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1、語篇理解,課時跟蹤檢測,Unit 3,Section ,語言點一,語言點二,語言點三,識記掌握,理解拓展,應(yīng)用落實,識記掌握,理解拓展,應(yīng)用落實,識記掌握,理解拓展,應(yīng)用落實,.Read the articles and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) 1In 336 BC Alexander became king.( ) 2Alexander the Great once took his army into China.( ) 3Alexander had to turn back bec

2、ause his own army grew tired of endless battles and refused to go any further.( ) 4The statue of the Greek soldier found in Xinjiang showed that he came to China.( ),T,F,T,F,5Socrates was born in Athens, Greece.( ) 6Socrates had a deep influence on Western painting and science.( ) 7Many students got

3、 angry when Socrates questions made them aware of their own errors.( ) 8Many people thought Socrates was a hero who searched for truth.( ),T,F,T,T,.Fill in the blanks according to Ancient Greek statue found in Xinjiang. Alexander the Great, the famous Greek king, became king when he was only 1. year

4、s old, Many cities rose up 2. him, but he led an army to 3. them. Later, he took his army into the Middle East and then Egypt and,twenty,against,defeat,4. all the way to India, finding victory 5. he went. By the age of 6. he had already 7. more land than anyone before. Yet, he came down 8. a fever a

5、nd died in 323 BC. Alexander the Great 9. the Greek culture from Europe to Africa and Asia, 10. the world for centuries to come.,marched,wherever,thirty,occupied,with,spread,influencing,.Fill in the form according to The father of Western philosophy.,Greece,bravery,paid,living,How,embarrassed,opinio

6、ns,forced,asked,searching/looking,(一)為以下單詞分別選擇合適的英文釋義 1troop Asomething you do in order to cheat someone Bsoldiers, especially in organized groups 答案:B 2march Ato walk quickly and with firm, regular steps Bto make an area separate by drawing a line 答案:A,3vast Aextremely large Bseveral differences 答案

7、:A 4court Aforward movement in time Bplace where trials or other law cases are held 答案:B,5judge Athe official in control of a court who decides how criminals should be punished Bfairness in the way people are treated 答案:A,(二)根據(jù)所給詞性和漢語意思寫出單詞 6 n 雕塑,雕像 7 n. 輝煌;榮耀,光榮 8 adv. (時間、空間)在前面;提前,預(yù)先;領(lǐng)先 9 n. 薪金,

8、薪水 10 vt. 使腐化,使墮落 adj. 貪污的,腐敗的,statue,glory,ahead,salary,corrupt,11 n. 審訊,審理;試驗;考驗 12 n基礎(chǔ);基準(zhǔn);原因 (pl.) 13 adj.意識到的,知道的;察覺到的 n意識 14 n毒藥,毒物 vt.毒害,下毒 adj. 有毒的,trial,basis,bases,aware,awareness,poison,poisonous,1. ahead (時間、空間)在前面;提前,預(yù)先;領(lǐng)先 (一)背誦佳句培養(yǎng)語感 (教材原句)By the age of thirty, he had already occupied m

9、ore land than anyone before, and it seemed that more glory was waiting ahead of him. 到他三十歲時,他已經(jīng)擁有了比以前的任何人都要多的土地,在他的前面似乎有更多的榮耀在等待著他。 (鮮活例句)Im so glad that our team is ahead by three points. 我太高興了,我們隊領(lǐng)先3分。,(二)歸納拓展全析考點,I finished several days ahead of the deadline. 我是在最后期限的前幾天完成的。 She was always well a

10、head of the rest of the class. 她總是遙遙領(lǐng)先班上的其他同學(xué)。 Do you mind if I record your lecture? Not at all. . 你介意我把你的講座錄下來嗎? 不會的,請便。,Go ahead,2aware adj.意識到的,知道的;察覺到的 (一)背誦佳句培養(yǎng)語感 (教材原句)In many cases, his questions made his students aware of their own errors. 在很多情況下,他的問題使得他的學(xué)生們意識到自己的錯誤。 (鮮活例句)I wanted to know w

11、hy it happened without my being aware of it. 我想知道為什么事情在我不知不覺中發(fā)生了。,(二)歸納拓展全析考點,You are not aware (of) how worried I felt about your safety. 你不知道我多么擔(dān)心你的安全。 Most smokers perfectly the dangers of smoking. 大多數(shù)吸煙者完全知道吸煙的危害。 As far as Im aware, this is the first time that he has won the competition. 據(jù)我所知,這

12、是他第一次贏得比賽。,are,aware of,3basis nC基礎(chǔ);基準(zhǔn);原因;根據(jù)(pl.bases) (一)背誦佳句培養(yǎng)語感 (教材原句)The idea of asking questions until you reach the right answer is the basis of modern philosophy and science. 問問題直到找到正確答案的想法是現(xiàn)代哲學(xué)和科學(xué)的基礎(chǔ)。 (鮮活例句)What basis do you have for this judgement? 你是根據(jù)什么作出的判斷?,(二)歸納拓展全析考點,On the basis of t

13、hose facts, we can reach the following conclusion. 根據(jù)那些事實,我們可以得出以下結(jié)論。 Liaoning is one of the most important industrial bases of China. 遼寧是中國最重要的工業(yè)基地之一。 a true story, he wrote the long novel. 根據(jù)一個真實的故事,他寫了這篇長篇小說。,Based on,4judge nC裁判員;法官v.斷定;判斷;評價 (一)背誦佳句培養(yǎng)語感 (教材原句)At his trial, he defended himself b

14、y asking his judges yet more questions.,在他的審判中,他向法官問了更 多的問題來為自己辯護(hù)。 (鮮活例句)He was one of the judges of the boxing match. 他是那場拳擊比賽的裁判員之一。 (鮮活例句)It was difficult for the court to judge that case. 法庭很難對那個案子作出判決。,(二)歸納拓展全析考點,You cant judge a book by its cover. 你不能根據(jù)封面來評價一本書。 what he said, he must be an ho

15、nest man. 由他所說的來判斷,他一定是個誠實的人。,Judging from,點擊下圖進(jìn)入 應(yīng)用落實即時體驗,1 doubt無疑,確實 2rise up 起義,反抗 3stand ones path 阻礙(某人) 4come down 患(病) 5think .as 認(rèn)為,看作是,no,against,in,with,of,6have enough 受夠了,對感到厭煩 7ahead 在前面,提前 8 a result of 由于 9aside 除以外 10search 尋找,搜尋,of,of,as,from,for,1no doubt無疑,確實 (一)背誦佳句培養(yǎng)語感 (教材原句)Wh

16、en asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence. 當(dāng)被問及來自遙遠(yuǎn)希臘的塑像怎么會出現(xiàn)在中國時,研究人員解釋說,這無疑是亞歷山大大帝的影響所致。 (鮮活例句)No doubt he will call us when he gets there. 他到達(dá)那里后必定會給我們打電話。,(二)歸納拓展全析考點, The resear

17、ch showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease. 這項研究確實表明吸煙會導(dǎo)致心臟病。 that they will agree with you on this matter. 毫無疑問,他們在這件事上會同意你的。,There is no doubt,2rise up against 起義,造反,反抗 (一)背誦佳句培養(yǎng)語感 (教材原句)However, many cities rose up against Alexander, so he led an army to take them back. 然而,許

18、多城市起來反對亞歷山大,因此他帶領(lǐng)軍隊收復(fù)了這些城市。 (鮮活例句)Rebels rose up against government and began killing people. 叛亂分子反抗政府并濫殺無辜。,(二)歸納拓展全析考點,If the government cant maintain the peoples right, people will rise up. 如果政府不能維護(hù)人民的權(quán)利,人民將造反。 Suddenly he to question the chairman of the meeting. 他突然站起來質(zhì)詢大會主席。,rose to his feet,3c

19、ome down with 患(病),得(傳染性的病) (一)背誦佳句培養(yǎng)語感 (教材原句)Yet, in 323 BC, he came down with a fever and died. 然而,在公元前323年,他發(fā)燒生病去世了。 (鮮活例句)It sounds like youre coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature. 聽起來好像你感染到流感了,讓我量量你的體溫。,(二)歸納拓展全析考點,No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosa

20、urs died out. 尚未有人能對恐龍的滅絕作出一個令人信服的解釋。 No one knows how the accident . 沒有人知道事故是怎樣發(fā)生的。,came about,點擊下圖進(jìn)入 應(yīng)用落實即時體驗,1句型展示W(wǎng)hen_asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence. 當(dāng)被問及來自遙遠(yuǎn)希臘的塑像怎么會出現(xiàn)在中

21、國時,研究人員解釋說,這無疑是亞歷山大大帝的影響所致。 典例背誦 The letter is to be left here until called for. 這封信留在這兒待領(lǐng)。,2句型展示In 334 BC, he took his army, now with 42,000 men, into the Middle East and then Egypt, defeating every army that stood in his path. 公元前334年,他率領(lǐng)當(dāng)時已達(dá)四萬兩千人的軍隊進(jìn)入中東,接著是埃及,兵鋒所至,所向披靡。 典例背誦 They came into the classroom, talking and


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