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1、家禽育種的組織與管理,家禽育種的組織與計劃 家禽育種的實施和管理 家禽育種記錄 現(xiàn)代無紙記錄系統(tǒng),家禽育種的組織與計劃,提出明確的育種目標(biāo) 確定育種目標(biāo)的基本原則:適應(yīng)國民經(jīng)濟(jì)的需要和當(dāng)?shù)氐膶嶋H條件。育種既需以生產(chǎn)為基礎(chǔ),又應(yīng)走在生產(chǎn)的前面一步,不能孤立進(jìn)行,也不能延遲落后。,家禽育種的組織與計劃,建立和健全育種組織機(jī)構(gòu) 行政系統(tǒng)的組織:一般按地區(qū)劃分工作范圍。 工作內(nèi)容:家禽的合理布局和品種的區(qū)域規(guī)劃。 要考慮的問題:家禽的適應(yīng)性、飼料來源、市場銷售。,技術(shù)系統(tǒng)的組織:基本沒有地區(qū)范圍的限制,以品種選育、繁殖和推廣為紐帶。 工作對象:特定的禽種和品種。 工作內(nèi)容:按建立和健全繁育體系的技術(shù)要

2、求,與有關(guān)教學(xué)、科研、生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營、技術(shù)行政部門以合同關(guān)系合作或協(xié)作。 擬訂較長遠(yuǎn)的育種規(guī)劃 基本要求:對家禽育種工作的歷史和現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行調(diào)查研究和分析,總結(jié)過去的優(yōu)缺點和經(jīng)驗教訓(xùn),針對存在的問題擬訂今后要采取的措施。,制定切實可行的育種計劃 (1)育種的目標(biāo)和任務(wù) (2)育種的材料和方法 (3)育種的場所和條件 (4)育種的主持者、參加者和協(xié)作者,家禽育種的實施和管理,整群編號 1、整群 A、了解和分析禽群的現(xiàn)有情況 B、按育種計劃適當(dāng)調(diào)整禽只的分布,按生產(chǎn)流程安排于適當(dāng)?shù)臋谏嶂酗曫B(yǎng)。 群體劃分: 按育種方法:核心群、基本群、淘汰群 按育種階段:已鑒定群、續(xù)鑒定群、初鑒定群,2、編號:對個體進(jìn)行編

3、號是識別個體最簡單、最有效的方法;一個統(tǒng)一、規(guī)范的編號系統(tǒng)是準(zhǔn)確迅速地識別家禽個體的基本保證。 臨時性編號:是標(biāo)記在家禽身上的號碼,也可寫在臨時性記錄中,一般僅限于場內(nèi)或年度內(nèi)使用。 永久性編號:是寫在永久性記錄中的號碼,它除了用于標(biāo)識每一記錄對應(yīng)的個體外,也用于品種登記,故也稱登記號,通常在某一地區(qū)甚至全國范圍內(nèi)使用。,個體編號的基本原則: 唯一性:每個號碼對應(yīng)一個個體,要保證在該號碼所適用的范圍內(nèi)沒有重號; 有明確含義:為了管理方便,每個號碼都應(yīng)有明確的含義,如對臨時性編號,通常可用群內(nèi)某一年內(nèi)個體順序號; 簡潔易讀:在保證唯一性的前提下,個體編號應(yīng)盡量簡單明了,不要試圖將個體的所有信息都

4、包含在個體號中而將號碼編得太長;同時要注意避免使用一些特殊符號以便于計算機(jī)錄入和計算。,家禽編號方法:對雞可使用翅號、腳號和肩號三種方法進(jìn)行編號。鴨、鵝還可使用腳蹼穿洞的方法進(jìn)行編號。 翅號用于出殼雛禽絨羽干后,佩帶在禽體右側(cè)尺骨和橈骨前側(cè)翅膜上。 腳號和肩號均用于成年種禽,前者帶在左脛上,后者帶在右肩上。 翅號、腳號和肩號最好都有年度、品種、品系或家系的代號及本身的號碼。 電子標(biāo)記:電子標(biāo)記是近年來發(fā)展的一種新的標(biāo)記方法,它是將一種體積很小、攜帶有個體編號信息的電子裝置如電子脈沖轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)器,固定在家禽的某個部位,它所發(fā)出的信息可用特殊的儀器接收和處理。,Poultry breeding reco

5、rds,Purpose of breeding records:The purpose of breeding records should be to answer at least four questions regarding any individual bird which has ever been mated. First, who are its ancestors and what has been their breeding and productive performance? Second, who are its brothers and sisters, and

6、, if the information is available, what have been their breeding and productive performances?,Third, with what individual or individuals is it at present mated, or has it been mated in the past? Fourth, what were the results of these matings? The first question is concerned with preceding generation

7、s, the second and third consider the individuals own generation, while the fourth looks forward into the next succeeding generation.,Record of ancestral pairs The service most commonly associated with breeding records concern the successive matings of any given individual; that is, to easily and acc

8、urately trace its pedigree. It is customary to look upon a pedigree as a list of ancestral individuals. Emphasis should be given to the fact that a pedigree is a record of ancestral-that is, parental-pairs running back through preceding generations. In considering a given cockerel or pullet as a pos

9、sible breeder, a knowledge of the breeding performance of each ancestral pair, as well as the productive performance of each ancestral female, is a matter of first importance.,Sib record. It makes considerable difference in its probable value as a breeder whether a given bird is the one outstanding

10、product of its parents, or whether it is simply one among several almost equally good brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, a single great performance, or an individual show bird of unusual excellence, may mean little in the line of breeding progress, but the chances greatly favor the bird with numer

11、ous brothers or sisters nearly or quite as good as he. A good system of records will not only show, but should also call attention to an individuals brothers and sisters.,Record of matings The proper pairing of birds is the foundation of the breeders art and the basis of improvement through breeding

12、. The breeding unit is the pair. During any given breeding season a promising male usually will be mated or paired with several females. And in successive seasons a given female may be mated with more than one male. In order to give proper consideration to the pairing of birds during a given season,

13、 one should be in a position to give intensive study, in the case of all individuals previously bred, to the results of former matings. In order to do this there must obviously be available a list or record of all matings.,Progeny record. In contemplating a pair of birds as possible parents, a consi

14、deration of their individuality, their ancestry, their sibs, and previous mates are of the greatest importance. Upon them hopes are built, but predictions are uncertain. There is but one sure basis of judging a birds breeding value from the standpoint of heredity, and that it is the breeding of it.

15、After a given pair has been mated, and progeny gotten and grown, really accurate judgments can be formed. The test of efficient mating is the character of the progeny.,As suggested above, the progeny test, from the standpoint of a parental pair, is a look forward into the next generation, as the stu

16、dy of the pedigree is a look back into past generations, and of sibs and mates a survey of the contemporary generation. This forward look gives sounder and more dependable information than the other two combined. The fourth service which breeding records should give, therefore, is to show the progen

17、y of any pair in a group so that they may be readily available for study.,臨時性記錄 手工記錄:根據(jù)育種方案事先設(shè)計好一些統(tǒng)一、規(guī)范的記錄表格,將測定結(jié)果直接填入表格中。 自動記錄(無紙記錄):采用特定的電子設(shè)備進(jìn)行自動記錄。自動記錄系統(tǒng)一般由計算機(jī)、佩帶在動物個體身上或固定在個體籠位上的含有個體標(biāo)號的電子標(biāo)記(如磁卡、條形碼、脈沖轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)器等),該電子標(biāo)記的閱讀器和計算機(jī)軟件組成。 永久性記錄:無論是手工記錄還是自動記錄得到的臨時性記錄都要經(jīng)過處理,將需要長期保存的信息轉(zhuǎn)成永久性記錄長期保存,供育種分析使用。永久性記錄一般

18、都用某種數(shù)據(jù)庫的形式在計算機(jī)的外部存儲設(shè)備(硬盤、軟盤或光盤等)種保存。為了便于這些記錄的錄入、管理、編輯、查詢和有效利用,還可使用一些專門設(shè)計的計算機(jī)管理和分析軟件。,Breeding records and breeding practice,In breeding practice the managemental unit is the pen, the breeding unit is the pair. The incubating unit is determined by the size of the incubator tray, and the time unit inv

19、olved is usually one breeding season. Economic considerations generally preclude the mating of as many males as females, and one male is usually penned with several females, thus constituting a breeding pen. While pen records are considerably better than no records and give some information regardin

20、g the breeding performance of the males, providing always that but one male is used in a pen, they do not give the information necessary for the best progress, or, in some cases, even the maintenance of a high level of excellence.,From the standpoint of breeding, a pen is a group of matings or pairs

21、, with the male a member of each pair. The breeders search, with the help of progeny records, is for fortunately mated pairs, and when these are discovered there is a really fairly firm foundation on which to build. It is necessary to trapnest all mated females during the breeding season, so that th

22、e mother of each egg may be identified, and of marking the egg so that the identification may be preserved.,It is in turn necessary to sort out the eggs of each female before hatching, and arrange means of identifying each chick that hatches with its dam, which also identifies it with its sire throu

23、gh the record of matings. Each step in this series of operations must be a matter of record if the whole purpose of the record is to be served. A further consideration in breeding practice is the fact that matings are usually made for an entire season.,Because of the great desirability of setting eg

24、gs soon after being laid, the progeny of any one pair does not appear as a single seasonal litter as in the case of swine, but are hatched periodically throughout the season. Thus full brothers and sisters of a single season may have varying hatching dates, and individuals hatched on one date are li

25、kely, because at different stages of maturity, to be more desirable as breeders the following season than those hatched at some other date. It is, therefore, highly desirable to make the dates of hatching a part of the record.,Steps in a complete breeding record,There are five essential steps in the

26、 yearly cycle of keeping a complete flock breeding record which will furnish the information discussed above. These are: The recording of each mating made; Making a record of each breeding males pedigree and progeny; Making a record of each breeding females pedigree, production, and progeny; Marking

27、 each egg of each breeding female as it is laid, and pedigree hatching it; Marking and recording the chicks at hatching in such a way as to identify them with their parents,Record of matings,In order to make a record of matings, the individual breeders must be marked. The mating record itself is sim

28、ply a list of the birds in any given breeding pen, and is most useful for future reference. A convenient form for keeping the record of a single mating is designed. The reverse side of the form is the first page of the “Progeny and Sib Record” of that pen. This record will be discussed later.,Record

29、 of matings,Sires record,The sires record should furnish at least three sorts of information: (1) his ancestry (or pedigree); (2) his progeny; (3) notes on his individuality and breeding performance.,A convenient blank form for the pedigree is shown in figure 3. It is well to give his wing-band numb

30、er as well as his leg-band number, as shown in the upper right-hand corner. The breed of which a given individual is a representative should always be indicated on the pedigree of any bird sold, and it is good practice to have it on all pedigrees. The pedigree of a male used as a breeder should be c

31、ompletely recorded for at least four generations back if possible.,When the daughters mature and are leg-banded, their numbers may be listed in numerical order in the spaces provided on the reverse side of the“Sires Record”. The egg records of the respective daughters are entered later as they are c

32、ompleted.,Dams record,The dams record should furnish the same information concerning each female as does the sires record, and in addition give her production record. The blank form for the purpose consist of an “Individual Egg Record” as shown in figure 5, with spaces for her ancestral records, her

33、 daughters records, and for further notes on the reverse side as shown in figure 6. The “Individual Egg Record” gives an opportunity to see and study a whole years production with its cycles and pauses and is to be urged in place of simply keeping monthly and yearly totals. A further sheet is needed

34、 for each succeeding years production.,Dams record,Pedigree hatching,On the eighteenth day the eggs of each mated female are all put in a separate sack, small tray, or wire basket, so arranged that the chicks cannot escape after hatching and can be identified with their mother by the numbers on the

35、shells. In so incubating eggs that the chicks out of each hen may be identified. The reason for this is that a proportion of the fertile eggs which die during the period of incubation. No dead eggs should be left to be carried through the pedigree hatching process.,Hatching record,The record of a gi

36、ven females performance as a breeder is quite incomplete unless it includes her hatching record. Sterility or a tendency toward sterility on the part of a male will usually be noticed because it affects the hatching record of a whole breeding pen. But low hatching power of the eggs of an individual

37、female are likely to go unnoticed unless the relationship between the number of eggs set from each individual and the number of chicks hatched during an entire season is a matter of record. A convenient blank form for keeping such a record is shown in figure 14.,Marking and recording the chicks,After the hatch is over, the next step is to mark the chicks. This is done by a small numbered band placed on the leg or in the wing. Usually when leg banding is practiced, the band is later changed from the leg to the wing, where it remains during the life of the bird. At the time the chick is b


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