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1、INEXTH0注意事項(xiàng)Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。否則就聽不成啦Part 1 Word Dictation(每小題:2分)Directi ons: Liste n and write dow n the words you hear. You are going to liste n to the record ing twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your an swers as you lis

2、te nthe sec ond er pretationPREVIOUSInextHA Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。否則就聽不成啦Part 2 Un dersta nding Short Con versati ons(每小題:1.5分)Directi ons: In this secti on youll hear some short con versati on

3、s. Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.1.A. Put on some soft music.B. Relax a sp ell.C. Liste n to soft music.D. Go to work.2.A. Tests arent so imp orta nt.B. His test score was nt worse tha n the last time.C. He knows eno ugh for the n ext test.D. He does not ha

4、ve to take tests any more.3.A. The woma n is 5 mi nutes late.B. The woma n does nt know what to say.C. The woma n has eate n her lunch already.D. The woma n is hungry.4.A. The woma n is very lucky.B. The woma n is offeri ng a class.C. The man isnt in the job cen ter class.D. The man isnt happy with

5、his boss.5.A. The man is terrible.B. The man did nt realize what he had done.C. The man did nt ste p on the woma ns foot.D. The man was taught good manners by his parents.A. Low pay.7.B. Tedious work.C. Not much recog niti on.D. Long hours.7.A. At home.B. I n the theatre.C. In a car.D. At a restaura

6、 nt.8.A. The woma n has the wrong n umber.B. The woma n has a comp uter being rep aired.C. The man is at a flower shop with his comp uter.D. The man has called the woma n by mistake.A. The woma n does nt thi nk much of the mans job.B. The woma n has a paper with a new job for the man.9.10.C. The man

7、 has found a new job in the paper.D. The man has a job that in volves p ush ing rocks off of hills.1.A. 55.B. 95.C. 105.D. 155.PREVIOUSINEXTH啊 PREVI&USI4| Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。否則就聽不成啦Part 3 Un dersta nding Long Con versati ons(每小題:1.5分)Directi ons: In this s

8、ecti on youll hear a long con versati on or con versati ons. Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same p assage or dialog.廣 A. Fun dame ntal skills.B. Thoughtful people.C. Job in terviews.D. Service work.2.A. Those who app ear fr

9、ie ndly.B. Those who are thoughtful.C. Those who are good at sales.D. Those who are talkative.3.A. The direct observati ons made.B. The can didates person ality.C. The ability to be frie ndly and talkative.D. The ability to be thoughtful and quiet.4.A. The fun dame ntal skills a person has.B. The re

10、quireme nts of the p ositi on.C. The p ers on ality of a p ers on.D. The p ers ons dist inct characteristics.A. The man has more exp erie nee tha n the woma n.5.B. The man p erforms his job well.C. The woma n un dersta nds what is really required.D. The woma n has the fun dame ntal skills to p erfor

11、m well.Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the same p assage or dialog.6.A. The woma ns sick feeli ng.B. The woma ns weight gain.C. The woma ns poor mood.D. The woma ns lunch.7.A. He tells it as a joke.B. To help the woma n relax.C. To frighte n the woma n.D. to teach the woma n a less on.8.A. 4.B. 3.C.

12、 2.D. 1.rr9.A. The woma n does nt like horror films.B. The woma n has gained too much weight.C. The woma n has emp tied herself out.D. The woma n does nt usually eat so much.10.A. Hamburgers.B. The horror film.C. Taki ng a walk.D. The toilet.InextH旳 PREVIOUSiNext”十 PREVIOUS詞 Click ONCE on the speake

13、r icon to start listening!珂放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。否則就聽不成啦Part 4 Un dersta nding P assages(每小題:2分)Directi ons: In this secti on youll hear a p assage or p assages.Liste n carefully and choose the best an swer to the questi ons you hear.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same p assage or dialog.1.A. Types of ca

14、reer advice that people toss arou nd.B. Old rules for finding a job that are not so good.C. People who give com mon advice for jobs.D. Com mon careers that people are hunting for.2.A. Most com mon people are n ot careful.B. Job hun ti ng rules will always hold you back.C. Some people have bad ideas

15、about job hunting.D. Rules no lon ger apply to the work pl ace.3.A. They should give just eno ugh in formati on to make the emplo yer in terested.B. They should tell a compl ete story of a persons life.C. They should draw a compl ete p icture of yourself.D. They should make your voice heard at work.

16、4.A. En courag ing the emplo yer to want more in formati on aboutyou.B. Giving the emplo yer some of your market ing docume nts.C. P rovidi ng the emplo yer with a list of your goals.D. Telli ng the emplo yers the story of your life.rr5.8.rA. They are everyth ing to every one.B. They are on high and

17、 low markets together.C. They are n arrow in their goals.D. They are suitable to differe nt people.Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the same p assage or dialog.6.OA. An old woma n going to Open Un iversity.B. An old woma n going to Man Chester Un iversity.C. An old woma n teach ing about World War Tw

18、o.D. An old woma n study ing banking.7.A. P olish ing her fur niture.B. I mproving her kno wledge.C. Enjoyi ng money and freedom.D. Teachi ng won derful stude nts.A. The Seco nd World War.B. The en tra nee exam in ati on.C. Her hard work.D. Her housework.9.A. At least 6 years.B. Less tha n 2 years.C

19、. Less tha n 1 year.D. Exactly 3 years.10.A. Difficulty courses.B. Bad eyesight.C. Faili ng memory.D. Obtai ning a degree.Questi ons 11 to 15 are based on the same p assage or dialog.11.A. The career of a boxer.B. The best fighters in the world.C. People who are bli nd.D. A n ews paper rep orter.A.

20、18 years.r12.B. 38 years.C. 24 years.D. 41 years.13.A. News rep orters were nt able to track dow n Lan gford.B. Lan gford was forgotte n, eve n whe n in his p eak.C. Lan gford won more fights as a lightweight.D. People are un sure as to Lan gfords exact record.14.A. Author of a best-seller.B. A rep

21、orter for a New York n ews paper.C. One of the best fighters in the world.D. Some one who fought Lan gford.15.A. They have forgotte n about him.B. They think he is one of the greatest.C. They think he is the best black p rizefighter.D. They think he is con sidered greater tha n he was.Questi ons 16

22、to 20 are based on the same p assage or dialog.16.A. A Ki ng County Executive.B. The devel opment of a state.C. The gover no rs plan.D. Efforts to help the en vir onment.17.A. 20 p ages.B. 50 p ages.C. 80 p ages.D. 176 pages.18.A. Sims p la n will affect the average p ers ons life.B. Sims plan will

23、n ever be acce pted by the p ublic.C. Sims plan has already bee n acce pted by the Gover nor.D. Sims plan is likely to cri pple the economy.19.A. Sims plan.B. State plans.C. The economy.D. The state.20.A. The gover nment is not res ponding to immediate n eeds.B. The regi on must ada pt to ris ing se

24、a levels.C. Change is going to be difficult for people.D. En ergy pr oducti on is harm ing the fish.Questi ons 21 to 25 are based on the same p assage or dialog.21.A. Metros ACCESS service.B. Disabled people on busses.C. A con flict with a bus driver.D. King Cou nty Metro Tran sit.22.A. King Cou nty

25、 Metro Tra nsit.B. Metros ACCESS service.C. A middle-aged woma n.D. A school.A. He talked on a cell phone.B. He got p hysical with a p asse nger.C. He argued with ano ther p asse nger.23.D. He drove and broke dan gerously.24.A. The driver knew who made the complaint.B. The woma n was too afraid to c

26、omplain.C. The fight got heated and p hysical.D. The woma ns pr ayers were fast.25.A. The driver.B. Metros ACCESS service.C. A p olice rep ort.InextHD. The man who argued with the driver.科 PREVIOUSiPREVIOUS4| Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!峋放音結(jié)束前請不要離開本頁。否則就聽不成啦Part 5 Compound Dict

27、ati on(每小題:1分)Directi ons: In this secti on you will hear a p assage or p assages three times. When the p assage is read for the first time, you should liste n carefully for its gen eral idea. When the p assage is read for the sec ond time, you are required to fill in thebla nks with the in formati

28、on you have just heard. Fin ally, whe n the p assage is read for the third time, you should check what you have writte n.Questi ons 1 to 10 are based on the same p assage or dialog.We say that a man is great based upon his acco mp lishme nts.These acco mp lishme nts could be in certa in areas such a

29、sIp olitics.We cant n eglectthe fashi on in dustry, and if there was one man who can bep eersselected by us to repr ese nt his (2) I,the n it isTom Ford. He is a man who en tered the crazy world of fashi onnormal and still man ages to look (3) IIn 1997, whe n Tom Ford was 35 years old, he wasI voted

30、by People Magaz ine as one of theworlds 50 Most Beautiful Peo pie. In Jan uary 1998, he had hisI show、,in Los An geles for the AIDSBen efit.pr essHollywood loved him, the (6) Iloved him, andthe worlds beautiful peop le loved him. With the daw n of thenew mille nn ium, Tom Ford has kept hisIpopu lari

31、tyHe was give n the title as the IT Boy of the fashi on world. His emp ire has expan ded too, with YSL un der his belt p lus several fashi on houses that Gucci has con trolli ng in terests in.So, what does he thi nk of all of this? In a in terview, he said,People Magaz ine(8).And the nyoure tired of

32、 it.Tom Ford was born in Austi n, Texas, but spent most of his childhood years back in Santa Fe, New Mexico. As soon as he became a tee nager, he moved to the Big App le. Once in New York, he enr olled at the NY Un iversity in art history.(9)at P ars onsSchool of Desig n in New York. He later moved

33、on to finish his studies at P ars ons in P aris, Fran ce.Two years later in 1990, Ford crossed the ocea n and moved to Mila n, Italy. He joined the team of Gucci as Wome ns Wear Desig ner. And in 1992, he moved up the corpo rate ladder of the fashi on world and once aga in took on the role of Desig nDirector. (10)ofGucci after only two years. This was really amaz ing.PREVIOUS返回我的課程O測試成績報(bào)


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