a Process?項目與過程的不同之處,PROJECT項目 An undertaking that has a beginning and an end and is carried out to meet established goals of time, cost and quality.一項舉動,有開始和結束,最終達到時間、費用和質量的目標 Finite life sp

9、an有限期 Uses temporary resources 使用臨時資源,PROCESS過程 A series of related activities which together produce an output of value to the customer一系列相關活動,共同為客戶創(chuàng)造出價值 NO finite life span無限期 Permanent resources 使用固定資源,Example舉例,PROJECT項目 Building a manufacturing site 建造生產(chǎn)基地 Putting measures in place 制定一套衡量制度 Des

10、igning a new aircraft 設計新型飛機 Building a new system to pay salaries 制定薪金支付新制度 Building the Channel Tunnel 建造隧道,PROCESS過程 Making phones 生產(chǎn)手機 Measuring customer satisfaction 衡量客戶滿意度 Building 747 aircraft 制造波音747飛機 Paying monthly salaries 支付月薪 Running trains through the Channel Tunnel 火車經(jīng)過隧道,Often a pro

11、ject creates a process which is used after completion of the project 一個項目經(jīng)常創(chuàng)造出一個在項目完工后使用的過程,Traditional organization 傳統(tǒng)的組織結構,Research & Development 研發(fā),Sourcing 采購,Manufacturing 生產(chǎn),Logistics 后勤,Sales 銷售,After sales 售后服務,Management 管理層,Focus is internal to functions 重點放在內(nèi)部的組織結構上,Redundancies abound資源浪

12、費 Sequential processing of activities require multiple approvals and hand-off 一系列的活動要求多層批準和過目 Function focus limit the ability to manage the whole value chain 注重職能部門限制了整個價值鏈的管理能力,From functions to process從職能到過程,Functions document some of their activities for their own purpose 職能部門往往為自己的目的記錄一些活動,The

13、focus is to improve the function performance, not the overall performance 重點是改進職能部門的表現(xiàn),不是整體的表現(xiàn),Function職能A,Function職能 B,Function職能 C,Start 開始,End 結束,A4,A3,.?,From functions to process從職能到過程,Each function documents its contribution to the end-to end process 每個職能記錄他們對端到端過程的貢獻,The functions borders act

14、 as barriers and reduce the overall process performance 職能部門間的界限象是障礙,降低了整個過程的表現(xiàn),Start 開始,End 結束,Function職能 A,Function職能 B,Function職能 C,A1,B 1,C1,A4,A2,B2,A3,C2,From functions to process 從職能到過程,The process is developed from the customer perspective 過程是從客戶的角度開發(fā)的,The functions support the process by pr

15、oviding right competencies and resources 每個職能部門通過提供有效的技能和資源支持過程,Function職能 A,Function職能 B,Function職能 C,Product Creation Process產(chǎn)品開發(fā)過程,Delivery Process交付過程,Management Process管理過程,Process organization 過程結構,Focus is on the customer 重點放在客戶上,The purpose of a company is to create Customer value 一個公司的目的是要創(chuàng)

16、造出客戶價值 Customer value is created through processes 客戶價值通過過程產(chǎn)生,Suppliers 供貨商,Customers 客戶,Process organization過程組織,Competencies Resources 技能資源,Best customer satisfaction 最佳客戶滿意度 Lower total cost 降低所有成本 Fastest time to market 最短時間推出市場 .,Processes deliver 過程驅動力,Functions provide 職能部門提供,What good means

17、for process 什么是對于過程好的方法?,People人,Process過程,Technology技術,The most effective way to create the customer value 創(chuàng)造客戶價值最有效的方法,A process which can be performed by our people 一個可以由我們自己完成的過程,The right technology for best efficiency 最有效的技術,Process Management Modes 過程管理方式,Process Management has three main mod

18、es: 過程管理有三種方式: New Process Development 新過程的開發(fā) Creating a new process based on business needs 根據(jù)業(yè)務需要建立一個新過程 Use & Continuous Improvement使用及持續(xù)改進 Continuous process improvement: follow process, set targets, analyze and continuously improve process 持續(xù)過程改進:遵循過程,設定目標,分析及持續(xù)改進過程 Process Re-engineering 過程再創(chuàng)造

19、 Streamlining of existing processes for radical performance improvement 對基本表現(xiàn)進行改進從而使現(xiàn)有過程順暢,Continuous Process Improvement 持續(xù)過程改進CPI 7,A 7 steps method to develop and improve processes 一種發(fā)展和改進過程的七步法,The investment phase : Document the current process, before starting any improvement 投資階段: 在開始改進過程之前,對

20、目前過程進行記錄,,CPI 7 is a method which can guide a team through the development, measurement and actual improvement of their processes, for increased customer satisfaction and efficiency CPI 7是一種方法,它可以指導一個團隊進行過程發(fā)展、衡量和實際改進,從而提高客戶滿意度和效率。,CPI 7 - Overview概述,The return phase : Improve the process to achieve

21、the targets ! 回收階段: 改進過程,以達到目標!,Legend 圖標,Check Question檢查問題 By asking the question how it enables you to check you have focused on the most critical item at each step. 通過問“ 如何”,可以使你在每一步都做到將重點放在最主要的項目上。 Tools工具 A variety of effective team working tools which help you in decision-making at each step.

22、 多種有效的團隊工作工具,可以幫助你進行每一步的決策 Hints & Tips 提示及竅門 Some hints & tips to help you to perform the activities and avoid the pitfalls 可以幫助你執(zhí)行活動并避免差錯,A Method to Achieve Operational Excellence 一個取得優(yōu)秀運作成績的方法 Step 1第一步: Define Process確定過程,Continuous Process Improvement持續(xù)過程改進,Representing Processes描述過程,The follo

23、wing process is the customer of the previous process. 下一個過程就是上一個過程的客戶,Define the process 確定過程,State the name of the process and the purpose of the process 闡明過程的名稱和目的 Identify the start and end of the process 確認過程的起點和終點 Agree the customer(s) for the process 認定過程的下一個客戶 : Determine the outputs of the p

24、rocess 定義過程的輸出 Specify the requirements of each output 明確每項輸出的需求 Agree the supplier(s) for the process 認定過程的供方 : Determine the inputs for the process 定義過程的輸入 Specify the requirements for the input 明確輸入的需求 Nominate the process owner and agree the business owners 任命過程主人并認可業(yè)務主人 How well does the define

25、d process fit with other related processes and business strategy ? 定義的過程是如何與其它相關過程和業(yè)務策略保持一致的? Process definition template過程定義表,Process Ownership過程中不同主人的角色,Business owner業(yè)務主人 Communicate business priorities and needs for process & system development 溝通業(yè)務主次及對過程和系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展需求 Sponsor process deployment支持過程的開

26、展 Use the process to achieve business results使用過程達到業(yè)務目標 Process owner過程主人 Plan and manage process development計劃和管理過程的發(fā)展 Deploy processes into practice將過程投入實際使用 Coach and support process use指導和支持過程使用 Process Manager過程經(jīng)理 Manage or operate the process in practice實際管理或操作過程 Participate in process develop

27、ment and improvement參與過程的發(fā)展和改進 Participate in deployment參與過程的開展工作 Concept owner概念主人 Specify the information system to support the process明確信息系統(tǒng),以支持過程 Plan and manage the information system deployment計劃和管理信息系統(tǒng)的開展 Lead information system improvements領導信息系統(tǒng)的改進工作,Exercise 練習,Your task is to define the p

28、rocess in the case study 你的任務是在案例學習中確定過程,A Method to Achieve Operational Excellence 一個取得優(yōu)秀運作成績的方法 Step 2: Map Process 繪制過程圖,Continuous Process Improvement持續(xù)過程改進,To provide a common understanding of how the process operates 提供一個關于過程如何運作的共同理解 To provide a means for discussing problem areas 提供一個討論問題所在區(qū)

29、域的方法 To help a team analyse each step in a process 幫助一個團隊分析過程中的每一個階段 To identify improvement opportunities in a way which considers the overall process 在全面考慮過程的前提下,識別改進機遇 To clarifies the interfaces between processes, technology and people 明晰過程、技術和人之間的界面,Why map a process為什么繪制過程圖,What is a process m

30、ap什么是過程圖 ?,A graphical representation of 用圖形的方法表示下列內(nèi)容 : Activities ,活動 Flows, 流向 Responsibilities, 責任 Workproducts工作產(chǎn)品 and possibly 還可能有 Databases,數(shù)據(jù) Measurement points,衡量點 .,Basic process symbols 基本過程圖標,Activity: tasks that are performed 活動:要完成的任務 Usually described by “verb + noun”通常用“動詞名詞”描述 E.g.

31、: “Deliver parcel to the customers address”如“ 按照客戶地址發(fā)送包裹” Decision: specific activity leading to alternative paths 決定:明確導致多種選擇的活動 Described by a question with a ?通常使用帶問號的問句描述 E.g. : “Does the customer have credit available ?” 如“ 客戶有信譽嗎?” Flow: link other symbols to show the logical order 流向:與其它圖標共同表

32、示邏輯順序 Workproducts: inputs or outputs 工作產(chǎn)品:輸入或輸出 Usually described a noun and a status 通常用一個名詞和一個狀態(tài)描述 E.g. : “Order confirmed”, “Order shipped” 如“ 訂單已確認”“貨已發(fā)出”,Key Process elements 關鍵過程因素,Workproducts : Technical word to describe the inputs and outputs, e.g. , pieces of information or physical compo

33、nents produced or used by the activities E.g. : a template, an order, a delivery report,Activities : Actions and tasks that are performed E.g. : fill in template, create order, write delivery report,Roles : Sets of responsibilities that are defined for an agent who perform activities E.g. : job mana

34、ger, logistics coordinator,Agents : People, organizational units or software applications which takes a role E.g. : manager, SAP R/3,Key Process elements關鍵過程因素,工作產(chǎn)品:描述輸入和輸出的技術用語, 如為活動所生產(chǎn)或使用的信息或具體 元器件。 如:一份表格,一項訂單,一份發(fā)貨報告,活動:需要完成的行動和任務 如:填寫表格,產(chǎn)生訂單,寫發(fā)貨報告,角色 : 為完成活動的代理方所定義的一套責任 如: 工作經(jīng)理, 后勤協(xié)調(diào),代理方 : 承擔角色的

35、人員,組織單位或軟件應用 如:經(jīng)理, SAP R/3,A role is a set of responsibilities defined for an agent who perform activities角色是為完成行動的代理方所確定的一套責任 Usually defined by :通常被定義成: the name of the role (e.g. Warehouse manager)角色的名稱(如:倉庫經(jīng)理) the list of activities & corresponding responsibility活動及其相應責任的清單 for example 比如:Receiv

36、e order (R) 接收訂單 Confirm reception of the order (R)確認收到訂單 Deliver parcel to the customers address (C) 按照客戶地址發(fā)貨 Responsibility is described by one of the ARCI types : 責任被以下“ARCI”類型之一所描述 A - Authority : an individual who is ultimately accountable and have yes/no authority 權威:最終應負責任的人,具有決定權 R - Respons

37、ible : the individual who perform an activity , or ensure that it is performed 責任人:完成活動的個人或確?;顒颖煌瓿傻娜?C - Collaborator : an individual(s) involved in the activity, and contributing to it 合作者:參與活動的個體或群體,并為之作貢獻 I - Informed : an individual who needs to be informed after activity is performed 被告知者:在完成活動

38、后需要被告知的個人,Role & Responsibilities角色和責任,What is a Process Hierarchy 什么是過程的層次?,Processes are structured hierarchically (decomposed) to provide better general view and to show more details 過程可以被分解為多層次結構,從而提供更好的全面理解及展示更多細節(jié)。 A process can be broken down into another level of detail until individual tasks

39、 can be identified. 可以對一個過程進行多層次細節(jié)分解,直到個人任務得到確認。,The process level is a number indicating the level of detail in a process definition 過程層次是一個數(shù)字,表示過程定義中細節(jié)所在的層次 The process level is not an absolute number, it is related to the description 過程層次不是一個絕對的數(shù)字,是相對于描述而言的,Level 2 二級,Level 1 一級,Level 3 三級,Buildi

40、ng a Process Map建立過程圖,Build the map that is representative of the current process you have defined in Step 1 建立過程圖,描述第一步中確定的當前過程 Start with the top level of the process and drill-down 從過程的上端開始,進行自上而下的分析 At any level keep the number of activities between 5 and 10 在任何層次,保持 5到10個活動 Map the main flow -

41、activities, decisions and then add the object flows 畫出主要流向活動、決策并增加目標流向 Add in the supporting elements - roles, systems and measures 加入起支持作用的成分角色,系統(tǒng)和衡量標準 How clear and understandable is the process map to people working in it ? 對于使用的人員來說, 過程圖是否清楚和容易理解? Use flipchart and post-it notes or a copying whi

42、te board 使用翻頁紙和粘貼筆記或有拷貝功能的白板,Helpful hints有用的提示,Think activities - not functions 考慮活動不是職能 Record discoveries of improvement opportunities 記錄改進機遇時的發(fā)現(xiàn) Dont break down all to the same level, you can always add details later 不必將所有內(nèi)容細分到同一層次,你總是可以在以后加入細節(jié) Interview a sample of associates who perform these

43、activities to fully understand what is occurring in the process 抽樣訪問與這些行動相關人物,以完全理解過程中出現(xiàn)的情況 Compare different practises to determine what is the best way 比較不同做法以決定什么是最佳途徑 Check the map with the people who provided input 與提供輸入的人共同檢查過程圖 Become the input/output or piece 成為輸入/輸出或“一分子”,Exercise練習,The tas

44、k is to map the process in the case study 任務是根據(jù)案例分析制作一個過程圖,A Method to Achieve Operational Excellence 一個取得優(yōu)秀運作成績的方法 Step 3第三步: Define Measures 確定衡量標準,Continuous Process Improvement持續(xù)過程改進,Why Measurements為什么要有衡量標準 ?,To enable improvement measurement for improvement 確保改進衡量標準 To allow us to set clear g

45、oals and monitor trends 能夠使我們設定明確的目標及監(jiān)控趨勢 To provide the input data for identifying sources and analyzing root causes of errors, allowing us to identify opportunities for improvement 提供用于判斷來源和分析錯誤根本原因的輸入數(shù)據(jù),允許我們確認適于改進的機會 To focus people and process on the key priorities 重點放在關鍵的人和過程上 Measuring alone d

46、oes not add value - it takes time and incurs cost,Alignment to achieve our goals保持一致,實現(xiàn)目標,Process過程,Traditional傳統(tǒng),Often measurements are based on functional interests 通常,衡量標準以職能利益為基礎,Customers are only interested in the results, not in the success of each task 客戶只對結果感興趣,而不是每項工作的成功,Measures must refl

47、ect a cross-functional process view 衡量標準必需反映跨職能的過程 Requirements should come from the customer and measures should be aligned to meet those requirements需求應來自客戶,衡量標準應該與這些需求保持一致,Strategy & Measures策略和衡量標準,Strategy 策略,Critical Success Factors (CSFs) 關鍵成功因素,Strategic Intent 策略方針,Measures 衡量標準,Measures ar

48、e a managerial conversion of the critical success factors for the Strategy 對于策略而言,衡量標準是關鍵成功因素的“管理轉向”,Effective Measurement有效的衡量標準,The “rightness” of a measure can be evaluated by assessing how well it is衡量標準的“正確性”可以通過測評它的下列條件來評估: Related to customer and business requirements與客戶和業(yè)務需求的相關性 Defined確定性 P

49、ractical to implement可實施性 Understood by people in the process 過程中人員的理解程度 Able to drive desired performance能夠驅動所期待的表現(xiàn) Owned by the team屬于團隊 Used to improve performance用于改進表現(xiàn) Used to recognise contributions用于識別貢獻,The Importance of Definition定義的重要性,All measures must be clearly defined so that there can

50、 be common understanding and application of data, including: 所有衡量標準必需很清楚地定義,以便取得共同理解和應用的數(shù)據(jù),包括: Name of the measure衡量標準名稱 Owner for the measure衡量標準的主人 Process過程 Definition of the measure衡量標準的定義 Metric 衡量方法 Data source數(shù)據(jù)來源 How are the selected measure(s) able to drive improvements ? 所選的衡量標準如何能夠推動改進? M

51、easure definition template衡量標準定義表,A Method to Achieve Operational Excellence 一個取得優(yōu)秀運作成績的方法 Step 4第四步: Set Targets設定目標,Continuous Process improvement持續(xù)過程改進,Definitions定義,e.g. 100% of deliveries on time 如:按時發(fā)貨率達到100,e.g. 90% of deliveries on time by Jan. 1st , 100% by June, 1st 如:按時發(fā)貨率在1月1日之前達到90,在6月1

52、日前達到100,Process Performance 過程表現(xiàn),Time時間,Performance Standard表現(xiàn)標準,Actual performance實際表現(xiàn),Target目標,e.g. 70 % of deliveries on time 如:按時發(fā)貨率達到70,Standards and Targets標準和目標,The performance standard must be derived from the needs of 表現(xiàn)的標準必須從以下需求獲得 The customer (customer for the process)客戶(過程的客戶) The busin

53、ess plan業(yè)務計劃 The targets for process measures must be derived from 過程衡量標準的目標必須從以下獲得: The performance standard表現(xiàn)標準 The actual performance level實際表現(xiàn)水平 The targets must be set and performance monitored by the management team必須由管理層來設定目標及監(jiān)控表現(xiàn) How challenging and achievable are the targets? 這些目標的挑戰(zhàn)性和可實現(xiàn)性有

54、多大?,Exercise練習,The task is to decide the process measures & set targets 任務是決定過程的衡量標準并設定目標,A Method to Achieve Operational Excellence 一個取得優(yōu)秀運作成績的方法 Step 5第五步: Analyse Process分析過程,Continuous Process Improvement持續(xù)過程改進,Why Process Analysis為什么分析過程?,To understand in detail how the process operates and whe

55、re it might be improved and simplified 詳細理解過程是怎樣運行的,哪里可以改進并簡化 To understand the process enough so that the impact of change can be predicted 對過程有足夠的理解,以預測變化產(chǎn)生的影響 To understand the basic characteristics of the activities within the process, such as 理解過程中各項活動的基本特性,如 Why are they performed?它們?yōu)槭裁幢粓?zhí)行? Wh

56、at contribution do they make to the result of the process? 它們對過程的結果有什么貢獻?,Ways to do the analysis分析的不同方法,Get people involved in the process使員工參與過程 Walkthrough the process, and at each steps, consider 檢查過程的每一步,考慮 the inputs and outputs 輸入和輸出: what are the ones really used ?真正使用了那些輸入和輸出? what are the

57、critical ones and the “nice to have” ? 哪些是關鍵的,哪些屬于可有可無的 the activities 活動 how to improve the way they are performed ?怎樣改進他們的表現(xiàn)方式? the people responsible to perform the tasks負責完成任務的員工 do they have the adequate competencies ?他們是否具備足夠的能力? do they know their role in the process他們是否知道自己在過程中的角色 Is there a

58、 simpler way to provide the final output ? 是否有更簡單的方法提供最終輸出?,Areas of Process Analysis過程分析的領域,People員工 -Skills技能 -Attitudes態(tài)度 -Values價值觀,Organisation組織 -Roles角色 -Responsibilities責任,2- People人,Process Issues過程事宜,The first area to be analysed for process improvement 過程改進中被分析的第一個方面 Understand the proces

59、s by identifying which activities impact the measures 通過確定哪些活動會影響衡量標準來理解過程 Identify those areas (activities) of the process that are the most appropriate for improvement確定過程中一些最適合改進的方面(活動) Minimise waiting times (bottlenecks)等待時間最小化(瓶頸) Minimise non-value-adding activities非增值活動最小化 Improve value-adding activities改進增值活動 Consider if all the activities need to be performed 考慮一下是否所有的活動都需要被完成 Ensure inputs & outputs requirements are defined, at the right level, 保證輸入和輸出的要求被確定在正確的水平上 Ensure inputs are available a


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