



1、 英文電影賞析 學(xué)院:經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)院 專業(yè):報(bào)關(guān)與國(guó)際貨運(yùn) 班級(jí):1班 姓名: 鄭偉星 學(xué)號(hào):2012302160126 電影:Lord of WarAbstract:Atop a hillside in Liberia overlooking an impending village massacre once the arms deal settles, Nicolas Cages Yuri pleads to his conscience rattled brother Vitaly (Jared Leto), It is none of our business! Writer and Di

2、rector Andrew Niccols Lord of War is all about the big business of war, and the cost of selling ones soul. That lost soul is Yuri Orlov played masterfully by Nicolas Cage. Cage as Yuri also narrates the story. Niccol sets the warped and dark tone in the opening sequence of the manufacture of a bulle

3、t to its final destinationso to speak. Yuri comments that there is one firearm for every 12 people in the world. So the question is How do we arm the other eleven? Niccols Lord of War is not so much a clever indictment of humanity, rather an acknowledgment of perhaps humanitys darker nature. In a po

4、ignant and chilling realization for Yuri (Cage) he says, They say that evil prevails when good men fail to act. It should be evil prevails. I dont think this is cynicism on Niccols part, rather only stating what is so given all of history and now. He certainly makes us think from the inside out.Yuri

5、 Orlov (Cage) is from a Ukrainian family in Little Odessa, NY. As a young man he has an epiphany witnessing a Russian mafia hit. Being an arms dealer is the path to success. He finds that he also has an innate gift for his chosen profession. He enlists his brother Vitaly (Leto) into the business. Lo

6、rd of War traces the Orlov brothers over the course of 20 yearsthrough the end of the Cold War to the advent of terrorist threats and dictatorships in third world countries. Yuri truly becomes the Lord of War supplying arms to anyone and any country for a profit. He also acts as an independent agent

7、 for undisclosed countries supplying arms to freedom fighters. One gets the drift. Yuri eventually hits his stride and becomes very successful and very wealthy. He marries his trophy bride, supermodel Ava Fontaine (stunning Bridget Moynahan), has a son, and living in a luxury apartment in Manhattan.

8、 All the while he eludes the grasp of Interpol Agent Jack Valentine (very good Ethan Hawke), by keeping three steps ahead. Predictably Yuris world comes crashing in upon him. In a powerful scene with Ava who purposely ignores what her husband really does for a living, Yuri has a conscience meltdown.

9、The actors in Lord of War are great. Nicolas Cage is such a powerful and versatile actor. I dont think any other actor than himself, could enroll sympathy as arms dealer Yuri. Cage gives Yuri a subtle detached edge and an expert in context. Cage knows he is in morally bankrupt position, and he uses

10、his smarts and sense of humor to rationalize that he only supplies the weapons to men who do evil. Yuri is the ultimate poster child for Guns dont kill people. People kill people. Jared Leto is surprising as the coke head brother, who eventually cops to the monster he has becomethe counterpoint to Y

11、uri. Bridget Moynahan is deceivingly powerful as Ava, the former model aware that her asset of being pretty is fading, and closes her eyes to what her husband does until it is too late. Moynahan is stunningly beautiful and has distinctive grace and vulnerability. Ethan Hawke as Jack Valentine is the

12、 intrepid idealist saving the world from the likes of Yuri. Hawke is very strong and compelling.Andrew Niccols Lord of War ends and the world continues on. The echoes of Yuri voice, just evil prevails is a chilling and poignant reminder. Nicolas Cage is brilliant as the lost soul in The Lord of War.

13、 The Lord of War is one the years best.Keywords:thriller, plot, crime, weapons 1、 電影簡(jiǎn)介 影片講述主人公從一介平民成為叱咤風(fēng)云的軍火商,主人公具有真實(shí)人物的原型,這個(gè)名叫尤里歐洛夫的美籍烏克蘭人,是現(xiàn)實(shí)世界中5個(gè)軍火商的綜合體。他在一次黑幫槍戰(zhàn)中突然意識(shí)到人生價(jià)值所在,從此走上一條不歸路。尤里憑借出眾的歪才,游走在軍閥、毒梟、獨(dú)裁者和政治家之間,如魚得水,成就了自己那份事業(yè);他以完美的姿態(tài)得到了夢(mèng)想中的愛情,擁有了幸福的家庭,這樣的人生正是他想要的。但當(dāng)他開始茫然迷失的那一刻,卻在一夜之間一貧如洗,家破人亡,鋃

14、鐺入獄。就在觀眾期盼看到一個(gè)合情合理的正義戰(zhàn)勝邪惡的故事結(jié)局時(shí),影片忽又峰回路轉(zhuǎn),神通廣大的尤里又堂而皇之地重出江湖了。戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之王的導(dǎo)演為安德魯尼科,他曾創(chuàng)作過楚門的世界電影劇本,他執(zhí)導(dǎo)的加塔卡與西蒙尼均獲得了業(yè)界認(rèn)同,這部戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之王將他的導(dǎo)演生涯推上了新的高度。本片的兩位主演,尼古拉斯凱奇和伊?;艨说难菁伎芍^旗鼓相當(dāng)。凱奇飾演感情內(nèi)斂的尤里非常到位,這位大明星的演技臻于爐火純青?;艨孙椦莸耐邆愅⒕俪錆M正義感,結(jié)尾時(shí)他得知真相后所表現(xiàn)出的震驚無語(yǔ)以及默然接受的態(tài)度,也是最能體現(xiàn)其演技的。從整體上看,戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之王敘事簡(jiǎn)練,不拖泥帶水,全片節(jié)奏掌控恰到火候。2、 電影分析 黑色幽默源于20世紀(jì)60年代的

15、美國(guó)文學(xué),是蘊(yùn)涵在戲劇和小說或電影中的一種色調(diào),這種調(diào)子既可怕又可笑,既險(xiǎn)惡又滑稽。雖然現(xiàn)在學(xué)術(shù)界仍舊無法為黑色幽默下定義,但是黑色幽默這種讓人哭笑不得的幽默卻體現(xiàn)出其獨(dú)創(chuàng)性:悲劇的內(nèi)容套用了喜劇的滑稽,以沉痛而又無可奈何的苦笑替代了傳統(tǒng)喜劇輕松開懷;用荒誕化解傳統(tǒng)悲劇的悲壯;以絕望的慘笑替代了悲劇的痛感,大悲轉(zhuǎn)化為大笑;把人物的悲劇抗?fàn)幘褶D(zhuǎn)化為無可奈何的認(rèn)命、宿命精神。 戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之王直指軍火交易這一國(guó)際社會(huì)諱莫如深的禁區(qū),對(duì)于制作者來說有一定風(fēng)險(xiǎn),同時(shí)又是一個(gè)嚴(yán)肅的不易表現(xiàn)的題材。導(dǎo)演巧妙地將黑色幽默手法融入影片中,特別是運(yùn)用語(yǔ)言噱頭和細(xì)節(jié)噱頭,避免情節(jié)展開過程中因嚴(yán)肅性而失去可看性。主人公尤


17、畫面后景是列隊(duì)行進(jìn)的烏克蘭軍人,隨后出現(xiàn)AK-47特寫鏡頭,配合尤里巧舌如簧的介紹,背景音樂響起天鵝湖的優(yōu)美旋律,聲畫組合顯得別扭,飽含諷刺意味。 3、觀后感 跟以往戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)題材的電影不同,戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之王沒有從士兵的角度去刻畫一位英雄,也沒從失去親人的士兵家屬的角度來譜寫出一場(chǎng)悲劇。本片或許是第一個(gè)從軍火商的角度來描寫戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的電影。 本片開篇就對(duì)主人公(凱奇飾)的野心一目了然:全世界一共有一千零五萬只軍火,那就是說每十二個(gè)人就有一把槍,唯一的問題是,我們?nèi)绾巫屍渌粋€(gè)人也有槍。精辟的一句話就這么道破了軍火商們的陰謀。沒錯(cuò),他們把武器傾銷給其他國(guó)家,有了武器就有了發(fā)言權(quán),所以他們就可以開始欺負(fù)周圍的國(guó)家和人民。那周圍的人民也不會(huì)坐以待斃,他們買槍或許是出自保衛(wèi)自己,但這足以上演一場(chǎng)有點(diǎn)規(guī)模的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)了。是不是很無奈?在這個(gè)問題上竟然沒有誰(shuí)對(duì)誰(shuí)錯(cuò),竟然在“戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)”這個(gè)問題上沒有對(duì)錯(cuò)!但在軍火商的眼中,戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)不是他們關(guān)注的,對(duì)錯(cuò)更不是他們關(guān)注的,他們關(guān)注的,是為什么不讓他們用我賣給他們的槍!唯一和他們有一拼稱之為戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)之王的就是各國(guó)的國(guó)家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人或者是想成為國(guó)家領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的人。他們可以利用“愛國(guó)”為名慫恿身邊的人一股腦的人去沖鋒陷陣,為國(guó)捐軀。不過這些人相對(duì)于軍火商來說,或許你可以殺死領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人,但你不能結(jié)束戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)。但如果你即使囚禁軍火商24小時(shí),那么至少在這24小時(shí)他們沒有武器去打仗。 劇中有個(gè)


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