上海市中級口譯第二階段口試真題2017年03月 (1)_第1頁
上海市中級口譯第二階段口試真題2017年03月 (1)_第2頁
上海市中級口譯第二階段口試真題2017年03月 (1)_第3頁
上海市中級口譯第二階段口試真題2017年03月 (1)_第4頁
上海市中級口譯第二階段口試真題2017年03月 (1)_第5頁




1、上海市中級口譯第二階段口試真題 2017 年 03 月(總分:100.00,做題時間:90 分鐘)一、口語題(總題數(shù):1,分數(shù):40.00)1.news reportchina has constantly worked to curb public smoking in particular, for example by making locallaws and regulations that ban smoking in indoor public places and raising the tobacco tax. however,china is the worlds large

2、st tobacco producer and consumer about 44 percent of the worldscigarettes are smoked hereaccording to the national health and family planning commission. morethan 1 million people die in china each year from tobacco-related diseases. the highest smoking rates are among blue-collar workers, and rates

3、 are higher in rural than in urban areas.topic: the anti-smoking campaign in chinaquestions for reference:1. apart from tobacco-related diseases, what other problems will smoking cause to our people and society at large?2. some people argue that smoking has more harmful effects on the poor as it cau

4、ses impoverishmentand entrenches social inequality. what is your comment?3. despite the efforts from the government and the society, the population of smokers in chinahas been rising. what do you think are the effective ways to prevent people from smoking or to persuade people not to smoke?(分數(shù):40.00

5、 )_正確答案:()解析:略2、 口譯題(總題數(shù):0,分數(shù):0.00)3、 part a(總題數(shù):1,分數(shù):30.00)directions: in this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in english. after you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into chinese. start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal. you may take notes while you

6、are listening. remember you will hear the passages only once. now, let us begin part a with the first passage.directions: in this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in english. after you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into chinese. start interpreting at the signal.and st

7、op it at the signal. you may take notes while you are listening. remember you will hear the passages only once. now, let us begin part a with the first passage.(分數(shù):30.00 )_正確答案:()解析:世界上約有 70 億人。每個人都與眾不同。每一個牛物都是特性獨特組合的產(chǎn)物。為什么每個生物都 會與眾不同?150 多年前,一個名叫門德爾的科學家研究了植物,尤其是豌豆植株。他很想知道為什么每一株豌豆會有它特定的顏色、形狀和尺寸呢?門德爾

8、發(fā)現(xiàn)豌豆植株攜帶某種因子,父母輩/上一代植株將這些遺傳因子傳給子代/下一代植株。今天我們將這種遺傳因子稱為基因?;蚴且环N將遺傳信息從父母一代傳給子代/下一代的微小物質(zhì)。現(xiàn)在我們知道每個人都是一個與眾不同的 獨特體,主要原因在于每個人都是基因獨特組合的產(chǎn)物。 聽力原文there are about 7 billion people in the world. but every person is unique. every living thingis a unique combination of characteristics. why is each living thing uniq

9、ue?over 150 years ago, a scientist by the name of mendel studied plants, especially pea plants. he wondered why each pea plant was of a certain color, shape and size.mendel discovered that pea plants carried factors, and parents passed these factors onto their offspring. today we call these factors

10、genes.genes are tiny pieces of matter that carry information from parents to offspring. now we knowthat every person is unique. a major reason is that every person is a unique combination of genes. _正確答案:()解析:歡迎大家出席此次各國首腦峰會。我要感謝世界各國領導人的到來。我們來到這里,因為建立一個更加繁榮和穩(wěn)定的世界是各國使命的重中之重。我們來到這里,因為十年前國際社會承諾將不遺余力地使全人

11、類免于匱乏/貧窮?,F(xiàn)在,我們?nèi)〉昧嗽S多切 實的成果。我們比以往任何時候擁有更多的成功發(fā)展的故事/事例,如:入學人數(shù)大幅增加,更多的人能享用清潔水。 疾病得到更好的控制等等。但是,我們必須保護這些成果/成就。讓我們?yōu)槭郎纤腥藫碛懈用篮玫奈磥碜鞒龈蟮呐?。因為我?都知道,沒有一個全球性項目比我們現(xiàn)在正在從事的這個項目更有價值/我們現(xiàn)在正在從事的是最有價值的 全球性項目。 聽力原文welcome to the summit of state leaders. i thank the worlds leaders for being here. we are here because buil

12、ding a more prosperous and stable world is at the heart of the mission of all the countries.we are here because ten years ago, the international community promised to spare no effort tofree the entire human race from poverty. and now, we have quite a lot of real results.we have more development succ

13、ess stories than ever before, such as dramatic increases in school enrollment, expanded access to clean water and better control of disease.but we must protect these achievements. let us make more commitment to a better future for all human kind. as we all know, there is no global project more worth

14、while than the one we are now engaged in.四、part b(總題數(shù):1,分數(shù):30.00)directions: in this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in chinese. after you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into english. start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal. you may take notes while

15、 you are listening. remember you will hear the passages only once. now, let us begin part b with the first passage.directions: in this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in chinese. after you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into english. start interpreting at the signal.a

16、nd stop it at the signal. you may take notes while you are listening. remember you will hear the passages only once. now, let us begin part b with the first passage.(分數(shù):30.00 )_正確答案:()解析:in todays press conference, id like to introduce you a book, entitledchinas diplomacy and peaceful development. i

17、ts main subject is the development of new chinas diplomacy.due to the changeable international situation, chinas diplomacy has undergone many adjustments,and especially since the reform and opening up, major adjustments in chinas diplomacy have beenmade.with chinas foreign policy being enriched and

18、perfected, a complete diplomatic guideline and unique diplomatic style have gradually taken shape.they have facilitated chinas great success in safeguarding its sovereignty and maintaining the world peace. they have also made due contributions to the promotion of human progress. 聽力原文在今天的新聞發(fā)布會上我向大家介紹

19、一本書,書名為中國外交和和平發(fā)展。書的主要內(nèi)容是有關新中 國外前的發(fā)展。由于多變的國際形勢,中國的外交經(jīng)歷了許多調(diào)整。特別是改革開放以來,進行了重大的調(diào)整。隨著中國外交政策的不斷豐富和完善,我國已逐漸形成了完整的外交路線和獨特的外交方式。中國外交在維護國家主權(quán)以及維護世界和平方面取得了巨大成功,為促進人類的進步作出了應用的貢獻。 _正確答案:()解析:in the current situation, the chinese government is going to take further measures to promote foreign trade and expand domestic demand for consumer goods to maintain sustained, rapid and healthy economic growth.with chinas entry into wto, conditions for the nations economic and social developm


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