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1、一般疑問句(1)、 定義 : 用 yes 或 no 作答的疑問句叫一般疑問句。(2)、 特點(diǎn):以 be 動(dòng)詞、助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞開頭。例:is your father a teacher? does tom like apples? can jenny speak english? (三)、陳述句變成一般疑問句的方法:1、 看陳述句中有沒有 be 動(dòng)詞(am 、is、 are、 was 、 were)或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞(can,shall, must, may ,could等),如果有,將其提到句首,句末打上問號即可。例:it is rainy today.is it rainy today?toms

2、father can play the piano.can toms father play the piano?2、如果句中沒有 be 動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,則找實(shí)義動(dòng)詞,并在句首加助動(dòng)詞 do、does 或 did,且原句的謂語動(dòng)詞要變回原形(一請一還原)。(1) they go to school by bike. do they go to school by bike?(2) bill gets up at 6:30 every day.does bill gets up at 6:30 every day?(3) the students saw a film yesterday.did

3、 the students see a film yesterday?注:(1) 在句首使用助動(dòng)詞 do 還是 does,取決于主語是否第三人稱單數(shù)。(2) 在陳述句與疑問句互轉(zhuǎn)化中,第一人稱(i)和第二人稱(you)要互換,即i 變you,you 變i。i usually have lunch at school.doyou usually have lunch at school?do you like english? i like english.(3)如果陳述句中有 some, 則變問句時(shí)往往要變成 any 。there is some water on the playground

4、.is there any water on the playground.(四)一般疑問句的回答。例:1、does she clean her room every day?肯定回答:yes, she does.否定回答:no,she doesnt.2、is annas father a doctor?肯定回答:yes, he is.否定回答:no ,he isnt.3、can she dance?肯定回答:yes,she can.否定回答:no ,she cant.如果問句中,主語是 this that(單數(shù)),回答時(shí)用it代替;若問句主語是 these, those(復(fù)數(shù)),回答時(shí)用 t

5、hey代替。-is this your bag?-yes, it is ./ no, it isnt.-are those your books?-yes, they are. / no, they arent.1(五)練習(xí):(1)、將下列句子改成一般疑問句,并作肯定和否定回答 1.、his father is an english teacher.2、 these cats are crying.3、 they can swim.4、 i like to read english.5、 his father goes to work by bus.6、 he is crying under

6、the tree.7、 she does kungfu every morning.8、 she wants a cup of coffee.9、 mrs. li and kitty watch television at night.10、 i do my homework after school(2)用 do does be(am,is,are) 填空 1、 _ she know all the answers ?yes , she _ . no, she _.2、_ the twins often fight ?yes ,_ do. no, _ dont.23、_ your dad l

7、ike listening to music?yes ,_ does . no, _ doesnt.4、_ uncle tom wash his car everyday?yes , _ does . no, _ doesnt.5、 _ you have a new teacher?yes , i _. no, i _.6、_ she a teacher?yes, she _ . no, she _.7、_ you playing ball now?yes, i _. no, i _.8、 _ the pig like to sleep?yes, it _. no, it _.9、_ five birds


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