已閱讀5頁(yè),還剩23頁(yè)未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無(wú)涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學(xué)子:學(xué)業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語(yǔ)言類考試復(fù)習(xí)資料大全公共英語(yǔ)一級(jí)模擬64公共英語(yǔ)一級(jí)模擬64第一部分 聽(tīng)力理解第一節(jié) 圖片判斷 在本節(jié)中,你將聽(tīng)到10個(gè)句子,每句話配有A、B、C三幅圖片,請(qǐng)選擇與句子內(nèi)容相符合的一幅圖片,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。每句話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便選擇圖片并看下一幅圖片。每句話讀兩遍。 下面請(qǐng)聽(tīng)這些句子。 (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文F: I want to buy a present for my mother.2.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文F: Would you like some more tea

2、?3.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文M: Our classroom is in a tall building.4.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文F: The tea is on the table over there.5.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文F: There is a triangle in the picture. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 6.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文She always remembers to give food to her dog on time.7.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文The cat is on the box.8.答案:B聽(tīng)力原文The shirt is on the next co

3、unter on your left.9.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文The pencil is on the book.10.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文The nurse is examining his back.第二節(jié) 對(duì)話理解 在本節(jié)中,你將聽(tīng)到15個(gè)對(duì)話,每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)問(wèn)題。請(qǐng)從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出答案,并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。每段對(duì)話后有15秒鐘的停頓,以便回答問(wèn)題和閱讀下一問(wèn)題及其選項(xiàng)。每段對(duì)話讀兩遍。 下面請(qǐng)聽(tīng)這些對(duì)話。 (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 1. What does the woman mean?A.She wants to know how the man found t

4、he hotel.B.She wants to know how the man likes the hotel.C.She thinks the hotel is not very good.答案:B聽(tīng)力原文W: What do you think of your hotel?M: Not very good, I m afraid.2. Where are they probably talking?A.In a shop.B.In a hotel.C.In a hospital.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文W: I understand you ve got some trouble with on

5、e of your teeth.M: Yes, the pain s killing me.3. What does the woman mean?A.She has already made her plans.B.She has to work on her paper tonight.C.She wants to know the man s suggestion.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文M: Um. well. are you free next Sunday?W: Well, yes. What do you suggest?4. What does the man mean?A.He is

6、 not interested in going.B.He wants to go with them.C.He will invite his friends.答案:B聽(tīng)力原文W: We are going to visit the flower show tomorrow.M: Are you? May I join you?5. Where are they probably talking?A.In a classroom.B.At an airport.C.In a restaurant.答案:B聽(tīng)力原文W: Could you tell me if the Shanghai fli

7、ght will be arriving on time?M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving in about ten minutes. (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 6. What did the woman buy yesterday?A.A coat for herself.B.A coat for her son.C.A coat for her husband.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文M: Dear, our sons birthday is coming. Have you got a present for him?F: I went t

8、o all the shops to find a coat for him yesterday, but I just bought one for myself.7. What is Jim doing?A.Hes washing his shirt.B.Hes cleaning the floor.C.Hes watching TV.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文F: Hi, Jim! Will you go out for a walk with me?M: Sorry, I cant go with you. Im washing my shirt.8. What does the man mea

9、n?A.Hed just returned from the post office.B.Hes not going to the post office.C.Hell be glad to mail the letter for her.答案:B聽(tīng)力原文F: Would you mind going to the post office for me?M: Oh, Im sorry, but Im not going that way.9. What does the girl want to do?A.Do her homework.B.Go to swim.C.Go to the zoo

10、.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文F: Daddy, tomorrow is Sunday. Lets go to the zoo.M: All right, but you have to finish your homework first.10. What time is it?A.8:40.B.9:00.C.9:20.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文F: Hurry, its 9 oclock.M: You forgot. Our clock is 20 minutes quick! (如需獲取本MP3聽(tīng)力錄音請(qǐng)搜索標(biāo)題名) 11. Whats Tom going to do at the post office?A

11、.To post a book.B.To post a card.C.To post a letter.答案:A聽(tīng)力原文F:Is Tom going to the post office?M:Yes. Hes going to post a book to his friend in Wuxi.本題考生只要聽(tīng)清男士回答中的關(guān)鍵詞post a book即可選出答案。card和letter在對(duì)話中都未出現(xiàn),因此,B、C兩項(xiàng)不對(duì)。12. Why did Jean get up very early?A.To catch the early bus.B.To catch the early train

12、.C.To prepare or the English exam.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文M:Why did you get up so early, Jean?F:Ill have to take an English exam this morning.對(duì)話中男士直接詢問(wèn)女士早起的原因,而女士回答中有take an English exam(參加英語(yǔ)考試)這一關(guān)鍵詞句,說(shuō)明她是為了準(zhǔn)備這次考試而早起,與此對(duì)應(yīng)的選項(xiàng)是C。13. What does the woman mean?A.She made the dress herself.B.Her mother bought the dress f

13、or her.C.Her mother made the dress for her.答案:C聽(tīng)力原文M:What a beautiful dress. Did you make it yourself?F:Oh, really? My mother made it for me.對(duì)話中男士稱贊女士的衣服漂亮,然后詢問(wèn)是不是女士自己做的,女士的最后一句話則明確指出:My mother made it for me(我的媽媽為我做的),因此本題答案是C。14. What would the man like to have?A.Tea.B.Water.C.Coffee.答案:B聽(tīng)力原文F:Wha

14、t would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of coffee?M:Neither, thanks. A cup of water will be OK.對(duì)話中女士詢問(wèn)男士想喝什么,并讓男士從tea和colfee中選擇,而男士則用Neither否定了兩者,并且明確指出A cup of water will be OK(一杯水就行),說(shuō)明他想喝的是水。15. Who found Toms youngest brother?A.The woman.B.A policeman.C.Tom.答案:B聽(tīng)力原文F:Have you found your younge

15、st brother, Tom?M:Yes. Thank God, he was picked up and sent home by a policeman.對(duì)話中女士詢問(wèn)男士有沒(méi)有找到他的弟弟,男士肯定回答后指出是警察找到他弟弟的:he was picked up and sent home by a policeman,題目和選項(xiàng)B只是將這一句的表達(dá)和用詞進(jìn)行了簡(jiǎn)單變換而已。第二部分 英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空 閱讀下面的句子和對(duì)話,從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。 問(wèn)題:1. Which sport _ you _ today?A.are, onB.do, in

16、C.are, in答案:C解析 主語(yǔ)為第二人稱you,所以其謂語(yǔ)為are;又因?yàn)椤霸诮裉臁睉?yīng)該用today表示。問(wèn)題:2. Whose T-shirt is on the table? Oh, thats A.my fatherB.my fathersC.my fathers答案:B解析 此題考查名詞所有格的用法。在答句中,名詞所有格的形式可省略真正的主語(yǔ)這樣可排除答案A;答案C不合邏輯。問(wèn)題:3. -Can you speak English?-Yes, but only _ .A.littleB.a littleC.a few答案:B解析 little表示“幾乎沒(méi)有”,強(qiáng)調(diào)否定的意味,排除

17、A;English是不可數(shù)名詞,不能用“a few”,排除C。問(wèn)題:4. I wont come to the party unless Peter _.A.invitesB.is invitedC.will invite答案:B解析 此題考查動(dòng)詞的時(shí)態(tài)和語(yǔ)態(tài)。根據(jù)句意我不會(huì)來(lái)參加晚會(huì),除非皮特受到邀請(qǐng),應(yīng)為被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。問(wèn)題:5. We go to school _ Monday to Friday.A.onB.inC.from答案:C解析 from.to.表示“從到”,from Monday to Friday意為“從星期一到星期五”。問(wèn)題:6. - Who shall I give this

18、 dictionary to?-You can give it to _. It doesnt matter.A.anybodyB.somebodyC.everybody答案:A 解析 本題考查近義同辨析。anybody 意為“任何人”;somebody意為“某人”;everybody 意為“每個(gè)人,大家”。問(wèn)題:7. -Would you like a bottle of mineral water?- _.A.Yes, I willB.No, pleaseC.No, thanks答案:C 解析 本題考查對(duì)would you like do sth.的回答??隙ɑ卮鹗?Yes,please否

19、定回答是No,thanks問(wèn)題:8. _ you like a cup of tea?A.AreB.CouldC.Would答案:C解析 本題考查would like sth(想要)。問(wèn)題:9. My parents, my aunt and my uncle_sent me a gift on New Years Day.A.eachB.everyC.either答案:A考查限定詞用法和句意邏輯。由空格后的a gift不難看出本題指的是“每人都送給我一個(gè)禮物”,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是主語(yǔ)中的每個(gè)人,且主語(yǔ)屬于三者以上,故表“兩者中任意一個(gè)”的either顯然不對(duì)。而each和every的區(qū)別在于前者可用作

20、副詞,放在動(dòng)詞前,而后者則不能。故本題答案是A。此外,從意義上來(lái)說(shuō),every雖然是單數(shù)形式,但其強(qiáng)調(diào)重點(diǎn)卻是“整體中的每一個(gè)(都)”,相當(dāng)于all。問(wèn)題:10. Mandy did her housework all _.A.by herselfB.by she selfC.herself答案:A名師解析 本題要表達(dá)“Mandy親自做家務(wù)”,親自用“by oneself”來(lái)表達(dá)。所以選項(xiàng)C不能選,選項(xiàng)B反身代詞錯(cuò)誤,“她自己”應(yīng)為“herself”,而不是“sheself”,所以也不能選,只有選項(xiàng)A“by herself”正確表達(dá)“她親自”的含義。故選A。問(wèn)題:11. It s gettin

21、g dark. Please _ the light.A.turn onB.turn offC.turn down答案:A解析 本題考查問(wèn)義辨析。turn on意為“打開(kāi)(收音機(jī),燈等)”; turn off意為“關(guān)閉(收音機(jī),燈等)”;turn down意為“調(diào)低(收音機(jī)等的)聲音”。問(wèn)題:12. Its getting dark. Please _ the light.A.turn onB.turn offC.turn down答案:A 解析 本題考查詞義辨析。turn on 意為“打開(kāi)(收音機(jī),燈等)”; turn off 意為“關(guān)閉(收音機(jī),燈等)”;turn down意為“調(diào)低(收音

22、機(jī)等的)聲音”。問(wèn)題:13. Hello, Andy. How nice to see you again. _, my names Jack. A.Thank youB.Excuse meC.Its a pity答案:B考查表達(dá)。句意很明顯,前者把后者的名字搞錯(cuò)了。在這種情況下,禮貌地指出別人的錯(cuò)誤要用Excuse me。有些考生選擇了A項(xiàng),但在別人認(rèn)錯(cuò)自己、且不是表?yè)P(yáng)自己時(shí)還說(shuō)Thank you顯然不符合邏輯。至于C項(xiàng),它表示的是遺憾和惋惜。問(wèn)題:14. It was _ of you to join us in our singing group.A.niceB.fineC.glad答案

23、:A精析 句意 很高興你加入我們的合唱團(tuán)。本題考查的是形容詞語(yǔ)義 辨析及it is句型的用法。nice表示“好的高興的”;fine用在it is句 型中表示“可以,尚可”;glad表示“高興的”,用于指人。根據(jù)句意選 項(xiàng)A正確。問(wèn)題:15. I can do this for you. I still have _ time.A.littleB.a littleC.a few答案:B解析 此題考查近義詞辨析。這句話的意思是“我還有一點(diǎn)時(shí)間”。little表示“幾乎沒(méi)有”,著重否定的意味,排除A;時(shí)間是不可數(shù)名詞,不能用“few”修飾,排除C。第二節(jié) 完型填空 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所組的A、B

24、、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。 Wei Feng and Ann is playing in the zoo. Wei Feng: Look, Ann! Whats that monkey doing? Ann: He is 1 2 a ball. Wei Feng: He is 3 the ball 4 his friends. Ann: Ha, ha! His friends cant 5 it. Wei Feng: Wheres the ball now? Ann: Look! Its over there, on the hill. Wei Feng: Theyre 6

25、 it. Ann: No, they arent. They cant reach it. Wei Feng: Look at that little monkey. He is climbing 7 the hill. The ball is in his hands. Ann: Whats he going to do with the ball? He doesnt want to give 8 his friends. Wei Feng: Right. Theyre 9 10 him. They want to get the ball. Theyre running all the

26、time. 1. aplaying Brunning Ccoming答案:A解析 本句意為“它正在玩球”。play with的意思是“玩”。2.A.onB.atC.with答案:C解析 play with是固定詞組,意思是“玩”。3.A.catchingB.carryingC.throwing答案:C解析 根據(jù)上下文,可知本句意為“它把球拋給它的伙伴”。4.A.toB.withC.up答案:A解析 拋給某人應(yīng)該是throw sth. to sb.。5.A.carryB.getC.catch答案:C解析 catch的意思是“抓住”,carry的意思是“攜帶”,get的意思是“得到”,只有catc

27、h符合題意。6.A.gettingB.getC.to get答案:A解析 本句意為“他們正在做”,是現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)。7.A.toB.upC.on答案:B解析 “爬”應(yīng)該是climb up。8.A.it withB.it toC.to it答案:B解析 give后跟雙賓語(yǔ),用法是give sth.to sb.。9.A.comingB.jumpingC.running答案:C解析 本句意為“它們想得到那個(gè)球,就在它身后跑起來(lái)了”。10.A.afterB.beforeC.of答案:A解析 根據(jù)本句話的意思“它們想得到那個(gè)球,就在它身后跑起來(lái)了”。應(yīng)用介詞after。第三部分 閱讀理解第一節(jié) 詞語(yǔ)配伍 從

28、上欄所給選項(xiàng)中選出與下欄各項(xiàng)意義相符的選項(xiàng)。 A. star B. market C. bridge D. kitchen E. radio F. spaceship G. recorder 1. You get the latest news from it.答案: E詳細(xì)解答 該句意思為:“你從它那兒獲得最新消息?!迸cradio收音機(jī)相對(duì)應(yīng)。2. People prepare meals there.答案: D詳細(xì)解答 該句意思為:“人們?cè)谀莾鹤鲲??!迸c kitchen廚房相對(duì)應(yīng)。3. People sell and buy things there.答案: B詳細(xì)解答 該句意思為:“人們

29、在那兒進(jìn)行交易?!迸cmarket市場(chǎng)相對(duì)應(yīng)。4. People travel to outer space in it.答案: F詳細(xì)解答 該句意思為:“人們用它在外層空間旅行?!迸cspaceship宇宙飛船相對(duì)應(yīng)。5. You see it in the sky at night.答案: A詳細(xì)解答 該句意思為:“你晚上在天空看見(jiàn)它?!迸cstar星星相對(duì)應(yīng)。第二節(jié) 短文理解 1 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給問(wèn)題的A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt Say)三個(gè)判斷中選出一個(gè)正確選項(xiàng)。 Where are you going? Mrs. Tonga asked. To the

30、mall (購(gòu)物中心), Betty replied. My husband is a compulsive buyer. He walked to the store last night to buy a pen and he returned with fifty dollars worth of things we really didnt need. Thats too bad, Mrs. Tonga. My sister is the same way. Well, see you later. Betty walked by herself to the mall. She ne

31、eded shoes and a new dress, she looked at womens clothes in several stores. She stopped in a store called The Fashion Place. She liked a shirt and a blue dress. She tried it on. It fit very nicely, she bought it. She was very tired and then walked home. She didnt buy any shoes. The next day she noti

32、ced a hole (洞) in the dress. She returned it to the store and exchanged (換) it for another one. 1. Mrs. Tonga askd her friend Betty to go shopping together.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 從文中可以看出,Betty是一個(gè)人去購(gòu)物中心的。2. When Mrs. Tongas husband goes to the stores, he often ends up buying a lot of thi

33、ngs he really doesnt want.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 從本文的第三段可以知道Mrs. Tonga的丈夫購(gòu)物時(shí)總是買回一大堆用不上的東西。3. Betty s sister is also a compulsive buyer.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 從文中第四段可知此句話的說(shuō)法是正確的。4. Mrs. Tonga bought a pair of new shoes and a dress.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 這篇文章并沒(méi)有說(shuō)

34、Mrs. Tonga去購(gòu)物中心,去的是Betty。5. The next day, Betty returned the dress to the store and exchanged for mother one because she didnt like the colour of the dress.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 從文中最后一段可以知道,Betty換衣服是因?yàn)樗诙彀l(fā)現(xiàn)衣服上有個(gè)洞,并不是因?yàn)樗幌矚g衣服的顏色。第三節(jié) 短文理解 2 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給問(wèn)題的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)正確答案。 Dina Borze

35、kowski made a study of a group of third-grade students from six American schools. During a school year, nearly 400 students and their parents were asked to report on whether they had such things as televisions and computers in the home, as well as how often the child used them. The childrens languag

36、e ability was tested (測(cè)驗(yàn)) twice over the year. Children who had a television set in the bedroom but did not have a computer at home scored (得分) the lowest, while students without TV in the bedroom but with a computer at home scored the highest. Students who had a television in the bedroom over the s

37、chool year scored lower than those who had their TV taken away during the same time. This study suggests that taking TV sets out of childrens bedrooms, or not putting them there, may be helpful, said Borzekowski. While this study does not prove (證明) that bedroom TV was the reason for the lower test

38、scores, it suggests that children shouldnt have TV in their bedrooms. It also suggests that a home computer may help a childs test scores. The best way was having both: no TV in the bedroom and also a home computer to use. 1. Who scored the highest on school tests?A.Children with bedroom TV and home

39、 computers.B.Children without bedroom TV or home computers.C.Childern without bedroom TV but with home computers.答案:C精析 細(xì)節(jié)題。文章 第一段第四句提到,家中有電腦但是臥室沒(méi)有電視的學(xué)生分?jǐn)?shù) 最高,所以答案選C。2. What does it in it suggests that children shouldnt . refer to?A.The study.B.The reason.C.The score.答案:A精析 細(xì)節(jié)題。文中it所在的句子是復(fù)合句,while引導(dǎo)的

40、 從句中的主語(yǔ)是the study,主句中的it也是指this study。故A選項(xiàng)符合題意。3. According to the study, what may be helpful for childrens language study?A.Bedroom TV.B.Home computers.C.Bedroom telephones.答案:B精析 細(xì)節(jié) 題。從文章最后一段最后一句可以看出,家用電腦是有益的,所 以答案選B。4. Who took part in the study?A.Teachers and parents.B.Students and their teacher

41、s.C.Students and their parents.答案:C精析 文章中第一段第二句就明確指出了該研究調(diào)查了大約400名學(xué)生和家長(zhǎng)家中是否有電視和電腦,以及孩子的使用頻率,所以答案是C。5. How long did Borzekowskis study last?A.One year.B.Three years.C.Six years.答案:A精析 細(xì)節(jié)題。第一段第二句里提到在一年時(shí)間里對(duì)大約400名學(xué)生和家長(zhǎng)進(jìn)行了調(diào)查,所以答案是A。 Mr. Baker liked shooting very much but he was never good at it. A month a

42、go some of his friends visited him in his house and saw a new target (靶子) which Baker had put several days before in his garden. His friends went nearer and looked at this beautiful target. There was a hole right in the middle of the target. When they asked who had shot the target, Baker said he had

43、. They all laughed and said, How far away were you, Baker? Two feet? But Baker said he was fifty yards (碼) away. Then Mr. Bakers wife explained about the hole in the middle. She said, Baker went to a shop and bought a very big piece of wood. He brought it home in a car, put it in the garden and shot

44、 at it from fifty yards away. Then he drew a target round the hole and cut the wood. 6. One day some of Bakers friends saw _ in his garden.A.a very big piece of woodB.a very nice targetC.a hole答案:B解析 參考第二段第一句,他的朋友們走近看那個(gè)漂亮的靶子。7. Baker put the target there _ .A.a month agoB.less than a month agoC.more than a month ago答案:C解析 參考第一段第二句可知,他的朋友一個(gè)月前去他家時(shí)就看見(jiàn)了那個(gè)靶子。問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:“Baker把靶子放在那里多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間了?”8. Why did Bakers friends laugh? Because _ .A.they didnt believe that Baker could shoot the target in the mid


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