九年級英語上冊 單詞巧學(xué)妙記 第8組 冀教版_第1頁
九年級英語上冊 單詞巧學(xué)妙記 第8組 冀教版_第2頁
九年級英語上冊 單詞巧學(xué)妙記 第8組 冀教版_第3頁
九年級英語上冊 單詞巧學(xué)妙記 第8組 冀教版_第4頁
九年級英語上冊 單詞巧學(xué)妙記 第8組 冀教版_第5頁
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1、九年級英語上冊 單詞巧學(xué)妙記 第8組 冀教版第8組receivev. 接收;收到;得到【例句】Most countries use these satellites to send and receive message. 大多數(shù)國家使用衛(wèi)星發(fā)射和接收信息。Everyone should receive a good education. 人人都應(yīng)該接受良好的教育。shut(shut, shut)v. 關(guān)(門等);把(蓋上)shut down把關(guān)上【例句】Make sure the door shut down when you leave. 離開時請確保關(guān)上門。Theyve shut dow

2、n their factory. 他們關(guān)閉了他們的工廠。【用法】shut off(關(guān)掉煤氣、水);shut out(把關(guān)在外面);shut up(關(guān)閉)wool(l)enadj.羊毛的;毛織的【例句】The kind granny used to be a woolen worker.那個和藹的老奶奶過去是一個毛紡工人。My mother bought me a woolen sweater yesterday. 媽媽昨天給我買了一件羊毛衫。*impossibleadj.不可能的【例句】Nothing in the world is impossible if you set your min

3、d to do it.世上無難事,只怕有心人。I think its an impossible task. 我認為那是件辦不到的事情。*mindn.思想;想法v. 關(guān)心;介意【例句】He has a very sharp mind. 他頭腦靈活。Would you mind changing places with me so that I can be nearer the fire?你能不能與我換一換位置,這樣我可以離爐火近一點。【用法】mind作動詞,意為“介意”,后接動詞的ing形式。Do you mind?“你介意嗎?”通常用來征求別人的意見。例如:Do you mind open

4、ing the window? 你介意把窗戶打開嗎?*set ones mind to do.一心想做【例句】We set our mind to be the best. 我們一心想做最好的。The boy has set his mind to be an engineer。這個男孩下定決心要當(dāng)工程師。*put off 推遲;拖延【例句】Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事,今日畢。We shall have to put the Smiths off till next week. 我們不得不把同史密斯夫婦的約會延遲

5、到下星期。*wormn. 蟲;蠕蟲【例句】The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。【助記】這只worm(蚯蚓)熱愛work(工作)。*activityn. 活動【例句】The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy.教室里充滿了活躍的氣氛,每個孩子都忙個不停。increasev. 增加;增長【例句】Do you think it will increase? 你認為它會增長嗎?The driver increased speed. 司機加速行使。ifconj. 是否【例句】I dont kno

6、w if it will increase. 我不知道它是否會增長。I wonder if he agrees with me. 我想知道他是否同意我的意見?!居梅ā縤f和whether都是表示“是否”,但if可以引導(dǎo)否定從句,whether不能。例如:I dont care if he doesnt have money. 我不在乎他是否有錢。hour after hour一小時又一小時;連續(xù)地【例句】So it goes on, hour after hour. 就這樣一小時一小時地不斷繼續(xù)增加。They kept working hour after hour without a res

7、t till the whole work was finished.他們連續(xù)不挺地干,直到完成全部工作?!居梅ā縜fter表示“一個接一個”。day after day(日復(fù)一日);year after year(年復(fù)一年)multiplyv. (將)乘multiply.by.乘以【例句】Multiply this by 365. Just think how many more there will be in one year!這個數(shù)字乘以365,想想看吧,在一年時間里將又會增加多少人!Eight multiplied by four is thirty-two. 八乘四是三十二。cha

8、llengen. 挑戰(zhàn)【例句】The increasing population may be the greatest challenge of the world today.持續(xù)增長的人口問題可能是對當(dāng)今世界最大的挑戰(zhàn)。Class Four gave us a letter of challenge. 四班給我們下了挑戰(zhàn)書。beginningn. 開始;開端at the beginning of起初;開始【例句】At the beginning of the twentieth century, the worlds population was about 1.7 billion.在2

9、0世紀初,世界人口大約17億。At the beginning he wasnt interested in it. 他開始就不感興趣。squaren. 平方;(方形的)廣場【例句】Each person will have one half to one square metre of space to live in.每個人僅有0.5至1平方米的居住空間。The house is 120 square meters. 那座房子是120平方米。hardlyadv. 幾乎不【例句】There will be hardly enough space for anybody else.幾乎沒有其他

10、的空間能容納任何其他的人了。Hardly anybody believes that. 幾乎沒有人相信這個?!局洝縣ardlyhardly(幾乎不)【用法】hardly常用來修飾表示能力的詞,表示事實上不可能。位于實義動詞之前,系動詞、助動詞、情態(tài)動詞之后。表示否定意義,句子中不再使用其他否定詞。用于反意疑問句時,附加問句常用肯定形式。hardly,是一個否定副詞,同義短語為almost not,hardly并非hard的副詞,它同few, little, never, seldom一樣具有否定意義。more and more越來越【例句】As more and more people ha

11、ve cars. 因為越來越多的人擁有小汽車。Its getting colder and colder. 天氣越來越冷了?!居梅ā啃稳菰~或副詞的比較級連用,表示“越來越”。例如:Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. 我們的國家越來越強大。preferv. 寧愿(選擇);更喜歡prefer to寧愿(選擇);更喜歡【例句】P refer to die rather than surrender 寧死不屈They prefer to buy a new one rather than repair it.他們寧愿買一輛新的,也不愿意修理它。

12、【用法】prefer意為“更喜歡”、“寧愿”(likebetter),常用于preferto.(更喜歡)結(jié)構(gòu),在preferto結(jié)構(gòu)中,若用的是動詞,往往用動名詞形式。例如:I prefer walking to cycling. 我喜愛步行勝于騎自行車。rather than寧可;是而不是【例句】When their car becomes old, they prefer to buy a new one rather than repair it. 當(dāng)他們的汽車變舊時,他們寧愿買輛新的而不愿去維修舊車。He ran rather than walked to school.他寧愿跑著去,

13、而不是走著去上學(xué)。usedadj. 用過的;半舊的【例句】In America you can buy a used car for as little as 300 dollars.在美國只花300美元就能買一輛二手車。I want to buy some used books. 我想買一些舊書。begv. 懇求的;乞討beg ones pardon請原諒;對不起【例句】I beg your pardon? 請再說一遍好嗎?Every day he begs me to take several books with me. 他每天都請我捎幾本書回家?!居梅ā縄 beg your pardo

14、n主要用于沒聽清別人說的話,請別人重復(fù),??珊喺f為“pardon”。worthadj.值得的;有的價值【例句】Thats worth more than two million yuan in China!在中國要值200多萬人民幣!Its hardly worth troubling about. 這事幾乎不值得去麻煩。【用法】worth作形容詞,表示“值得的”,“有的價值的”后接名詞、感動名詞。例如:That film is worth seeing那電影值得看。worth通常用well修飾,不用very修飾。例如: That book is well worth reading. 那本書

15、非常值得一讀。secondhandadj. 二手的;用過的【例句】My parents couldnt decide if they would buy a secondhand car.我的父母不能決定是否要買一輛二手車.Jims bike is a secondhand bike. 吉姆的自行車是個二手自行車?!局洝縮econd(第二)hand(手)secondhand(二手的)diagramn.圖表【例句】Look at the diagram and choose the right words to fill in the blanks.看圖表然后選擇正確的詞填空。Have you

16、 understood the diagram? 你明白這張圖表嗎?discussionn.討論【例句】After much discussion among the directors the matter was settled in the end. 董事們經(jīng)過大量的討論后問題終于得到解決。They had a hot discussion about the problem.關(guān)于那個問題他們進行了熱烈的討論。be busy doing忙著做【例句】As he was busy searching the Internet, he became interested in how dif

17、ferent countries were. 他正忙著搜索因特網(wǎng)時,對國與國之間有多大不同這個問題產(chǎn)生了興趣。We are busy getting ready for the exam. 我們現(xiàn)在正忙于備考。【用法】be busy doing sth.表示“忙于做某事”,be busy with sth.中with后面通常加名詞,也表示“忙于做某事”。例如:My mother is busy with the housework all day. 媽媽整天忙于家務(wù)。chartn. 圖表【例句】He downloaded the information about several countr

18、ies and made a chart.他下載了幾個國家的有關(guān)材料,制成一張表格?!局洝坑袝r候,查圖(諧音chart)表是很有效的獲取信息的方法。downloadv.下載【例句】I have downloaded useful information from the Internet.我已從英特網(wǎng)上下載了有用的信息。Can you downland chart? 你會下載圖表嗎?【助記】download(下載)upload(v. 上載)pathn. 路線;去路【例句】He wondered what his travel path would be like.他想知道他的旅游路線會是什么

19、樣子?!局洝縫ath(路線)pass(經(jīng)過)Braziln.巴西excitedadj.興奮的;激動的be excited about對感到興奮【例句】Are you excited about going to Beijing? 要去北京了,你感到激動嗎?They were very excited to see each other. 他們互相見面都感到很興奮。【用法】excited是由動詞excite變化而來的分詞形容詞,表示一種狀態(tài)。excite(v.使興奮);exciting 是形容詞,表示“令人興奮的,使人激動的”,用來形容事物“令人興奮”;而excited也是形容詞,表示“興奮的

20、”或“激動的心情”,通常人作主語。例如:Everybody was excited by the news of the victory.人人都為此勝利的消息而興奮。leathern.皮革【例句】My leather tennis shoes are worn out. I need another pair.我的皮網(wǎng)球鞋壞了,我需要再買一雙。Im going to buy a leather coat next month. 下個月我要買一件皮大衣。【助記】feather(羽毛)leather(皮革)wear out把穿舊;磨壞【例句】I have worn out my overall.

21、我把我的工作服穿壞了.Children wear out their shoes very quickly.孩子們很快就會把鞋穿壞?!居梅ā縝e worn out形式上是wear out的被動結(jié)構(gòu),實際上強調(diào)狀態(tài),表示衣服、鞋等“穿破了”,或指人“精疲力盡”。try on試穿(衣服、鞋);試戴(帽子)【例句】Youd better try them on first. 你最好先試一試。May I try it on, please?我能試試一下嗎?【用法】tryon表示“試穿”,是由“動詞十副詞”構(gòu)成的動詞短語。如果所接的賓語是名詞,則該賓語既可放在副詞后,也可放在動詞和副詞之間。如果賓語是代

22、詞,則該賓語只能放在動詞和副詞之間。yenn.圓;日元(日本的貨幣單位)【例句】The new tennis shoes cost me 1,950 yen.新網(wǎng)球鞋花了我1,950 日元。onlineadj.& adv. 在線;上網(wǎng)【例句】I like shopping online. 我喜歡在線購物。Theyre having a talk online. 他們正在網(wǎng)上聊天。【助記】on (在上) line(線) online 在線adadvertisementn. 廣告【例句】She had searched the Internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digitalcamera. 她搜索因


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