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1、專升本英語模擬試題(四)模擬試題(四)Part I Reading Comprehension (40% 35minutes)Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding lette

2、r on the Answer Sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: A green house is a building made of glass which is used for keeping plants warm when the outside temperature is low. In a similar way there are several gases in the atmosphere, which trap the heat produced by the sun and prev

3、ent it from escaping. These gases are known as “greenhouse gases”, and the way in which they trap heat in the atmosphere is called the “greenhouse effect”. This is not simply air pollution. Most of the main greenhouse gases exist naturally in small amounts in our atmosphere, and without them earth w

4、ould be 30 degrees colder and human life would not exist. In other words, the greenhouse effect is a natural course which is to some degree helpful to us.The problem is that in the last century and a half, we have been putting too many of these gases into the earths atmosphere by burning large quant

5、ities of coal and oil and by cutting down forests. The rapid increase in greenhouse gases is making the world warmer. The worlds temperature has already gone up by half a degree this century, and the sea level has risen by 10 centimeters. If the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles the

6、re will probably be a rise in the earths temperature of between 1 and 4. This may seem a small increase, but it would be enough to cause major changes in geography and agriculture. Large areas of the world would be flooded, and some areas would become dry and unable to produce crops. It is important

7、, too, to consider that there may be a delay of about 30 years in the greenhouse effect. This means that we are probably experiencing only now the effect of the gases put into the atmosphere before the 1960s. Since then, our use of these gases has greatly increased.1. “Greenhouse effect” means _. A.

8、 the way in which gases are used for keeping plants warm B. a natural course which is to some degree helpful to us C. the way greenhouse gases trap heat on the earth D. the whole course in which greenhouse gases prevent heat2. If there were no greenhouse effect, _. A. no plants would grow on our pla

9、net B. earth would be thirty degrees colder C. man could not live on the earth D. all of the above answers are correct3. Which of the following is not true? A. Burning too much coal and oil produces lots of greenhouse gases. B. It has become warmer on the earth now than in the past. C. Gases put int

10、o the atmosphere now will effect the earth years later. D. The temperature in a greenhouse is as high as that in the atmosphere.4. Suppose the earths temperature rose by 3 degrees _. A. great harm would be done to mankind B. the sea level would go up by 10 centimeters C. all the land in the world wo

11、uld be flooded D. crops would be unable to grow on the earth5. This passage mainly deals with _. A. the concept and harm of greenhouse effect B. the relation between greenhouse gases and man C. the concept and change of greenhouse effect D. the effect of the rise of the earths temperatureQuestions 6

12、 to 10 are based on the following passage:Our plan was to drive into Cambridge, catch the 7:34 train to Liverpool Street station, then to separate and meet again for lunch. We should have arrived at Liverpool Street at 9:19, but due to a typical London fog, the train had to move along so slowly that

13、 it wasnt until 10:30 that it got there. In spite of our late arrival, Joan decided that she would go to see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London while we went shopping. It was only after her sister had disappeared into the fog that my wife realized that we hadnt decided where we should meet her

14、for lunch. Since I had our three tickets for the concert in my pocket, this was indeed a problem. There seemed to be nothing we could do except take a taxi to the Tower of London, and try to find her there. Needless to say, we didnt find her. It was now one oclock, and the concert began at 2:30. “Pe

15、rhaps she will think of waiting outside the concert hall,” suggested my wife hopefully. By this time the fog was so thick that road traffic had to stop, and the only way to get there was by underground railway. Hand in hand we felt our way along the road to where we thought the nearest station shoul

16、d be. An hour later we were still trying to find it. Just as I was about to lose my temper completely we met a blind man tapping his way confidently through the fog. With his help we found Tower Hill tube station just fifty yards down the road.By now it was far too late even to try to get to the con

17、cert hall before the performance began at 2:30, so we decided to return to Cambridge. It took seven long hours instead of the usual two to make that journey. Nor were we able to get any food and drink on the train. Tired and hungry we finally reached home at ten, opening the door to the sound of the

18、 telephone bell. It was Joan she had seen the Crown Jewels, had managed to get another ticket for the concert, and had had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant near the hotel where she had decided to stay the night. Now she was ringing to discover whether we had had an equally successful day.6. Why wa

19、s Joan separated from her sister and brother-in-law when they arrived in London? A. They could not see each other because of the fog. B. Joan had not seen the Crown Jewels. C. They planned to do different things until lunchtime. D. The writer did not want to go to the concert.7. What did the writer

20、plan to do in the afternoon? A. Go to a concert. B. See the Crown Jewels. C. Return to Cambridge. D. We are not told.8. Why didnt they all meet for lunch? A. They lost their way in the fog. B. They forgot to make the necessary arrangement. C. They had agreed to meet outside the concert hall. D. The

21、writer couldnt find the underground station.9. Why did the writer and his wife decide to go to the concert hall by underground rail way? A. There was no other way. B. They could not find a taxi. C. It was too far to walk. D. The wife thought Joan might be waiting there.10. It is clear that for Joan

22、the trip to London had been _. A. spilt by the fog B. quite tiring C. rather disappointing D. very enjoyableQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:The first area outside the United States to which settlers moved in substantial numbers was the province now called Texas. By 1830 eastern

23、 Texas had been occupied by nearly 20,000 whites and 1,000 black slaves from the United States. Many westerners had been disappointed when the U.S. government, in the Florid-purchase treaty of 1819, accepted the Sabine River as the southwestern boundary of the United States. By doing so, the United

24、States surrendered whatever vague claim it had to Texas as part of the Louisiana Purchase. After winning independence from Spain in 1822, Mexico twice rejected Americans offer to buy this sparsely settled province; but during the 1820s she welcomed law- abiding American immigrants. The first and mos

25、t successful promoter of American settlement in Mexico was Stephen F. Austin who obtained a huge land grant form the Mexican government and established a flourishing colony on the banks of the Brazos River. Most of the immigrants were woman farmers and small slaveholders from the southern United Sta

26、tes who were attracted by the rich land suitable for cotton growing and available for a few cents an acre.11. What is the subject of this passage? A. The initial settlement of Texas.B. The influence of Mexico on settlement in Texas.C. The geographic features of Texas.D. The impact of treaties on Tex

27、as in the 1980s.12. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. Mexico was interested in becoming part of the United StatesB. Texas was not always a part of the United StatesC. Texas was attractive to slaves who sought freedomD. Mexico contemplated buying the province of Texas13. Mexico became ind

28、ependent _. A. in the eighteen centuryB. in the first quarter of the nineteenth centuryC. more than 170 years agoD. in 181914. It can be inferred that Texas farmland is suitable for _.A. textile productionB. production of raw materials for clothingC. food productionD. fishing15. The word “she” under

29、lined in the second paragraph refers to _.A. Texas B. MexicoC. The United States D. SpainQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:The advantages and disadvantages of large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land

30、 is limited. To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scop

31、e for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.One of the difficulties in carrying out a world- wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population g

32、rowth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability(獲得的可能性)of food and raw materials. In the developing countries where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concer

33、n of government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences may be. In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population on

34、 housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.16. According to the passage, slowly risin

35、g birthrate perhaps is good for _. A. a developed nationB. a developing nationC. every nation with a small populationD. every nation with a big population17. A small population may mean _.A. higher productivity and a higher average income. B. Lower productivity and a lower average income C. Higher p

36、roductivity, but a lower average income D. Lower productivity, but a higher average income18. In a developed country, people will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate _. A. is out of control B. goes down C. goes up D. remains stable19. It is no easy job to carry out a general plan for birth contr

37、ol throughout the world because _. A. even developed countries may have complex problemsB. there are too many underdeveloped countries in the worldC. different governments have different views of the questionD. underdeveloped countries have low level of industrial development20. According to the pas

38、sage, a large population will provide a chance for developing _. A. industry B. national economyC. agriculture D. transport systemPart II Vocabulary and Structure (20% 25 minutes)Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentenc

39、e. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. Sorry that the bus is out of order. That _ to our destination on foot.A. seems to go B. means to goC. means having to go D. needs going22. After having gone _ far, George did not want to turn back.A. enough B. muchC. such D. that23. The man always gi

40、ves _ to his bosss demands and does whatever she tells him to.A. up B. awayC. in D. out24. There was no much time left; so the teacher just talked about the topic _.A. in detail B. in briefC. in short D. in all25. In the supermarket the customers felt it hard to _ the temptation to Spend money on th

41、ing that they didnt really _.A. comfort; expect B. cause; wantC. relieve; wish D. resist; need26. It is not difficult to teach _ students.A. smart B. fashionableC. sensitive D. vital27. It is strange that such a thing _ in your school.A. happens B. happenC. should happen D. had happened28. Did you s

42、ay Tom didnt pass the examination again? He ought to know better _ to ignore his study.A. asB. notC. than D. up29. He was accused of having his store _ so that he could collect that insurance. A. blow up B. blew upC. blown up D. blowing up30. If you really want to buy this brand of shoes, we have a

43、few new styles _.A. to choose from B. to be chosenC. to choose D. to choice31. If I were you, I would take it easy, _ is no need to be nervous.A. it B. thisC. there D. which32. I wish I could persuade my brother _ your advice.A. to take B. tookC. take D. taking33. He did have a lot of facts to _ his

44、 arguments.A. back up B. bring outC. count on D. confine to34. _ in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia.A. They are found B. FindingC. Found D. To find them35. My mother often teaches me not to spend beyond my _.A. life B. extentC. expense D. means36. Alexander Graham

45、Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf _ of the telephone.A. than inventing B. than the inventorC. than as the inventor D. than invention37. The little girl is good at singing and dancing _ the accompaniment of piano.A. with B. toC. on D. at38. Alice an

46、d John wanted to go to the Japanese restaurant _ they had dinner the week before.A. that B. whenC. which D. where39. I think I should prefer to go on Friday, _ its all the same to you.A. as if B. unlessC. as soon as D. if40. If _ successfully, the plan will completely change the traffic conditions i

47、n the city.A. carrying out B. carried outC. to carry out D. carry out41. I have just been in to see if I can be _ any assistance to them.A. at B. withC. of D. in42. Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being.A. didnt do B. dont doC. havent done D. hadnt done43. The manager has promised to

48、_ the matter and give us an answer next week.A. look in B. look intoC. look on D. look up to44. _ do you change the cell for your watch?A. How many B. How oftenC. How little D. How soon45. He as well as I _ you.A. agree with B. agree toC. agrees with D. am to agree to46. The factory is now trying to

49、 _ a new model of car.A. set up B. give offC. put forward D. turn out47. Susan was easily taken in, for she would _ everything that was told her.A. process B. receiveC. claim D. swallow48. The machine is not working. I wonder what put it _ action.A. without B. fromC. out of D. into49. It will be ten

50、 years _ we have a chance of seeing the star again.A. before B. untilC. when D. after50. The rain didnt stop _ made us stay at school until 6:00 p. m.A. which B. thatC. so that D. and it51. All that can be done _ A. has been done B. have been doneC. have done D. has done52. The situation _ them in t

51、heir belief that what I said and did was wrong.A. proposed B. provedC. confirmed D. confronted53. Can you _ the TV set for me so that it is not too bright?A. switch B. balanceC. change D. adjust54. He is good at all the subjects, _ English study, he is a talent. A. as for B. owe toC. except for D. b

52、ut for55. Lets stop for a while, _?A. shall we B. do weC. will you D. dont56. Were it not for the fact that my school is twenty miles away, I _ there. A. walked B. would walkC. might walk D. should walk57. Mike is always open _ suggestions from his fellow workers.A. for B. onC. to D. into58. I think this paragraph can very well be _ without affecting the art


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