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1、仁愛七上課文 互譯仁愛七上課文 互譯1. 話題1 歡迎來到中國!1. topic 1 welcome to china!n2. a部分2. section a3. 1a 看,聽和說3. 1a look, listen and say4. 早上好!4. good morning!5. 早上好!5. good morning!6. 歡迎來到中國!6. welcome to china!7. 謝謝你!7. thank you.8. 1b 獨立練習8. 1b work alone9. 聽并為你所聽到的名字排序。9. listen and number the names you hear.10. 早上

2、好,我是康康。10. good morning, im kangkang.11. 早上好,我是瑪麗亞。11. good morning, im maria.12. 嗨!我是簡。12. hi! im jane.13. 嗨!我是邁克爾。13. hi! im michael.14. 歡迎來到中國!14. welcome to china!15. 謝謝你。15. thank you.16. 你好!16. hello!17. 你好!17. hello!18. 我是康康,你是邁克爾嗎?18. im kangkang. are you michael?19. 是的,我是。19. 03:16.81yes, i

3、 am.20. 你好!你是瑪麗亞嗎?20. hello! are you maria?21. 不,我不是。我是簡。21. no, im not. im jane.22. 哦,見到你很高興,簡。22. oh, nice to meet you, jane.23. 見到你我也很高興。23. nice to meet you, too.24. 嗨,瑪麗亞!24. hi, maria!25. 嗨,康康!25. hi, kangkang!26. 歡迎來到中國!26. welcome to china!27. 謝謝。27. thanks.28. b部分28. section b(到此)29. 1a 看,聽

4、和說29. 1a look, listen and say30. 康康:早上好,王老師!30. kangkang: good morning, miss wang!31. 王老師:早上好!31. miss wang: good morning!32. 康康:王老師,這是邁克爾。邁克爾,這是王老師。32. kangkang: miss wang, this is michael. michael, this is miss wang.33. 邁克爾:見到你很高興。33. michael: nice to meet you.34. 王老師:見到你我也很高興。34. miss wang: nice

5、to meet you, too.35. 瑪麗亞:嗨,李老師!見到你很高興。35. maria: hi, mr. lee! nice to see you.36. 李老師:嗨,瑪麗亞!見到你我也很高興。36. mr. lee: hi, maria! nice to see you,too.37. 瑪麗亞:李老師,這是我媽媽。媽媽,這是我的老師,李老師。37. maria: mr. lee, this is my mom. mom, this is my teacher, mr. lee.38. 媽媽:你好!38. mom: how do you do?39. 李老師:你好!39. mr. le

6、e: how do you do?40. 下午好,陳先生!40. good afternoon, mr. chen!41. 下午好,小曾!41. good afternoon, xiao zeng!42. 你好嗎?42. how are you?43. 很好,謝謝你。43. im fine, thank you.44. 再見,陳先生。44. 07:42.25goodbye, mr. chen.45. 再見。45. bye.46. 晚上好,王老師!46. good evening, miss wang!47. 晚上好,李老師!47. good evening, mr. lee!48. 你好嗎?4

7、8. how are you?49. 很好,謝謝。你呢?49. fine, thanks. and you?50. 我很好。50. 08:22.85im ok.51. 一會見,李老師。51. see you later, mr. lee.52. 一會見。52. see you.53. 1 早上好,王老師!53. 1 good morning, miss wang!54. 早上好,康康!54. good morning, kangkang!55. 2 很高興見到你。55. 2 nice to see you.56. 見到你我也很高興。56. nice to see you, too.57. 3

8、你好嗎?57. 3 how are you?58. 很好,謝謝。58. fine, thanks.59. 4 王老師,再見。59. 4 goodbye, miss wang.60. 再見。60. bye61. 薩莉:請問,你是簡嗎?n(topic 2 sction a)61. sally: excuse me, are you jane?n62. 簡:是的。你叫什么名字?n62. jane: yes, i am. whats your name?n63. 薩莉:我叫薩莉。你來自哪里?n63. sally: my name is sally. where are you from?n64. 簡:

9、我來自加拿大。你也來自加拿大嗎?n64. jane: im from canada. are you from canada, too?n65. 薩莉:不,我不是。我來自美國。n65. sally: no, im not. im from the u.s.a.n66. 2a 看,聽和說n66. 2a look, listen and sayn67. 她是簡嗎?n67. is she jane?n68. 是的,她是。n68. yes, she is.n69. 她來自哪里?n69. where is she from?n70. 她來自加拿大。n70. she is from canada.n71.

10、 他是李明嗎?n71. is he li ming?n72. 不是。他是由紀夫。n72. no, he isnt. he is yukio.n73. 他來自哪里?n73. where is he from?n74. 他來自日本。n74. he is from japan.n75. 4 獨立練習n75. 4 work alonen76. 聽并為圖片標上序號,然后在與正確的國家相連。n76. listen and number the pictures. then listen again and match the names with the right countries.n77. 1. 這

11、是趙琳。她來自中國。n77. 1. this is zhao lin. she is from china.n78. 2. 久美子來自日本。n78. 2. kumiko is from japan.n79. 3. 吉姆來自哪?他來自加拿大。n79. 3. where is jim from? he is from canada.n80. 4. 你來自哪,湯姆?我來自美國。n80. 4. where are you from, tom? im from the u.s.a.n81. 1. 這是趙琳。她來自中國。n81. 1. this is zhao lin. she is from china

12、.n82. 2. 久美子來自日本。n82. 2. kumiko is from japan.n83. 3. 吉姆來自哪?他來自加拿大。n83. 3. where is jim from? he is from canada.n84. 4. 你來自哪,湯姆?我來自美國。n84. 4. where are you from, tom? im from the u.s.a.n85. b部分n85. section bn86. 1a 看,聽和說n86. 1a look, listen and sayn87. 鄧亞萍/中國n87. deng yaping/chinan88. 她是誰?n88. who i

13、s she?n89. 她是鄧亞萍。n89. she is deng yaping.n90. 她來自哪里?n90. where is she from?n91. 她來自中國。n91. shes from china.n92. 史蒂夫?霍金/英國n92. stephen hawking/englandn93. 他是誰?n 93. who is he?n94. 他是史蒂夫?霍金。n94. he is stephen hawking.n95. 他來自哪里?n95. where is he from?n96. 他來自英國。n96. hes from england.n97. 2a 看,聽和說n97. 2

14、a look, listen and sayn98. 請問,她們是誰?n98. excuse me, who are they?n99. 她們是瑪麗亞和簡。n99. 04:13.48theyre maria and jane.n100. 她們來自英國嗎?n100. are they from england?n101. 不,她們不是。n101. no, they arent.n102. 她們來自哪里?n102. where are they from?n103. 瑪麗亞來自古巴,簡來自加拿大。n103. maria is from cuba and jane is from canada.n1

15、04. 3 獨立練習n104. 3 work alonen105. 聽錄音跟著說。然后標出語調(diào)。n105. listen and say. then mark the intonation.n106. 1. 你們來自日本嗎?n106. 1. are you from japan?n107. 不是,我們不是。n107. no, we arent.n108. 2. 他來自哪里?n108. 2. where is he from?n109. 他來自英國。n109. hes from england.n110. 3. 她來自上海嗎?n110. 05:11.273. is she from shangh

16、ai?n111. 不,她不是。n111. no, she isnt.n112. 4. 她們來自加拿大嗎?n112. 4. are they from canada?n113. 是的,她們是。n113. yes, they are.n114. c部分n114. section cn115. 1a 聽,讀和學n115. 1a listen, read and learnn116. 0 1 2 3 4 5n116. zero one two three four fiven117. 6 7 8 9 10n117. six seven eight nine tenn118. 2 獨立練習n118. 2

17、 work alonen119. 將你所聽到的國名編號。然后注意重音和音節(jié)。n119. number the countries your hear. then pay attention to the stress and syllables.n120. 1.一號來自加拿大。n120. 1. number 1 is from canada.n121. 2. 二號來自中國。n121. 2. number 2 is from china.n122. 3. 三號來自日本。n122. 3. number 3 is from japan.n123. 4. 四號來自英國。n123. 4. number

18、4 is from england.n124. 5. 五號來自古巴。n124. 5. number 5 is from cuba.n125. 6. 六號來自美國。n125. 6. number 6 is from the u.s.a.n126. 3a 看,聽和說n126. 3a look, listen and sayn127. 你叫什么名字?n127. whats your name?n128. 我叫李杰。n128. my name is li jie.n129. 你的電話號碼是多少?n129. whats your telephone number?n130. 是6800-3553。n13

19、0. it is 6800-3553.n131. 4 課堂活動n131. 4 class activitiesn132. 唱歌。n132. sing this song.n133. 你來自哪里?n133. where are you from?n134. 你好,瑪利亞。你來自哪里?n134. hel-lo, ma-ria. where are you from?n135. 你好,瑪利亞。你來自哪里?n135. helllo, ma-ria. where are you from?n136. 我來自古巴。n136. i-m from cu-ba.n137. 歡迎到中國來。n137. wel-co

20、me to chi-na.n138. 你好,邁克爾。你來自哪里?n138. hel-lo, michael. where are you from?n139. 你好,邁克爾。你來自哪里?n139. hel-lo, michael. where are you from?n140. 我來自美國。n140. i-m from america.n141. 歡迎到中國來。n141. wel-come to chi-na.n142. 你好,瑪利亞。你來自哪里?n142. hel-lo, ma-ria. where are you from?n143. 你好,瑪利亞。你來自哪里?n143. hel-lo,

21、 ma-ria. where are you from?n144. 我來自古巴。n144. i-m from cu-ba.n145. 歡迎到中國來。n145. wel-come to chi-na.n146. 你好,邁克爾。你來自哪里?n146. hel-lo, michael. where are you from?n147. 你好,邁克爾。你來自哪里?n147. hel-lo, michael. where are you from?n148. 我來自美國。n148. i-m from america.n149. 歡迎到中國來。n149. wel-come to chi-na.n150.

22、d部分n150. section dn151. 1 聽,跟著說n151. 1 listen and follown152. 簡 名字 蛋糕n152. jane name caken153. 手 書包 地圖n153. hand bag mapn154. 我 她 我們n 154. me she wen155. 雞蛋 筆 衣服n155. egg pen dressn156. 2 獨立練習n156. 2 work alonen157. 把下面的號碼與正確的圖片配對。然后聽錄音檢查。n157. match the numbers with the right pictures. then listen

23、and check.n158. 1. c.119n158. 1. c.119n159. 2. a.110n159. 2. a.110n160. 3. b.114n160. 3. b.114n161. 4. e.122n161. 4. e.122n162. 5. d.120n162. 5. d.120n163. 3a 語法重點n163. 3a grammar focusn164. 主語代詞n164. subject pronounsn165. 我 我們n165. i wen166. 你 你們n166. you youn167. 他 她 它 他們n167. he she it theyn168.

24、不是 不是n168. isnt = is not arent=are notn169. 他是=他是 她是=她是 他們是=他們是n 169. hes = he is shes = she is theyre = they aren170. 是什么 n170. whats = what is n171. 是誰 n171. whos = who is n172. 在哪里n172. wheres = where isn173. 你們來自北京嗎?n173. are you from beijing?n174. 是的,我們是。/不,我們不是。n174. yes, we are. / no, we aren

25、t.n175. 她是簡嗎?n175. is she jane?n176. 是的,她是。/ 不,她不是。n176. yes, she is. / no, she isnt.n177. 他是李明嗎?n177. is he li ming?n178. 是的,他是。/不,他不是。n178. yes, he is. / no, he isnt.n179. 你來自哪里?n179. where are you from?n180. 我來自加拿大。n180. im from canada.n181. 她們是誰?n181. who are they?n182. 她們是瑪利亞和簡。n182. theyre mar

26、ia and jane.n183. 3b 習慣用語n183. 3b useful expressionsn184. 請問,你是簡嗎?n184. excuse me, are you jane?n185. 是的,我是。/不,我不是。n185. yes, i am. / no, im not.n186. 你叫什么名字?n186. whats your name?n187. 我叫薩莉。n187. my name is sally.n188. 你的電話號碼是多少?n188. whats your telephone number?n189. 我的電話號碼是/它是n189. my telephone n

27、umber is . / it is .n190. 4 課堂活動n190. 4. class activitiesn191. 一起唱。n191. lets chant.n192. a,a,a去玩耍。n192. a, a, a. go and play.n193. e,e,e跟我來。n193. e, e, e. come with me.n194. i,i,i別害羞。n194. i, i, i. dont be shy.n195. o,o,o一起來。n195. o, o, o. let us go.n196. u,u,u你很可愛。n196. u, u, u. you look cute.n197

28、. 第一單元 話題3 你在哪個班?n197. unit 1 topic 3 what class are you in?n198. a部分n198. section an199. 1 聽,讀和學n199. 1 listen, read and learnn200. 十一n200. elevenn201. 十二n201. twelven202. 十三n202. thirteenn203. 十四n203. fourteenn204. 十五n204. fifteenn205. 十六n205. 00:25.05sixteenn206. 十七n206. seventeenn207. 十八n207. ei

29、ghteenn208. 十九n208. nineteenn209. 二十n209. twentyn210. 2a 看,聽和說n210. 2a look, listen and sayn211. 李明: 你好,我是李明。你叫什么名字?n211. li ming: hello, im li ming. whats your name?n212. 薩莉: 我叫薩莉。n212. sally: my names sally.n213. 李明: 我12歲。你幾歲了?n213. li ming: i am twelve years old. how old are you?n214. 薩莉: 我也12歲。n

30、214. sally: im twelve, too.n215. 李明: 你在哪個班?n215. li ming: what class are you in?n216. 薩莉: 我在七年級四班。你也在四班嗎?n216. sally: im in class four, grade seven. are you in class four, too?n217. 李明: 不,我在五班。n217. li ming: no, im not. im in class five.n218. 3 獨立練習n218. 3 work alonen219. 聽錄音,連線。n219. listen and mat

31、ch.n220. 1 南希十四歲。她在八年級十一班。n220. 1 nancy is fourteen. she is in class 11, grade 8.n221. 2 馬克十三歲。他在七年級三班。n221. 2 mark is thirteen. he is in class 3, grade 7.n222. 3 迪克十二歲。他在七年級五班。n222. 3 dick is twelve. he is in class 5, grade 7.n223. 4 朱莉婭十五歲。她在九年級十六班。n223. 4 julia is fifteen. she is in class 16, gra

32、de 9.n224. au:4a 看,聽和說n224. 02:21.494a look, listen and sayn225. 你好,簡!你在哪個年級?n225. 02:33.45hello, jane! what grade are you in?n226. 我在七年級。你也在七年級嗎?n226. im in grade seven. are you in grade seven, too?n227. 是的。n227. yes, i am.n228. 那是誰?n228. whos that?n229. 那是南希。n229. thats nancy.n230. 她多大了?n230. how

33、old is she?n231. 她十四歲。n231. she is fourteen.n232. 她在哪個班?n232. what class is she in?n233. 她在八年級十一班。n233. shes in class eleven, grade eight.n234. b部分n234. section bn235. 1a 看,聽和說n235. 1a look, listen and sayn236. 王俊峰:請問,這個用英語怎么說?n236. wang junfeng: excuse me, whats this in english?n237. 簡:它是一塊橡皮擦。n237

34、. jane:its an eraser.n238. 王俊峰:怎么拼寫?n238. wang junfeng: how do you spell it?n239. 簡:e-r-a-s-e-r,橡皮擦。n239. jane: e-r-a-s-e-r, eraser.n240. 王俊峰:謝謝。n240. wang junfeng: thank you.n241. 簡:不用謝。n241. jane: thats ok.n242. 劉佳佳:瑪麗亞,那個用英語怎么說?n242. liu jiajia: whats that in english, maria?n243. 瑪麗亞:它是一張地圖。n243.

35、 maria: its a map.n244. 劉佳佳:請問你能拼寫嗎?n244. liu jiajia: can you spell it, please?n245. 瑪麗亞:是的。m-a-p, 地圖。n245. maria: yes. m-a-p, map.n246. 劉佳佳:謝謝。n246. liu jiajia: thanks.n247. 瑪麗亞:不客氣。n247. maria: youre welcome.n248. 2a 看,聽和說n248. 2a look, listen and sayn249. 這是一部電話嗎?n249. is this a telephone?n250. 不

36、,不是,它是一個玩具。n250. no, it isnt. its a toy.n251. 那也是一個玩具嗎?n251. is that a toy, too?n252. 不是,它是一塊橡皮擦。n252. no, its an eraser.n253. 橡皮擦?哇!n253. an eraser? wow!n254. c部分n254. section cn255. 1a 看,聽和說n255. 1a look, listen and sayn256. 這些是什么?n256. what are these?n257. 它們是書。n257. they are books.n258. 它們是英語書嗎?

37、n258. are they english books?n259. 是的,它們是。n259. yes, they are.n260. 媽媽,那些是桔子嗎?n260. mom, are those oranges?n261. 不,它們不是。n261. no, they arent.n262. 它們是什么?n262. what are they?n263. 它們是蘋果。n263. they are apples.n264. 2 看,聽和學n264. 2 look, listen and learnn265. 這是什么? 它是n265. whats this? its .n266. 那是什么? 它

38、是n266. whats that? its .n267. 這些是什么? 它們是n267. what are these? theyre.n268. 那些是什么? 它們是n268. what are those? theyre.n269. 一本書 兩本書n269. a book two booksn270. 一個桔子 五個桔子n270. an orange five orangesn271. 一支鉛筆 三支鉛筆n271. a pencil three pencilsn272. 一輛公共汽車 六輛公共汽車n272. a bus six busesn273. 一把尺子 四把尺子n273. a ru

39、ler four rulersn274. 一個箱子 七個箱子n274. a box seven boxesn275. 3 獨立練習n275. 3 work alonen276. a 聽并將你聽到的數(shù)字連線。n276. a listen and draw lines between the numbers you hear.n277. 1 他在哪個班?n277. 1 what class is he in?n278. 他在六班。278. he is in class 6.n279. 2 那些是什么?n279. 2 what are these?n280. 它們是書。n280. theyre bo

40、oks.n281. 12本書嗎?n281. are they 12 books?n282. 不,是20本書。n282. no, theyre 20 books.n283. 3 那些是什么?n283. 3 what are those?n284. 那些是數(shù)字。它們是15,11和6.n284. theyre numbers. they re 15, 11 and 6.n285. b 再聽一次并填空。n285. b listen again and fill in the blanks.n286. 1 他在哪個班?n286. 1 what class is he in?n287. 他在六班。287.

41、 he is in class 6.n288. 2 那些是什么?n288. 2 what are these?n289. 它們是書。n289. theyre books.n290. 12本書嗎?n290. are they 12 books?n291. 不,是20本書。n291. no, theyre 20 books.n292. 3 那些是什么?n292. 3 what are those?n293. 那些是數(shù)字。它們是15,11和6.n293. theyre numbers. theyre 15, 11 and 6.n294. d部分n294. section dn295. 1 聽,跟著說

42、n295. 1 listen and follow296. 自行車 小刀 九n296. bike knife ninen297. 六 小孩 豬n297. six kid pign298. 去 鼻子 電話n298. go nose phone299. 箱子 狗 商店n299. box dog shop300. 古巴 學生 電腦n300. cuba student computer301. 公共汽車 數(shù)字 向上n301. bus number up302. 2 閱讀理解n302. 2 read and understandn303. 簡來自加拿大。n303. jane is from canada

43、.n304. 她十二歲。n304. she is twelve years old.n305. 現(xiàn)在她在北京仁愛國際學校。n305. now she is in beijing renai international school. n306. 她在七年級四班。n306. she is in class four, grade seven. n307. 她的電話號碼是(010)9267-6929。n307. her phone number is (010)9267-6929.n308. 黃華來自中國。n308. huang hua is from china.n309. 他的英語名字叫湯姆。

44、n309. his english name is tom. n310. 他十二歲。n310. he is twelve. n311. 他在七年級三班。n311. he is in class three, grade seven.n312. 他的電話號碼是(010)9252-5233。n312. his phone number is (010)9252-5233.n313. au:他們不在同一個班級里,但他們是好朋友。n313. they are not in the same class, but they are good friends.n314. 4a 語法重點n314. 4a g

45、rammar focusn315. 指示代詞:這/那/這些/那些n315. demonstrative pronouns: this / that / these / thosen316. 這是嗎?n316. is this a.?n317. 是的,它是。/不,它不是。n317. yes, it is. / no, it isnt.n318. 那是嗎?n318. is that a .?n319. 是的,它是。/不,它不是。n319. yes, it is. / no, it isnt.n320. 這是嗎?n320. is this an .?n321. 是的,它是。/不,它不是。n321.

46、yes, it is. / no, it isnt.n322. 那是嗎?n322. is that an .?n323. 是的,它是。/不,它不是。n323. yes, it is. / no, it isnt.n324. 這些是桔子嗎?n324. are these oranges?n325. 是的,它們是。/不,它們不是。n325. yes, they are. / no, they arent.n326. 那些是桔子嗎?n326. are those oranges?n327. 是的,它們是。/不,它們不是。n327. yes, they are. / no, they arent.n3

47、28. 這個用英語怎么說?328. whats this in english?n329. 是一塊橡皮擦。/是一張地圖。n329. its an eraser. / its a map.n330. 那個用英語怎么說?n330. whats that in english?n331. 是一塊橡皮擦。/n是一張地圖。n331. its an eraser. / its a map.n332. 這些是什么?n332. what are these?n333. 它們是書。/它們是蘋果。n333. they are books. / they are apples.n334. 那些是什么?n334. w

48、hat are those?nn335. 它們是書。/它們是蘋果。n335. they are books. / they are apples.n336. 它是=它是 那是=那是 名字是=名字是n336. its = it is thats = that is names = name isn337. 你們是=你們是n337. youre = you are n338. 4b 習慣用語n338. 4b useful expressionsn339. 你幾歲?n339. how old are you?n340. 我也十二歲。n340. im twelve, too.n341. 你在幾班?n3

49、41. what class are you in?n342. 我在七年級四班。n342. im in class four, grade seven.n343. 你在哪一年級?n343. what grade are you in?n344. 我在七年級。n344. im in grade seven.n345. 怎么拼寫?n345. how do you spell it?n346. e-r-a-s-e-r,橡皮擦。n346. e-r-a-s-e-r, eraser.n347. 請問,你能拼寫嗎?n347. can you spell it, please?n348. 是的。m-a-p,m

50、ap。n348. yes. m-a-p, map.n349. 謝謝你。n349. thank you.n350. 不用謝。/不客氣。n350. thats ok. / youre welcome.n351. 謝謝。n351. thanks.n352. 不用謝。/不客氣。n352. thats ok. / youre welcome.n353. 第二單元 不同長相n353. unit 2 looking differentn354. 話題1 我有一個小鼻子。n354. topic 1 i have a small nose.n355. a部分n355. section an356. 1a 看,聽

51、和說n356. 1a look, listen and sayn357. a: 猜猜,我是誰?n357. a: guess, who am i?n358. b: 你是邁克爾嗎?n358. b: are you michael?n359. a: 不,我不是。我有一個小鼻子,但是他有一個大鼻子。n359. a: no, im not. i have a small nose, but he has a big one.n360. b: 你有雙大眼睛嗎?n360. b: do you have big eyes?n361. a: 是的,我有。n361. a: yes, i do.n362. b: 噢

52、,我知道了。你是康康。n362. b: oh, i know. you are kangkang.n363. a: 是的,你說對了。n363. a: yes, youre right.n364. 2a 看,聽和學n364. 2a look, listen and learnn365. 頭 臉 頭發(fā) 眼睛n365. head face hair eyen366. 耳朵 鼻子 嘴巴 脖子n366. ear nose mouth neckn367. 3a 看,聽和說n367. 3a look, listen and sayn368. 我長著一個大鼻子。n368. i have a big nose.n369. 我們長著小眼睛。n369. we have small


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