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1、. 淮 陰 工 學 院畢業(yè)論文開題報告學 生 姓 名:朱文茜學 號:1101901206專 業(yè):英 語T i t l e :The Role of Body Language in International Business Negotiation論 文 題 目:身勢語在國際商務談判中的作用指 導 教 師:鄭艷霞 2014年2月27日 畢 業(yè) 論 文 開 題 報 告1文獻綜述(結合課題情況,根據所查閱的文獻資料,用英文撰寫1000字以上的文獻綜述)Literature ReviewTrading between countries is getting a further developme

2、nt in an increasingly global economy. But doing business becomes much more complex. Under the background of intercultural communication, conflicts are inevitable among people who hold different values and customs from each other. Being a means of adjusting and accommodating these conflicts of econom

3、ic interests and an important content of international business activities, international business negotiation is indispensable. Though negotiators basically talk to communicate, nonverbal language such as body language can not be ignored. Because body language is more reliable and efficient as it g

4、enerally is very difficult to fake while lies can be easily told through teeth. When dealing with business negotiations knowing what the other party is really thinking is of great importance. So it is necessary to make a study on body language and to explore its role in international business negoti

5、ation. Before working on this subject, I have read several relative papers and concerning books and articles for references. Below is a brief description :A lot of researches have been done on body language and its role in international business negotiations. For example: A Research into Internation

6、al Business Negotiation (2011) written by Xiong Xiaoman; Negotiating For Dummies (2007) written by Michael C. Donaldson; Body Language and Intercultural communication (2005) written by Li Na; Body Language in Intercultural Communication (2013) written by Ni Hong; Body Language and International Busi

7、ness Negotiation (2005) written by Liu Baiyu.In A Research into International Business Negotiation (2011), Xiong Xiaoman tries to define international business negotiation and indicates that compared with the general business negotiation, international business negotiation is far more challenging be

8、cause the negotiating parties belong to different cultures and do not share the same ways of thinking, feeling or behaving. Xiong Xiaoman also points out that to people from low-context culture, 畢 業(yè) 論 文 開 題 報 告Body language is secondary to the message itself because they tend to explain all in great

9、 detail, being much more precise in communication, while to people from high-context culture body language matters a lot, for their communication generally are imprecise and they pay much attention to the person delivering the message. In addition, Xiong Xiaoman argues that negotiators from differen

10、t cultures are different types of negotiators task-driven negotiators or relation-driven negotiators, and expect different negotiation outcomes either the win-lose mode or the win-win mode.In Negotiating For Dummies (2007), Donaldson mainly studies on the cultural differences of body language. He in

11、dicates that before negotiating with someone from other culture one needs to study up on how people in the other culture use body language to avoid inadvertently insulting the opposite member. Donaldson also explores the ways to decipher others body language and the skills of negotiating with differ

12、ent people in diverse types of negotiation by using the knowledge of body language to gear a negotiation up for success. Donaldson notes that to be a receptive negotiator is more likely to achieve successful negotiation for body language is contagious performance showing readiness to listen and open

13、ness to ideas influence the counterparts to be and do the same. Body Language and Intercultural communication (2005) by Li Na makes an analysis of body language and its influences on intercultural communication. The author explores the definition and classification of body language, as well as its n

14、ature, that is, body language is a kind of complementary language and is an important carrier of information. Moreover, Li Na shows how body language is related to culture and how it influences intercultural communication. The paper also analyzes the characteristics of body language commonality, pol

15、ysemy, multiplicity and credibility and focuses on the polysemy side of body language and the conflicts it may lead to on the basis of different cultures. The differences between body language and verbal language are discussed as well. In Body Language in Intercultural Communication (2013), Ni Hong

16、mainly talks about the six cultural characteristics and the functions of body language. The six characteristics are extensiveness, intuitiveness, emotionality, dependency, polysemy and contemporaneity; the 畢 業(yè) 論 文 開 題 報 告functions are to repeat, complement, substitute, negate and harmonize the verba

17、l message. It also mentions the concept of body language. Taking Chinese and Thai body languages as example, this paper emphasizes the concrete meaning of the polysemy quality of body language in terms of sign language, gestures or movements, facial expressions and physical contacts. The paper, more

18、over, makes a study on how barriers in body language communication come into being in intercultural communication and how to break down these barriers.Body Language and International Business Negotiation (2005) by Liu Baiyu studies body language in the circumstance of international business negotiat

19、ion. The author defines body language and international business negotiation, and describes international business negotiations characteristics communicativeness and internationality. Body Languages qualities of synonymity and polysemy are discussed with the emphasis on the quality of polysemy in in

20、ternational business negotiation. Whats more, Liu Baiyu makes researches on five parts of body language involved in international business negotiation, i.e. language of sight, gesture, face expression, proximics and silent language. The information mentioned above is of great value to my study. Afte

21、r a general review of the achievements and studies on this subject, I understand body language and its role in international business negotiation better. I have learnt what body language is, how to classify body language and what use body language has. I also have learnt the cultural commonality and

22、 differences of body language and how the differences influence international business negotiation negatively. Whats more, I have got a better idea about how to decipher a persons body movements in international business negotiation and how to act towards different people in different types of inter

23、national business negotiation to promote its success.畢 業(yè) 論 文 開 題 報 告References 1 Donaldson, Michael C. Negotiating For Dummies M. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007. 2 Liu Baiyu. Body Language and International Business Negotiation J. Market Weekly, 2005, (8): 47-48.3 Li Na. Body Language an

24、d Intercultural communication D. Master thesis, Linguistics Department, Heilongjiang University, 2005.4 Li Xiaojie. A Study on the Application of Nonverbal Communication in Cross-cultural Business Negotiation D. Master thesis, English Linguistics and Literature Department, Northeast Forestry Univers

25、ity, 2012.5 Liu Yanchao. The Analysis of Body Language in intercultural Communication D. Master thesis, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Department, Guangxi University, 2003.6 Ni Hong. Body Language in Intercultural Communication D. Master thesis, Department of Education, Shaanxi Normal U

26、niversity, 2013. 7 Xiong Xiaoman. A Research into International Business Negotiation D. Master thesis, English Language and Literature Department, School of Foreign Language Central China Normal University, 2011.8 黃悅. 跨文化交際中的非言語交際行為研究D. 碩士學位論文, 語言學及應用語言學系, 遼寧師范大學, 2012.9 李之松. 基于東西方文化差異的國際商務談判風格J. 河北

27、聯合大學學報, 2013, (6): 59-62.10 劉剛. 影響商務談判者情緒的因素D. 碩士學位論文, 貴州師范大學, 2004.11 潘克. 體態(tài)語的交際功能及英漢體態(tài)語的文化差異J. 鎮(zhèn)江高專學報, 2003, (3): 20-22. 畢 業(yè) 論 文 開 題 報 告2. 本課題要研究或解決的問題和擬采用的研究方法My title is “The Role of Body Language in International Business Negotiations”. The main task that I will accomplish in this paper is to e

28、xplore body language and its role in international business negotiation, as well as the skill of using body language in international business negotiation to achieve success.In the first part, I will introduce the background, definition, and the classification of body language. In the second part, I

29、 will expound the characteristics and functions of body language. Then, in the next part, I will analyze the quality of synonymity and polysemy of body language and how the polysemy quality affects international business negotiation with examples. In the last part, Im going to discuss how to deciphe

30、r different kinds of negotiators body language in different types of negotiation and how to make use of body language to promote the success of international business negotiation. My study will be based on the information I have searched from the books and the Internet.Through analyzing the effects

31、of body language in international business negotiation and the ways of exploiting body language to advance successful international business negotiation, this paper aims at arousing negotiators awareness of the significance of body language in international business negotiation, and providing them with the required skill of effective body language reading and using in international business negotiation. The major research methods that will be empl


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