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1、精心整理2010年一月MBA聯(lián)考英語(yǔ)翻譯真題Secti on皿 Tran slatio n?“ Susta in ability has become a popular word these days. But to Ted Ning, the con ceptwill always have pers onal meaning. Having en dured a painful period of un susta in abilityin his own life madeit clear to him that sustainability-orientedvalues must b

2、e expressedthrough everyday actions and choice.Ning recalls spe nding a confusing year in the late 1990s selli ng in sura nee. He hadbeen through the dot-com boomand burst and, desperate for a job, signed on with a Boulder age ncy.It did nt go well. It was a really bad move because thats not my pass

3、i on ”, saysI _Ni ng, whose dilemma about the job tran slated, predictably, in to a lack of sales. ” I was miserable. I had so much an xiety that I would wake up in the middle of ni ght and stare at the ceili ng. I had no money and n eeded the job. Every one said, Just wait, you will turn the corner

4、, give it some time.2009年一月MBA聯(lián)考英語(yǔ)翻譯真題(1) With the nation financial system teetering on a cliff. The compensation arrangements for executives of the big banks and other finan cial firms are coming un der close exam in ati on aga in.Bankers excessive risk- taking is a significant cause of this financ

5、ial crisis andhas con ti nu ed, to others in the past, in this case, it was fueled by low in terest ratesand kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.(2) Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those who could not afford to paythem back dividing th

6、e laws and selling them off to the next financial institution alongthe chain,advantage of the same high-techsecuritizationto load on more risky mortgage-based assets.精心整理(3) Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsiblepracticesthat led banks down in this road, in hopes aver

7、ting the next crisis, which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets. But it is worth exam ining the root problem of compe nsati on schemes that are tied to short-term profits and revenue s, and thus encourage bankers to take irresponsible risks.2008年一月MBA聯(lián)考英

8、語(yǔ)翻譯真題Section 4 Translation (20 points)Directi on: in this secti on there is a paragraph in En glish. Tran slate it into Chin ese and write your tra nslatio n on the ANSWER SHEET.The term bus in ess model firstcamei nto widespread use with the inven ti on of pers onalcomputer and the spreadsheet(空白表格

9、程序).Before the spreadsheet, bus in ess pla nning iusually meant producing a single forecast. At best, you did a littlesensitivityanalysisaround the projection.(1)The spreadsheet ushered in a much more analytic approach toplanning because every major line item could be pulled apart, it components and

10、 subcomponents analyzed and tested.(2)You could ask what-if questions about the criticalassumpti ons on which your bus in ess depe nded-for example, what if customers are more price-se nsitive tha n we thought? And with a few keystrokes, you could see how any cha nge would play out on every aspect o

11、f the whole. In other words, you could model the behavior of bus in ess. Before the computer cha nged the n ature of bus in ess pla nning, most successful bus in ess models were created more by accide nt tha n by elaborate desig n. ( 3) By en abli ng compa nies to tie their marketplace in sights muc

12、hmore tightly to the result ing econo mics, spreadsheet made it possible to model bus in ess before they were laun ched.2007年一月MBA聯(lián)考英語(yǔ)翻譯真題Secti on IV Tran slatio n (20 poi nts)Directi ons: In this secti on there is a passage in En glish Tran slate thepassage in to Chin esea nd write your tran slati

13、on on the ANSWER SHEET.(1) Powering the great ongoing changes of our time is the rise of human creativity as the defining feature of economic life. Creativity has come to be valued, because new tech no logies, new in dustries and new wealth flow from it. And as a result, our lives and精心整理society hav

14、e begun to echo with creative ideas.(2) It is our commitment to creativityin its varied dimensions that forms the underlying spirit of our age.(3) Creativity is essential to the waywe live and work today, and in manysenses always has been. The big advances in standard of living -not to mention the b

15、ig competitive adva ntages in the marketplace-always have come from better recipes, not just more cook in g. On emight argue thats not strictly true. (4) On emight point out, for in sta nee, that duri ng the long period from the early days on the In dustrial Revoluti on to modern times, much of the

16、growth in productivity and material wealth in the in dustrial n ati ons came not just from creative inventions like the steam engine, but from the widespread applicati on of cook ing in qua ntity bus in ess methods like massive divisi on of labor ,concen trati on of assets, vertical in tegrati on an

17、d econo mies of scale. But those methods themselves were creative developme nts.2006年一月MBA聯(lián)考英語(yǔ)翻譯真題Section IV Translation(20 point )Directi ons : in this secti on there is a passage in En glish. Tran slate the five un derli ned sen ten ces into Chin ese and write your tra nslati on on the ANSWER SHEE

18、TThe smooth landing of shuttle(航天飛機(jī))Discovery ended a flight that was successfulin almost every respect but one: the dislodging of a big chunk of foam,like the one that doomed the Columbia. This flight was supposed to vault the shuttle fleet back into space after a prolon ged grounding for repairs.

19、But give n the repeat of the very problem that two years of retooling was supposed to resolve,the verdict is necessarily mixed.(61)Once again,the space agency has been forced to put off the flight until it can find a solution to the problem ,and no one seems willing to guess how that may take .The D

20、iscovery astronauts performed superbly during their two-week mission, and theshuttle looked better than ever in some respects.(62)space officials were justifiablyhappy that so much had gone well , despite daily worries over possible risks. The flightclearly achieved its prime objectives.The astronau

21、ts transferred tons of cargo to the international space station, whichhas been limping along overhead with a reduced crew and limited supplies carried up on smaller Russian spacecraft . (63) They replaced a broken device .repaired another and carted away a load of rubbish that had been left on the s

22、tation, showing the shuttle can bringclosefull loads back dow n from space.This was the most scruti ni zed shuttle flight ever. With the vehicle un derg oing精心整理inspection while still in orbit.(64) Newsensing and photographic equipment to look forpotentially dangerous damage to the sensitive externa

23、l skin proved valuable. A new back flip maneuver allowed station astronauts to photograph the shuttle s underbelly .and an extra-lo ng robotic arm en abled astr on auts see parts of the shuttle that were previously out of sight.(65) The flood of images and the ope nn ess in discuss ing its un certa

24、in ties aboutpote ntial hazards sometimes made it appear that the shuttle was about to fall apart,In the end the damage was clearly tolerable . A much-touted spacewalk to repair the shuttle s skin the first of its kind moved an astr on aut close eno ugh to pluck out some protruding material with his

25、 hand Preliminary evidence indicates that Discovery has far fewer nicks and gouges than shuttles on previous flights , perhaps showing that improvements to reduce the shedd ing of debris from the exter nal fuel tank have had some success.2005年一月MBA聯(lián)考英語(yǔ)翻譯真題Section IV Translation (20 points)Directi on

26、s:In this secti on there is a passage in En glish. Tran slate the five sen ten ces un derl ined into Chi nese and write your tran slation on ANSWER SHEET 2.r.、* /I r 1 . _(56) A n? ?art?museum?director?with?foresight?might?follow?tre nds?in ?computer?graphics?to?make?exhibit?more?appeali ng?to?you n

27、ger?visitor.?(57) For?i nsta nces,?capable?corporate?ma nager?might?see?alarmi ng? rise?i n?local?housi ng?price?that?could?affect?availability?of?skilled?workers?i n?the?regio n.*a.j-J |(58) ?People?i n?governme nt?also? need?foresight?to?keep?system?runnin g?smoothly,?to?play?budget?a nd?preve nt?

28、war.?(59) Ma ny?of?the?best?k nown ?tech ni que?for?foresight?were?developed?by?governme nt?pla nn er,?especially? in ?the?military,?“?thi nking?about?the?unthinkable ” .?(60) The?futurist?recog nized?that?the?future?world?is?co ntin ui ng?精心整理?happe n? ?i n? ?the?future?by?look in g?systematically?

29、at?what?is?happy ?now.2004年一月MBA聯(lián)考英語(yǔ)翻譯真題section v translation(10 points )directi ons : in this secti on there is a passage in En glish. Tran slatethe five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on the an swer sheet2.March 27 , 1997, dawned as a normal day at the Colli nshome. b

30、y themiddle of the morning ,jackColli ns was athis desk, writingchecks, payingbills the way he alwayshad:on time. thenthe phone rang ,and the ni ghtmare2019年一9月bega n.(71) An investigatorfora bank was on the line , askingin a severe voicewhy_Collins_, _a_university_physicist, _was_late_on_payments_f

31、or a_$27, 000car, bought in Virginia the previous year. “I don t have a car like this,” Colli ns protested. the last time he had set foot in Virgi nia was as an officer at a submari ne base , three decades ago. but his n ame was on the con tractheand so was his social security nu mber. duri ng the m

32、on ths that en sued and his wife lear ned that some on ehad bought four more cars and 28 other itemsworth $113, 000 in all min their name. Their hitherto good credit record had been destroyed. (72)“ After a lifetime of be ing hon est,” says Colli ns ,“all of a sudden I was basically being accused of

33、 stealingand treated likea crim in al.精心整理This is what it means to fall prey to a nonvi ole nt but frighte ning andfast-grow ing crime : ide ntity theft.It happens to at least 500, 000 new victims each year , according togover nment figures.(73) And it happens very easily because every identificatio

34、nnumber youhave m social security , credit cards drivers lice nse ,teleph one m “isa key that uniocks some storage of money or goods ,” says a fraud(欺詐)program manager of the us postal service. “so if you throw away your credit card receipt and I get it and use the number on it, I m not becoming you ,but to the credit c ard company I ve


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