1、19實用留學推薦信范文)實用留學推薦信范文(一)Aaron Jones123 A StreetCityce nter, N Y12345September 21,2012Scott Smith345 B StreetCityce nter, N Y12345Dear Mr. Smith,theherI am pleased to recommendMay Williams forMaster s program at StateUni versity. May has bee n a stude nt in many of my classes duri ng the past fouryea
2、rs, so I have learned a great deal about her and abilities, and I knowshe would do well if give n the opport unity to continue her educati on.May s determ in atio n to succeed has led her to excel in my classes. Sheconsistentlygets excellent marks on her homework andtests, and sheparticipatesin clas
3、s regularly. Her knowledge of theSpanish Ian guage convin cedme to ask her to become a tutor for other stude nts whowere struggli ng with theIanguage a challenge that she met with great success. The stude nts she tutoredsig nifica ntly improved their grades, and some have eve nchose n Spanish as the
4、irmajors.Compared to the other students in class, May s gradeshave always bee n atthe top. This has led other stude nts in her classes to askher for help if theydo not un dersta nda less on. Despite her busy schedule,May always bala nces hertime, so she can help anyone who n eeds assista nee withthe
5、 Ian guage.During the years I ve known her, May has worked to greatly improve her owncon fide nee in her abilities.This improveme nt is what madeher agree to helptutor other in dividuals. When stude nts in her own classesbega n ask ing her forassista nee, her con fide nee truly bega n to soar, and i
6、t only con ti nues toimprove.Due to her knowledge and great aptitude for learning, May would be anexcelle nt can didate for the Master s of Spanish program.She will make a greatstude nt at State Uni versity, and I have no doubts that her abilities anddeterm in ati on will con ti nue to grow.Si ncere
7、ly,Aaron Jones實用留學推薦信范文(二)sampleDear sir or madam,As the Vice Dea n of School of Intern ati onalBusin ess,Tianjin Foreig nStudies University (TFSU), I am writing with pleasure to recom#me nd Wang Ye toyouresteemed uni versity.I got to know her pers on ally since 2007 as I was her class advisor. And
8、Itaught her In ter natio nalEcono mics. In my course, sheshowed her crav ing forknowledge.She often read relative economic books toen rich herself. And shealso asked me to recom#mend some text books and materials to study. Whe n she hadconfusion,she always tried her best to figure out thequesti on.M
9、iss Wang is a self-motivated stude nt. For all I know, her average score isover 85 and she won scholarships every year in the past three years.Therefore,she was selected in to the experime ntal class inthe third academicyear. This class con sists of the best stude nts of Departme nt of Intern ati on
10、alEconomics and Trade, Department of Economics and Department of Finance. What smore, she practiced in a small com#panyto gainexperie nee duri ng the win ter andsummer vacati ons.I am con fide nt that she will be qualified and perform aswell as she did inTFSU. Therefore, I recom#mendher with enthusi
11、asm.Ihope that you will con siderher applicati on favorably. Please don t hesitate to con tact me if you n eed morein formatio n.Yours Si ncerelyZhu Li (Sig nature)Vice Dean,School of In ter natio nal Busin essTianjin Foreig n Studies Un iversityEmail :Telephone :實用留學推薦信范文(三)Recommendation LetterTo
12、whom it may concern,As the Director of the Departme nt of Computer Scie ncesof Wuha n Uni versityof Tech no logy,which is one of the most prestigiousengin eeri ng uni versities inChina, I deem it a pleasure to recommendMr. NathanWang, one of the outsta ndingstude ntsin our departme nt for admissi on
13、 andassista ntship you re your graduateprogram.Since his en rollme nt in to ourdepartme ntwithremarkable entrance scores,Wang has embodiedthe finecharacterof stronginq uisiti on and in dustrious nessin learning, which hasgainedhimsig ni fica ntacademicsuccess duri ng hiscollege years. I am aware ofh
14、isdisti nctiveacademicperforma nee as reflectedin his tran scripts. He mai ntai ns a very high GPA that places him in the top 5%out of 150 through the past 3 years, winning scholarships of the departme ntalmost every year. I n the College En glish Speech Con test orga ni zed by theTeach ing Committe
15、e of Hubei Provi nee, he excelled mostof other con testa nts,winning the first prize in the Region-widepreliminarycon test, and the thirdprize in the final of the provinciallevel, being the soleparticipa ntreprese nti ng our uni versity.I have also discovered him to be perseverantanden thusiastic in
16、 studiesand extracurricularactivities.Duri ngthe MilitaryLifeExperie ncing period, acompulsory trainingprogramfor allChin ese collegefreshme n upon theirimmediate entran ce, he was gra nted the title of Excelle ntTrainee tha nks to hispain stak ingtrai ningefforts, though the trai ningwasextraord in
17、arily rigorousand dema nding.In the past college years, heen thusiastically take n part inmany stude nts societies, such as Computer Society, Road to America n En glish andLiterature Garde n, etc, which has both see n his versatility and orga nizingability by serv ing in quite a few positi ons.Speak
18、i ng of his orga nizing ability, I have to men ti on two well-k nown eve ntsun der his active invo Iveme nt and orga ni zati on. One is the College ComputerFestival of Hubei Provi nee and the other is the Scie nee and Culture Week of ourhaschiefschool. In the first one, he was one of thereprese ntat
19、ives from ourdepartme nt to un dertake this provin cial level activity. Hisen thusiasticinvo Iveme nts in liais on, coord in atio n and the con testa ntsperforma neeevaluationhad won him the honorabletitle of ActiveOrga nizing Participa ntspecially gran ted by our departme nt for this importa nt occ
20、asi on. In the sec ondone of Scie nee and Culture Week, orga ni zed in our schoolin 1999, he was a chieforga ni zer. And it was so successful that it attracted morethan one thousa ndstudents to participate, who were all satisfied with this eve nt for theopport unity of a better un dersta ndingof the
21、 past andfuture of scie nee inChi na.As the Director, I am deeply impressed and moved by his capability oforga nizing and his sense of invo Iveme nt, which have bee n explicitly dem on stratedthrough all his participatio n in these activitiesA bright young man, with blazing intelligenee,energy,and d
22、eterm in ati on,Mr. Wang deserves my first-rate recomme ndati on. Thus, Iwould unq ualifiedlyrecomme nd him for admissi on in to the Ph. D. program atyour uni versity and Iwill appreciate your sin cere assista nee to his admissi on.Sin cerely yours,實用留學推薦信范文(四)To whom it may Concern,I am writingthis
23、 letter to attest to Paul s skills inIan guage and publicrelati ons. In the four years I have known him, I have bee ncon siste ntlyimpressed with his ability n ot only to n egotiate complex ideas in otherIan guages, but also to relate these things in a pers on able, con scie ntiousfashion. His manne
24、r in these cases is both professional and pers on al, twoqualities which I find particularly valuable in a professi onalsett ing. He haspers on allyhelped me in professi onaln egotiati onforeverythi ng from traintickets to con tract in formati on,and I have alwaysable to count onhim.I first met Paul
25、 in school, where he was a stude nt at the uni versity atwhich I taught. He was well-knownto most (wester ners in tow n, who couldcall fromdifferentuniversities to ask for hisSometimes this helpinvo Ivedtran slati on of professi onal docume nts,sometimes it invo Ivedpersonalhelp in making phone call
26、s. Many ofwester ners continue to callbee nthehelp.andthesehim today, eve n though they live quite far away from him,because they have cometo trust him very much. From this foundationin publicrelati ons Paul has foundpositi ons in various professi onal capacities and has bee n highly-valued in eachp
27、lace. He is gen erally the sort of employee a compa ny finds most valuable in itsdeali ngs with both foreig n and domestic clie nts. He putspeople at their easewith his Ianguageability and manner,both of whichcom muni cate to people thatthey can relax and simply com muni cate.I would highly recommen
28、d Paul as an employee. His experie nee and manner arerare and very valuable.Robert MooreMen tor實用留學推薦信范文(五)Dear Colleagues:MS. XXX requested a letter of referenee from me to support her applieatio nfor graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser whe n she was agraduate stude nt in m
29、y school of seie neeBeiji ngUni versity of ChemicalTech no logy, I am pleased to comply with her request.(UI have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master ofScie nee can didate into the school. As her research adviser,I directed herresearch and found her a promis ing youth radiati ng within tellige nee andcreativity. During her first year, she got a very good recordin major coursesand earnd good scores major and general GPA 33 She particularly enjoyedchalle nging areas of studies such as Qua ntum Chemistryand Theory ofElectrochemistry.Durin
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