



1、【 New words and expression】s 生詞和短語 secretary n. 秘書 history secret nervous adj. 精神緊張的be nervousworried :為以后的事情擔(dān)心 upset不安的 afford v.負(fù)擔(dān)得起afford sth.I can afford the hoilday 有時間去afford money/timeafford to do sth.I can afford five yuan./I can afford the book./I can afford to buy the book. weak adj. 弱的 in

2、terrupt v. 插話,打斷(n.)interruption disturb:打擾某人 in terrupt:打斷某人的話 Sorry to.First listen and then answer the question.聽錄音,然后回答以下問題。What was the good news?The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I ente

3、red. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come.Mr.Harmsworth, I said in a weak voice.Dont interrupt, he said.Then he smiled and told me I would receive a

4、n extra thousand pounds a year!參考譯文秘書告訴我說哈姆斯沃斯先生要見我。我走進(jìn)他的辦公室,感到非常緊張。 我進(jìn)去的時候, 他連頭也沒抬。 待我坐下后,他說生意非常不景氣。 他還告訴我, 公司支付不起這么龐大的工資開支,有 20 個人已經(jīng)離去。我知道這次該輪到我 了?!肮匪刮炙瓜壬蔽覠o力地說。 “不要打斷我的話,”他說。然后他微笑了一下告訴我說,我每年將得到 1,000 英鎊的額外收入。 【課文講解】look dow n upon/on sb: 瞧不起某人I look down upon my sister.I look down 往地上看The firm

5、could not afford to pay such large salaries. collect salary 領(lǐng)薪水 pay salary 支付薪水so的后面加形容詞或副詞such的后面加名詞,容許在該名詞前面加修飾詞 所有的間接引語都是賓語從句My turn has come.It is my turn.輪到我了in a . voicein a loud(大聲)/low (低聲)/weak(心里不踏實)/strong(理直氣壯)voice a yearan extra thousand再有多少:數(shù)量+ extra+名詞two otherstwo more/once moreanot

6、her three days【Key structures】間接引語一、主從一致:主句和從句的時態(tài)一致1. 主句的動詞為一般現(xiàn)在時,從句為任意時態(tài)2. 主句的動詞為一般過去時,從句為相對應(yīng)的過去時態(tài) (過去時:一般過去時,過去進(jìn)行時,過去完成時,過去將來時) 一般現(xiàn)在時 一般過去時現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時 過去進(jìn)行時 現(xiàn)在完成時 過去完成時 將來完成時 過去將來完成時 一般過去時 過去完成時二、人稱變化 主要是第一和第二人稱變化,設(shè)身處地三、只要屬于賓語從句,引導(dǎo)詞 that 考研省略Exercises B 后面有人用 tell, 否則用 say1. told; would come2. said; had

7、 cut3. told; had never had4. did; say; had done/would do/did5. did; tell; had bought6. said; couldnt7. said; had worked8. told; had never written9. did; say; were busy10. said; would wait 先根據(jù)原句填時態(tài),再把這句話放到整篇文章中檢驗【 Special difficulties】office:辦公室study: 書房desk:課桌exercises1. study2.office3. nervous4. af

8、ford5.irritable【Multipe choice】6d.(書面語)my turn has come, 口語)it is my turn 輪到誰: whose turn (is it)?who is next?10.c.Its your turn.Youre next.12extra,other,more,another最靈活的是 more,two more eggs,once moremore可以放數(shù)詞和名詞之間,甚至可以放在整個名詞的后面extra和other 定放在數(shù)詞和名詞之間,another一定放在數(shù)詞前面over sth :超過(多余)什么東西,over three ye

9、arsup: 往上,climb up【Grammar】 一般過去進(jìn)行時:跟過去的一個時間或動作同時發(fā)生 間接引語 如果是現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時在直接引語當(dāng)中變成間接引語,極有可能選用過去完成時1.My brotherwhile hehis bicycle and hurt himself.A.fell/was ridingB.feel/was ridingC.had fallen/rodeD.had fallen/was ridingfell(跌下來),ride (騎自行車) A2. Hehis leg as hein a football match.A.broke/playedB.was breaki

10、ng/was playingC.broke/was playing D.was breaking/playedbreak ones leg C3. My father will be here tomorrow.I thought that hetoday.A.was coming B.is comingC.will comeD.comesAbe coming表示將要go/come/leave/arrive的過去進(jìn)行時態(tài)很有可能表達(dá)過去將來時態(tài)的含義 跟go/come/leave/arrive相連的詞一定會用進(jìn)行時態(tài)表示將來時態(tài)4. Jack was going out of the shop when he collided with an old womanwhoA.comeB.was comingC.had been coming D.had comecol


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