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福建省高校專升本統(tǒng)一招生考試公共課考試大綱(語、數(shù)、英)(第二版)福建省教育廳 組織編寫廈門大學出版社目 錄福建省高職高專升本科統(tǒng)一招生考試大學語文考試大綱( )福建省高職高專升本科統(tǒng)一招生考試高等數(shù)學考試大綱( )福建省高校專升本統(tǒng)一招生考試英語水平測試大綱(非英語專業(yè))( )福建省高校專升本統(tǒng)一招生考試英語水平測試樣題(1)(非英語專業(yè))( )福建省高校專升本統(tǒng)一招生考試英語水平測試樣題(2)(非英語專業(yè))( )附錄:高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求(試行)( )福建省高校專升本統(tǒng)一招生考試大學語文考試大綱一、考試的基本要求“大學語文”的考試范圍和基本內容,限于本“考試大綱”規(guī)定的28篇精讀課文,但泛讀課文可用作閱讀理解的例題材料。具體考試內容包括:1、語言知識:考核文言文課文中常見的文言虛詞、實詞和句式?,F(xiàn)代文不考語言知識;2、文體知識:考核文言文課文所涉及的古代文體分類及其主要形式特征。現(xiàn)代文不考文體知識;3、作家作品知識:考核與精讀課文相關的古代與現(xiàn)代作家作品基本知識;4、課文閱讀分析:考核精讀課文的主要觀點(或主旨、主題、主要感情傾向)、思想內容、寫作特點、語言修辭等。要求既能從整體上領會掌握課文,又能結合課文的有關段落進行分析論述。5、文字表達:考一篇800字左右的作文,不限文體,但詩歌除外。二、28篇精讀課文的考核要求(一)課文閱讀分析的總體考核要點:1、把握并歸納課文的主旨(議論文的中心論點,說明文的說明對象特征,記敘文的中心思想,詩詞曲賦的基本思想感情,小說的主題),理解其思想認識意義;2、領會課文的主要寫作特點或藝術表現(xiàn)手法,如議論文的論證方法,說明文的說明方法,記敘文、小說中的敘事方法、景物和人物描寫方法,詩文作品的情景交融、比興象征等抒情方法,要求能聯(lián)系課文有關段落進行具體分析;3、熟記課文中的關鍵詞或富于藝術表現(xiàn)力的精彩詞句,對其含義及其表達作用給出簡要說明;4、識記并理解課文中常用的修辭手法,如:比喻、比擬、對偶、排比、夸張、反語、用典、借代、暗示、層遞、設問、反詰等,并能具體說明其表達作用。(二)28篇精讀課文具體考核要點:1、莊子養(yǎng)生主(節(jié)選)(1)理解本文中心觀點所具有的普遍意義。(2)識記本文以寓言故事為論據(jù)的喻證法的論證特點。(3)分析本文所能概括出的“庖丁解牛”、“游刃有余”、“躊躇滿志”等成語的含義。2、諫太宗十思疏(1)理解本文三個論證層次之間內在的邏輯關系。(2)分析“十思”之論中所包含的君應自戒自謙,民可載舟覆舟的對應關系。(3)理解本文喻證法和對比法相結合的論證特點。3、答司馬諫議書(1)理解駁論文章“破字當頭,立在其中”的議論方式。(2)分析作者辯駁論敵觀點時分別采用的“據(jù)實反駁”和“據(jù)理反駁”的特點。(3)理解本文雖語氣平和,但態(tài)度堅決的寓剛于柔的特點。4、今(1)認知本文的中心論點,理解本文這一論點的現(xiàn)實針對性。(2)理解作者從“今”的時間意義和客觀存在意義兩個層面來論證中心觀點的特點。(3)理解本文中多種論據(jù)與中心論點的關系。(4)理解演繹法的論證過程及其作用。5、中國人失掉自信力了嗎(1)識記這是一篇駁論文章。(2)理解本文確立的頌揚“民族脊梁”的堅強意志和自信心的中心論點。(3)分析本文抓住論敵邏輯錯誤加以辯駁的論辯特征。(4)理解本文最后一段話的深刻含義。6、裘(1)掌握裘的定義、種類及其特點。(2)理解本文所采用的多種說明方法。(3)理解本文的結構方式及其表述特點。7、橋的運動(1)理解“橋的運動是橋的存在形式”這一抽象事理。(2)掌握本文的結構層次與結構方式。(3)理解橋的“動平衡說”。(4)結合本文內容,理解科學小品的特點。8、垓下之圍(1)理解本文肯定項羽重大歷史功績,同時批評項羽缺乏政治遠見的基本傾向。(2)把握本文通過三個場面描寫塑造項羽悲劇英雄形象的寫作特點,分析項羽主要的個性特征。(3)具體分析本文運用心理描寫和細節(jié)描寫表現(xiàn)人物性格特征的寫作特點。9、張中丞傳后敘(1)認識本文駁論與敘事并重的特點,并分析這兩者內在聯(lián)系。(2)理解本文“以論傳人”的寫人方法在駁論部分的具體應用。(3)分析本文細節(jié)描寫在刻畫張巡、南霽云性格特征所起的作用。(4)分析本文三個主要英雄人物相互映襯的關系,以及通過反面人物來反襯他們的特點。10、始得西山宴游記(1)理解本文反復出現(xiàn)“始得”二字在表情達意上的意義。(2)理解本文第一層次成為第二層次鋪墊的結構特點。(3)理解本文運用側面烘托的手法來寫西山的特點。(4)領會作者得出“心凝形釋,與萬化冥合”感悟的過程。11、登西臺慟哭記(1)理解本文為民族英雄文天祥、為宋朝覆亡而慟哭的強烈愛國情感。(2)領會本文“哭”字貫串全文的結構特點。(3)具體分析本文細節(jié)描寫和景物描寫在表達主題、抒發(fā)情感、烘托氣氛等方面的藝術表現(xiàn)功能。12、徐文長傳(1)理解徐文長獨立一時、卓而不群的奇特個性,和憂憤成疾、顛狂自戕的悲慘命運。(2)理解本文“文中有我”,感情強烈的總體特色。(3)分析本文“以事傳人”與“以論傳人”相結合的寫人方法。13、故鄉(xiāng)的野菜(1)理解本文運用比較、烘托方法所抒發(fā)的眷念故鄉(xiāng)的情感。(2)分析本文運用民歌、諺語來點染、抒發(fā)情感的作用。14、廢園外(1)理解本文所表達的作者強烈的愛憎分明的情感。(2)分析本文虛實結合、虛實相生,通過想像來展開敘事、抒情的藝術表達方式。15、國殤(1)理解本詩題目國殤的含義,概括本詩的主要感情傾向。(2)分析本詩場面描寫與細節(jié)描寫相結合的寫作特點。(3)背誦這首詩。16、短歌行(1)體會詩中所表現(xiàn)的復雜、矛盾的情感,概括全詩的主旨。(2)理清本詩的抒情層次,及其相互關系。(3)理解詩中用典、比喻、象征等修辭手法所起的作用。(4)背誦這首詩。17、山居秋暝(1)劃分本詩寫景部分的層次,概括其各自側重點。(2)理解詩中以動寫靜、動靜結合的寫作特點。18、春望(1)理解詩人通過望中所見、望中所感抒情的藝術特點。(2)分析對本詩頷聯(lián)兩句含義的兩種解釋的各自特點。(3)理解本詩中細節(jié)描寫對深化主題的意義。(4)背誦這首詩。19、泊秦淮(1)理解詩人夜泊秦淮的感慨所包含的深刻主題。(2)理解這首詩構思精巧,表達含蓄的寫作特點。(3)背誦這首詩。20、關山月(1)分析這首詩感情層次,理解以“月”貫串全詩的結構特點。(2)說明這首詩選取典型事物、典型場景來抒情言志的特點。(3)背誦這首詩。21、再別康橋(1)把握作者重游故地,與之再別時眷念、珍惜相交織的情懷。(2)理解這首詩通過選擇意象、運用比喻象征來豐富詩歌內涵的藝術特點。22、祖國啊,我親愛的祖國(1)體會詩人對祖國母親的深沉摯愛之情,以及渴望祖國日益強盛的殷切情意。(2)掌握本詩多重顯、隱意象疊加的抒情手法。(3)理解詩中抒情主人公的情感變化過程,理清詩篇情感邏輯層次。23、虞美人(春花秋月何時了)(1)理解詞人表達的身處特殊情景的特殊感受。(2)理解這首詞“觸物興感”的抒情手法。(3)說明“雕欄玉砌”與“小樓”、“朱顏”所構成的雙重對比關系。(4)背誦這首詞。24、雨霖鈴(寒蟬凄切)(1)理解這首詞點染手法所起的作用。(2)分析“今宵酒醒何處?楊柳岸、曉風殘月”在本詞結構上所起的作用。(3)背誦這首詞。25、水龍吟登建康賞心亭(1)理解這首詞上片詞人所點明的“無人會,登臨意”深刻內涵。(2)識記這首詞下片三個典故的本事,以及詞人用典的創(chuàng)作意圖。(3)背誦這首詞。26、前赤壁賦(1)體會蘇軾寫作此賦時的復雜心態(tài)和情感變化,把握作者忘懷得失、隨遇而安的人生態(tài)度。(2)理解并分析此篇賦文創(chuàng)造性地運用賦體主客問答,抑客伸主的手法來表現(xiàn)內心矛盾的獨特構思。(3)具體分析此篇賦文寫景、抒情、說理有機結合,具有理趣之美的特點。27、風波(1)理解本篇小說題目風波的含義。(2)分析七斤與趙七爺,九斤老太與六斤這兩組人物分別對應的關系。(3)理解人物對話對刻畫人物、表現(xiàn)小說主題的作用。(4)指出細節(jié)描寫、心理描寫對突出七斤這個人物性格特征的作用。(5)分析小說開頭、結尾兩處場景描寫在烘托、深化主題方面的作用。28、斷魂槍(1)理解本文時代背景的交代對表現(xiàn)人物的意義。(2)概括主要人物沙子龍性格特征和復雜心態(tài)。(3)分析次要人物王三勝、孫老者對沙子龍的塑造所起的對比、襯托的作用。(4)理解本文肖像、語言、動作描寫對刻畫人物的意義。三、試卷題型和分數(shù)結構(1)選擇題:20分(2)填空題:10分(3)語詞解釋題:10分(4)翻譯題:10分(5)簡答題:20分(6)簡析題:30分(7)作文題:50分,命題作文,文體不限(但不能寫成詩歌),字數(shù)要求800字。四、考試命題用書大學語文,福建省教育廳組編,吳雄、邵良祺主編,陳慶元主審,廈門大學出版社2004年8月第二版。福建省高校專升本統(tǒng)一招生考試英語水平測試大綱(非英語專業(yè))一、總則國家教育部高教司在“關于印發(fā)高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求(試行)的通知”(2000)57號文件中指出,高職高專教育以培養(yǎng)學生實際運用語言能力為目標,突出教學內容的實用性和針對性;針對目前高職高專學生入學水平參差不齊的情況,實行統(tǒng)一要求、分級指導的原則。高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求(以下簡稱基本要求)對英語教學提出了應達到的合格要求,把教學和測試分為A、B兩級。B級是過渡要求,A級是標準要求。福建省高職高專升本科英語水平測試根據(jù)基本要求的精神,參照福建省教育廳組織編寫的英語基礎教程(高職高專版)系列教材的教學內容,全面考核基本要求中所提出的各項目標?;疽笾兄赋觯焊呗毟邔=逃⒄Z課程的教學目的是,經(jīng)過180-220學時的教學,使學生掌握一定的英語基礎知識技能,具有一定的聽、說、讀、寫、譯的能力,從而借助詞典閱讀和翻譯有關英語業(yè)務資料,在涉外交際的日常活動中進行簡單的口頭和書面交流,并為今后進一步提高英語的交際能力打下基礎。為此,這項考試主要考核學生運用語言的能力,同時也考核學生對語法結構和詞語用法的掌握程度。本考試是一種標準化考試??荚嚪秶饕腔疽笾兴?guī)定的A級要求。為保證試卷的信度和效度,試卷采用主觀題與客觀題相結合的形式,能較全面地考核學生有關語言的基礎知識和運用語言的能力??荚嚸磕杲M織一次,由省教育廳組織實施。二、考試內容本考試包括五個部分:聽力理解(暫不考)、閱讀理解、詞語用法與語法結構、完形填空或英譯漢、短文寫作。全部題目按順序統(tǒng)一編號。第一部分:聽力理解(暫不考)(Part: Listening Comprehension)。共20題,考試時間為30分鐘。這一部分共有四種形式,每次考試選擇其中的三種形式。第一種形式為單句(statement),共10題,每題一個句子。錄音只放一遍。每題0.5分;第二種形式為對話(conversation),共10題,每題一組對話,對話后有一個問句。錄音只放一遍。每題1分;第三種形式為短文(passage)。一篇約150至200詞的短文和5個問題。問題在試卷冊上印出。錄音放兩遍。每題1分;第四種形式為聽寫填空(spot dictation)。一篇約150詞的短文,其中空出10個空格,要求考生填入正確的詞或詞組,錄音放三遍。每一空格0.5分。聽力部分的每題約有15秒的間隙,要求考生從試卷所給的每題4個選擇項中選出一個最佳答案,或補全句子。錄音的語速為每分鐘120詞。選材原則:1、福建省教育廳組織編寫的英語基礎教程(高職高專版)系列教材所提供的話題。對話與單句部分均為日常生活或交際場合中的一般用語與對話。2、短篇聽力材料為題材熟悉的講話、故事、敘述、解說等。3、所用詞語不超出基本要求中所規(guī)定的A級詞匯。第二部分:閱讀理解(Part:Reading Comprehension)。共20題,考試時間為50分鐘。要求考生閱讀若干篇短文,總閱讀量不超過1000詞。這一部分共有兩種形式。第一種形式為3篇短文,每篇短文后有5個問題,考生應根據(jù)文章內容從每題的4個選擇項中選出一個最佳的答案;第二種形式為一篇短文,短文后有5個問題,考生應根據(jù)文章內容,用自己的話簡短回答問題。(一般每題答案不超過10個詞)選材原則:1、閱讀文章題材廣泛,包括社會、文化、日常生活知識、科普常識等方面。但所涉及的文章以學生所熟悉的背景知識為主。2、體裁多樣,包括議論文、說明文、敘述文等。3、文章的語言難度以基本要求所規(guī)定的A級要求為標準,如有個別超綱的詞或無法猜測而又影響理解的關鍵詞,則用漢語注明詞義。閱讀理解部分主要測試考生下列能力:1、理解所讀文章的主旨和大意,理解事實與細節(jié);2、理解句子的意義以及上下文的邏輯關系;3、根據(jù)文章進行一定的判斷和推論;4、根據(jù)上下文推測、判斷生詞的意思;5、理解文章的寫作意圖,作者的見解與態(tài)度。閱讀理解主要測試學生通過閱讀較準確地查找與獲取信息的能力。閱讀要求有一定的速度。第三部分:詞語用法和語法結構(Part: Vocabulary and Structure)。共30題,考試時間20分鐘。題目中詞和短語的用法占50%,語法結構占50%。要求考生從每題4個選擇項中選出一個最佳答案。詞語用法和語法結構部分的目的是測試學生運用詞匯、短語及語法結構的能力??荚嚪秶ɑ疽笏?guī)定的A級以下(包括A級)詞匯和短語以及基本要求中所列出的語法結構表。詞語用法與語法結構主要考核學生;1、掌握基本要求中A級所要求的詞匯以及常用詞組情況;2、掌握英語語法結構的情況和對時態(tài)、語態(tài)的使用能力;3、對非謂語動詞以及各類從句的掌握情況;4、對虛擬語氣、強調句、倒裝句以及主謂一致的使用能力。第四部分:完形填空或英譯漢(Part: Cloze Test or English to Chinese Translation)。這一部分共兩種形式,每次考試選擇其中一種形式。完形填空共20題,考試時間20分鐘。在一篇題材熟悉、難度適中的短文(約200詞)中留有20個空白,每個空白為一題,每題有4個選擇項,要求考生在全面理解文章內容的基礎上選出一個最佳答案,使短文的意思和語言結構恢復完整。填空的詞項包括結構詞和實義詞。綜合填空的目的是測試學生綜合運用語言的能力。英譯漢共5題。在閱讀理解部分的3篇文章中,選擇典型的、難度適中的5個句子,總詞量不超過100詞,在句子底下劃橫線。考生根據(jù)上下文的意思,正確理解,并將這5個句子譯成漢語,譯文達意。英譯漢目的是測試學生閱讀理解的準確程度以及漢語的表達水平。第五部分:短文寫作(Part: Writing)。共1題,考試時間為30分鐘。要求考生在規(guī)定的時間內寫出一篇100-120詞的英語作文。試卷上將給出題目,或規(guī)定情景,或要求看圖作文,或給出英語段首句要求考生續(xù)寫,或用漢語給出每段的提綱,或給出關鍵詞要求寫出英語短文。作文要求能正確表達思想、內容切題、意義連貫,無重大的語法錯誤。寫作的內容包括日常生活和一般熟悉的常識。三、答題及計分方法客觀題用機器閱卷。要求考生從每題4個選擇項中選出一個最佳答案,并在答案紙(Answer sheet)上該題的相應字母中間用鉛筆劃一條橫線。每題只能選擇一個答案,多選作答錯處理。主觀題答在規(guī)定的試卷上。閱卷將按科學的評分標準評分。試卷各部分采用計數(shù)的方法,折算成百分制。四、使用教材福建省教育廳組織編寫的英語基礎教程(高職高專版)系列教材(廈門大學出版社出版發(fā)行)系本考試的教學與考生自學的主要教材。2004年省高職高專升本科英語水平測試將依據(jù)基本要求所規(guī)定的A級要求命題。英語基礎教程(高職高專版)系列教材按基本要求提出的各項目標編寫,可供考生復習考試之用。附注:高職高專升本科英語水平測試(非英語專業(yè))暫不考聽力理解部分。福建省高校專升本統(tǒng)一招生考試英語水平測試樣題(1)(非英語專業(yè))Part. Listening ComprehensionSection A: 10 StatementsDirections: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. Each sentence will be spoken just once. The sentence you hear will not be written out for you. After you hear each sentence, read the four choices in your test paper, marked, A, B, C, and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your Answer Sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of answer you have chosen.1. A. She should have her ears examined. B. She must listen to her teacher. C. She didnt pay attention to her teachers opinion. D. She always does what the teacher tells her.2. A. The plane left at 12:30 A. M. B. The plane left at 12:00 noon. C. The plane left at 11:30 P. M. D. The plane left at 1:00 P. M.3. A. Pat went to the party with John.B. John was invited to Pats party.C. John would not go to the party.D. Pat did not go to the party.4. A. The tour was worth the time but not the money.B. The tour was not worth the time or the money.C. The tour was worth both the time and the money.D. The tour was not worth the time5. A. I wrote you a letter.B. I called you.C. I let her call you.D. I went to see you.6. A. There was plenty of time to get there.B. We needed more time to get there.C. We had to get there in time.D. We had a good time when we got there.7. A. She failed the test.B. She needed more time to finish the test.C. In spite of her studying she found the test difficult.D. She did well on the test because she studied hard.8. A. Despite its being rush hour, there was little traffic.B. There was not much traffic because it was rush hour.C. There was a lot of traffic because it was rush hour.D. Rush hour is before dark.9. A. Although she has a scholarship, Ellen cannot attend the University.B. Ellen cannot get a scholarship until the University accepts her.C. Ellen attends the University on a scholarship.D. If Ellen gets a scholarship, she can attend the University.10. A. We got good seats although we were late.B. We did not get good seats because we were late.C. We were too late, but we got good seats.D. We got good seats because we arrived on time.Section B: ConversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.11. A. Finish the work.B. Wait until next morning.C. Go home.D. Have a rest there.12. A. The woman has chosen a color.B. The woman doesnt care which color is chosen.C. The woman is concerned about the color.D. The woman has chosen a different color.13. A. At the stationers.B. In the department store.C. At the bank.D. In the classroom.14. A. After the woman.B. Ahead of the woman.C. At the same time as the woman.D. Later than the woman.15. A. She is easy-going.B. She is an ill-natured person.C. She looks mean, but deep down she is kind.D. She is strict with her students.16. A. The man himself.B. The mans mother.C. The cleaner.D. The woman.17. A. $20.58.B. $58.00.C. $78.58.D. $100.58.18. A. At the restaurant.B. At the mans clothes store.C. In the cinema.D. In a supermarket.19. A. Interviewer and interviewee.B. Manger and clerk.C. Shop-girl and consumer.D. Landlady and tenant.20. A. One hour.B. An hour and a half.C. Half an hour.D. Three quarters.Section C: Spot DictationDirections: In this part, you will hear a passage three times. The passage is printed on your test paper with 10 blanks. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words you have just heard.More and more people today are realizing the importance of 21 physical exercise.There are many different forms of exercise to 22 different tastes. For example, those who enjoy 23 sports may take up ball games. If they 24 exercise alone, they can have a run or take a walk in the morning or in the evening. 25 , people can go swimming in the summer and go skating in the winter. 26 , no matter what their interests are, people can always find one or more sports that are, people can always find one or more sports that are suitable to them.However, the 27 of physical exercise must be chosen carefully. More harm than good will 28 if people choose the wrong form of exercise. For the aged, Qigong or Tai ji Boxing will suit them better than competitive sports. Those who have little spare time may have a regular run in the morning. Only if the kind of exercise is chosen 29 and performed regularly, will it 30 their health, work and study.Part . Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the first three passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Answer the questions on the fourth passage.Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.People are making more and more demands on the worlds natural resources. If babies born in 1991 live for 80 years, the human population of the world may be anything from twice to three times the present total by 2070. In other words, they will have to share what is left of the earths resources with between 10 and 15 billion other people. But hopefully there will be a significant decrease in the growth of population. What if this does not happen? The answer is that by the time before the babies born in 1991 reach the age of 40 they could be sharing resources with as many as 10 billion other people.Limiting the pollution of water and the atmosphere, controlling the output of the chemicals that may be causing global warming the climate change, and eating less meat may go some way to help, but can anyone seriously imagine that these are going to solve the problems of the “baby class”of 91?There is no getting away from the fact that people are responsible for the present state of the world, and only people can solve the problems. The decisions have to be taken by people as members of national and local governments; as leaders and decision-makers in industry; as scientists and technologists; as professional engineers and designers; as religious leaders and as individual citizens.31. Which of the following can be the title for this passage?A. Making More Demands on the Natural Resources.B. Limiting the Pollution of Air and Water.C. Reducing the World Population.D. Saving the Babies of 91?32. What is meant by “the problems of the baby class of 91”?A. A large number of babies will be born after 1991.B. Babies born in 1991 wont live a long life.C. The children of 1991 are not given good education.D. The world will be over populated in 40 years.33. This short passage is probably taken from .A. a news reportB. a science fictionC. an article by a medical workerD. a government report34. It is implied in the second paragraph that .A. limiting the pollution is of the great importanceB. not all the people know how to save our planetC. our planet is becoming warmer because of the pollutionD. we should eat less so that more people can be fed35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph as people responsible for the present state of the world?A. OfficialsB. Industrialists.C. Businessmen.D. Scientists.Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Accidents are the major cause of death for all young people under 35. They are the fourth most frequent cause of death for all age groups in the U. S. fourth only to heart disease, cancer and stroke. Each year thousands of Americans lost their lives in accidents, and thousands are permanently crippled.By far the most common types of home accidents are falls. Each year over ten thousand Americans meet death in this way, within the four walls of their home, or in yards around their house. Nine out of ten of the victims are over 65. But people of all ages experience serious injuries as a result of home falls. It is impossible to guess how many injuries result from falls, but they must run into millions.Falls can be a problem for all ages. In the process of growing up, children or teenagers often will fall. Fortunately their bodies are springy, so they may suffer only skinned knees, bumps and bruises. But in an older person, the same fall may cause a broken arm, leg, and hip or other injury that requires hospitalization or medical care. As a person grows older, he may not fall any more often, but the result usually are more serious and may even be fatal.Preschool children are often killed by falls from open windows and porches. Their normal curiosity and the urge to climb lead them to dangerous heights. Therefore, it is a parents duty to keep small children away from stairways, open windows and porch railing. Gates, bars, and other means of protection should be used whenever possible.Adults fall because they dont look where they are going. Running or taking two steps at a time invites falls. In trying to save an extra trip up the stairs by loading his arms with bundles or boxes that keep him from seeing where he is going, an adult may find it safer to make an extra trip.36. The most common type of home accidents is . A. choking B. falling C. drowning D. burning37. In this passage the author states that . A. seat belts save livesB. most accidents are avoidableC. heart disease is the greatest killer of AmericansD. the death rate from work-related injuries is increasing38. Most victims of falls are at least 65 years of age because . A. old people fall more often than younger peopleB. bones become stiff and brittle with ageC. elderly people take unnecessary risksD. old people dont look where they are going as a result of poor eyesight39. Adults are injured in falls as a result of . A. boldness(勇敢)B. dizziness(暈眩)C. carelessnessD. weakness40. From the page we may conclude that . A. as a cause of death in America, accidents rank firstB. the risk of accidents increases with a persons ageC. the head is injured more than any other part of the bodyD. most people do not realize how serious falls can beQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Each year millions of peop
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