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1、新教材 4AUnit8-Dolls- 五課時教案超級詳細(xì)(含16個批注和教學(xué)后記)doc-副本UnitDolls第一課時(The first period)一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Story time.二、教學(xué)目標(biāo):1.能夠理解Story time 部分內(nèi)容,能夠 模仿朗讀。2. 通過歌曲,學(xué)生能夠理解人體部位單 詞。3. 通過洋娃娃介紹,學(xué)生能夠聽懂、會說、 會讀單詞 hair, eyes, nose, mouth.4. 通過對比外貌迥異的娃娃以及看動作猜游戲,學(xué)生能夠理解會說形容詞big,small, long , short.5. 在介紹朋友后,學(xué)生能夠準(zhǔn)確運(yùn)用句型Hisis.Her are三、教

2、學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1.能夠理解Story time 部分內(nèi)容,能夠 模仿朗讀。3. 通過洋娃娃介紹,學(xué)生能夠聽懂、會說、會讀單詞 hair, eyes, nose, mouth.4. 通過對比外貌迥異的娃娃以及看動作猜游戲,學(xué)生能夠理解會說形容詞big ,small, long , short.5. 在介紹朋友后,學(xué)生能夠準(zhǔn)確運(yùn)用句型Hisis.Her are四、教具準(zhǔn)備:1 .事先板書好課題 Unit8 Dolls.2 教學(xué)卡片和多媒體(PPT。五、教學(xué)過程:Step One: Warm ing up1. Free talkHow are you?How old are you?2. Listen

3、to song Head, shoulder, knees and toes a. Listen to the song and the teacher do the acti on.b. Liste n to the song aga in and do the acti on together.3. Play a game Touch your T: Touch your nose / mouth Ss: Do the acti on.Step Two: Prese ntati on and practice.1. Show a dollT: I have a doll. Look at

4、my doll. What color is her dress?Ss: It s yellow.T: Is it cute?Ss: YesT:(手指著洋娃娃的眼睛、耳朵、鼻子Look,thisis hereyes/ears/no se/mouth/hair.Ss: Eyes2. Draw two differe nt dolls on the blackboard. Then ask the stude nts to compare.T: Here are two dolls. This is agirl doll. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. H

5、er nose and mouth are small. That s a boy doll. His hair is short.His eyes and nose are small. His mouth is big. His ears are big, too.3. Teacher acts, the stude nts guess.老師做一些形容詞的動作,學(xué)生分組PK猜測比賽。4. Watch the cartoon and finish the form.hair eyes nose mouth EarsGirl dollLon gbig small smallBoy doll s

6、hort small small Big big5. According to the form to say the senten ces.G1: Her hair is Ion g.B1: His hair is short.G2: Her eyes are big.B2: His eyes are small.Step Three: Con solidati on1. Read the text after the tape.2 Read the text in groups.3. Act in role.4. Say a rhyme.I have two eyes to see wit

7、h,I have two feet to run,I have two hands to wave with,And nose I have but one.Step Four: Practice.1. Describe and guess教師要求學(xué)生選擇班級里的一個同學(xué) 來描述,其他學(xué)生根據(jù)描述猜出被描述的同 學(xué)是誰。如果班級人數(shù)多,為降低難度,可 以提示被描述人所在的小組。如:S1: He s boy. He s short. His eyes are small. His ears are small. His nose is big. His mouth is big Who is h

8、e?S2: Is he ?2. Show a picture of frie nds.學(xué)生出示一張好朋友的照片或畫一張 畫像,根據(jù)照片或畫像來描述朋友的外貌。S1: Look! This is my friend.She stall. Her eyes are big. Her ears are bigStep Five: Homework1. Readthe dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronun ciati on.2. Try to recite the dialogue.3. Copy the new words.六、板書設(shè)計:Un

9、it 8 DollsdodohaireyesnosemouthEarsGirldollLo ngbigsmallsmallBoy dollshortsmallsmallBigbigUnit 8Dolls第二課時(Thesec ond period)一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Fun time, carto on time二、教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 通過轉(zhuǎn)述能夠養(yǎng)成認(rèn)真傾聽的好習(xí)慣,并能嘗試運(yùn)用He sShe s.Hisis.Herare等句型介紹別人 或自己。2. 通過比較動物和人,能夠聽懂、會讀、 會說、熟練運(yùn)用單詞 fat , short , thin , tall等形容詞。3. 通過描述自己所畫人物,能夠在真

10、實(shí)語境中熟練運(yùn)用句型 He sShe s.Hisis.Herare等句型進(jìn)行描述4. 通過欣賞動畫,表演動畫,能夠體會 故事的趣味性,享受語言帶來的愉悅。三、教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1. 通過轉(zhuǎn)述能夠養(yǎng)成認(rèn)真傾聽的好習(xí) 慣,并能嘗試運(yùn)用He sShe s.Hisis.Herare等句型介紹別人 或自己。2. 通過比較動物和人,能夠聽懂、會讀、 會說、熟練運(yùn)用單詞 fat ,short,thin , tall等形容詞。4.通過欣賞動畫,表演動畫,能夠體會 故事的趣味性,享受語言帶來的愉悅。四、教具準(zhǔn)備:1 教學(xué)卡片和多媒體(PPT。2 教學(xué)掛圖。五、教學(xué)過程:Step One: Warm ing up.1.

11、 Greetings.2. I ntroduce yourselfT: I m Miss Xu I m tall. My hair is long. Mymouth is big. Myeyes are big. Can you in troduce yourself?Ss: I m 再讓其他學(xué)生轉(zhuǎn)述。Ss: She s She s tall3. Review story time.G1: Her hair is Ion g.B1: His hair is short.G2: Her eyes are big.B2: His eyes are small.Step Two: Prese nta

12、ti on and practice.(1) Fun time.1. 出示一些卡通動物的圖片(大象,兔子,豬,猴子, 河馬,小鳥)卡通圖片 盡量能找出有性別的圖片。T: Look at these ani mals. Can you say somethi ng about them?(Point to the elephant) His nose is long.Ss: Her tail is shortHe is fat.She is thi n.His mouth is big.Her mouth is small.Teach big, small, fat, thin, long, s

13、hort, tall, short 2. Show their pictures and try to describe.T: He is .His is .His are .3. Say and draw.老師邀請一個畫畫比較好的學(xué)生在黑 板上畫雪人。教師先說出第一句描述,然后 要求其他學(xué)生輪流說下面的句子,直至畫完 雪人。畫完后請畫畫的學(xué)生向大家完整描述 雪人。如:T: The sno wma n is tall.S1: His mouth is big.S2: His eyes are small.S3: His nose is big and red.S4: This is our s

14、nowman.He s tall.His mouth is big. His eyes are small. His nose is big and red.4. Play the game in groups.(2) Carto on time1. Show the picture.T: Bobby and Sam are at a museum.What do they see?Ss: They see some robots.2. Watch the cartoon and answer some questi onsa. Are the robot s eyes big or smal

15、l?b. What can the robot do?c. Is he tall or short?3. Read after the tape.4. Act in roles.Step Three: Homework.1. Recite the dialogue and try towrite it after class.2. Draw your bestfriendanddescribe him/her.六、板書設(shè)計:Unit 8DollsH pnSh疇smaHisisHer are Unit 8Dolls第三課時(Thethird period)一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Sound time, T

16、icki ng timeand rhymetime二、教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 能夠聽懂、會讀、會說、熟練運(yùn)用單詞 fat ,short ,thin ,tall 等形容詞。2. 通過描述自己所畫人物,能夠在真實(shí)語境中熟練運(yùn)用句型 HesShe s.Hisis.Herare等句型進(jìn)行描述。3. 通過欣賞動畫,表演動畫,能夠體會故事的趣味性,享受語言帶來的愉悅。4. 通過朗讀單詞,體會字母z的讀音, 并能歸納已學(xué)含有/z/發(fā)音的單詞。三、教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1. 能夠聽懂、會讀、會說、熟練運(yùn)用單 詞 fat ,short ,thin ,tall 等形容詞。2. 通過描述自己所畫人物,能夠在真實(shí) 語境中熟練運(yùn)用句型

17、HesShe s.Hisis.Herare等句型進(jìn)行描 述。4.通過朗讀單詞,體會字母z的讀音,并能歸納已學(xué)含有/z/發(fā)音的單詞四、教具準(zhǔn)備:1 教學(xué)圖片和卡片,多媒體(PPT)2. 磁帶和錄音機(jī)。五、教學(xué)過程:Step One: Warm ing up.1. Free talk2. Brain storm盡可能多地說出人體部分單詞。盡可能 多的說出形容詞。3. Showsomepictures and describe.老師出示一些有明顯特征的人,ppt課件快速閃動讓學(xué)生描述eg. He is fat. She is thin and tall.His eyes are big. His m

18、outh is small. Her ears are big. Step Two: Revisi on.Story time跟讀(教師注意語音和語調(diào)的指導(dǎo)與糾 正)自讀(任選一種方式讀)a. 自己單獨(dú)讀b. 跟伙伴扮演角色讀c. 跟伙伴齊讀。比一比,賽一賽,誰讀 得好,模仿得像。Step Three: Presentation and practiceSou nd time1. Show the pictureT: Look, what s this? Ss: It s a zebra.T: Where are the zebras? Ss: They are in the zoo.2. 教

19、師板書并領(lǐng)讀新單詞,用彩色粉筆 圈出單詞中字母z,讓學(xué)生體會字母z在單 詞中的發(fā)音。3. 教師解釋句子意思。女口:動物園里的 斑馬,和你我一起吃蘋果。4. 呈現(xiàn)單詞:zebra/ zoo.5. Read the words after the tape.6. 總結(jié)發(fā)音規(guī)律:所含的字母z都發(fā)/z/這個音。引導(dǎo)學(xué)生舉一些含有此相同發(fā) 音的單詞。7. Read the senten ce.The zebras in the zoo, Eat apples with me and you!(2) Rhyme time1. 教師在兩個拇指上畫出兩個胖男孩 的頭像,引入話題。2. 教師播放歌謠讓學(xué)生跟讀欣

20、賞,同時 用兩個拇指,配以相應(yīng)的動作。3. 教師讓學(xué)生齊讀歌謠,并要求他們用 拇指配以相應(yīng)的動作。4. 鼓勵學(xué)生適當(dāng)?shù)剡M(jìn)行替換表演,同時 配以其他手指做同樣的動作。如:Two thin girls meet in the rain.Two tall girls meet in the rain.Two short boys meet in the rain.(3) Tick ing time1. Try to guess學(xué)生描述班級中的一名同學(xué),其他同學(xué)來猜測。He s a boy. He s fat/thin.He stall/ short. His is His are Who is he

21、?2. 學(xué)生嘗試描述一種動物。It is big/ small. It is tall/ short. It s is Its are .What is it?Step Four: Con solidati on1. Summary本課所學(xué)內(nèi)容回顧與總結(jié)。2. Recite the passage.跟讀(教師注意語音和語調(diào)的指導(dǎo)與 糾正)自讀(任選一種方式讀) 比一比,賽一賽,誰讀得好,模仿得 像。Step Five: Homework1. Finish the exercises.2. know the sound of the letterz .六、板書設(shè)計:UnitDollszoozeb

22、raz /z/The zebras in the zoo, Eat apples with me and you!Rhyme time: Two fat boysTwothin girls meet in the rai n.Twoshort boys meet in the rai n.are He s / She s HerHisis ./Unit 8Dolls第四課時(Thefourthperiod)、教學(xué)內(nèi)容Checkout time 和補(bǔ)充習(xí)題。、教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 能熟練聽懂、會讀、會拼寫本單元單2. 能夠在真實(shí)語境中熟練運(yùn)用句型He s She s .His is .Her are

23、等句型進(jìn)行描述。3. 能綜合運(yùn)用本單元學(xué)到的單詞和句 型進(jìn)行對朋友或同學(xué)的描述。4. 完成補(bǔ)充習(xí)題。三、教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1. 能熟練聽懂、會讀、會拼寫本單元單 詞。2. 能夠在真實(shí)語境中熟練運(yùn)用句型He s She s .His is .Her are 等句型進(jìn)行描述。3. 能綜合運(yùn)用本單元學(xué)到的單詞和句 型進(jìn)行對朋友或同學(xué)的描述。4. 完成補(bǔ)充習(xí)題。四、教具準(zhǔn)備:1. 本單元教學(xué)掛圖和卡片。2. 多媒體電腦(PPT)。3. 磁帶和錄音機(jī)。五、教學(xué)過程:Step One: Warmi ng up1. Greetings.2. Brain storm盡可能多地說出人體部分單詞。盡可能 多的說出形容詞

24、。3. In troduce yourselfSs: I m 再讓其他學(xué)生轉(zhuǎn)述。Ss: She s She s tall4. Show some pictures and describe.eg. He is fat. She is thi n and tall.His eyes are big. His mouth isStep Two: Prese ntati on.Checkout time1. 出示書上55頁的圖片。 利用單詞卡片復(fù)習(xí)本單元單詞。2. Ask and an swer.What s this? It s a dog/cat. Is he fat/big? Y es/ no

25、.3. 學(xué)生完成短文。4. 教師核對答案。Step Three: Do exercises.完成補(bǔ)充習(xí)題。A liste n and n umber教師指導(dǎo)學(xué)生觀察六幅圖,找出每幅圖中 人物形象的特征,然后聽錄音給圖片排序。a 1 b 3 c 2 d 4 e 6 f 5B liste n and circle教師指導(dǎo)學(xué)生先觀察圖片,注意每三幅圖 的不同之處,然后聽錄音,圈出與錄音內(nèi)容 相符的圖片的序號。1 b 2 c 3 b 4 aC Look and say教師鼓勵學(xué)生多說一些句子。如:She s.She s 15.She s tall.She s fat. Her hair is long

26、. Her nose is big, her mouth is small.D Read and circle1 b 2 aE look read and write觀察圖片,補(bǔ)全短文。Step Four: Homework1. 完成練習(xí)冊的練習(xí)。2. 完成補(bǔ)充習(xí)題練習(xí)。六、板書設(shè)計:Unit 8DollsWhat s this? It s a dog/cat.Is he fat/big? Yes/no.He s She s His is .Her are Do the exercisesUnit 8 Dolls 第五課時(The fifth period)一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容:4A第八單元的復(fù)習(xí)及完

27、成練習(xí)題。二、教學(xué)目標(biāo):1. 通過復(fù)習(xí),能較熟練地掌握本單元所 學(xué)的詞匯和句型。2. 能較熟練地在情景中運(yùn)用本單元所 學(xué)的日常交際用語。3. 能熟練完成本課的練習(xí)題。三、教學(xué)重難點(diǎn):1. 通過復(fù)習(xí),能較熟練地掌握本單元所 學(xué)的詞匯和句型。2. 能較熟練地在情景中運(yùn)用本單元所學(xué)的日常交際用語。四、教具準(zhǔn)備:1. 所學(xué)詞匯的圖片。2. 磁帶和錄音機(jī)。五、教學(xué)過程:Step One: Warm ing up1. Greeti ngs.2. Listen to song Head, shoulder, knees and toes a. Listen to the song and the teach

28、er do the acti on.b. Listen to the song again and do the acti on together.3. In troduce yourselfSs: I m 再讓其他學(xué)生轉(zhuǎn)述。Ss: She s She s tall4. 單詞和句子默寫。Step Two: Show time1. 模仿朗讀或表演Story time,對模仿 語音語調(diào)好的同學(xué)或表演的好的同學(xué), 進(jìn)行 獎勵。2. 請同學(xué)表演Cartoon time,對表演的好的同學(xué),進(jìn)行獎勵。Step Three: Prese ntati on and practice一、根據(jù)中文提示完成句子。1

29、. 我能幫助你嗎?我想要這雙襪子。Can I? Idlike .2. 這雙鞋多少錢?二十元。theshoes?yua n.3. 她的頭發(fā)是長的。4. 她的眼睛是大的。 二、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. Her hair is , but his hairis g)2. How many (box) do you have?3. This dog is (fat), butthat dog is very .4. is Na ncy.eyes arebig.(she)5. I like . Look! Thisis cool. ( robot)三、根據(jù)情境選擇正確的答案。()1.你告訴別人你的眼睛很大,你會說: A. How are you?()2.問別人身體怎么樣,應(yīng)說:B. My mouth is small.()3.你看到一位高個子女孩,會說: C. My eyes are big.


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